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Subject:  Do you know what your rights are?

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Dave & Carol

Team Munson

At a GPC event you have the right to:

1) Make sure you have all of your entries properly and completely entered on the BP spread sheet. This is provided you bring this information with you and do not use the preregistration form on the GPC home page on BP.

2) Question any judges decision if you do not feel it is the correct one. Please make sure any dispute is placed before the fruit hits the scale for official weight. When the fruit has left the scale and received it's official weight the judging process is over unless a complaint has been lodged before the fruit receives an official weight.

3) Ask for a copy of the current GPC rules, GPC prize schedule, rules for prize schedule, and bylaws. Basically each site must have the current 2009 rules and regulations out in a public place all growers can have access to so they may review them at any time during the event.

4) Preweigh your tomatoes and have them officially entered for GPC recognition. Please put the GPC resource page in your favorites this page has a ton of valuable in.

5) Identify the data entry person at the site to make sure they are ready to get all entries on the BP spread sheet.

Basically our motto for the 2009 fall weigh-off season if "Leave no entry behind" meaning we want all entries on the BP spread sheet. This makes no difference how big or how small if you take the time to bring your entry(ies) to a sanctioned GPC they have the obligation to you to properly and completely enter it on the BP spread sheet.

We need your help to monitor this and contact the site and/or your regional GPC committee member to let them know of there is any discrepancy in the spread sheet.

Thank you,

9/11/2009 10:43:56 AM



Dave speaks the truth. It kills me when folks don't fill out the registration forms ahead of time. Worse are the entries where neither of parents are known. There will always be some open pollinations but we all want to keep the record straight. We owe that much to the sport even if some growers are indifferent.

9/11/2009 12:33:07 PM

Tree Doctor

Mulino, Oregon

I've tried to get onto the preregistration page and it just keeps throwing me into a big loop back to the BP home page. Andy, what am I doing wrong? This needs to be simple for people to do.

9/11/2009 12:48:07 PM

Andy W

Western NY

No clue, Jim. I'm sure Ken will let you know.

9/11/2009 1:47:43 PM



tried the on-line form last year several times would not work, could be becuase of our firewall here?

9/11/2009 4:35:07 PM



I emailed Ken but no response yet.

9/11/2009 6:44:34 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

I believe this happens when a browser has cookies for BOTH http://www.bigpumpkins.com and http://bigpumpkins.com.

What you need to do is delete both cookies. Then return to the site with the full URL: http://www.bigpumpkins.com and sign-in one more time. Then return to:


I will see if I can force the deletion of the "bad" cookie automatically. In the meantime, try the fix above.

9/11/2009 8:23:01 PM

Tree Doctor

Mulino, Oregon

Okay Ken, If in fact that is the problem, how do I delete a 'cookie' from my browser? I tried what you said and it still put me in the 'loop'.


9/11/2009 8:44:41 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

To delete your cookies for this site follow these steps:

1. Select "Tools" from the top IE menu

2. Next select "Internet Options"

3. From the "Browsing History" section, click "Settings"

4. On the "Temporary Internet Files and History Settings" window, select "View Files"

5. Next click the column heading for "Internet Address" to re-sort the list of files by address. This will put all your cookies near the top.

6. Find a file that looks like: cookie:[username]@bigpumpkins.com where [username] is your Windows user name

7. Select the cookie file by clicking on that line in the first column of the list

8. Delete the cookie file by pressing the Delete button on your keyboard

9. Click Yes on the file deletion warning message

10. Repeat steps 6 through 9 for the file: cookie:[username]@www.bigpumpkins.com

11. Close your browser down and open it again

12. Return to the site with the full URL: http://www.bigpumpkins.com

13. Sign-in (this will re-create your cookie)

14. Go to the registration page and try again http://www.bigpumpkins.com/WeighoffRegistration.aspx

If this does not work then you will have to email me some screen shots so I can try and figure out what is going on.

9/12/2009 11:10:00 AM

Bohica (Tom)


I found that I had to enter the dates as 4\26\09 instead of April 26th for it to work.

9/12/2009 12:40:11 PM


Sparta, NC

Are those Keebler Cookies? Watch out it could be that dang elf. LOL

9/12/2009 1:24:53 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

Tom, that is right all dates should be entered as MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY to work properly.

9/12/2009 1:57:22 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

I don't think Jim could even get to the entry page.

9/12/2009 1:57:45 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Thanks Dave for reminding all growers of their rights.

It is not an easy job being a jury at a GPC weighoff. The situation may come up where you have to tell a very close friend that their fruit is not solid, or not a squash, etc...

The hardeast rule to follow as a jury member is the one that states... The entry must be grown & cared for from planting to harvest....a team is easy to define, but with AGs you do not even need to germinate the seed for it to be "your" plant.

I know, damn, owen starts again, but it would be very helpful for very clear guidance in the "grown & cared for" question.

I mean turning on the water and both plants get something is not a big deal, but what about weeding, or pruning, etc....

Okay, I need guidance, and I bet I am not the only one, though maybe the only one to ask.


9/13/2009 12:54:50 PM



I helped write that rule. It was intended to keep a person from showing up at a sanctioned weighoff with two entries (both likely grown PRIMARILY by one person) then entering both by using the name of a spouse for the second entry.

At a non-GPC weighoff, I saw a grower show up with one rotting fruit & a healthier though smaller backup entry. The grower entered the rotten entry in his own name after it passed inspection. The backup entry was entered in his mother-in-laws name. She WAS PRESENT but later told a few of us growers that she never did a thing to cultivate or care fro the entry.

<<The mother-in-law did win a cash prize>>

At a GPC weighoff I witnessed a husband/wife team enter two massive pumpkins. The man who grew the fruit had asked for a "pre-weighing" so as to decide which puOne for each. Several grower were overheard

9/13/2009 2:47:51 PM




At a GPC weighoff I witnessed a husband/wife team enter two massive pumpkins. The man who grew the fruit had asked for a "pre-weighing" so as to decide which fruit to enter. His request was denied. Several growers were overheard complaining the wife never worked in the patch. I over heard the wife telling her friend she fealt guilty about this.

<<Husband & wife both took away prize money/ribbons>>

9/13/2009 2:53:43 PM



In both cases REAL GROWERS were denied recognition for their accomplishments. In both cases prize money was awarded to a spouse/relative that MIGHT have done little more than turn a sprinkler on or off once or twice.

9/13/2009 2:56:47 PM



When a REAL GROWING TEAM appears at a weighoff, it is usually not difficult to validate the team. Folks keep online diaries, go on patch tours, HOST patch tours, converse with other growers,,,,

It should never be questionable who's entry is who.

9/13/2009 3:00:33 PM



Planting a backup seedling that someone else started has never been a stickling point. When tragedy strikes PLAN-B shoudn't come with a penalty especially if the grower credits the donor.

9/13/2009 3:04:15 PM



Did I hit the buttons you're after Owen?

9/13/2009 3:05:36 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Thanks for clarifying Steve.

9/13/2009 11:47:11 PM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

Steve did a great job explaining that question but I will add about cash payouts. It is the GPC's position to not get involved in how a site pays their contestants unless it is not fair and equal for all growers participating.

Do I agree with the scenario Steve explains definitely NOT. The problem is the growers policing this do not confront the growers in question. This does not mean you take them to a dark room and have water board torture. All you need to do is have a few pointed questions in front of a the site judges in PRIVATE and make the decision from there.

Great question Owen.

9/14/2009 9:03:40 AM


Cedar Lake, IN.

I have register on line with the G.P.C. for the weightoff at: Gatewood's Vegetable Farm Weightoff in Noblesville, IN. Oct.03,2009.
How do I know if the G.P.C. has received it? This is my first year and there's alot of things I don't know. I'm just trying to fulfill my part in this.
Thanks, Don Williamson

9/14/2009 10:00:06 AM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

Just go back into the online registration form and it will list the sites you have registered for under your personal information. If you have or think you have entered the wrong information and need to change it you will need to start over as there is no edit tab for the pumpkin information you have previously entered.

I would suggest that you print screen and keep the copy for your personal records then bring it to the site. I would also bring my last OTT measurements with me and submit those with my pumpkin info in case the measuring crew at the site does not get to your pumpkin to measure.

Great question keep them coming!!!

9/14/2009 12:00:45 PM


Litchfield N. H. 03052

Because of some growers trying to cheat, real husband and wife growers have the odds stacked against them. Once again I am having health problems, my wife is now doing the spraying( she grows her own fruit), but we can't enter together . Paying for the sins of others!...BR

9/14/2009 4:44:30 PM


Cedar Lake, IN.

I must be doing something wrong. I go to the online registration form. I can't find "personal information" on that site.If indeed I have registered I may have done it three times. It does have "Select Destination" and "Site Search". It's on "big pumpkins.com" on that site it has "Weight-off registration". Help!

9/14/2009 4:58:23 PM




As you know, there are many successful husband/wife teams. Some grow one fruit together, others grow his/her entries & sometimes share the work. My growing partner & I usually enter one fruit in both our names but we legitimately entered our kid's fruit next to our own in 2007. Had anyone challenged us there were many growers in attendance who had visited our patch tour. Others were following our diary here at BP. I even had pictures of our kids pollinating their chosen females had it come down to it. LOL

Regardless how we did it, there are many NH growers that would vouch for you. I cannot think of many growers who exemplify honor & integrity like you do.

9/14/2009 10:42:52 PM



I need to show this thread to Lorraine. I got her to spray Roundup here at the house but Matt's been on his own all summer at the patch as the weeds are evidence. LOL

And Bruce, I can barely stand even with support now let alone walk in the patch so I know exactly how you feel. With help we can get by. If Mrs. W has her own plant(s) that she cared for she should enter them. The fact she helps you shouldn't be cause to DQ you but that's you site official's call.


PS - we never let the kids in the patch when spraying. The grunt work is their's alone.

9/14/2009 10:59:37 PM


Rhode Island

the real question is about -------- h o n e s t y

for example ---- ron and i have grown together for several years . he has his plants , i have mine, and never the two shall meet. hell he would not give me one anyways --lol

the thing that craws up my fanny and many other growers and always has is about growers and sites who allow pumpkins in their wifes,brothers,cousins,etc names just to cash in on the money,or to build up the sites top ten, or sometimes both.they know who grew and who did not.

i say do what dave stelts says. sack up and start asking some direct questions.

in the case of a bill and linda rodonis for example? they are both growers ,each helps the other, so what. they are both growers -period.

most times a health disqualification or a grouping for a squash vs all else considered pumpkin catagory is pretty easy.and like dave said. if in doubt? ask questions.

its the all in the family weigh-off get together that needs attention at certain weigh-offs.

sorry but thats the way i see it.

9/15/2009 6:40:42 PM

croley bend


Pap hit the nail on the head, Honesty.

9/15/2009 7:10:10 PM



If I had two I would enter it in my Brothers name. I could make him water it once. that counts. lol

9/15/2009 8:11:27 PM



Nic - I'm sure you're kidding but that is exactly what the rule is intended to prevent.

9/15/2009 11:17:06 PM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

The personal information I am speaking of is not a page tittled "personal information" it is your personal information listed on the "weigh-off registration page". You are on the correct page you just need to click on "add registration" it will take you to the page to enter you pumpkin information on the site you select from the drop down box. If your personal information needs updated make the changes then click on the "save changes button". I hope this helps.

9/16/2009 9:07:33 AM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

The GPC encourages teams of growers take my wife Carol and myself we enter all of our pumpkins in both of our names. Also look at Dan Carlson & Marc Peterson a team that enters their fruit in both of their names no problem.


Just look at all of the teams of growers in the 2007 results page you have husband wife, brothers, 2 friends, bottom line on this is the GPC stands for family values. If you are having problems entering a pumpkin or any fruit for competition at a GPC site and are told you can not enter as a team please direct the person the GPC rules Article II Fruit and Growers. This information can be found on the GPC resource page on this link

I hope this answers your question Bruce, Dick and Steve also had great input on this.

9/16/2009 9:27:02 AM




Then there are the spouse teams -


The list is long & getting longer.

9/16/2009 10:55:48 AM

Mark G.


I was at a weigh-off, a reporter from the local paper came up and asked a grower some simple questions....when did you plant the seed, when did it sprout, whats the seed and what was it pollinated with? All simple and basic questions one would think that the actual grower would know. This particular guy said, lets get my son over here and he'll answer the questions for you. The reporter said, I thought this was your pumpkin, the guy said it is.
The reporter said how come you don't know this stuff if it's yours? The guy said you just need to talk to my son.
True story, I could not believe what I was hearing and seeing. It was a disappointing experience at my first weigh-off. Both people placed ahead of me in case you're wondering. The contest payed to the top ten spots, you guessed it, I came in 11th.

9/16/2009 12:13:08 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Wow, and I thought my question was just being picky. I am so glad to see so many responses.

I really do appreciate the GPC for their intent on fairness, now it is time for the growers to step up to the plate and support these ideals.

Maybe a GPC Pledge of Fairness? Everyone that signs it and sends it to the GPC gets a bumper sticker?

owen rambling.....

9/16/2009 2:19:32 PM


Westford, MA

Off topic.
If you're refering to BR from Litchfield as "Bruce",
I think you should try "Bill" 1556.

9/16/2009 2:56:24 PM


Sparta, NC

Don't forget the team of Dan and Jason McKie

9/16/2009 7:33:47 PM

croley bend


Now Im really confused, but then what else is new, so can one person enter more than one pumpkin, say two, and still win on both pumpkins or just win with one. Or do I take two pumpkins to the weigh off and put two different names on it..that would be cheating, right? Me and my husband grow as a team.

9/16/2009 8:26:54 PM



Thank you Owen. We all know this boils down to honesty. The cheats know it too.

Rules are like cheap doors & locks. They keep honest people honest.

We cannot equip weighoffs with lie detectors. We aren't going to make people swear on the Bible or take an oath. We won't start requiring signed contracts. But we believe the rules speak to FAIRNESS and 99% of growers support these covenants. It's why most growers will bend over backwards to get their best effort to a GPC weighoff rather than a simple country fair. Integrity & prestige walk hand & hand, heads high.

MOST growers would never stoop to cheating. That's what makes our brethren & our efforts worth defending. Lord knows we don't do this for the money! LOL

9/16/2009 8:45:09 PM



croley - CORRECT. The GPC limits entry - 1 entry per grower per event for prizes/ribbons. We also don't accept previously shown fruit.

9/16/2009 8:51:53 PM



croley - I should elaborate. Matt & I plan to enter 2 - 3 pumpkins in Penfield. Only one will be OFFICIAL. One might be previously shown - if so we'll call it EXH for exhibition. The third (if we bring it) will be too small to be in the running for a weight prize but if it keeps coloring up, we might be looking at the Howard Dill Award.

9/16/2009 10:49:09 PM

croley bend


Thanks Steve, I do plan on taking the two we grew, one perhaps may win the Howard Dill Award, its beautiful. I agree on honesty, its the only way to be. Its so much easier to repeat the truth. Like the old saying goes..find a liar, find a thief. I wish everyone the best all their weigh offs.

9/17/2009 8:39:07 AM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

First off I apologize to Bill for making the mistake of calling you Bruce but feel free to enter all of your pumpkins in you and your wife's name.

Corley please put the GPC resource page on your favorites page it has all the answers and all of your rights at every GPC site.


I will add that the GPC does not tell sites how to issue their prize money as long as they adhere to Article I section 6 of the GPC rules. The GPC only recognizes 1 fruit from 1 fixed address when it comes to GPC prize money.

In reference to the question on 1 person entering 2 fruit in their name at 1 site. This could be done for top ten recognition only, this is explained in Article II section 1 and sub paragraph A, B, & C. Once again though it is up to a site to pay as they want and if they want to pay 2 or more fixed address entries that is the sites decision only.

If you have a dispute with a site on how they pay their contestants talk with the site representatives. If that doesn't work you have to choices 1) Do not patronize that site or 2) grow bigger pumpkins. I am not trying to be cold just remember the sites are trying to put on the best show possible to bring in customers and make their sponsors happy.

9/17/2009 9:06:28 AM

Brooks B


Ill tell ya the team that has alot of class and has gotten 100% total respect from me as growers starting back in 2007 and that was the Mckie brothers.
That team could have easily weighed in seprate fruit each at each weigh off they was in and cleaned house, yet they only chose to weigh in one pumpkin at each weigh off. They could have easily taken ALOT of prize money away from other growers and didnt. They could have cashed in double the prize money that 07 year and it would have been perfectly fair and legal, yet they didnt. that is a class act growerin my book.

9/17/2009 9:46:17 AM



Just to set it straight, Im not complaining at all. Just curious and I will be sure to set the resource page as a favorite, thanks Dave.

9/17/2009 1:11:39 PM


Westford, MA

How can I verify that the form I filled out did register?

9/17/2009 2:42:17 PM


Cedar Lake, IN.

With all the help I was given,I still couldn't verify my registration. I just gave up.

9/17/2009 4:11:58 PM



Don Williamson (kurty) & Klancy

No one here at the GPC receives confirmation so we cannot check. The site coordinator of the site you selected will have your name (as you entered it) on weighoff day.

I doubt that any weighoff has the staff or budget to issue confirmations as the registrations come in. If YOU log back into the system it will notify you so as to avoid redundant duplicate entries.

Please remember - The folks who run the GPC & this website are all volunteers. BP is free too. Most weighoffs are free or close to it. My weighoff charges $20 to cover rental fees & $2 Million insurance. Our prize money comes from seed auctions.

9/17/2009 7:22:50 PM



kurty & klancy,

Try to register again. Does the website already "see" you as registered?

9/17/2009 7:27:06 PM

Midnight Gardener

Sacramento, Ca

I've also had problems registering. The pages source code should be set to let you know your registration was accepted or not. I don't think mine was but I have no way of knowing. Also, regarding the conversation about one person, 2 pumpkins, one site..Please clarify this. I plan on entering two pumpkins I grew in the Elk Grove weigh offs. I know I have no chance of winning but I want to know the "official" weight of each pumpkin. In plain english please, what is the rule?

9/17/2009 10:09:31 PM


Cedar Lake, IN.

no, it doesn't see me as registered.

9/18/2009 3:21:20 PM

Mark G.



You can have an official pumpkin weighed for the weigh-off placings and you can have another weighed and it's designation will be "exhibition only" and won't be eligible for any placings and/or prize money. This happened at one of the weigh-offs I attended last year. Hope this helps, good luck!

9/18/2009 9:54:27 PM

croley bend


From what I understand, you can take two or more but only can win on one.

9/19/2009 7:05:09 AM


Rhode Island

most sights discourage doing curtesy weights.they sell quite inexpensive inline scales for those who want to weigh first at home.
unfortunately weighing a second fruit can get out of hand and most sights do not favor weighing more than one entry per person,
we had a guy once bring five on a trailer and wanted a curtesy weight on each one.these are the things that can happen once the door is opened up. needless to say it did not happen.

9/19/2009 12:57:14 PM



We weigh exhibition fruit only after all the official entries but we don't get so many that we cannot. Topsfield gets so many they must restrict the scale for only those fruit that tape over some set standard.

9/19/2009 2:12:21 PM

Chris S.


We will take all we can get here. Bring us a dozen on a trailer if need be :)

9/19/2009 10:26:18 PM


Boise City, Oklahoma, USA

We will do 'extra' weighings after the main entries are done, IF we have the time. (40 main entries, probably not, 10, probably will)

Do be nice though to the poor bodies that are most likely volunteers doing the work, if you're the grower asking.

Common sense on both sides of fence, and being honest. We're going to stick to the GPC rules, as we have some families growing and one team; on the sorting out.

9/21/2009 10:46:41 PM

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