GPC News
Subject: your opinion is needed - site and club reps
Date Posted
pap |
Rhode Island
this message is for all giant pumpkin weigh off sites / clubs world wide ,large or small. i plan on bringing the subject of expansion up for discussion at our steering committee winter meetings.
my question for you folks that have an influence or can speak for your present club and/or weigh off site is this?
what would it take to get your organization into the gpc?
a rule change ? a lower yearly fee? if so what is your suggestion? how would you feel about a progressive fee scale? one that carried limited awards participation based on your club/sites contribution? a lower fee for existing sites?
ladies and gentleman the bottom line is this. the great pumpkin commonwealth is an organization that every site in the world should have the affordability to join. regardless of size, grower strength or working capital. this is my belief.
one common set of rules and regulations, one place for records keeping and information sharing ( bp).
a lot more can be accomplished but it will take your input and membership to strengthen the site numbers ,which in turn will strengthen our desirability to corporate sponsorship.
thank you your comments are greatly appreciated
dick wallace sngpg/gpc
12/23/2005 9:24:03 AM
Andy W |
Western NY
Speaking as a representative from a site that made the top 5 this year, i'd first like to say the GPC did a great job handling things.
Speaking as someone who is also trying to help a few smaller local weighoff sites to succeed, I have this to offer:
- the smaller sites usually have less money to spend, and entry fee money will be taken from direct prize money payouts. a lower entry fee ($200 ?) could be offset by the lack of a $150 return for 1st, and reducing the number of ribbons.
- the rules (to me) seem to be crafeted with overall fairness in mind. overall, i don't see much that needs to be tweaked.
- I wouldn't necessarily favor a lowered buy-in for existing sites, but it might be a good idea to convince a few to stay on. for example, (if it doesn't affect the budget too much) existing sites (who have been paying 500/yr) could renew for 450/yr for the next couple years, then 400/yr after that. you would need to set a minimum or else you would run out of money after a certain amount of time.
I think that you can form a Class I and Class II type of weighoff based on the expected pumpkin turnout, and let the sites buy in accordingly, while still keeping it fairly simple.
12/23/2005 10:26:41 AM
the gr8 pumpkin |
Norton, MA
I'm not a weighoff rep. or anything really but what about an entry fee into the GPC based on the # of entrants X a certain number of easily gettable growers X a flat entrance fee. The certain # would be a # that when X by the existing # of entrants would forecast the number of attendees in 5 - 10 years. This has it's problems because Topsfield this year went down in entries by a big %. But it could work well for new weigh offs. The current attendees would try to recrute more growers, wich would better the sport and the site, because the more growers the more memberships paid and maybe with entrance fees alone the site could pay for GPC memberships in 3 years instead of the forcasted 5. From then on all the extra memberships could go into prizes and better equipment and things.
Example: AleX And Friends Weighoff (AAFW) is new in 2006. We have 10 people who pay their entry fees which would have to be due early in that year to get all the info to the GPC. In my area it would be EASY for each member to recrute 3 new members to enter next year, and 1 each year for 5 years after. Our # would be 8 (8 being the # of growers that we could easily get predictably) 10 original X our #8 = 80 + original 10 = 90. Now in 2012 there are 90 entrants, though not big pumpkins at first so we are expected to pay 450$ (90 X 5$ flat fee) to the GPC yearly. We enter the GPC in 2006 and have 10 X 5$, or 50$, or 1/9 of what we need to get to our 450$, so we get sponsors and have auctions to pay for the other 400$ and prizes (small at first). In 2007 we have 40 entrants (10 X first entrants year 3 recrutes each = 30 + original 10 = 40) or 200$, we now only need 250$ plus prizes this year. In 2012 we pay for all the GPC costs with entrance fees alone, now any more money + sponsors = prizes and stuff. AleX Noel.
12/23/2005 12:41:52 PM
moondog |
What about a per pumpkin entry fee? Although it could be a logistical nightmare.
12/23/2005 1:58:34 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
I think you should bring back the plaque for the site winners. There wasn't any this year here...they said it was done away with? Wasn't that supplied by the GPC out of site dues?????
12/23/2005 3:26:29 PM
George J |
Roselle, IL
We have talked about it at our last couple IGPGA meetings, and every time it gets knocked down. The main stumbling point being the $500 sign up fee. We have solid rules, regs, and a prize money structure. I am not sure how having the GPC involved would help us. I am proud to say we built this thing from the ground up. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from having a past pumpkin organization involved with our weigh-off sites Sincerely, George Janowiak
12/23/2005 5:30:48 PM
pap |
Rhode Island
glenn we did away with the plaque for each sites champion in favor of top ten ribbons, sponsor plaques and $150.00 winners check to each site.only so much money to spread around.
george i dont blame you for feeling that way. no one wants someone from the outside telling you what to do. thats why we have three people from each site that can represent their group. each gpc site is asked to provide a site rep, grower/club rep and site coordinator. these three not only represent their site ,but also nominate and vote on steering committee replacements in their area. i know some of your growers personally, and would welcome them into our organization. we would not expect to tell you how to run your weigh off or what to award, etc. the only thing we ask is that everyone follow the same set of rules mostly regarding how pumpkins are judged and far as an entrance fee being the main stumbling block we will be looking to decrease that.
andy point well taken. i have thoughts along those same lines.
moondog, something like a per pumpkin entry fee might be a real nightmare as you pointed out. im kinda thinking a graduated fee for the years one and two with year three being the final step. the gpc could give out site awards based on each sites monetary contribution?
( my thoughts only ,i am not speaking for the remaining gpc brothers ) dick
12/23/2005 6:53:10 PM
Dave McCallum |
Dick; I think plaques for the sponsors missed there mark this year in many cases. Many weigh-off sites have several sponsors and they felt it would be discrimenitory to offer it to one and not the other. Let the sites honor their sponsors in there own way at home where recognition will be better appreciated.I say scrap the sponsor plaques and use the money to reduce fees. Dave McCallum
12/23/2005 7:38:00 PM
pap |
Rhode Island
good point dave. i agree, i wish we had thought of this last year.
12/24/2005 8:12:50 AM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
Plaques to sponsors the year I people wonder why I don't do raffles or luck at all here.
12/24/2005 8:50:34 AM
Tremor |
Regarding the sponor's placque. We ended up with a dead 3-way tie for first place in sponsorship revenue. One of those 3 sponsors had requested anonymity which made not giving it to them easy enough. So I went back to the other 2 & asked for more money! LOL It worked but was still a hastle.
I would prefer to see the money spent on a merketing promotion & a media tool-kit. I think that a profesionally prepared promotional folder would lend greater credibility to ALL of the weigh-off organizers.
I have more to contribute to this concept but it should be discussed privately. Would the GPC steering chairs prefer email? Waiting for Niagara is waiting too long. The off-season isn't nearly as long as it seems.
Happy Holidays!
12/24/2005 10:30:06 AM
Dave McCallum |
Sure Steve : Send us your thoughts. Sounds like a good idea. Dave
12/24/2005 11:09:52 AM
iceman |
Is there an information package available for new sites, what do you offer etc. If so can you please send me one Eddy
12/24/2005 11:41:13 AM
turkeyman |
Elk Grove,Ca USA
Brother Dave and Dick Agree with your thoughts completely. Steve brings up a good point. Promotional package to site coordinators promoting the gpc, individual sites, interested sponsors, interest sites looking to join gpc, etc. What the the gpc does for you. The question for the pumkin world is how we continue to grow this organization, wisely,efficiently and economically with the resources we have available.
12/25/2005 2:49:02 AM
sambo |
Sparta, NC
I would also be interested in a information package.
12/25/2005 8:43:58 AM
Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings |
Menomonie, WI (
I would ask as this Organization grows....that it doesn't forget who the growers are. Along with the time and effort involved. We see it to often in the media, they focus on the pumpkin and not the grower. Without one you can not have the other.
12/25/2005 9:14:25 AM
pap |
Rhode Island
at present we have no formal information package. basicly as with most organizations the fees received were re- directed back to its membership. we chose to reward each sites top ten growers with ribbons, $150.00 to each sites winner, and individual top ten gpc, top five true orange and top squash. all were major improvements from the previous payout pkgs.
we will start the 2006 campain with a bit under $250.00 in our account.
until such time as informational packages are affordable interested parties can review all our revisions for 2005 rules and regulations on this sites "gpc home page". you may also review the 2005 awards program and other information on this message board.
12/25/2005 2:25:03 PM
the gr8 pumpkin |
Norton, MA
250$ in the whole GPC? What? AleX Noel.
12/25/2005 8:46:48 PM
pap |
Rhode Island
one additional piece of information is that its my belief our steering committee also should look at expanding its governing body at some point.
we really need a european rep and also one or two more between canada and the usa.( id rather have a small piece of a big pie than a big piece of a small one. how about you? the bottom line is competition fair and equal for everyone.
a set of records that contain all giant pumpkins weighed world wide, rather that a some here and there.
a true world competition that rewards clubs in competition against each other as well as individual achievment.
this type program should promote team spirit within the site/club rather than individuals competing agains one another.
12/25/2005 11:04:49 PM
Edwards |
Hudsonville, Michigan (
Dick: For the record, what is the current 'art of the deal' for GPC sites? How much does the weigh off site pay in fees? And what do they get in return?
12/26/2005 3:41:23 PM
Marv. |
On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.
The GPC has the same problem as every other not-for-profit all-volunteer organization. Without resources it is difficult to do much. The $250 bank account says it all. Without resources, and yes that is money, it will be nearly impossible to accomplish much at all in the way of progress, whatever that is. Will more members solve the dillema? Not unless someone like Bill Gates joins and want to lend a financial hand. At one time I believed a wealthy sponsor would be the answer. That was until I contacted the Libby's Company of pumpkin fame and found out how little interest they had. The GPC needs to find a way to raise money for the organization or it will never grow to what some of the members and steering committee see as possible. If that bank account had $100,000 in it we would not be having this discussion.
12/26/2005 4:08:50 PM
George J |
Roselle, IL
A GPC seed auction would generate a lot of money. Some of the best growers and seeds belong to this group.
12/26/2005 4:23:40 PM
iceman |
I was going to send an email but I think this forum is better. So I will list some questions Edwards asked a few of these above 1) what do I get for the $500.00 entry fee? 2) what do I have to do to join? 3) Why were ribbons only passed out for pumpkins and not Squash? 4) why were there only prize money's for the largest pumpkin and not squash? 5)Why should a small market weigh off out of the prime growing zone join when they have no chance a winning your prize money for true color? 6) has there been an attempt at signing up an anchor sponsor(corporate sponsor) and if so, is there a dollar amount in mind? 7)How many sites are presently on board,and what is your goal for numbers in the next few years?
I'd like to just start there, as these are questions I and other growers have. And yes I could find answers to a few of the questions, but I think that the more questions and answers are put on this post, the better it will be for everyone. Also if some of these questions are (none of my business) that's fine too. Thanks Eddy
12/26/2005 6:02:41 PM
Marv. |
On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.
It is my understanding that anyone who weighs anything at a GPC site automatically becomes a member of the GPC. So, all you have to do to join is bring something to a weigh-off.
12/26/2005 6:30:58 PM
the gr8 pumpkin |
Norton, MA
Is there a GPC newsletter? I'm saying for example: I pay my dues to the NHGPGA and I get 4 newsletters a year + other stuff. I am a NEPGA and SNGPG member also, and those take care of the Topsfield and Frerichs Farm weighoffs, which are both GPC weighoffs so I am elligeable for GPC money and I guess that means I must be a member of the GPC, but I've never gotten any contact directly from them? AleX Noel.
12/26/2005 9:04:31 PM
Marv. |
On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.
The reason you have never gotten anything from the GPC is because they only are dealing directly with the site representative, correct me if I am wrong. The site representative is responsible for overseeing the weigh-off and reporting the winners and watching to see that everything is done properly. The only money the GPC gets froma anywhere is the site fee. They really have no other source of income that I am aware of, again, correct me if I am wrong. So they really don't have the budget to put together a newsletter and I don't think they know everyone's address if they did. It is a loosely knit organization operating on a shoestring budget. They need direction and resources, ie knowing where the membership wants to go and the money to get there. I think the Executive Committee is asking for direction and help.
12/26/2005 9:28:37 PM
Edwards |
Hudsonville, Michigan (
In lieu of a newslettter, check out the GPC results page here on BP. Very nice to have access to all those results...
12/27/2005 7:05:27 AM
Dave McCallum |
Please funnel your thoughts through your site and grower representatives so we can deal with them at the steering committee level. Dave McCallum
12/27/2005 8:45:08 AM
Tremor |
I think it is important to remember that the GPC is NOT a club. It is an accepted (mostly) regulatory body that serves to move our sport/hobby forward by creating & enforcing standards. The nice part of the GPC is that it is using positive enforcement (prize money) to promote adherance to these standards.
The next step is to wean itself away from the growers & our constant crying & move toward the area of promotional organization.
12/27/2005 3:01:27 PM
pap |
Rhode Island
i could not have said it better than steve jepson did in the above commentdated 12-27-2005. THE GPC IS NOTING MORE THAN A REGULATORY ORGANIZATION. ONE THAT TAKES INPUT FROM ITS SITES AND CLUBS IT REPRESENTS, MAKES THE NECESSARY CHANGES THAT ALLOWS EVERY GIANT PUMPKIN ORGANIZATION THE OPPORTUNITY TO JOIN IN. keeping this goal in mind and listening to our site and club reps comments we have changed our gpc entrance fee to accomodate small as well as large organizations. whether you are rich or poor, big or small, starting up or downsizing we want you in our organization. the goal of your gpc is to create a body of rules that allows everyone a fair weigh off and records keeping system. secretary dave mc callum will be posting these new entrance fees along with additional changes asap. i will state now however, that new or existing sites can either join up or drop down to the entry level $100.00 yearly fee as they see fit. there will be three levels of membership. each level has a appropriate award program attached to it. MANY OF YOU HAVE SAID YOUR ORGANIZATION WOULD LIKE TO JOIN BUT COULD NOT AFFORD THE $500.00 ----- WE HAVE RESPONDED TO YOUR WISHES dick wallace
2/2/2006 7:48:01 AM
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