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Subject:  Comment on the future

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Dave & Carol

Team Munson

The GPC is made up of 11 volunteer committee members from the various regions of the world this is done so the best interest of all regions, growers, & sites will have equal representation. With this representation the committee does the best they can to ensure all sites & growers their weights, measurements, fairness of competition, awards, & recognition are the best they can provide. The committee does this bidding with an extremely low budget by mainly relying on the support of their sites & growers to help elevate this effort from the love they have for this sport/hobby to the heights they deserve.

We negotiate with sponsors to enhance this visibility so we can show the world that we are truly an international competition & just not some freak show that shows up every fall. We have finally obtained better recognition through the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) a well-respected entity in the horticultural field to lend credence to our efforts & help give us much needed visibility to show the world our value.

The issue lies in the fact the GPC does not have the power to make a grower or a site give us a pumpkin to help this global effort. This fact is a massive detriment in any negotiation with current & prospective vendors as they want a guarantee which we are not solely empowered to give. All we can do is ask the growers & sites if they would do it for the greater good & a once in a lifetime experience which has done well for all parties until now.

10/18/2014 2:04:14 PM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

This generosity of the winning growers & sites has made the NYBG event which evolved from the first big 3 in 2007 the brain child of Steve Jepson a reality. Now as we face this cross road the future of this event is in serious jeopardy sending us back many years of progress. Our biggest fear is that all of these acts of selfless generosity will have not been given in vain.

The GPC has worked tirelessly to make this a global event but if there is not global support then we are just a divided house which will never realize its full potential. We have reached out to sponsors on both sides of the pond preaching the value of global competition & unity. Ultimately there is only regional support as only 2 sponsors have realized the value of one body acting in unison to reach the lofty goals that all growers & sites richly deserve.

10/18/2014 2:04:23 PM


Rhode Island

well said

10/19/2014 11:36:24 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

What is the problem? Is someone not doing what the GPC needs or is it that the GPC wants to know in advance that everyone will do what it is that they want? I am having trouble understanding exactly what the problem is. Maybe the GPC rules need to be a bit stiffer? Those sites and entrants who join in the annual contest need to abide by all the rules else no recognition and no prize money, something like that. Something like, if you are the overall winner in the GPC contest you must agree that your pumpkin can be displayed by the GPC wherever. Would this address the problem?

10/21/2014 10:44:24 AM

pburdon (Team Lunatic)

Goodwood, Ontario, Canada

The world record grower is not sending his pumpkin.

10/23/2014 6:23:52 AM



Dear Mr. Burdon , please read my post on http://www.bigpumpkins.com/MsgBoard/ViewThread.asp?b=3&p=524327

10/23/2014 6:38:35 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Okay, so my understanding of the problem is that sponsors here in the US want the biggest pumpkin in the world to be displayed here in the US or they won't really be sponsors? And they are unhappy or possibly threatening not to be sponsors unless the biggest pumpkin is actually on display at a location of their choice? And Benny, who was unaware of this, could not come to the US because of family issues and/or rules of the sites he weighed at wherein he must leave his pumpkin on display at the weigh-off site until Halloween. This year is over but could not all of the issues in this misunderstanding not be worked out by next year? No need for disruption really. Just work it out at the GPC Committee level. Such a big thing as a world-wide GPC should not be expected to grow without some small bumps in the road. This issue can be worked out for the future of all involved.

10/23/2014 8:33:28 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes what is the real story??This is very upsetting to be left in the dark?

10/23/2014 8:51:18 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters



Dear Mr. Clementz, who told you Beni Meier is not supporting the GPC ? Please check all facts before posting such an assumption. I also dont know all facts, but I know he always supported GPC in the past and that he said he wont go to NY because of his family. ( better : families addition )
At the bigger Weighoffs here in Germany the site owns the Pumkin until Halloween, so I think its a deal between Site and GPC.

10/23/2014 9:29:48 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Ok benny P or anyone who is blessed with the truth?Why couldnt a pumpkin come?There were 3??

10/23/2014 9:31:07 AM



go find a shrink, you grew a big pumpkin but you see conspiracies theories everywhere, just accept you can't have it all

10/23/2014 9:51:06 AM



The issue is with the sites holding on to the pumpkins, They too have displays and events as with NYBG. There was a glitch this year, but trust me, the great people on the GPC board will spend the time to make this a non issue in years to come.
Beni is going to be a new dad (that's what I heard anyway) and this won't allow him to make the trip. Also if you remember Beni was present at the GPC convention in Orlando, so you can't say he is ANTI GPC.
You also need to understand how serious the Europeans are on their fall/Halloween displays.
Before Giant pumpkins became as popular as they are in Europe, there were pumpkins grown in the US that were shipped to Europe.
If memory serves me correct the 1260 Weir was bought and shipped to a European destination for a crazy amount of money.
This as Marv says is a growing pain. The GPC again was thrown into unchartered waters (not muddy waters)and in due course this will all work itself out.

10/23/2014 10:10:57 AM


Rhode Island

again well said eddy. bumps in the road yes, but without this organization? what would our weigh-off competitions be like? trick or treat?
we are so fortunate ----- thanks to the gpc hard workers all around the world.

10/23/2014 10:34:41 AM

Tom B


Why not have GPC display sites all around the world? I think I understand what is going on here between the long distance, the weighoff sites keeping the pumpkin, etc, but is it really fair to expect Beni or anyone to travel across the pond with pumpkin in tow to service an American interest? I completely understand Dave's concerns, and they are 100% legitimate, but lets take a step back, look at the situation, and decide how we want this thing to look in the future. If the GPC is truly a Global organization, I think we think of ways to solve this problem globally.

Why not get sites in Europe to have the displays as well and get their sponsorship also? Double the revenue for the GPC?

At the end of the day, NYBC gets the 3 heaviest North American giant pumpkins. Thats not to shabby. Some things cannot be done, and parties involved have to respect that. All anyone can do is their best.

Congrats on the baby Beni. I hope you grow happy, healthy, successful children as well as you grow giant pumpkins.

10/23/2014 11:15:33 AM

pburdon (Team Lunatic)

Goodwood, Ontario, Canada

I don't think you can blame the weigh off site for wanting to keep the World Record pumpkin at their location. Maybe they expect thousands to visit between the weigh off and Halloween just to see this Monster Pumpkin. That alone is good for the future of our hobby. If there is a problem with the contract / sponsorship with the New York Botanical people then I have full confidence that our executive will do what's right for 2015. And by the way, the first 2,500 lb pumpkin is due to come from Canada. lol

10/23/2014 12:27:52 PM



I cant blame any site for holding on to a pumpkin if its in their plans. Theyre the ones that put out the money. Yes,well explained Mr. Eddy.

10/23/2014 12:43:02 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Thanks for a clearer explanation Eddy. Lol ETM. I'm sure the GPC will work this out. Just wanted to make sure there not getting the shaft.

10/23/2014 12:54:40 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

So now that I understand this.The sites that sign up and pay to be a GPC site,should be told at time of registration.Winning pumpkins are subject to being shipped to New York.This should also be communicated to the grower.Pre weigh in.What we have here is a failure to communicate.

10/23/2014 1:33:04 PM



Mark its not about a failure to communicate as much as it a situation the GPC was never put into before. As with everything, its experience, and with experience you can deal with situations like this.
And why am I answering for the GPC? Trust me, right now they are swamped (the GPC )with New York, travel arrangements, shipping the pumpkins etc etc.. So I did this on my own to try and stop a thread that was destined to get ugly.

10/23/2014 3:23:15 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Ok sorry nothing's perfect it will work our as stated before.

10/23/2014 5:03:35 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Sorry I didn't intend to make anyone look bad. Just trying to understand what happened? My apologizes to all party's I offended by this .

10/23/2014 6:06:33 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

"The issue lies in the fact the GPC does not have the power to make a grower or a site give us a pumpkin to help this global effort. This fact is a massive detriment in any negotiation with current & prospective vendors as they want a guarantee which we are not solely empowered to give. All we can do is ask the growers & sites if they would do it for the greater good & a once in a lifetime experience which has done well for all parties until now."

This is truly a tough one guys. One solution might be to mandate that, as a condition of being a GPC site, the largest pumpkin WILL be required to be released at the request of the GPC. The downside to such a mandate is the risk of driving a wedge between a GPC club and the host of the weigh-off or the individual who wants to weigh at a particular site but will not because of the mandate, which untimately hurts the club sponsoring the event.

My current point of view is that perhaps the individual site coordinators are better equipped to negotiate with their respective hosts or festivals for such a mandate on behalf of the GPC. I don't expect a 100% approval rate, but the coodinators are at ground zero and have a better chance of selling it.

10/23/2014 7:58:43 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Of course my response is more applicable to those weigh-offs tied to other events or festivals. As Dave said, all the GPC can do is ask individual growers and sites.

10/23/2014 8:04:48 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Sounds like the solution would be to tell New York we will deliver the 3 biggest pumpkins possible . We can't promise the biggest every year. Due to growers and sites ownership of fruits.

10/23/2014 8:27:39 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

This problem will not be solved here so why not let the GPC Committee work it out? They will be the ones making the final decision anyway.

10/23/2014 8:54:39 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Just an exchange of ideas Marv.

10/23/2014 9:01:34 PM

pumpkin carver

Griffith, In

I am not anti GPC, but at one of the Las Vegas conventions I asked this exact question,,,If I was to grow a world record, do I own my pumpkin or does the GPC?? Unlike a lot of growers out there, I would prefer to keep my pumpkin or select myself where it would go,,,New York should not be the only place that deserves to have the biggest pumpkins displayed year after year,,, Because I am no threat for a world record it was dismissed and I was told the grower had the decision,,,Now that this situation has actually occurred, it seems the tables are changing!!!!

10/24/2014 1:32:34 AM



IMHO it´s all about true "BIG APPLES" being less impressive. Pure frustration, despair, what to do now?...growing bigger apples for the big apple? Taking something that might look like a big apple?...ok, problem had been solved for a while.

10/24/2014 5:14:50 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

I don't feel that it is fair to place any blame on Beni. He grew the pumpkin and can do with it as he chooses. He chose to enter the pumpkin into the weigh off that he did, and by doing so he agreed to allow the pumpkin to be displayed for the amount of time stipulated by the weigh off. He is under no obligation to the GPC. I have never signed a contract at a GPC weigh off stating that if I break the record then my pumpkin will have to go to NYC. I doubt Beni signed a contract as such either. Therefore after his obligation is done with the weigh- off. The pumpkin is solely his to do as he chooses. If the GPC is upset that the German weigh off is not handing over the pumpkin, this is something that should have been worked out before the German weigh off had taken place. I for one think it is a lot to ask a grower, that their record breaking pumpkin must go to NYC. It bristles against everything I stand for as an American. I am sure the GPC can work with Europe and figure out a plan to display the pumpkin at a famous European site. Heck I would not be surprised to see an Australian pumpkin win this winter. WHat would we do then? Or what if the record breaking pumpkin rots like it did with the 2009? We can't promise the World record breaking pumpkins every year. It just will not happen. Pumpkins are perishable items.

10/24/2014 9:01:43 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I agree 100%

10/24/2014 10:35:55 AM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

The "Big Three go to NYC" prize package the GPC offers with the support of the New York Botanical Garden is offered to the top three growers & the site where the winning pumpkin was weighed. This was offered to Beni Meir & Jucker Farms the sponsor of the weigh-off where Beni weighed his largest. They turned down the offer so we keep offering the NYC prize for each pumpkin in order till we get our 3 to go to NYC.

At no time has anyone said the biggest must go, the growers that do go are compensated with an expense paid trip to NYC including money provided by the GPC & their loyal sponsors.

When a grower takes a pumpkin to a site they must comply with the sites requests & are compensated for it whether you sign off on it or not. If that is not acceptable to the grower they can go to another site to weigh their pumpkin.

The GPC is the governing body for all sites under their umbrella trying to do the bidding of all sites, growers, & sponsors to push the visibility of this sport/hobby to bigger & better heights. We have never forced anyone to help us but those who have made it possible for us to have the capability to offer this prize we humbly thank you.

This prize is an experience, you can spend the money but you will always have the memories of your time with the other growers in NYC.

We are always looking to enhance our visibility & if there is a sponsor to provide this experience in Europe we are all ears. If you can help please contact us we need more solutions not conflict.

10/24/2014 2:34:01 PM


Trumbull, CT 06611, USA

So then I think what some people are still asking is, what is the problem?

Flip it around and ask yourself (this is directed at no one in particular)if you lived in the US, would you bring your pumpkin to Europe. I would say that I would not. And if I were made to I would just go to a non GPC site or get it weighed at UPS and bring a 100 of my friends.

10/24/2014 2:52:37 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

For an all expenses paid trip to Europe I just might start growing pumpkins again. Maybe tomatoes should go as well? lol

10/24/2014 2:55:03 PM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

This is not about weighing your pumpkin this is about making it available post weigh-off to help push all growers forward with better visibility.

If you were offered an all expense paid trip to Europe for 5 days 4 nights just like the one we offer to NYC for you & 1 guest you would say no? This would be 10 or more days after you weighed it giving you, your friends, the site,... plenty of time to promote the milestone.

10/24/2014 3:53:39 PM


Trumbull, CT 06611, USA

Yes I would 100% say no. My family schedule and work schedule wouldnt allow me to do that, nor would I want to. I have baseball practice, football practice, basketball practice and soccer practice and work 60 or more hours a week, just like a lot of people here do on this site. I personally have no interest in carting my pumpkin outside the US, as I wouldnt miss a ball game for anything.

As you know we have many different people on this site, different backgrounds, different age groups, etc, etc. You shouldnt assume everyone thinks an all expense round trip to Europe or to the US is possible or even practical.

I grow pumpkins for the fun of it so that my 5 year old can climb all over it, my 9 year old can get in it and my 11 year old can smash it with a sledge hammer after Halloween, when the seeds are removed of course. Will you be requesting our seeds too?

10/24/2014 4:20:15 PM

Dyberry Patch

Honesdale Pa USA

No one is making anybody do anything. Its your choice. I think Dave made that clear.

10/24/2014 4:58:26 PM

Chris S.


I'd like to make a suggestion here. Unless you've been there you have no idea. Don't assume you do. Don't assume you wouldn't change your intentions if it ACTUALLY HAPPENED. There is so much that goes along with a WR. You simply cannot prepare for it. Yes it's mostly fun and games. Until you've done it you simply cannot understand. And the GPC lives it every year right along with the grower.

I don't know if that reads as a humble brag, backdoor brag, or blatent brag, but it's intended as none of those. However, the humble pie I ate this year tasted mighty poor!

10/24/2014 5:21:46 PM


Western NY

Thanks for the explanation Dave, you can't make everyone happy.

10/24/2014 5:25:00 PM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

We have to be thankful for the GPC & all there hard work.Without them this would be a small weigh-off in a small town like it was 30 years ago getting very little press.This hobby sport will double in the next few years,so this conflict is normal growing pains.We are growing fast!

10/25/2014 7:33:35 AM

pburdon (Team Lunatic)

Goodwood, Ontario, Canada

So going back to Dave's original post the problem is that the fact that the GPC cannot guarantee that the three largest pumpkins grown in the world will come to New York is a massive detriment in any negotiation with current & prospective vendors. Maybe New York should only be for USA grown pumpkins? After all, how would it sit if none of the pumpkins were grown in the USA? Food for thought.

10/25/2014 7:43:37 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Yes thats what Im saying This is growing fast.New york maybe just one of many future places to sponsor televised showings.Big corporations are starting to take notice.It will grow beyond our widest dreams.

10/25/2014 7:58:05 AM


Rhode Island


10/25/2014 9:10:31 AM

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