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Subject:  Just a few questions about EM Weighoff

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owen o

Knopp, Germany

A) For the northern hemisphere, new site fees along with proper paperwork are due by the first day of June the same calendar year the weigh-off is to be held.

The weighoff in LB was not announced as a GPC weighoff till 19 August as a GPC weighoff and that by a GPC committee member, who was the site representative?

D) The Executive Committee reserves the right to deny acceptance of weights for GPC prize money and recognition if the time lines are not met.

What does the GPC use as a standard? I have not seen what the above rule means. I see that you had a chance to deny this site as 1 day before this weighoff was a long standing GPC weighoff in Bayern (Legoland). In other words the LB site stole this pumpkin from their weighoff if the grower wanted a GPC recognized pumpkin.

Each site may have their prize payout structure as they choose as long as the mainprizes are available to all growers entered in their weigh-off. The main prizestructure shall be defined as the majority of the money and prizes available for all competing growers. Sites may, at their own discretion, offer additional regional bonuses

There were only 2 official pumpkins at the LB weighoff, was this rule enforced? In other words, did the second place pumpkin get the prize money awarded for a second place pumpkin?

10/15/2014 1:50:13 PM

don young

owen I can (read) your negative to gpc in all your posts

but I cannot understand your question can you break it down to simple questions

10/15/2014 4:21:46 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

No Don you have that wrong. I am not negative to the GPC, the idea of having fair rules for everyone is good. I am negative to unfair use of those rules, or them not being adhered to at all.

I will break down my above post into 3 questions, I hope that helps.

10/16/2014 12:02:21 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

The idea of having late fees is certainly a good one to ensure that sites pay on time, and to allow for the ribbons and plaques to be purchased and sent out on time.

On 19 August a GPC representatvie announced as he put it a "eilmeldung" or breaking news that the EM was now a GPC weighoff. That is more then a month and a half late, is that the intent of having a late fee? Or, was there a other motive?

10/16/2014 12:07:29 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

There was a GPC weighoff, long standing 1 day proir to the EM, this day was certainly chosen years ago to give growers the option of going to a GPC weighoff rather the the EM. Had one of the 2 growers that had pumpkins at the EM wanted a GPC entry they oould have gone to this weighoff.

Why was the EM authorized as a GPC event when there already was a GPC event 1 day prior?

10/16/2014 12:13:08 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Since there were only 2 pumpkins eligible form GPC recognition and the prize structure must be available to the competing growers, did the second place GPC recognized pumpkin get second place money?

10/16/2014 12:15:17 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Don, you are a HH and your words mean a lot to people, please respond as you wish, but when you say that I am negative to the GPC without understanding the situation that is all most people need, Don said Owen is negative to the GPC and that is then the way it is.

10/16/2014 12:19:52 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

By the way Don, if I am wrong about the way the rules have been, or not been enforced I can except that. It is easy to go with the flow, but sometimes society needs a honest broker. I have nothing to gain or to lose by asking my questions.

I don't ecpect a answer to my questions overnight, but I do expect them to be treated fairly and without bias.

10/16/2014 12:44:04 AM

Windy City


Wow Owen..you think you have troubles over there,,,,the nerve of these GPC guys they let over 200 weigh off sites be on the same weekend in the US..all within driving distance.
hmm late fees = that kinda speaks for itself
Compensation to non GPC pkns or no compensation to eligible growers...if this is the case ..the site won't be around long
Its really none of my business but if you look at the big picture..How do a hand full of volunteers (GPC board members) control every person who runs a weighoff site?

10/16/2014 11:59:53 AM



As a past board member, I'll chime in here.
Having sites pay and register on a specific date is beneficial for everything going forward, but understand there are several instances where sites pay late.
It could be the site fees are donated and come in late, but most of all, sites are run by volunteers and time is not always on their side. Or even a case of the club not having funds unavailable at the time. So the GPC has to be flexible to some extent to accommodate.
You also question why the site was allowed in on a date that was past cutoff. Well this happens and has in the past and will again in the future. The GPC has a system in place, or at least they did when I was a member, and the system is that when a new site wants to join to become a GPC sanctioned event, it first has to be approved by the board, and then all sites affected by the application are notified and asked for approval. After this is done the new site is given the green light.
Does the GPC know for sure how many pumpkins are going to be present? The answer is No. But with that in mind, and a site only weighs 2 or 3 pumpkins, it may very well have 30 or 40 next year.

10/16/2014 1:07:31 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Thank you Eddy.

10/17/2014 12:06:54 AM



Did a little more research that I'd like to share with you
As you said, their were only 2 pumpkins weighed. Yes and no but this is what I understand happened:
The site had several pumpkins weighed, but all but 2 were already weighed at other weigh offs. The rules state the pumpkin cannot be weighed at another weigh off for GPC recognition so that is why there were only 2 weights registered.
This was most likely a way to get more attendance and exposure.
Also you did mention the prize payouts. That is totally up to the site how they pay or how it's broken down. If you were meaning GPC money, then only the 2 would qualify and depending on the pumpkins weight for placement.
Hope this helps and if your looking for any more info, just ask

10/17/2014 12:52:13 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Eddy thank you again for your time and effort.

I guess I thought that at a GPC weighoff the GPC eligible pumpkins should get the same payoff as the none GPC eligible pumpkins. So, the 2nd GPC pumpkin, which placed last against the previous weighed pumpkins should have received 2nd place monies, or?

At any rate, I am obviously the only one that has this opinion, so if you have a good recipe for eating crow I will take that also...LOL

10/17/2014 1:23:21 PM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

I was always under the understanding that a GPC weigh off would not allow re-weighs. If a reweigh was brought to a GPC weigh off it could be displayed but not entered into the competition. A reweigh shouldn't even be listed as EXH as these are included in top ten average calculations. So if I am understanding you Owen, you are saying that this weigh off allowed reweighs and included them in the prize payouts even though it was a GPC weigh off? This would be like having a non-GPC weigh off being held within a GPC weigh off. I guess if this allowed then any GPC weigh off could allow reweighs just to get bigger pumpkins at the show but then just record the non reweighed ones to add to the GPC database. I don't see anything in the rules that specifically says this can't be done but I definitely don't think this is right. Hopefully the GPC can clarify that rule as I would hate to see other weigh offs doing that just to attract more or bigger pumpkins. I'm sure some weigh offs would if they knew they could, especially ones that are part of a festival that attracts entry paying spectators.

10/17/2014 3:09:34 PM


Lymington UK

OK so here’s where I am at this moment in time.

Many years ago spoke to the greatest man in our hobby, Howard Dill. I was amazed at how open he was about growing pumpkins, to be frank I couldn’t believe how enthusiastic he was about giving me growing information. I got off the phone and next season Stuart and I grew a new UK record, 819lbs in 2004. We then found BP and ever since, with all the growers help we have a PB off 1882lbs.

We started our GPC weigh off with just about five or six pumpkins but we handed out free advice and seeds every year.

So this is what I had to say this year..............”Stewie get your ass over here they are about to put Marks pumpkin on the scales”. He had missed the whole weigh off giving out seeds and advice to a huge queue of future growers, many of which were just young kids.

So there is the future of our show right there just like Howard Dill did for me.

The GPC and BP has shared growing pumpkins for all these years and now that we have at last got a European champion I feel a little sad that we are not sharing our greatest achievement with” across the pond”

I really don’t see any reason why at least one of Beni’s pumpkins couldn’t have gone to New York without the GPC paying 20,000 Euros (which we clearly cannot afford.)

I can tell you now the GPC committee are just a group of amazing people trying to help the one thing that matters “Our growers”


10/17/2014 3:10:43 PM

Chris S.


Owen, there are sites in the US that will pay a single grower 2 times. I've seen it it happen multiple times. I've seen a single grower win first and second place.

In my opinion that strains the integrity of the event, the GPC and the grower. And I think I'll leave it at that until and if the GPC has the ability to say how a site can distribute it's own prize money.

10/17/2014 3:17:13 PM


Belgium Europe

And how did all the former recordholders shared their greatest achievement with "across the pond" Ian?
Except for sharing seeds i mean and info.(witch Beni did and will do too : he went to Orlando , held nothing back on info and biggest part of his 2328DMG seeds went "across the pond" )

10/17/2014 4:01:05 PM


Lymington UK

Jos, I think there would have been a huge amount of publicity if one of the pumpkins had gone to New York which would have been great for pumpkin growing.

10/17/2014 4:14:35 PM


President - GPC

Agreed Ian... an excellent chance

10/17/2014 5:27:46 PM



I dont think Beni is the one to blame. All bigger weighoffs here in Germany pay prize money under the condition that at least the big ones leave at the exhibition for display. These are the attractions to bring people to the exhibition. We european growers would be proud of an european WR at Botanical Gardens, but a Pumpkin Show here has no benefit from a media event in New York.

10/17/2014 6:04:43 PM



Hey Guys and Gals
This was Owen's post and so rather than high jacking it. Start your own please and thanks

10/17/2014 6:31:31 PM



guess the contest is only for those growers in the immediate area...

10/17/2014 6:43:57 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

hope my questions do not go forgotten in the waterfall of others questions that will not post their own concerns, but rather make my post seem like a attack on a committee and a grower, that was not my intent, i did not attack the GPC or a grower, i had 3 questions.

I will repeat them, this time again in other words because I still am not satified with what I have read.

Eddy, my hat is off to you for your concern and time you spent in research. Without saying your support for "Rise of the GIANTS", i have already pre-ordered my blu ray copy! Thanks to you also Daria!

10/18/2014 11:37:34 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

!- How did the German Weighoff, 1 week before the European weighoff, at the same site, with the same sponsors get their fees in on time and the European weighoff did not?

10/18/2014 11:39:16 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Why was the European weighoff even authorized by the GPC Executive Committe when it was obvious that it would take pumpkins away from a long standing GPC weighoff just 1 day before?

10/18/2014 11:41:04 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

The GPC rules state that the main prize structure shall be defined as the majority of the money and prizes available for all competing growers. Sites may, at their own discretion, offer additional regional bonuses,

Did the second place official GPC pumpkin, which just happened to come in last place at the weighoff get recognized and given prize mony as the second place GPC pumpkin?

10/18/2014 11:45:53 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

And now to the obvious.

Yes, I know that I am not a easy person to get along with. Yes I know I ask questions that others think, but will never have the truck nuts to ask.

But, does that make me a bad person? Does that make our hobby less interesting? Does that not drive our hobby to a new level?

As others have said, and I will agree with all my heart, the GPC Executive Committee has a very tough job. I would buy and of you guys and gals a beer or a wine, or a soda, if I ever met you and shake your hand, yoiu really are the best.

All I ask is that you listen to all growers with respect of their opinions and experience, and you can believe I got one heck of a lot of opinion...LOL

10/18/2014 11:52:06 AM



Owen, I can see your point, and looking through the past years´ GPC weigh-off sites in the GPC results list I noticed that Ludwigsburg had been GPC site for the German weigh-off, but hadn´t been GPC site for the European weigh-off (because usually the Europeans bring their big ones there which had already been weighed at one of their local (in most cases GPC) weigh-offs, and therefore there had never been any reasonable point for making the European weigh-off a GPC event because of the weighing of pre-weighed fruit. The late registration looks like that FOR SOME REASON someone must have found it a good idea to make it a GPC even this year, and if it´s true that the registration of Ludwigsburg as GPC site for the German weigh-off was before the deadline, but registration of the same site for the European weigh-off was much later, then I guess the reason can´t have been time issues of the site coordinator, but the reason must have been special information which had not been available at the time of registration of Ludwigsburg as GPC site for the German weigh-off.
...just my humble impression from what I have read here and what I have seen in the GPC results list from the past couple years.

10/18/2014 11:54:11 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Joerg, this is not the first year that the EM was a BPC weighoff.

In 2007 I attempted to make it a GPC site, registered on time, paid the fees on time, etc.

the only problem was the site itself realized the day of the weighoff that the pumpkins that came that had not been prior weighed were not as heavy as the ones from the pre-weighed sites.

So, we were sent about 200 meters away from the public and allowed to weigh our AGs to get an official GPC weighoff, it was like weighing your AG in the back ally. None of us got GPC weighoff money, but the EM pumpkins, at the same site, on the same day, same time got big money. The site decided after that day to never do a EM GPC weighoff again, till 7 years later, which I have to assume because of the late breaking news from a executive Committee member on 19 August was due to insider information of some sort or another.

BTW, this is not new news, it is 7 years old.

10/18/2014 12:17:55 PM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

Owen your answers -

The GPC has let many sites in as close as 1 week prior to their weigh-off the European Championship was added in September with their dues paid including late fee, their awards made & shipped on time. In this case the GPC did not do it's do research on all of the factors for this weigh-off & get approval from the other sites in the region for that we are at fault & apologize to LEGOLAND it was not fair to them.

The GPC does not tell a site how to give out their prize money & if a site wants to pay for reweighs that is their call not ours. If the prize money was available for all pumpkins then the only way to get more prize money is grow bigger pumpkins. We do not encourage reweigh pumpkins but can not block a site for this as long as they do not enter them on their BP spread sheet & if they want to pay for them then that is their deal.

Right now the events that have happened this month has made the committee a little upset & this should not be taken personally & apologize to you Owen if you feel you have been unfairly treated. We do not like to be detrimental to anyone & help all who ask but our generosity has been abused & we have been a little on edge lately.

I hope this helps & if you have more questions we will do our best to give you the complete answer.

10/18/2014 2:02:41 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

How do I say thank you without it sounding stupid?

I am not looking for help for me, I am looking for the truth and to help our hobby grow honestly and fairly.

I actually feel like shit, never thought being honest would make me feel that way. And I am ashameed at how many growers overseas know of this and have never stepped forward.

Time to get a winter cover crop going, what a choice of words, eh?

10/18/2014 5:32:43 PM

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