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Subject: What is ballot harvesting?
Date Posted
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ballot-harvesting-collection-absentee-voting-explained-rules/ I had no clue because I dont think its legal in my state! I remember the old days of voting booths but my state is vote-by-mail now. There was some concern this would make it harder for some people to vote, or too easy for some people to cast illegitimate votes. But people that dont get a ballot in the mail can still fill one out on election day at the courthouse and that's basically the same thing as a voting booth. No long lines or malfunctioning machines here... I'm glad I live in a state where I more or less trust the voting system, otherwise I think I would want to move elsewhere.
11/13/2022 9:53:24 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
There is an example of how it could go wrong... The example is how Republicans misused it (of course). But nevertheless, it is an admission that it could be misused. Its biased, but least the truth is there.
11/19/2022 12:59:10 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
If you read it you'll know what I mean...
11/19/2022 1:00:06 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
When folks like Donald Trump come along to try to upset the demonic ways of the elite in Washington DC, the powers that be, will come up with anything they can think of to help retain their iron grip on the power structure of the world. Ballot harvesting is just one example. Donald Trump lost his second election by a very narrow margin. I believe most folks are smart enough to know, he would have easily won if the election had been totally fair & the fact that Joe Biden had been selling his influence through Hunter has not been covered up. Too bad it is not a fair world.
1/15/2023 10:24:59 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Its a nutty world and I don't understand why the cream no longer floats to the top.
1/16/2023 4:49:37 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
The best don't come to the top because outside money controls politicians. We need strict term limits in Congress & laws against political lobbying, for a start.
1/16/2023 7:30:59 AM
fisherray |
Western NY
So RGG, Please explain exactly where the election wasn't fair. Trump is part of the elite and it blows me away that any one is gullible enough to believe his BS.
1/16/2023 8:25:55 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
Gritty, ballot harvesting is not prohibited in Washington State.
1/16/2023 8:29:57 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
We vote by mail so it would seem to raise a red flag to have 3rd parties handling ballots. I don't care if Trump is part of the elite if he is the part that truly cares. Seems to me that since he was a victim of FBI bullying himself, he might truly care, at least about that issue...
1/16/2023 8:53:53 PM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Fisherray, your mind is made up & there is no changing it. I don't appreciate closed minds or arguing with them. So rather than deal with your negativity, I will block you. Have a nice life.
1/16/2023 10:27:34 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
RGG, That is hilarious! Some one makes a false statement and then gets offended when asked to clarify. My mind changes when presented with facts and no I am not brain washed by any political party or members there of and yes my mind is made up just like real conservatives that they will never back the biggest Con Man, Fraud and Traitor this country has ever seen.
1/17/2023 10:28:00 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
It's sad when someone fails to be perfect. Oh but wait, thats all of us.
1/17/2023 3:21:18 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Getting a bit off topic but it raises an interesting question of whether we should go through life looking for perfection and seeking it, or to just expect failure upon failure and to forgive both ourselves and others... What if its all just two sides of the same coin.
1/17/2023 4:02:03 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
Nobody is perfect but to believe that the election was stolen is far beyond comprehension for most people.
1/17/2023 7:50:39 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
For some of us, the cheating or being cheated is well within our comprehension.
1/17/2023 8:57:02 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
If you feel cheated can you please explain exactly where and how there was cheating? Not I have a feeling or it doesn't seem right. If you were cheated it was because of republicans as they are the ones who are in control of elections in the 5 states that were said to be fraud.
1/17/2023 9:32:41 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
If any one thought the 2020 election was fraudulent then i assume you all volunteered to work your local elections to understand how it works and make sure there was no fraud committed. LOL!!!
1/17/2023 9:34:25 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I have screenshots on my phone where the number of precincts reporting went down while the number of votes for Biden went up. Plus there were vote graphs that showed bumps for Biden but not for Trump. How exactly does that happen, when normal votes are counted? The graphs should all be smooth there shouldn't be a bump up on one candidates tally and no bump on the other candidates tally. All I know is what I saw. If you don't look for the truth, you wont see it. We live in a world where you can see pretty much whatever you want to see. And you can believe pretty much whoever you want to believe.
1/18/2023 1:46:06 AM
fisherray |
Western NY
Screen shot? When you find actual proof and not something made up get back to me.
1/18/2023 9:09:31 AM
Fisheray; Can you give me actual proof that Brandon won fair and Square and dont give me anything madeup, cause Brandon told you so
1/18/2023 10:56:51 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
What goes around comes around. Someday you'll think something is unfair, and no one will care.
1/18/2023 12:20:14 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
* I should say no one in power will care. Lots of people care, but aren't in position where it matters. But a few, like Elon, can breach the fortress of lies, if only for a moment.
1/18/2023 12:48:36 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
OLD-ROOKIE, You can start with this and go state by state,county by county or district by district. https://www.foxnews.com/elections/2020/general-results
1/18/2023 3:32:15 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
I could go on and on about staunch republicans that knew trump lost because our elections are the most secure around.
Sorry if people can be brain washed by a marketing master and not look at the actual facts. Again if you think it was rigged then you are accusing thousands of good republicans of rigging it in favor of Brandon which isn't going to happen and if you doubt the election then you need to volunteer on election day and see how it works.
1/18/2023 3:43:29 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
Plus all the states that a recount was requested got recounted with observers from both sides and not one was even close to being overturned. 60 plus law suits were filed and all but 1 went against trump and his crack law team. Even SCOTUS shot their asses down!
1/18/2023 3:51:00 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I won? Yeah, that can't be true.., I'm not THAT popular.
-Brandon (...is my real name.)
1/18/2023 4:57:16 PM
This does not prove HE won fair and square Fish, this is all BLAH BLAH BLAH Blah Blah from you
1/18/2023 5:34:48 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Thats enough u guys. Innocent until proven guilty... I'm sure Bidens downfall (or lack of) or Trump's vindication (or lack of) is well known to God and us mortals are probably not going to get any more candy trying to hit that pinata.
1/18/2023 6:49:16 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
OLD-ROOKIE, It's not my problem people have comprehension issues. You can stay in your bubble and believe an admitted fraud and I will believe true conservatives who stood their ground against the tards.
1/18/2023 7:12:28 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
Yes the person who has been constantly beaten by the media, two impeachments because of a phone call in which he was questioning the president of Ukraine about the involvement of the Bidens in the country, which was swatted down by the Senate, and who was raided by the FBI for possessing documents that both parties were aware of, and were being stored in a locked safe as per the request of the FBI. That definitely sounds like a person who is part of the establishment, being protected from scrutiny.
1/18/2023 8:13:32 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
Fisherray elections so secure, that if you question the results you're labeled an election denier. It's a pretty clear precedent in American history that elections should be held under the highest scrutiny, and recounts/investigations are common. It was only recently that we adopted the notion that you should bury your head in the sand if you notice any anomalies.
1/18/2023 8:19:26 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Good swing pg3. Maybe I was wrong, because I think you did knock out some candy there...
But, I think fisher doesnt like candy much.
1/18/2023 8:59:19 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
Well the idea that American elections are inherently secure and indubitable and should not be questioned puzzles me. If it weren't for the vigilance and high standards imposed by the American people on our elections, I have no doubt the slimy politicians on both sides of the isle would do everything within their power to ensure they can keep and accumulate that power. That's the problem with allowing the people who want power to seize it. Sometimes the people most suited to power are those that do not seek it. George Washington was growing old, weary, and suffering health complications after abdicating his role as leader of the continental army. He wished nothing more than to retire to Mount Vernon, and never again participate in politics. He refused even to attend the Constitutional Convention, until he was reluctantly persuaded to do so by James Madison and Henry Knox. He was unanimously elected President of the convention, and subsequently the United States, because of the respect he had earned from each of the 13 colonies during the Revolutionary War; the perfect leader to unite the fragmented colonies under one federal government. He left office after only two terms, setting a precedent that was not broken until FDR during WWII, which itself resulted in a constitutional amendment limiting the presidency to two terms.
Why go on this long rant about the first President? Because American politics has been on a long downward trajectory, and has become increasingly dominated by figures seeking to attain money and power. There are very few politicians who enter Washington with good intentions, and fewer still who leave with them. So is it any wonder we question the integrity of the election?
1/18/2023 11:57:51 PM
pg3 |
Lodi, California
A related aside: people are becoming increasingly alienated with each-other based on political affiliation. But the more I watch politics, the more I get the feeling its all an act to pit the American people against each-other, such that they can be more easily dominated. Party affiliation does not guide my trust of a politician, they're all pretty terrible.
1/18/2023 11:58:02 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
In terms of the USA, MAGA has been demonized/ostracized by the left but I dont see anything wrong with having a strong country. Trump rubs people the wrong way, but why does having America be strong and secure rub people the wrong way... from my perspective, it's nuts. The way I see it, if the media told people that apple pie was toxic, some people would believe it. Not every fear is rational. Fear is the main what trips people u, on both on the left and on the right.
The media are skilled manipulators... their business model is to get you to buy things you dont really need, after all. and to do this they need to get you to believe things you dont really need to believe.
1/19/2023 5:59:37 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Politically, I see more of the mind control crap on the left than on the right. But of course that hardly meams the right is immune from it.
There are more salespeople than there is good product to sell, unfortunately. We saw that with the covid response. We got sold a bunch of products that werent any better than taking some vitamin c or vitamin d.
1/19/2023 6:04:45 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Alas, far off topic and if some people want to believe apple pie is toxic, maybe we shpuld just let them. It gets really complicated when you have to choose between apple and cherry. According to the deep state, cherry pie is also toxic. Pretty sure its all just nonsense.
1/19/2023 6:11:25 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
In three out of the past six presidential elections we have had both democrats and republicans complaining about our presidential elections and how they are run. In 2000 and 2016 the democrats said the election was unfair. In 2000 the republicans say it was unfair. What gives?
1/19/2023 7:12:42 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Meant to say 2020 the republicans said it was unfair.
1/19/2023 7:13:15 AM
fisherray |
Western NY
Ashton, questioning elections does not make some one a denier as we should always question elections but when people accuse others who work hard to secure our elections and put their lives on the line because of irrational people based on fantasy and lies that is when it becomes a danger.
1/19/2023 7:31:32 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
Aston, I agree with much of what was stated above except about Trump as he wasn't just requesting info about the Biden's he withheld congressionally approved aid which is against the law. The second impeachment was for exactly what you said you are against and that is trying to seize and hold onto power at any cost.
1/19/2023 7:41:22 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
If fisherray was equally critical of the Democrats, he would make sense. The fact is he dumps every national and societal problem onto Trump and thats simply not accurate.
1/19/2023 9:06:26 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Plenty of good sober hardworking people voted for Trump. And to these people, there remains no good reason to vote for the Democrats.
1/19/2023 9:08:19 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
Hey Gritty, Brandon is a terrible president and an embarrassment.
The border fiasco is a joke and Biden needs to do something about it.
I love what Abbott and Desantis are doing in shipping the illegals to northern cities to spread the pain. All illegals who are crossing the border should be shipped back to where they came from till they fill out proper paper work and get in line to come here. (our laws don't allow it)
Some blm leaders and there ilk should be in jail.
Police budgets in high crime areas should increase at least 25%.
If most of the scum that are killed by police had done what they were told and weren't high as $hit they would be alive.
The only good gun control is when you hit the bullseye.
Gov Hochul of NY, and her ilk, should be in jail for passing cashless bail. I could go on about how crappy dems are and its not all trumps fault as you stated.
1/20/2023 6:26:44 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
Gritty, hopefully these good hard working people come to there senses and pick Desantis in the primary. Trump and his team will be 4 time losers if they dont.
1/20/2023 6:29:16 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I'm not the wisest person but I do think all those who want to live here should have the same rights as everyone else and live by the same rules.
1/21/2023 3:41:59 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Immigration in (and out) COULD make the USA a stronger, better place to live. If I had values or a skillset not suited to living in the USA, maybe I could swap places with someone else, it could be a win-win for everyone, ha ha.
1/21/2023 3:51:14 AM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
Cristian nationalism AKA Ku Klux Klan embraced by Marjorie Taylor Greene
1/23/2023 7:34:53 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Trump declared them a terrorist org, and rightfully so. I wont judge Marjorie just because she stands up for her beliefs. Standing for ones beliefs doesnt necessarily harm anyone. The Christians like George W. are the ones you need to fear?? And maybe that guy Pompeo... Because those types of Christians will send you, your kids, your friends on pointless ungodly crusades??? I lost a friend to their foolery.
1/23/2023 8:53:32 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Authoritarian States dont like Christians because Christians believe in a power other than the State. If you want to live somewhere that the Political State is G-d then either move, or keep voting to get rid of Christianity here in America.
1/23/2023 9:39:49 PM
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