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Subject:  From the OVGPG Directorship:

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Site Coordinators and Representatives,

The OVGPG Directors are posting the following letter which was submitted to the GPC on January 20th, 2010. It is the intent of the OVGPG Directors to ensure an even and level playing field for all giant pumpkin growers and sites and further to promote the growth of the sport. It is being posted in this forum to ensure its distribution to weigh off site coordinators and other interested parties

The OVGPG Directors, Tim Parks, Alan Gibson, Dale Lanterman, Nick Harp, Jerry Rose, Frank Lanterman, Quinn Werner, Steve Razo and Glenn Orr

2/25/2010 12:33:39 PM



January 20, 2010

Dear GPC Representatives,

The Directorship of the OVGPG is aware that the GPC is reviewing its Top 10 Site Award rule.

Having received the Top 10 Award three of the last four years, the directorship of our club felt the GPC Steering Committee and representatives might want to know our official stance on the Top 10 as it is written and what might be proposed.

First, let us state that the OVGPG feels our interpretation of the current Top 10 rule has been misunderstood on a national level. We have never had any intentions of padding our weigh off results with duplicate pumpkins to gain GPC awards. Quite honestly, we don’t need to.

The vagueness and grammar of many of the GPC Rules leave ample room for interpretation. If this wasn’t true, the GPC would not be reviewing them now. Our interpretation of the rule has always been that the GPC would recognize two entries per grower at the weigh off. With that said, if the rules of the GPC are being reviewed, the Directorship of the OVGPG would like it to be known that we oppose any GPC rules limiting or capping the number of pumpkins a grower can enter at any GPC site to be eligible for GPC awards.

Any good organization needs rules. The rules should also be uniformly enforced. Uniform enforcement of rules over seventy weigh off sites can be cumbersome. The key is to make rules governing these events simple and to not make rules where you don’t need them.

The GPC has sites in all forms of development and age. All sites are set up differently. Some sites have the time restraints and can only allow one entry per grower. Other sites may have the time but lack the equipment to weigh in great volumes of pumpkins. At the OVGPG weigh off we are fortunate enough to have the time, adequate equipment and infrastructure to weigh in large volumes of Giant Pumpkins quickly. Every site has its own limitations. Each site has to deal with its situation as it sees fit, which

2/25/2010 12:34:02 PM



which is only right.

From the GPC beginnings one of its goals has been for its sites to grow in size and promote the hobby of growing Giant Pumpkins. The OVGPG has shared in that same goal. We have tried to build our site up to the point that if we did our jobs correctly we would be scaling large numbers of entries.

With the difference in the GPC sites we feel that it is in the best interests of the GPC to allow the individual sites to regulate the number of pumpkins a grower can enter. If a site can only handle one entry per grower then one it should be. If a site can handle multiple entries per grower then it should be allowed. As long as the entry is sound and the site can scale it, it should be eligible for GPC recognition. The GPC can’t know what is best for 70 different sites. Nor can it make rules in this regard that are fair to all the sites. In this case, no rule is better than a bad one. Putting a cap on the GPC entries is essentially putting a cap on how large an individual weigh off site can be.

2/25/2010 12:35:19 PM



Many of you may ask, “Why would a grower if eligible to enter multiple pumpkins want to weigh multiple pumpkins at one site?” There are several reasons that growers do this. First, let’s look at this in a more open minded fashion. While some growers like to travel and show pumpkins at multiple sites, others enjoy growing but are unable to spend every fall weekend traveling from weigh off site to weigh off site. Many of these growers find it difficult to free up time for the first Saturday in October. Many of these growers are limited by family obligations, work, equipment to load and transport their pumpkins and volunteers to help. It is a major task to load and transport their pumpkins. To tell a grower that they must do this on three different weekends to be eligible for Grower of The Year or your second pumpkin will not count in the GPC Top Ten, is not realistic. Eventually this grower will raise less plants and have less success. In the end they will walk away from our hobby. This is counter productive to our goals.

Many of the growers have formed great friendships with fellow club members. These growers have found that being able to bring their best entries to a single weigh off and share them with their fellow grower on one weekend is both satisfying and to say the least special. These growers want to have their biggest pumpkins at their home club weigh off because this is where the largest number of their fellow exhibitors will be. What a day it is for grower fellowship.

We as Directors, or the GPC, have no business creating rules to stand in the way of this special day. Anything that does stand in the way of this, tears our hobby down. Creating rules that cap entries for GPC recognition does just that.

2/25/2010 12:35:42 PM



The philosophy the OVGPG has practiced since our beginnings is that we are first and foremost an educational organization. We feel that the benefits of our efforts will result in more and larger pumpkins at our weigh off. Education is our top priority. Education is more than just facts, charts and research. It’s about excitement, motivation and creating a good environment to learn. In doing so we have found that providing knowledge in this way has created excitement for the new grower. This translates into enthusiasm, yielding larger entries, creating a better weigh off. This whole cycle repeats and begins with education. When any club leaders dedicate the time and effort to educate its membership to grow the biggest pumpkins it can, it is done with the idea to make their weigh off better.

If a grower opts to take their pumpkin elsewhere or to another GPC event, that is their choice. To make rules that cap the number of entries a grower can enter, and have the GPC recognize, doesn’t give the organizers and educators of our club a fair chance to retain the entries that we indirectly helped to produce. In effect, these GPC rules or proposed GPC rules expect the grass roots organizations to do all of the work of promotion, but only get half of the crop or one pumpkin per grower.

One can only wonder how long volunteers will continue to work tirelessly only to see the fruits of their labor (the grower’s success) showing up at other weigh offs. From an organization stand point it’s a motivation killer. If you kill the motivation at the grass roots level it’s a downward spiral from there. This is counterproductive to everything we stand for and the GPC should stand for.

2/25/2010 12:36:04 PM



In the end it’s a matter of principal. We as a club have always had excellent relations with our neighboring GPC sites. They have supported us and we have supported them. Our growers will continue to support their weigh offs. Some of these GPC weigh off sites set new Top Ten Bests last year with the help of our membership.

With all the points made above, the Directorship of the OVGPG ask the GPC to remove any and all entry cap rules. Let the growers decide where they want to exhibit and at least a chance to let our membership show their pumpkins with their home club, if they so choose. In turn allowing the OVGPG and GPC to continue to promote, excite and create the enthusiasm of our wonderful hobby.


The Directorship of the    Ohio Valley Giant Pumpkin Growers

Tim Parks, Alan Gibson, Dale Lanterman, Nick Harp, Jerry Rose, Frank Lanterman, Quinn Werner, Steve Razo and Glenn Orr

2/25/2010 12:37:08 PM


ipswich, ma usa

In my opinion by doing what you stated above you are very much going to tilt the playing field towards growers who have the ability to grow multiple plants and fruits. I have enjoyed the fact that my one pumpkin has had the ability at the weigh off to compete one on one with another growers pumpkin. Now if the cap on the amount of pumpkin enteries is lifted you don't really need to pick your biggest pumpkin for said weigh off, hell bring them all! Granted you will have more pumpkins at your weigh but now you will also have more grumblings from growers with less land. I understand the old "well grow a bigger pumpkin and stop bitching" line too. And I agree and continue to improve in my weights. But keep the pumpkins on a level playing field by bringing your biggest not by bringing the most.

John (5150) -- NEGPGA director / Topsfield Fair weigh off

2/25/2010 12:59:46 PM


President - GPC

Perhaps what needs to be considered is what is best to grow our hobby.

If a person wants to bring in 10 pumpkins now to a single event, they can, whats important is that they get weighed officially at a GPC site so all pumpkins can be on an even field on a statistics level.

Now, If the grower believes they should also take home money and ribbon prizes of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 then think how this would motivate a new grower into our hobby. Is it that important that a single grower takes multiple prize and awards?


Growing our hobby, is what I feel is most important.

With allowing this type of change I feel will now pit sites against sites who ever has the most money. this would not be in the best interest of growing our hobby. Dont we want our big pumpkins to be spread out amoung as many weigh off events as possible as much visibility as possible to grow our hobby and perhaps the next young grower that has ideas to get to higher weights?

2/25/2010 2:19:34 PM


President - GPC

One may consider changing the rules to allow for considering three at one weigh off site for grower of the year, however that grower is only eligible for one monetary and ribbon prize to allow for the most recognition to the most people for the event.
The good of the many out weighs the good the the one.

Gary J Grande
President RMGVG- Jareds Weigh Off, Old Colorado City Weigh Off, LongMont FlowerBin Weigh Off.

2/25/2010 2:27:52 PM


Cedar Lake, IN.

I can't make it to different weight in sites. It would be nice to weigh in two pumpkins at one site. But only one prize awarded.

2/25/2010 3:43:07 PM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

The top site award should be about who has the best group of growers, not who has a couple growers that fill the top ten with monster pumpkins. If it's all about growing the sport then supporting as many weigh-offs as possible should be the goal to get as many people interested as you can. I realise you could just enter your multiple pumpkins under a spouses name or brother, uncle, friend etc for the top site award but that should be frowned upon as well. I don't have a lot of respect for someone that does that. I'm not exactly sure how the rules read, but in my opinion it should be made clear -one pumpkin, one grower, one weigh-off, any multiples should be exhibition pumpkins. Just mine opinion, likely not a popular one here......

2/25/2010 3:52:41 PM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

Kurty..you can do that now, just that your extra pumpkins are officially weighed and placed as exhibition pumpkins. What they want to do is weigh three pumpkins and have them all count towards the top site award, so that potentially 3 or 4 growers are represented in the top ten, not ten growers. For top site award I think it would be a bigger acomplishment to have 10 growers with 1300 pound + pumpkins than to have 3 or 4 who consistantly grow big ones and win top site.

2/25/2010 4:10:48 PM

The Pumpkinfest Girl

Port Elgin Ontario Canada

Port Elgin Pumpkinfest only allows one entry in each category per grower. However, we have two days of weigh offs and pay the GPC membership for both. This is not a rule we are likely to change. As to the top ten, I guess you need to decide if it is Top 10 Growers or Top 10 Pumpkins....

If your site allows growers to weigh in as many pumpkins as they want, then you should be allowed to do that... how the GPC decides to do their awards can be different. They would just take 10 different growers.

Change and understanding cannot happen with out communication so way to go OVGPG for opening up this converstion to all of the weigh off sites.

Lisa Irwin
Port Elgin Pumpkinfest

2/25/2010 4:51:07 PM

Phil D

Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia

Personal opinion.
Let growers weigh as many pumpkins as they like at a single weigh off but only count one as the weigh off entry, count the others towards the grower of the year, but there still needs to be a number limit, 3 maybe 4?

2/25/2010 6:33:17 PM

Pumpkin Picker (Orange Only)

Western PA

Not to sure if I understood the OVGPG posting right.. Is it stating that during a single weigh-off one grower should be allowed to bring 10 fruits to the weigh-off, and if they are large enough to make it in the top 10 then so be it. One grower could fill the top 10 with fruits. That doesn't sound like much fun, you would prob. deter a bunch of people from going if that was the case.

I think the best way for all is 1 fruit per grower per weigh-off that is eligible for prizes and top ten status.

a grower should be able to bring the ten fruits if he wants but has to have his eligible fruit selected prior to being weighed and the preselected fruit should be the the only one counted towards prizes and top ten status.

Also I think if you have others there with the grower that supposedly grew one of the fruits which they want to enter that grower should have to pass a basic knowledge growing test for that fruit to be accepted. MAX. 2 fruit per household. just like pepsi bottle caps. lol

Not to discourage big time growers: I also think all sound fruits officially weighed at a gpc site weather it be 1 fruit or 20 fruits should accepted has entries towards the GOTY award, and other NON-site specific awards.

2/25/2010 8:20:49 PM

Pumpkin Picker (Orange Only)

Western PA

Also I think that the GPC should start a better competition, and more detailed rules with the Howard Dill award. I have only been to a couple weigh-off locations, but from my experiences the Howard dill award was some what kinda pushed to the side at those events.

I Think there should be a set standard of rules across the board for all sites, I also think there should be a top 3 for the Howard dill award. More attention should be given to The HD award, after all that is a big part of the reason why you are growing today.

2/25/2010 8:34:34 PM

Phil D

Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia

Interesting post Pumpkin Picker I have been to a weigh off where the Howard Dill award was given to a 45lb pumpkin, that is way out of the guide lines as far as I am concerned.

2/25/2010 9:23:47 PM

Phil D

Annapolis Valley Nova Scotia

With hindsite ( which is always a great thing ) I feel that this thread should be addressed in another way rather than being posted on a public forum. Issues are issues , but do we need this stuff to be public?

2/25/2010 9:41:50 PM

Brooks B


Of course you need it public,, there isn't no secret society of pumpkin growers, we are all in this together (especially with the GPC),, its for everyone to know whats going on and for EVERYONE to talk about.

this post wasn't intended to make any growers mad Im sure. And I know was meant to be kept at a professional level when being talked about.

This post isn't a beat down session for any other sites or the GPC, but a opinion that the OVGPG has on a rule that they want the GPC and all growers to know about and be a part of.

2/25/2010 10:03:25 PM


Rhode Island

Here are the important individual gpc awards that most growers appreciate

GROWER OF THE YEAR --- This is an individual award and won on the merits of a single grower.i would conside allowing multiple weights from a single grower if no other weigh offs were within a reasonable travel distance.

TOP TEN SITE AVERAGE --- One top ten pumpkin per grower.the site may as always weigh additional pumpkins per person and pay as they see fit.But oneentry per grower keeps it fair for everyone competing at your event.

WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP ORANGE AND GREEN JACKET -- With the increase in multiple partner growers now unless the GPC sets restrictions on who gets a orange or green champions jacket it will not be long before an entire family may qualify for one. there has to be limitations or the value of the accomplishment will be deminished.

MOAT IMPROVED SITE --- This is a great reward for the most improved site and should be kept in place. to me its more important that the site with the best top ten average.The
" most improved site award " gives ALL sites something to shoot for.

I wouold also like to take this opportunity to thank the GPC for being there for all growers world wide. Without the GPC all our clubs would certainly be at a loss.


2/26/2010 8:52:14 AM


Long Island,New York

Pap...I agree with most of what you say BUT the Green Jacket is not a GPC Award....it is INDEPENDENT.
I think the Top 10 Average award should be 1 entry per person because of what I percieve to be the intent of the award---to incorporate a team approach to succeeding in Giant Pumpkin Growing. Lets see all of our members get giants should be the intent and the persuit of the Top Ten Award would be working towards that end. I could see a few heavy hitters working together to assure enough bigguns to do the deed at the expense of the site's membership developement---although thats not the case as I see it in Ohio.
Also, while having to lug your three big ones to 3 different events does expand the hobby I do see the hardship and would be for multiple entries at one wieghing for the Top Grower Award.
Adding "bonuses" or extra money to second fruit (obviously to compensate the grower for winnings lost vs another wieghoff) amounts to buying the award in my opinion which is worth less than 2 cents these days.

2/26/2010 3:48:25 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Lot's of stuff to think about...Ky folks have done well at the Indy St.Fair, the last couple/three years...100 mile drive!!!(minimum)!! We have also increased our top ten here in Ky.,(Bear Wallow Farms)!! the last couple years!!! None of these growers (that I know of) have major wallets!!! They have driven the miles, for the enjoyment, of making the sport/hobby better!!!
Rules at BWF...say enter as many as you want, but only 1 is eligible for prize money or awards...but (I think) GPC records them all, into our largest top 10 list!!! Peace, Wayne

2/27/2010 1:43:44 AM



One entry per class per person except for grower of the year for all GPC awards.It's the only fair way. If individual sites want to pay out prize money to one grower for multiple entries in a class let them shoot their selves in the foot. Woody Lancaster

2/27/2010 12:44:40 PM

Dr Compost


This rule should be changed in the year 2000 Dave Stelts had the world record at 1140#. Christy Harp now has the world record at 1725# a gain of 585#.
Pumpkins require a lot more equipment to get to a weigh-off site.

2/28/2010 6:24:40 AM


Kalamazoo, MI (Jpwrhse@charter.net)

I agree that the top 10 site award needs to be based on one pumpkin per grower. I also strongly believe that a grower should be able to enter more than one pumpkin at a site and still be eligible for the grower of the year award.
I fit into that class of grower that simply cannot get more than two weekends off for weigh offs. I'm lucky to get two. I would hate to see anyone loose a grower of the year award because they couldn't get to three weigh offs with out risking their job.

3/1/2010 3:11:18 AM


Kalamazoo, MI (Jpwrhse@charter.net)

Pap in response to your family jacket concerns...I don't want to see anything the discourages a family from growing together. Kelly and I grow together and share in the responsibilities of the patch equally. To make us choose which of us would get a jacket should we earn it would be wrong. I don't think my 5 and 7 year old should also qualify, but partners definately. If a family of adults or nearly adults all work together to grow a pumpkin deserving of a jacket I say give it to them. I'll pitch in to help cover the extra cost. I'm sure plenty of others would too.
It is a fine line and I agree it could be and probably already is abused but Kelly and I have been working hard to earn our jacksts as a team since we saw the Mckies get theirs. I'm sure there are many other teams with the same goal.

3/1/2010 3:20:38 AM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

We are: season ender and out in the edges of weighoff sites... a Premier site so that anything at our site, for GPC national/international prizes, GOTY, etc, will count with any other rankings or qualifiers a grower has from other sanctioned weighoffs.

Um... votes or agreements...

One fruit per class per person (aka one squash and one pumpkin here) for competition. Two maximum per team and address (same as GPC rules).

Top 10 as one fruit per grower per site. That way the Top 10 is an average from 10 different growers. GOTY same, one fruit per grower per site.

In rules it states that if there are more than two members to a team, two have to be chosen to be the representatives.
(so pair of jackets like the McKies)

Rules need to stay consistent, even if we may be the closest site for some (at 700-800 miles or more). A reasonable travel distance can be moot in some places.

Howard Dill, audience vote for prettiest. I wonder about a 45# winning but. (if they had a junior class....)

My .0000002 cents worth

3/1/2010 5:45:48 AM

Dr Compost


If you and your wife grow together and take all of the responsibilities of the patch equally and you two are going to get two jackets and say you two grow a 1750# and 1775# pumpkins why wouldn't you be aloud two pumpkins in the top ten?
You are forcing the family to take one pumpkin to another weigh-off site to recognize the smaller pumpkin and possibly taking prize money away from a local club member.

3/1/2010 7:27:38 AM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

I said one per grower per site, two per team. We all pretty much know who is a true team and who isn't... Say Don grew that 1775, and Julie grew that 1750.... two are allowed per team or address. They'd both count. That's what I said above... Don's a grower and Julie's a grower... one fruit per person. Now if they also grew squash, then they could enter one each (two per team or household) as well.

3/1/2010 1:48:48 PM

Green Bay, Glen

Kaukauna, Wisconsin

This running all over the country with pumpkins. Takes away form the local clubs, their hard work and prize money. This rule of have to weight at three sites for GOY needs to be changed.

Top 10.
Is it top ten pumpkins or top ten growers. I like top ten Growers

3/6/2010 9:39:47 AM

big pumpkin dreamer

Gold Hill, Oregon

you mean mrs.h no longer has to lie and say she grew a pumpkin when mr. h grew both. now mr. h can claim all top 10 places? when i enter a national contest such as hgtv home give away they only alow 1 entry per household. 1 entry per household works for me, whether it be mr.h or mrs.h.

3/17/2010 7:14:29 AM

basebell6 (christy)

Massillon, Ohio

big dreamer: i was thinking, "nah he isn't refering to me with the mrs. h thing" but then i was like "he's GOT to be referring to me"!!!! i wasn't going to post in response to you but you are not informed of the fact that we travelled to SEVEN weighoffs this year. WHILE COACHING CROSS COUNTRY EVERY SATURDAY. i will not be able to do such travelling when children enter the picture.

mrs. h weighed her 1725 at canfield, an hour and a half away.

mr. h weighed his in pumpkinville NY, 4 hours away.

mrs. h weighed her 1236 in hamlet indiana, 5.5 hours away.

we never both weighed at the same weighoff. the rule at canfield is "one money prize per address". i feel we should be allowed 2 ENTRIES at a weighoff, but only receive ONE money prize.

3/17/2010 1:12:52 PM

Tree Doctor

Mulino, Oregon

Christi, he is referring to Mrs. Holland not Mrs. Harp. lol

3/17/2010 4:28:38 PM

basebell6 (christy)

Massillon, Ohio

LOL PHEW! either way i vote 2 entries per family :)

3/17/2010 4:33:32 PM


Washington State

Christi, don't worry big pumpkin dreamer was talking about us. I would like the dreamer to know that Mari Lou was in the pumpkin patch every day and has taken care of the patch single handedly for up to 5 days at a time when I have had to be gone in the middle of the season. she does the pollinating on her plant and often does the watering for the whole patch. Its funny to the tree dr., but not funny to us.

Thanks Joel & nmari lou Holland

3/17/2010 11:37:56 PM

big pumpkin dreamer

Gold Hill, Oregon

guess i shoulda said mr and mrs x

3/18/2010 5:01:26 AM

big pumpkin dreamer

Gold Hill, Oregon

guess i shouldn't have used any initials. no telling who you might offend.

3/18/2010 5:15:30 AM


oswego, NY

For those sites with growers who enter multiple entries, why not consider a category for the grower with the highest average for 3 or more pumpkins.

3/29/2010 11:47:16 AM

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