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Subject:  GPC GROWERS MEMORIAL - is it time ?

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Rhode Island

our good friend alan reynolds was discussing the recent death of buddy conoly. during the conversation al mentioned that perhaps it was time for some sort of memorial.
a plaque perhaps to keep the memories alive of these growers and friends who have shared our common passion.

i think i agree with alan that it would be a kind jesture to have some sort of memorial display. one that could be updated as need be and displayed at the yearly gathering at niagara or other large gatherings as requeste.
a yearly roll call could also be read at an appropriate time during the function.

whether you grew in relative porivacy or were a well known heavy hitter it matters not. if you were a giant pumpkin grower and were known in the hobby ? you deserve to be on this memorial.

think of all our friends who have passed just in the last five years? i know i think of them often.
they deserve to have their names memorialized in some fashion if for no othe reason than respect for their friendship and passing.

i would like president stelts and the gpc executives to consider this idea at their next meeting.


pap wallace and alan reynolds

5/4/2009 8:24:45 AM

Lee Taylor

Nicholls Georgia

I agree pap that sounds like a great thing to do

5/4/2009 9:47:59 AM


canal winchester ohio

I agree 100%.

5/4/2009 10:17:47 AM


Darfield, British Columbia, Canada

Sounds like a great idea. Would the momorial be added to the BP website? would be good if it was

5/4/2009 10:38:18 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Great ideas pap and Ben.

5/4/2009 2:03:42 PM


President - GPC

Great Idea Paps & Alan.....

5/4/2009 2:39:54 PM

Dennis F

Falls City, NE

Thats why we call you PAP I guess you do come up with some outstanding ideas. I a wonderful way to remmember the people who have given a little piece of themselves to a wonderful sport.

5/4/2009 11:51:03 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Great idea...will never forget the hat and the smile!!! A memorial is certainly needed!!! For Howard, Buddy and all!!! Peace, Wayne
PS...A combined actual & virtual (online) memorial would be great!!!
PPS...way to go pap!!!

5/5/2009 3:35:14 AM


Rhode Island

yes an online memorial would be need to be included

5/5/2009 6:30:59 AM

Captain Cold Weather

Boulder County Colorado USA planet Earth

Thats a great idea, Many clubs like elks, odd fellows have a plaque honoring their dead brethern. I agree with paps.

an idea we cold have the yr.(this way we could go back to the 80's)

Great idea.

5/5/2009 9:14:05 AM



The online Website memorial is in the process of being started, I have been discussing this with Jamie, and he will build the site, No one person will own the site, it will be owned by who ever wants to be part of it, Jamie and I will get our ideas put down and get a prelim page to view,
The Gpc has enough on their plate right now, and since I am no longer on the board, I can put in a bit of time to get this going with Jamie,

More later

5/5/2009 12:20:37 PM



Folks are encourged to sign the Howard Dill Memorial we have already set up here:


So far there are only 2.

5/5/2009 3:25:18 PM


Midway, UT

The new pumpkin grower memorial website can be viewed at www.pumpkinlink.com/memorial

5/8/2009 4:53:51 PM

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