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Subject:  What if anything will be done by the GPC!

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Pumpkin Farm

Going Green

There is a lot of speculation about pumpkins weighed at other than GPC sites! The point in question is Georgia and the new State Record and yet another New State record.

If the Gpc is the governing body than pumpkins not weighed at GPC sites need witnesses and pictures if they are going to be new state records. Agree or disagree?

9/24/2008 9:45:49 PM

Brian C.

Rexburg, Idaho (brianchristensenmd@gmail.com )

Do new state records needs witnesses and pics? Yes-true for GPC and non GPC alike.
But does a pumpkin need to be weighed at a GPC event-absolutly not.
What is the GPC to do. Nothing they can do other then increase the number of weighoffs they sanction.

9/25/2008 8:08:12 AM

Bohica (Tom)


As a governing body and voice for the growing community, I have to agree that the GPC should set down guidlines for growers that cannot get to a weigh off.

9/25/2008 8:22:04 AM

Tree Doctor

Mulino, Oregon

Hey gang, the GPC doesn't have to do anything about a pumpkin/squash not weighed at a GPC sight. It's hard enough keeping track of all the sights currently under GPC oversight. If a grower chooses to weigh his/her pumpkin somewhere other than a weighoff, the scrutiny from the pumpkin growing world will always exist.

9/25/2008 8:34:32 AM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

Jim, Tom & Brian very well stated. The GPC is the governing body who controls the rules and regulations for only the current 67 GPC weigh-off sites. While the GPC does recognize all grower achievements at the present time it does not award any significance to State, Provincial or National champions. It would however be a tremendous effort to verify all non site weighed fruit in a fair and equitable way. This could be debated further in the future. The tomato and cantaloupe weight off rules allow for a similar procedure. I am not sure we are ready for this in pumpkins though.

"The Great Pumpkin Commonwealth's (GPC) mission cultivates the hobby of growing giant pumpkins throughout the world by establishing standards and regulations that ensure quality of fruit, fairness of competition, recognition of achievement, fellowship and education for all participating growers and weigh-off sites."

9/25/2008 9:02:40 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Who made the GPC the governing body?

9/25/2008 9:36:41 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

I mean, not that some growers get confused and think the GPC is the only way to get an AG offically wieghed.

9/25/2008 9:39:07 AM




It is the growers & the weigh-offs we patronize that have decided to accept GPC governance. It is entirely volunteer.

Let's face it; growers want our sport to be regulated by a body of fellow growers who have the experience to be accurate, fair, impartial & still hold the sport up by holding the growers up.

9/25/2008 10:00:53 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Steve, I did not question who accepts GPC governance. That is the sites choice, for what ever reason.

My question is really quite simple. Who said that the GPC is "the" governing body.

The point behind all this is that there is not a governing body in our sport, not even a self proclaimed one.

We all know when a weighed pumpkin is not weighed correctly. Even a dummie can see that...LOL

Sorry but I could not resist that comment about a dummie.

but a governing body?

9/25/2008 10:25:11 AM



Really not understanding your question Owen!!!!
The GPC is a governing body with a set of rules and reg, which all member sites adhere to. The sites that are not GPC sanctioned are still valid weigh offs in their own right.
I guess in layman terms, we are like the referee at a soccer, or football game, The ref is not really required but, as soon as contraversy arrises, it's nice to have a set of regs and rules to follow. I believe it's called piece of mind.

9/25/2008 11:00:38 AM



Re read your questions Owen, and now it's more clear.
Your Question, Who made the GPC the governing body?
Answer Every site that joins the GPC, This is their choice to follow our guidance.

9/25/2008 11:03:33 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

I guess you guys at GPC headquarters are correct as I am the only person that ever questions anything. Funny, I don't get that feeling in the chat room.

I am not against the GPC. I am against the idea that the GPC is the one and only rule.

9/25/2008 11:21:28 AM



Owen, correct or not, If people don't ask, then answers will never be given, Transparency comes with questions.
Now as far as The GPC being the one and only rule, That is not entirely fact, There are other clubs and weigh off's that follow their own rules, and that's their choice,
But to be recognized by the GPC, the GPC guidelines need to be followed. It really is that simple

9/25/2008 12:22:03 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

OK Eddy.

I may not agree with how people see the official rules (like to know how they came to be), but I will agree that each club is allowed to follow their own rules.

shake hands.

i hope yourz goez heavy.



9/25/2008 12:51:50 PM

Boy genius

southwest MO

What if anything will be done by the GPC!

This question is like asking what will NASCAR do about the speeders on my street?

The fact is you can grow a pumpkin and have it weighed anywhere... It can be as official or unofficial as you wish. This does not mean it will be recocnized by the GPC. As far as I know the GPC only recognizes site winners at its events. I do not believe the GPC keeps track of state records... In my opinion it would be stupid for the GPC to weigh in on this... It will have its hand full with 50+ sites to coalate and organize this year. If there is any issue at all here I think it invoves the folks from the state of Georgia NOT the GPC.

9/25/2008 12:53:01 PM



m3f2's original question was never answered.

If Georgia's new record was judged as sound & weighed on a certified scale with witnesses then it should be a valid "official" state record. The GPC isn't obligated to record the fruit on our website as our website is paid for by member weigh-offs for member weigh-offs.

I'm not sure I understand what else folks expect the GPC do with this information.

9/25/2008 3:50:41 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

I have to agree with Owen! Before the GPC arrived on the scene, who/what was the governing body for State records? State Fairs and the commerce scales littered across the states were the record keepers and we seldom saw a protest for a proclaimed State record. Who knows how many previous State record pumpkins might have been filled with water or otherwise doctored in some way?!

Does the State of Kentucky have a list of requirements on any given pumpkin before it's accepted and declared a State record? No! The State doesn't care and there's no requirement by any sanctioning body that says your pumpkin has to be this or that to be declared a State record. Try to find anything published or endorsed by the State of Ky in regard to pumpkins period, it's not there. Most if not all State records are kept by Fairs, clubs and individuals.

From the above posts and the other posts in regards to Jason's Record, one would think that in order to be declared a State record, a pumpkin would have to be weighed at a GPC event. I wholeheartedly disagree with that.

You know, the only people that really care about State Records are we the growers. If another grower wants to call his pumpkin the State Record, I could care less! He's not gonna get much from his claim anyway, just ain't that much at stake.

Now, I will say that I love the idea and processes of the GPC. I won't take my junk anywhere else to be weighed. All I'm saying is, we should be willing to accept non GPC methods in proclaiming State records AND non records. Heck, the GPC doesn't even track or list State records so why would we look to them for help in this regard?

Should the GPC get involved with Jason's pumpkin....no way.
Georgia nor Jason need the GPC to help him declare his record. It is the record as far as I'm concerned.


9/25/2008 4:04:33 PM

pumpkin pimp


love that post 1320.

9/25/2008 4:17:15 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Just occurred to me, Jason set the Georgia record last year...at a GPC event! It's his record to beat!

Thanks smoke! ;}

9/25/2008 4:37:01 PM


So let's say Jamie was from Georgia and he made the effort to get an "official weight" on his ummm, let's say 959.6 lb fruit. He did the weighing on a recently certified platform scales, had an "official" witness inspect the fruit for "soundness" (someone from the local agriculturial office for example), documented the whole affair with paperwork signed by that witness and others present for the actual weighing, took pictures of the weighing or better yet had the (gulp) news media present to film and photograph it.

Would Jamie then have a problem with Jason's record?

I think this is the point being hinted at in the other boards and the purpose of the post here. All fruit grown by growers familar with this site basically know what is expected for a "recognized" record these days. If that protocol is not followed there will always be questions and doubters as to the recognition of the data for that fruit. Always tainting the fact that yes Jason or others like him, grew an amazing pumpkin from the southern states, but he didn't exactly follow the accepted procedures.

The GPC wasting time and energy on state records and folks that can't attend a sactioned GPC site would be senseless IMO.

9/25/2008 4:45:16 PM



back to m3f2's question.I'd have to agree-conditionally.The more proof the weight(and soundness of the fruit) is legit the more i say it will be recognized as a "state record".the easiest way is to take it to a sanctioned pumpkin contest such as gpc.If theres not a convenient contest than one needs to get as much proof as possible to make that claim and theyll always be doubters.

9/25/2008 4:55:03 PM



Owen asked:

"My question is really quite simple. Who said that the GPC is "the" governing body."

My response is the same. The growers who patronize GPC weigh-offs have spoken. If growers accept the fair & balanced GPC rules then what are we concerned about?

My local ag-fair uses an antique tractor scale to weigh pumpkins that are sitting on pallets. Last year's winner was oozing slop from an obvious stinking rotten "soft spot". We accepted our defeat in kind. No one forced us to go to the fair. We knew the lax standards & went anyway. We wanted the fellowship of family & friends gathered but we weren't pressured to be there.

I could have pitched a fit over the rot. Some thought that I should have especially because of my GPC committee member status. But I have no authority at a Town's fair. I knew the limitations. We took our better fruit to Penfield & Topsfield both of which are credible GPC events.

To the fairs credit, they have since asked my opinion & got it. If their board decides to pony up the $100, I'll get them signed up as a GPC weigh-off & help them meet the required standards. That is the responsibility I accepted when accepting my board position. But the Fair's last year results will stand as recorded. What's done is done.

Honestly though, 99% of a small town fair's exhibitors don't really care about certified scales, rotting pumpkins or whether it was previously weighed. Plenty of State fairs don't care either. They don't know any better until their exhibitors speak up. Folks only care AFTER they themselves have been burned by foul play.

I know that the executive committee is always willing to look at specific concerns in the off season if those concerns come from credible concerns in a like fashion.

9/25/2008 5:11:44 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Great point Unk, I was going to address that concern but my reply was getting too long as it were. The scenario you described is likely the only one that would bring Jason's process into question, someone getting real close. If that were the case, I'd personally have to say that the certified scale weight should be recognized as the record holder.

I have an idea, let's find out if Jason still has his pumpkin....if so, let's all pitch in a few dollars and help him get it to a GPC event. Recognition of achievement is a fundamental GPC proclamation!

9/25/2008 5:42:41 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Tremor...class act! Good story, thanks for sharing.

9/25/2008 5:43:42 PM


Garden State Pumpkins

I gotta go with 1320....What's the state record of NJ. 919 lbs recorded last year at a public fair...Gancarz might be the last recognized GPC pumpkin from NJ but the state record weight is what the gentleman recorded last year in front of the public. Was it oozing, who knows, was it solid, who knows, Did they follow GPC directions, hopefully but I can't fault any grower from getting a non-GPC weight.

So let them weigh wherever they can. State records are state records. Are they GPC recognized..I don't think the guy who grew that pumpkin really cares....He got it weighed as best he could with all the good intentions of finding out what it weighed. AGGC has to make a new category OSRNGPCR. Official State Record Not GPC Recognized.

9/25/2008 6:37:22 PM

Team Wexler

Lexington, Ky

Great idea Alex

9/25/2008 7:37:14 PM

Pumpkin Farm

Going Green

I believe anyone having a big pumpkin yet alone a possible state record is going to have pictures and witnesses! I know that I have 200 pictures of my personal best! Taken from every angle, including the bottom side! Friends and family and officials were invited to inspect the pumpkin to make sure it is sound! What I am trying to say is.....I will do my best to document that my pumpkin is worthy of the record regardless of where it was weighed and not I may or may not have had a worthy pumpkin but I followed the minimum requirements....so there!

9/25/2008 10:34:55 PM

Jason D


May I say something in regards of records. I enjoy growing big pumpkins period if I earn a record by doing it then fine. If im not misstaken I grew the last record in Georgia at a GPC event. If someone next year grows a 959 pounder next year at a GPC event or a 955 pounder they can have the honors. Lee had a pumpkin tape at 700 something and weighed 920 and I never questioned him at all. I was one of the first to congragulate him. I grew one last year at a GPC event and won. Next year hopefully Ill grow one even bigger and definetly go to a GPC event. I think the GPC does a great job and probally are a very busy bunch...hats off to all the members. I did the best I could under the current guide lines to make it official. I inspect my pumpkins closer probally then any judge would im my biggest critic. My seasons done and im happy about the outcome I had a good year and look forward to hearing about all the monsters that will be weighed soon. Thank You to all

9/26/2008 9:28:50 AM


Garden State Pumpkins

Where's Pappy and Jeff?...Now that was fun!

9/26/2008 6:25:16 PM

Captain Cold Weather

Boulder County Colorado USA planet Earth

Last yr I heard of a grower in another state that entered his pumpkin in a gpc then entered the same pumpkin in a non gpc site. THATS BULL SH**

9/26/2008 8:27:43 PM

Pumpkin Farm

Going Green

Thanks for standing up Jason and saying...I did it right! That is all I needed was you to stand up for yourself and tell us your pumpkin was healthy and whole. Congradulations!

9/26/2008 11:29:17 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

First off Congrats on growing a massive pumpkin. As growers in SC we had simular problems in finding a suitable scale. We explored the option of using a truck size scales for weighing our pumpkin but learned that scales this size have a certain error margin. Do you know the error margin of the scale that you used and was it acceptable? We found out that the scale that we were gonna use had a margin of 20 lbs.( wich is a lot in setting records) And so we kept searching until we found a scale with an error margin of less then 1 pound. And prior to weighing had it calibrated unlike the larger scales. Again congrats on a great achievement and hopefully there will be more opportunities to weigh pumpkins officially in the South East in the comming years.

9/27/2008 12:07:57 AM

Jason D


The scale was tested with tractor weights and lifting weights at the same weight and was right on. The error of margin was very good Tina and Frank. Even if I took of 39 pounds it still is the record. It taped 900 pounds over and over and weighed 960. Next year ill be at a gpc sight with some more big-uns..Thank you to all.

9/27/2008 10:10:45 AM

Lee Taylor

Nicholls Georgia

jason we just need a gpc site here in ga ?

9/27/2008 12:46:41 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

I met Jason last year, at the 1st ever GPC weigh-off in Kentucky. I am so sad that Jason has been put thru all this BS!! He is a stand up guy, who I am sure is very proud of what he accomplished this year, and then to have been dragged thru the mud of this nonsense, is rediculous!!! I am sure that Jason will come thru next year, and make all of this nonsense seem ridiculous to all of us when he brings a 1K plus pkn to the scales in Nancy, or to the new (GPC) weighoff site in GA!!! Jason has been to a GPC weighoff and knows the rules. Peace, Wayne

9/28/2008 1:47:43 AM


Cochecton, NY

I guess one way to really test for cheating like the above mentioned "water filled" pumpkins, would be do score them like Boone & Crocket score deer antlers. Take measurements and weigh @ the time of harvest and post as a green score. Then do the same in two weeks and record as the official score. Boone and Crocket wait longer than two weeks, but antlers don't rot. I would think waiting two weeks would give a water laden pumpkin time to dry up a little. It is a tough area to really come up with a standard more detailed than the ones we have already. It pretty much good the way it is. As for the GPC being the only rule, it doesn't need to be that way. Certified scale with a couple of witnesses not connected to the grower would be fine.

9/30/2008 6:11:28 AM


Cochecton, NY

By the way, not saying Jason was cheating. I actually congratulate him on his efforts. I agree with Wayne. The guy should not have to deal with being dragged through the mud. Good Job Jason!

9/30/2008 6:28:43 AM

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