GPC News
Subject: With every action there is an opposite reaction
Date Posted
Dave & Carol |
Team Munson
With the new world record weight of 1,725#'s and the addition of the 1,700# club there will be no GPC coats given to the new growers of 1,400# fruit. This was brought up to me this week and I felt I should post this as there are questions about it. This can be found on the GPC resource page under "site fees and prize structure". This has been in the rules for the coats since it's inception almost 3 years ago.
8) Grower Jackets & Patches – Awarded to the growers who are in the current top 300 pound weight class, as compared to the existing world record of that year. For example, if the 2009 world record is 1750 pounds, jackets will be awarded to growers of pumpkins 1500 pounds and up. If the record stands at 1689, growers of pumpkins 1400 pounds and heavier will be awarded jackets. A grower will only be awarded one jacket; in following years patches will be awarded to the grower to add to their jacket with the same weight class requirements. These patches will denote the weight class achieved for that year.
10/6/2009 3:27:11 PM
5150 |
ipswich, ma usa
Thanks Christy!!.....Geezzeeee.....LOL :)
John (5150)
10/6/2009 3:44:27 PM
Bohica (Tom) |
"Awarded to the growers who are in the current top 300 pound weight class" Isn't 1700 - 300 = 1400? LMAO....hmmmmmmm......
10/6/2009 6:10:08 PM
NP |
Actually 1425. lol
10/6/2009 6:20:07 PM
Tremor |
We had agreed and made public that the threshold would move. We probably should design a new patch at least.
10/6/2009 7:40:21 PM
christrules |
Top 3 weight classes:
1700 - 1799 class 1 1600 - 1699 class 2 1500 - 1599 class 3
10/7/2009 1:43:54 PM
Jason |
Preston CT
I guess I will have to grow a bigger one next year. Now I will freeze this winter, thanks Christy!
10/8/2009 6:18:37 AM
Brooks B |
Im sure glad I received my 1400lb/coat before Christy came along with that 1725, she really ruined it for alot of growers this year, she's just a plain ol meanie!!!,, Hey,,,maybe you guys can make her buy you all a beer or three, or four at Niagara for making you coat less this winter,,lol,
Now it seems like 1400lbers are a dime a dozen,, sheshhh!
10/13/2009 1:51:48 PM
sweetpea111 |
So the 1400# growers don't get jacket?They grew pumpkins less than 300# from the new world record.No pumpkin was 1799, so this give them a 75# penalty?Setting all that aside; look at all the areas in the world in which growers will never have a chance at a jacket simply due to their geographical location.Why not let who ever wants to purchase a jacket do so.Which would promote growing everywhere.Then award the appropriate patches to the growers.You grow 1000#, you get a 1000# patch and so on.You grow 3 totalling 3000#, you get a collective 3000# patch and so on.A patch for grower of the year and for any other divisional categories.Don't know which to feel sorry for, the growers or this structure.Don't get it.
10/13/2009 6:29:16 PM
Big Kahuna 25 |
Ontario, Canada.
sweetpea, this is a possible solution that could be discussed this winter.
10/13/2009 7:48:03 PM
Upstate S.C.
Negative Sweetpea. I say leave it like it is. I want a jacket REALLY, REALLY, BAD. So I'm gonna have to grow a 1500 pound pumpkin. I live in the deep south and have lots disadvantages, heat, weather, grower population. However I when I do get to the point in my hobby that I am respected and well know, I want to have EARNED it. I don't want anything given to me. If the folks in other parts of the world want a jacket then they should research, study and pratice there craft, just like we are. You cannot and will not convince me that the thin band that goes from north west United States to the north east United States(including Canada) is the best place IN THE WORLD to grow giant pumpkins. The success from the growers that live in that neck of the woods in my opinion comes from the fact that they have imprinted there location INTO THERE PUMPKIN. What I mean is let's say that Howard Dill lived in South Carolina and all of his work took place in the deep south I GURANTEE things would be differnet. The heat and elements that we live in would be IMPLANTED INTO THE SEEDS. Now I know that they are different plants but there's no reason why that if can grow a 257 or 260 pound watermelon we can't grow a 15 or 1600 hundered pound pumpkin. I belive that people in other parts of the world need to open up there mind and challenge themselfs like we all have.
10/13/2009 11:48:19 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
What's next...Doc Liggett's pumpkin breaking 1800 and then 1500 won't count anymore? lol
10/14/2009 12:47:43 AM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
Is it true there's a giant pumpkin on Obama's White House Lawn and he's now getting a GPC Jacket?
10/14/2009 6:12:40 AM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
When they embroider me a patch and sew me up a jacket, it's going to be a long time from now and I'll definitely have my share of tonnage on the compost heap.
Maybe two types of jackets... one with the dark sleeves that are awarded, and for those of us that want one just to support the GPC with GPC type patches and no weight patches, orange sleeves or something. We can buy an orange one and support the GPC as well, and if we earn our other one we are awarded it with the award patches... ?
10/14/2009 1:09:20 PM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
I messed up color scheme, the jackets are dark body and orange sleeve. How about a solid orange one (orange body orange sleeve) for fundraiser?
10/14/2009 1:50:13 PM
owen o |
Knopp, Germany
how about those that do not get a jacket donate one dollar to the ornage angels? one dollar, a lotta good, what do you think?
10/14/2009 2:06:11 PM
CRB KinZ |
(rocky) Bonney Lake Wa.
Dang it I was affraid of that now I have to not only break a state record of 1505 but indoing so get me a jacket. Ok The gloves are off 1505.5 here I come!!!LOL
10/14/2009 3:43:38 PM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
Go Ron Go! Go Gettum!
10/15/2009 1:20:48 AM
Upstate S.C.
LMAO, Good one LIpumpkin
10/15/2009 2:12:59 AM
PumpkinBrat |
Paradise Mountain, New York
I guess I can understand the ruling. But then again, during a professional football, basketball, hockey, or other professional sports they never enforce or changes rules during the season or during the play offs or super bowl. I can see the ruling going in affect at the end of this years weigh-off's.But not during the weigh-off season. So if a grower had a 1,400 that was weighed at a weigh-off a week or two before Christy's 1725 was weighed, then thou people should get a jacket if they grew a 1,400 pound pumpkin. Even if a growers pumpkin was weighed a hour or two before Christy's it was before a new record was set. So being far, I feel any grower who had a 1,400 before the 1725 was weighed, all should get a jacket 1,400 and above.
10/15/2009 10:27:02 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
PB...the rules were NOT changed during this or any other growing season! The rules for who "EARNS" a jacket were explained very well at the convention at da falls, in 2008! (Stated by Mr. Stelts (I believe)) Within 300 #(bracket) ie... 1700, 1600, 1500 (all 1700#ers, 1600#ers, and 1500#ers) of the record at the end of the weighoff season. I bet they were explained in the same manner in 2009! I would also like to encourage the GPC to find some way to honor anyone who grows a 1K#er or larger!!!! Patches or something...because a 1/2 Ton pkn is somethin to be proud of!!! Peace, Wayne
10/16/2009 1:50:23 AM
LiLPatch |
Dummer Twp - Ontario
Theres no doubt the rules for the jackets were in place and on the GPC site for everyone to see, The jackets only reward a very very small percentage of growers which is very unfortunate for the growers of 1400# ers. Maybe the rule should be to read the current world record of the previous year then everyone would know what goal they are shooting for. This and a few other things need to be discussed this winter by the GPC executive and if any of us have items we should contact our reps and make sure they are aware of them. The GPC evolved out of some growers not satisfied with what was currently in place and its all of our responsibilities to keep the GPC Board aware of how we feel about things and to hopefully make decisions based on the whole of the pumpkin growing community and not a select few or eventually someone else will start up another organization just as the GPC founding members did.
10/16/2009 4:11:05 AM
SWdesert |
Las Cruces NM
Anything grown over a few hundred pounds is something to be proud of -- take pride! And anyone in the 1000 lb club has certainly obtained something very special. But the orange/green jacket should be reserved for those who are worthy of special recognition -- the jacket should reward only but a few growers. I personally would say such recognition is one grower, but they have established the recognition of having obtained the top 3 weight groups = contenders if you wish. If they drop it one weight group, then why not two, then why not everyone? There has to be a objective measure for recognition and they have established it! Any change would demean the jacket! keep it the way it is!
10/21/2009 10:07:05 PM
2 Seeds Per Pack |
Why don't we put this to a vote of anyone who entered a pumpkin in a GPC event in 2009 that wishes to vote on this. There is enough online (on growers to get an acceptable sample of the total GPC population. I would be in favor of keeping the current rules unless a vote is done on a total grower population scale.
11/3/2009 5:54:28 PM
CountyKid (PECPG) |
Picton,ON (
Part of the reason for making the moving threshold in the first place was the assumption that as the next level was met, there would be many, many people hitting the level being dropped off. In this case there were 26 1400 lb fruit weighed at GPC sites this year! Conversely, in 2007 when the we hit 1600, there were only 13, 1400 lb fruit weighed.
A moving threshold is necessary, not only to keep the jacket special, but also for financial reasons. There is just not enough funds available to coat everyone.
2 seeds per pac. The GPC representatives are appointed by their regions and are expected to represent the best interest of the growers in those regions. They vote on all issues and I can tell you, there are at time heated discussions on some of these topics. I can assure you that these decisions are not taken lightly and are decided on, on a most democratic way. Government by referendum does not work. if you have an issue, I suggest you contact your respective GPC rep and make a formal complaint.
John Vincent GPC REP Canada
11/4/2009 6:41:38 AM
UnkaDan |
Government by referendum does not work.???
It works pretty well here in the USA John,,,at least at the local levels of government where it is used as an active tool to keep in touch with the reality of the general voting public
Perhaps the issues that are being discussed and voted on by the GPC board should be posted here on this forum so that the general public (almost all are actually GPC members by definition) are aware of them so we can then express our opionions to our regional reps.
As a club president for the past 3 years I have never been privy to a subject voted on by the GPC board and I think I am considered a representative of our club.
Dan Bowles WGPG President USA
11/4/2009 7:33:47 AM
Tremor |
2 Seeds Per Pack,
Where do you usually weigh-in?
How about you Dan?
The GPC is run more like the USA. A true democracy (mob rule) is bound to fail when the funds run out because when the majority rules, the majority eats well. Think of a democratic republic where the ballast comes from a constitution. The GPC has a constitution (so to speak) that can be seen in the rules in the resources section here:
We cannot afford to outfit every grower with a jacket. The jackets are a newly added item not mandated or even governed by the original charter. Jacket funding isn't provided for by the current rules either but this board found enough unspent revenue to get the program kicked into gear. Some might recall our seed auction last year? That revenue helps the jackets, plagues, ribbons, etc plus provides the educational element of the conference.
Prizes are provided by the weighoffs &/or sponsoring clubs. We don't dictate how weigh-offs pay prizes provided the results are fair & open to all comers.
If clubs want to buy jackets maybe they should. Perhaps a CO-OP program can be developed at some point.
11/4/2009 9:08:56 AM
CountyKid (PECPG) |
Picton,ON (
I didn't mean to start a political debate
We use referendums here in Canada as well, however my feeling is that referendum only works if there is a very high voter response (80+ plus%) and the electorate is well educated on the issue. My experience with referendum here and my observations of many in the US is that rarely do you get enough of a sample to have a proper vote in this manner and rarely is the electorate educated enough on the issue to make a proper decision, but rather they vote with there hearts and emotions rather than logic.
The process of electing a qualified and trusted representative of the public to govern is a tried and tested method and the back bone of both our democracies. Referendum is merely a cop out in my opinion, of the elected to take responsibility for their decision!
This is my opinion alone and in no way represents the GPC. If you want to continue this side topic lets move it to the non-pumpkin forum
11/4/2009 9:36:36 AM
Dave & Carol |
Team Munson
Thank you John for an excellent explanation, 2 seeds per pac if you would like to be taken seriously start by signing your real name to your post. We have much more respect for inquiries as to policy when we can address the person by name much like Dan.
Dan, You are correct that it works. The board tries to keep contact with the clubs and organizers thru the year to keep a finger on the pulse of the community. I know Andy talks to you once in a while, I would hope that you pass along concerns to him. I know he has brought up things to the group in the past that you have talked to him about.
Last winter, we made only minimal changes to the rules, you can see them here: and the changes made are highlighted.
If anyone is feeling left out of the process or needs issues addressed, feel free to contact your local board director or club (who should be in close contact with us anyway). There is also an email address on our website - that goes to Andy, and he routes them on to the rest of us. The process of due procedure is also explained in the GPC bylaws that can be found on the GPC web site under resources.
11/4/2009 10:13:08 AM
UnkaDan |
"Article V Board of Directors 1. The Executive Committee along with all Site Representatives, Site Coordinator Representatives, and Club/group Representatives shall serve as members of the board of directors and shall have the power to act for the organization between meetings of the membership. 2. The Board of Directors will be the direct line of communication between the members and their weigh-off sites and all communication should come through this venue."
I guess here is where I am stuck Dave, if this is indeed the case then I along with all club presidents, site reps, and site co-ordiantors should be cut into all discussions and voting since as explained above "we" are members of said board. I have used Andy as a conduit but in reality without knowing what is then discussed or decided by the board it's rather pointless, imo. Somehow we need to have disclosure in all areas of this decision making process.
11/4/2009 11:50:26 AM
UnkaDan |
John, no political discussion is necessary I was simply stating that imo with a membership as small as this organization referendum votes could be done right here on this message board. I also don't agree that this membership for the most part is "non-educated" if they are it is the boards fault,,,once again,,imo
Steve, I have no issue with the jacket awards or the way they are now setup. My statements are more aimed at other decisions that need to be addressed by the complete board,,please see my first quote here as to what that means at least the way I read Article V.
Perhaps a clarification of the difference between the Executive Commitee and the Board of Directors needs consideration.
Mind you, I am making these statements on my own and in no way reflect the WGPG at this point, in fact as a club we have not discussed our ties with the GPC, at this point.
11/4/2009 11:50:58 AM
huffspumpkins |
canal winchester ohio
OK, if anyone wants to shoot arrows at me go ahead but we are talking about Pumpkin Clubs. Not something that's going to affect my way of life for years to come, but..Pumpkin Clubs. I'm sure Dave,Andy, John & all the other GPC leaders have a lot of things on their plate outside of our pumpkin world and do the best they can with what their dealt. You can't please everyone. Sometimes we have to step back & remember it's a Pumpkin Club. ....Paul
11/4/2009 1:00:38 PM
2 Seeds Per Pack |
I was just thinking out loud. My verbiage was not an assault on the GPC steering committee, at least it was not meant as such. My appologies if it was.
11/4/2009 1:26:43 PM
Big Kahuna 25 |
Ontario, Canada.
Yikes...this hurts a bit...I certainly stand behind the Executive...We are working hard each day to ensure a better Commonwealth for all....These guys, I know really care and love the great hobby of pumpkin growing....After running 80 some odd weigh-offs and spending countless hours in discussion and emails a plenty. We are working on a solution for growers. For now lets focus on Growing bigger pumpkins next year....Together we can all do this...Just ask this years winners...They will share their ideas freely...what better hobby could there be.
11/4/2009 7:21:38 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Dave Stelts........what a great ambassador for this hobby. I saw Dave at several GPC weighoffs this year very ably supporting and promoting each one. Not to diminish the role of ALL GPC board members, but Dave has always been my favorite.
Pap's early caricatures of Dave captured the humorous side of him and had me going early on. Meeting Dave in person was a pleasure.
Great job Dave and all other GPC board members.
11/4/2009 8:13:12 PM
OkieGal |
Boise City, Oklahoma, USA
I think the GPC board is doing a danged good job; period. Lots of work and often not enough thanks.
As for the jackets; I doubt I'll ever get one handed to me. That's fine. I'm all for if the (GPC) has the extra to do the jackets... and they can set the criteria as needed.
If you have a comment, take it to your rep, it's easy to look them up.
I would like to see the GPC offer a different jacket (maybe all green, dark grey,or black, so the patches show up better) with GPC logo on back and the like, for those that want one, to BUY. Raise more funds for more earned jackets. It'd be different enough that you could tell who earned one and who is just supporting the club effort. My .000002 cents worth.
The issue on the brackets and that; may need a reevaluation and a vote; I feel for a couple that at the time they weighed the qualified then the brackets moved up.
I echo, let's grow bigger pumpkins :) 2010, here I come! Deb Rebel
11/4/2009 10:24:39 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
3 weeks later...(computer burnt) and I still say Kudo's to the GPC & their executive board!!! The "JACKET" itself is the ultimate prize!!! The ORANGE ONE is the Top Prize, and the GPC Jacket for all who qualify ( no matter how many or few) puts you into a very select community!!! I think it should stay that way!!! Peace, Wayne JMHO!!!!
11/5/2009 7:18:26 PM
BR |
Litchfield N. H. 03052
My proudest moment in growing giants was getting my GPC jacket. I wear it with pride. Others in this post would like to see it offered at Wall Mart so every one could get their's
11/5/2009 7:51:29 PM
Tremor |
Thanks Bill...and that is why the jacket must remain exclusive. Thank you on behalf of the entire GPC Executive board, past & present.
11/6/2009 9:57:16 AM
billprice |
bliss,n.y.- heart of Wyoming County
Steve- The jacket policy is fair. I know some will be unhappy. But it is for the highest level of achievement. BP
12/4/2009 9:21:32 AM
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