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Subject:  GPC Weigh-off Registration

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Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

I just put up the weigh-off registration form. Go to the GPC home page and click the link or go to:


I will be adding in the rest of the GPC sites over the next few days.

9/13/2007 9:24:16 PM

Andy W

Western NY

Thanks Ken.

For anyone going to the weighoffs listed so far, PLEASE take a minute to enter your info before you load up and go.

It makes it a LOT easier on the person in charge of putting the info into the computer at the weighoff if yours is already in there, and can save you a few minutes at the weighoff to do other things.

9/14/2007 8:34:37 AM

Dave & Carol

Team Munson

If you are going to a GPC weigh-off this is an awesome way to help the data entry person at your weigh-off(s). Ken has done another amazing job helping out the growers and GPC. Thank you for all of the hard work!!!!!!

9/14/2007 8:36:11 AM


Trumbull, CT 06611, USA

great job...this will save a tremendous amount of time...Ray

9/14/2007 9:15:46 AM



I would like to add something. LOL

There are still a lot of growers who are either don't own a computer or who are somewhat computer illiterate. If you know someone like this, please at least ask them to jot down some notes about their entry to speed their weigh-off entry.

This year the CT GS&PGA weigh-off at Penfield will NOT WEIGH A PUMPKIN unless the ENTIRE submission form has been filled out.

From the newest retired fellow to the HEAVIEST HITTERS I was inundated with incomplete entry forms last year. So I then spent hours on the phone running up cell minutes calling growers for their data.

Data Needed:

Growers name, address, phone number & email if applicable
BOTH parents of the entry (if known)
Date seed started
Date planted out
Date pollinated
Number of lobes (flower segments)
Placement on vine (example: 12' on main, 4th secondary, etc)

9/14/2007 9:59:17 AM

Andy W

Western NY

In addition to Steve's comments - I whipped up a generic entry form that some sites may want to use. It is based off the upload program screenshot, and was sent to my gpc weighoff contacts. If you would like a copy, just send me an email and i'll get it to you. It would be helpful in the event that your site needs an entry form, as it can double as a way to keep your entries straight, and also gather the info for the program.


9/14/2007 11:36:50 AM


Frankfort, KY

andy, I'd like that form please. anna.lucio@gmail.com :)

9/14/2007 1:43:16 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Are we meant to get some sort of confirmation notice after registering? I clicked "save changes" after adding all of my pumpkin info for tomorrow's weigh-off at Cornerstone. But, I was just taken back to the registration screen. So, I have no way of knowing if the registration went through or not.

Maybe you guys could add a "Thank you for registering" note so that growers don't try to register multiple times. My appologies if such a message exists and I just missed it :-)

9/14/2007 4:20:30 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

Once you have registered it should show up when you go back to the registration page. It will list all the weigh-offs your registered for.

9/14/2007 4:34:15 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

And, if I go back to the page now (assuming I'm logged in), should I still see the weigh-offs that I am registered for? I don't.

I don't mind registering again if I need to. I just don't want to mess anybody else up with duplicates.

9/14/2007 7:21:47 PM


Long Island,New York

first off...why would i tell anyone what Im bringing where before I show up? Its a contest and with multiple contests its not always who has the biggest but who brings the right one where. Secondly, its a pumpkin contest not a data contest. Many don't keep that data. And, if you say you cannot wieghoff if you dont have the info you'll get a whole lots more mis-info than ever. Rethink these "ultimatums" guys.......

9/14/2007 8:40:26 PM

Bohica (Tom)


I agree Glenn, lets keep this fun and not get too carried away.

9/14/2007 8:44:11 PM

pumpkinhead vic

Mt Vernon Ky

that would be good for guys that cant spell or wright there name like me

9/14/2007 9:10:10 PM

Andy W

Western NY

Glenn, if you're worried about your competition scheduling things around your pumpkins, then don't pre-register. It's not that complicated. It only adds an extra 2 minutes of work for you at the weighoff filling out the form, but it helps the poor schmuck sitting at the computer. These are not ultimatums, you don't have to do them. It just helps things run a little easier for the guys putting the effort into organizing a weighoff.

9/14/2007 9:34:46 PM


Long Island,New York

Andy....its just another point of view and you don't have to slam me and my smaller pumpkins in anger by mocking how others wouldn't schedule around mine. Thats pretty small.
Steve said its an ultimatum at the CT contest...thats what I'm mostly refering to. I'm all for making it as easy as possible for anyone.

9/14/2007 10:27:31 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

crammed, try looking below the registration box to see if there are any messages telling that some required fields are missing. Then just select the weighoff site from one dropdown and the class your entering from another dropdown. Everything else is optional.

9/14/2007 10:34:55 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Who sees this advanced registration information, anyway? I'd assume that this information is kept confidential until the pumpkin is weighed. So, I wouldn't expect it to be possible to "tip your hat" by registering early.

9/14/2007 10:39:47 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

I just tried again, filled in every box, and still just got sent back to the first page without seeing any results or error messages.

I am using IE6, if that help you guys troubleshoot.

9/14/2007 10:51:40 PM


Trumbull, CT 06611, USA

what is the big deal hear anyway....what Steve is trying to say is all info must be filled out, whether it is pre-registering or given at the day of weighoff (we have never had a problem, why is it a problem now). Have you ever tried to collect data at a weighoff? It is a friggin nightmare! The CT weighoff will assure that your pumpkin will be weighed. C'mom guys.....lets be real hear and stop moaning about every little thing.

9/15/2007 7:52:18 AM



I don't care if the registration forms are filled out here at BP in advance or if they get filled out on a desk at the weigh-off. All I'm saying is that we won't be weighing any entries that don't have the form completed.

We're not looking for the measurments prior to the weigh-off. That would spoil the fun. But having SOME of the information on file in advance would strealine the check-in. Name, address, phone numbers, email...it all takes time. I'll list the parents of my own entries to save time but other folks don't have to entter this data in advance.

We're all guilty of this. When growers arrive at the weigh-offs they make bee-lines to one anothers truck to see the squash & pumpkins. Then we all start flapping our gums. Before long we're running late & start rushing the pumpkins to the scales to try to keep the schedule.

I'm just as guilty as anyone else. LOL

Penfield is held on public propery with no early dropoff or night time security. So we have 3 hours to unload every truck, stage the entries & check-in every entrant.

I would rather start later this year than spend 9 hours on the phone over the next 3 days calling gowers for their data.

Pre-registration might help aleviate some of the time burden but it won't remove the burden entirely.

I agree this isn't a data contest. But the vast majority of growers appreciate the time the various site coordinators take to insure an accurate record. I'll weigh an orphaned fruit with no known parents. But if this is the case & the seeds are grown again we're only serving to muddy an already cloudy genetic picture.

How does concealing a fruit's hierarchy serve to better our cause? This just doesn't make sense to me.

9/15/2007 11:00:48 AM


Long Island,New York

Nope Steve...me either....Im a data junkie....but I said BEFORE in my post.

9/15/2007 11:48:44 AM


Sparta, NC

Will the data collected be shared with AGGC? That is where most of the AG genetics info is.

9/15/2007 12:59:03 PM


Long Island,New York

Yes...that would save alot of the data collecting time for data collectors and that seems to be what your after?

9/15/2007 1:21:56 PM


Long Island,New York

not yes to sams question...lol...sorry....just agreeing with him. Will data be sent to AGGC?

9/15/2007 1:22:41 PM


How soon are we supposed to have all this information entered after the weighoff??? I've been the "poor schmuck" in front of the computer twice now, and it IS a pain in the butt. This year our weighoffs very well may be entering in data that night, or the next day. That's why I'm asking how soon the GPC really needs it... we have all winter.

But... pre-registering helps the "poor schmuck" immensely. If every grower takes a minute to put in their data, that saves me a few minutes per grower as I enter in all the unfamiliar city names, zip codes, etc.

9/15/2007 2:38:24 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

From what I hear the AGGC gets the data from here anyway. Of course all the AGGC has to do is ask (but so far they have not).

9/15/2007 3:02:18 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

The registration data is not made public. It is given to the person designated by the GPC for each weigh-off site.

9/15/2007 3:03:58 PM

Andy W

Western NY

Glenn - I'm sorry you took offense, it was meant in a generic sense, and not at you directly. Like I said in chat, I doubted that you even looked at the pre-registration link because if you had, you would have noticed that you can't even enter your pumpkin measurements, so in addition to only one person seeing the information, they won't even know how big it is until you get there.

As far as the other comments regarding the AGGC, in the future I would like to see a tie-in between the AGGC, GPC, and bigpumpkins.com. Right now, we're busy with weighoff season. We will have to talk to all involved and look at the technology when things settle down later.

9/15/2007 5:03:12 PM


Spanish Ontario

REG. Fourm,s
IT,S got to the point that a few growers are complaining having to fill out a simple FORUM .IF it weren,t for the vollintiers at weighoff sites you still would be bitching it only takes 2 min. THE VOLLINTIERS would like to enjoy it also .IF some people don,t have a computer put it on a piece of paper an when you pay your REG FEE I KNOW FOR A FACT THEY WILL THANK YOU .IV,E seen it at port elgin /i didn,t have time .JUST MY TO CENT,S WORTH KEN MYERS

9/15/2007 7:09:13 PM



Thank you Ken Meyers. That's all we're looking for. :o)

Like Brigitte said, after the GPC weigh-off is over us schmucks sit in front of the computer for HOURS making the data entries that are later seen here at BP. We'd much rather kick back with a beer but we don't. The site coordinators agree to make these entries on a timely basis so that everyone else can enjoy the data on a timely basis. GPC membership has advantages to all parties except the data entry schmucks. LOL If the data entries are late we all look like fools. PLEASE make them on time, completely & accurately or delegate the task to someone who can.

As Andy points out, we have looked at linking certain databases but since no software has been agreed upon, no permissions have been sought since no data transfers will occur this year. If all agree that a juxtaposition of data is of value then the GPC will continue to explore this complicated venture. The various parties all have their own desired methods of tranfer each unique enough to screw the other parties up. LOL

It appears that Mike at AGGC has farmed data from the GPC data here at BP. The growers should voice concerns to Mike if they have a problem with this. I don't see a problem with it as long as none of us schmucks have made typing errors. I know that we have made errors but once made aware of errors we corrected them promptly.


9/15/2007 9:58:57 PM



The GPC feels strongly that the timely & accurate dissemination of weigh-off results is an important reward for the growers efforts. It serves as the permanent record that may be placed into a searchable database for the genetic curious or the serious breeder. We hope that the weigh-off organizers & the growers see this as a valid reason to be a part & patron of the GPC.

Yeah...It is a lot of work.

Yeah...we're all volunteers.

But after all the blood sweat & tears we shed growing these things, the GPC & our weigh-off partners think it's worth the extra effort to reward growers with good information on a timely basis.

9/15/2007 9:59:06 PM

Big Kahuna 25

Ontario, Canada.

Yes Thank you Mudflap, Brigitte, Steve, Andy and others. I am that poor schmuck today! I'm so tired from our event yesterday that I have been entering data a bit at a time and don't expect to finish fully until sometime on Monday. My growers were very diligent in providing the data during registration. My problem is I left the forms at the office after the after party. I did the same thing last year too!

My observation is that it's far easier for all if this information is provided at the registration desk or earlier on line by Kens great portal within BP.com. These events take a tremendous amount of effort for all of the organizers and sponsors. Anything to lighten the load is muchly appreciated by all of us.

I don't understand how any grower could be disingenuous about this process. It's just basic information and another small part of the game plan in what is a larger effort than most growers understand.

9/16/2007 6:41:41 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Looks like Russ may have taken full advantage of that beer van :-)

9/16/2007 7:56:56 PM

Big Kahuna 25

Ontario, Canada.

Yes, Marc that free beer van was a huge surprize and certainly helped sooth our chilled business caused by the poor weather on weigh-off day.

9/17/2007 7:51:16 AM


western PA

i cant get onto the registration page??? it wants my password, and after i give it, it goes back to the bp.com main page????

9/21/2007 9:06:53 PM

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