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Subject:  GPC WEB SITE NOW OPEN!!!!!

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Dave & Carol

Team Munson

I am proud to announce the NEW GPC WEB site is now open for public viewing. It is still a long way from being complete but it has vital weigh-off site info on it with interactive map. Please cruise the site at www.greatpumpkincommonwealth.com we look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions about the site so feel free to post.

8/30/2007 9:39:44 AM

Andy W

Western NY

Please make sure check out the link to the interactive map:


You'll need something a little faster than dialup, but it's something i've put a lot of work into. It's based off Google maps, so you can zoom in/out, even get the detailed aerial photo overlay where it's available. All pins are set exactly to the weighoff site, some right down to where the scale sits.

This way, you can click on a pin to bring up the site's information, and even get complete driving directions by entering your address, or clicking on the map to select a starting point.

If you have any specific questions about the map, please email me.

8/30/2007 10:52:48 AM

Brooks B


Fantastic job Andy,thanks for taking the time to do that, I know it had to be real time consuming from the looks of all that info you needed to enter. Again, FANTASTIC JOB OL-BUD!

8/30/2007 1:05:59 PM

Brooks B


Dave, also thanks to you aswell, I know you have alot of time into the site aswell.

8/30/2007 1:26:21 PM



I need weigh-off pictures for the website too.

The GPC wants to showcase the grower & his/her fruit AS WELL AS the event itself. Most of us do a pretty good job of photographing each fruit while it's on the scale. But let's try to also get the site's name posted near the scales too. We'd also like the GPC banner to be visible too.

We also to see a general overview from every GPC weigh-off so that we can showcase each one in the searchable "find a weigh-off" pages that we're building. Each GPC weigh-off will have it's own page so site coordinators should focus on getting some clean "crowd excitement" images to me.

It can be tough to capture the moment of excitement at a weigh-off. At the same time the crowd is going nuts at a record announcement, the photographer often finds themselves also cheering or worse, ready to shoot but blocked by jubilant viewers/other growers who are jumping up & down.

Look at this image I caught when Ron's 1502 was announced:


If I had that moment to do over again I would have tried to be elevated.

This one from Ray:


Ray got what is my favorite excitement image of that event & he was sitting within 10' of me. He thought to zoom in on Ronny for a better overall effect.

That said, we both managed to miss the "GPC banner" as well as the "Frierich's Farm" sign. If we were pro photographers we would have captured ALL of the elements of a successful marketing quality image....but we didn't because we're NOT pros.

Ideally weigh-offs should all have 3 dedicated photographers since one will always be screwing around not taking pictures at any given moment. Likewise the different camera angles can make identical moments look very different. Factor in a matter such as dead batteries & you can well imagine how important it is to have mult

8/31/2007 12:57:32 AM



That's a really nice map of everything, I think it's the longest address I have ever entered into a computer search.

9/1/2007 10:06:47 PM



There is no need to type the url. Highlight the url with a left click & drag. Once it's lit up, right click. Then left click "copy". Then right click & paste it into the address bar.

9/1/2007 11:49:58 PM



Learn something new everyday, highlight the url with left click & drag, it worked. Save alot of time that way.

9/5/2007 11:53:01 AM

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