Other Non-Pumpkin Related
Subject: January 6 Hearings
Date Posted
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
What a complete & total sham !
6/10/2022 3:37:38 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Lets see if Democrats can solve a single real world problem.
6/10/2022 7:44:20 AM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
We have multiple huge issues at hand including inflation, gas prices, Russia, surging crime, mass shootings etc, and Biden had not talked in an interview in 100 days. He finally goes on the leftist Jimmy Kimmel show... what a true leader. They are focusing on nothing and voters will show it in November.
A recent CNN poll has the dems getting the worst beat down in the house and senate midterms in 80 years. If that's what CNN predicts padding reality, imagine the real outcome.
6/10/2022 8:19:40 AM
Walking Man |
formerly RGG
Smallmouth, isn't it wonderful ?
6/10/2022 8:29:40 AM
HankH |
Did you know that the #1 cause of death for 18-45 yo males is drug overdoses! I will bet FJB does know this, but does NOT care. There is not one family in America that has not been affected by this tragedy Fjb is endorsing! His own son is on the s%#t and he does not care. Yet 2,400,000+ have walked in and been given free plane rides all over the country in his time in office. No VAX. No tests. FJB does NOT care. Fjb brags on creating 350,000 jobs. He better get snapping and create another 2 million just to give the illegals he let in work. Then he can get us some jobs. All American citizens can NOT re-enter their country without a passport and until you test out of the dreaded china virus. PERIOD. I had a friend it costs him a fortune on being held up on a false positive. America last I guess.
One more thing. On election day Nov 2019 I filled up my duelly for $179.9 at Thornburg Citgo, Va. Yesterday it was $4.89.9. They just cancelled almost all new oil leases through 2023. look it up. gas and food will double AGAIN before his term is over. Sadly there is going to be a lot of hunger and famine across the world because of Fjb
6/10/2022 10:22:23 AM
Still waiting for the Summer of Love hearings , Where they burnned up the town, beat and raped the town folk. Kamela had a go fund me to get the Rioters out of jail so they can return and beat innocent people again!!!
6/10/2022 12:30:56 PM
Fissssh |
Simi valley, ca
If you guys don't like these problems ? You should start looking at the real cause of them ! But i realize that will most likely never happen with people so far out of touch with reality !!!
6/10/2022 12:55:51 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
The cause doesnt matter. Whats the real solution. Democrats are so busy blaming, they have lost the ability to solve. Two years of total control and nothing to show for it.
6/10/2022 1:17:20 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
fisssh, They are dinking around with solar panel tariffs. Isnt there anything else they could do? I am fine with a small, inactive government, but the flipside is, then we arent really getting what we are paying for! Plus its just obvious thats not going to sweep America off her feet.
6/10/2022 1:41:13 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Political perspectives.
6/13/2022 1:54:45 AM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
Can’t argue with most of the above. I’ve spent $800 on gas for my truck in less than a month. Biden may be an impotent President in terms of solving the issues that matter to us most, but a sham, hardly. People claim to have faith in the Constitution, but do they really? “Hang Mike Pence” for what? Something he couldn’t do if he wanted. Call to Brad Raffernsberger- “ I need you to find one more vote than Biden got” Audit after audit- nothing. Is your system so weak that it could be overcome by a Machivelian plot that would leave no evidence except for speculation and far right conjecture or maybe he just lost like so many before him. He’s the only one who can’t accept the fact that he lost, like McCain, Romney, Clinton, Carter, Bush etc. If it helps, he’ll probably win in 2024 if he runs, although if he loses it will be rigged of course. You’re better than this.
6/14/2022 11:21:03 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
And accusation after accusation... it seems nothing has really stuck to Teflon Trump. Nevertheless, the greatest happiness of the left is still to bash Trump and his supporters. Nothing floats their boat higher than that. You'd think since the Democrats are in power they'd want to use that power to do something... better. But no.
6/15/2022 2:57:03 AM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
Inflation over 8%, 401Ks bottoming out, and all the peewees out there talk about Trump still.
Teflon Trump, classic, never heard that. I am assuming that is a reference to the real Teflon Don, Gotti.
6/15/2022 9:19:04 AM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Deny. deflect, and distract. Those liberal policies are working like a dream, so much so that Democrats are bailing in record numbers.
The Teflon Don's endorsement victories continue to pile up, signaling what lies ahead in 2024. How smart to line yourself up with a MAGA Congress and Senate before even announcing.
And Cheney is set to go down in a ball of flames. The future looks bright for Republicans who don't kow-tow to the PC and cancel cultures.
6/15/2022 2:16:25 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Meanwhile, back at the farm in Canada, individual liberties continue to erode without the people even knowing or caring about it. It's nice to have a government who knows better than the common man.
6/15/2022 2:20:04 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Trucktech, What happened on my farm, I must have missed it?
6/15/2022 11:47:07 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
The market was officially in bear territory a few days ago, feds raise rates, and still all the peewee league media wants to have up front and center is Trump. I cannot wait to see headlines in November, it'll be a lot of crying.
Northshore, you have a hell of a view on the property with the water so close by.
6/16/2022 8:25:42 AM
lbright |
South Arkansas
Jan. 6th issues, school children safety, gun rights, women's healthcare and other political issues are minor concerns to actual voters at this point. The one issue that will determine how republican, democrat and independent voters now vote is their pocketbook. One person set up the added tariffs during the last administration and the economists said those added tariffs would ruin the economy. A high percentage of those tariffs are still in place and one person can end them. There are logical things this administration can do to help with inflation but apparently this administration doesn't listen well. It will be a landside vote against this administration but the results will have little or nothing to do with voter concerns for things like the safety of your grandchildren or Jan. 6th.
6/16/2022 10:07:35 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Its hard to get excited about the more brainy issues when your wallet is empty.
6/16/2022 10:20:51 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Thanks Luke, on a clear sunny day we have a great view of Mount Baker and the North Cascades in Washington State.
And Trucktech, still wondering what you mean and why you always reference Canada when trying to make some kinda point.
Seems to me, we are doing OK.
And to be fair, here is the USA ranking….hmmmmm
6/16/2022 12:00:46 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
NSB, I never hear much outcry from Canadian citizens when Der Fuhrer states an edict such as eliminating handguns or browbeating striking truckers into submission.
6/16/2022 2:15:51 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
And, unfortunately, the links you provided still add a biased flavor and depends on those charged with the rankings, much like the NYT and WaPo are considered valid sources here in The States. It's all still subjective.
6/16/2022 2:27:11 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
Truck tech, your posts suggest you are anti government, although I don’t think you are. I do believe there is a cultural difference that some don’t get. We don’t have the 2nd Ammendment so we can’t claim it as a birthright. We also, for the most part, don’t believe we need assault weapons or any other means to take a lot of people out, and I’m grateful for that. Just last week I started the paperwork for a second hand gun for the peace of mind it gives me.
So, back on track, many,many wrongs were committed on Jan 6. We can cloak the issue with the issues of today, gas, inflation etc. , but it doesn’t mean that the democratic process wasn’t on the brink.
Truck tech, I like you, your arguments are like a decoy leading us away from the real issue.
BTW- I also have a beautiful property with wild life galore, Amen.
6/16/2022 9:34:00 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
The left is targeting pro-life centers for violence. It doesnt get any stranger than that. Violence is the solution I guess. Pelosi didnt condemn this.
6/17/2022 12:38:27 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Trump told his supporters to be peaceful not violent... let's hear Pelosi or Biden or Schiff or any of these wolves-on-the-inside, say anything similarly ameliorating to their base. It wont happen because at this point anger is their hard currency.
6/17/2022 12:46:49 AM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
January 6th should never have happened and, eventually, we'll finally get to the truth after the witch hunt finally runs its course.
President Trump authorized up to 20,000 national guard troops to protect the area on Jan. 6th, but the capitol police did not feel the need to use them until Jan. 4th, at which time they asked Pelosi's and Mayor Bowser's office for them and got flat refusals. Security lies with Pelosi and the city, not Trump. He can only authorize the use of the national guard, not call them up.
The FBI declined criminal referral and that's where it should have ended, so don't get caught up with the dog and pony show currently underway. It's merely a smokescreen from the disaster in the White House and a way to mitigate the damage coming in November.
Just like the Russia collusion hoax, we'll eventually get to the truth.
6/17/2022 5:43:55 AM
john boy |
trucktech,,,,you r right!!!!!
6/17/2022 7:56:45 AM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
One could rightfully compare the Jan. 6th committee to the Nazis when they blamed the Reichstag fire on their political enemies in order to destroy them. It's the exact same MO.
6/17/2022 8:18:55 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
Security lies with the Metropolitan Police, not Pelosi, she has no say. It was Pence who called for increased Police presence, including the National Guard. I think you know that already. Sorry for being redundant- We'll go to the Capitol, I'll be there with you, lol. " I need you to find one more vote than what Biden got, it's on record, and you know that. Audit after audit after audit, I forget, how did that turn out.
It's Ok to love Trump and think he is the answer to all of your problems. It's not Ok to manipulate the Constitution and put a person in power that OBVIOUSLY didn't win the election. That is the recipe for a Dictator. He will have his chance in 2024.
Today's issues are a red herring to what transpired on Jan. 6, but we know that already, don't we.
Russia collusion, FBI, Pelosi, smokescreen? Really?
If a recording surfaced where I threatened to kill my neighbor for playing his music too loud, and my neighbor was found dead the next day. Am I a suspect or am I a victim of Police indifference or fake news? You decide.
Anyways, I'm done with this subject, good growing to all, my plants have only started to run. My 2008 Neptune has caught up to my early favorite, what a plant! two weeks ago it was 1/4 the size the size my best now it's kicking ass, love this time of year.
6/17/2022 10:44:09 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Where did Trump threaten to kill anyone? Obama killed an American with a drone strike.
6/17/2022 11:55:12 PM
We will get to the truth about jan 6 ,but right now the American people are worried about the Inflation, Gas food,going into a recession,stock market falling.... These are important right now,instead Numnuts Joe and Polosi and her Drunk husband want to only talk Jan 6
Now! the DIARY FROM HELL, on touchy feely Joe B DAUGHTER ASHLEY Joe will resign after this one
6/18/2022 9:54:52 AM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Like I said, Andy, the truth will eventually surface as it did in the Russia collusion hoax. The Democrat leadership had the intelligence from the Capitol Police chief and failed to act. Simple as that, regardless of whether or not you believe Trump's claims about the election or not. Again, Jan. 6th didn't need to happen and it did because of Democrat decisions. The warning signs were there and they were ignored.
6/18/2022 10:40:37 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
It was a peaceful protest other than where it was engineered by the FBI to look bad. The villification of the average American continues.
6/18/2022 12:54:14 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Believing Putin over American Intelligence. And disclosing the whereabouts of our nuclear subs was just big boy talk you say. Trump was and is the worst one termer we've ever had. He's a dangerous power hungry deranged self adsorbed Mafia boss. He doesn't care about anybody but himself. These truths are self evident.
6/18/2022 3:59:53 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Enjoying that inflation, energy dependence, border mess, crime wave, world embarrassment, interest rate hike, out-of-control spending, and lack of goods on the shelves, and the formula shortage Spuds? Meet the new worst one-termer.
These truths are also self-evident, so much so that Democrats are scrambling for replacements and running like rats from a sinking ship.
6/18/2022 7:54:27 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
As long as the next election is fair and square and Biden doesn't ask Kamila to dismiss the electorate, I don't care who wins. In a democracy the person with the most electoral votes wins, period, no drama, no foul, like every other US election, before 2020.
Inflation sucks, gas prices suck, when the time comes, VOTE and trust your system- mic drop.
6/18/2022 10:05:28 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I dont think Trump cares only about himself. I think thats just some kind of Rorschach viewpoint. He pushed pharma to reduce prescription drug prices. He pushed the fed to reduce interest rates. He pushed companies to stay in the USA. All really good things for average Joe, and there were many more. No clue how the left pulls the wool over peoples eyes so very thoroughly.
6/18/2022 10:58:31 PM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
Not looking good for Donald, not at all!
6/28/2022 9:23:41 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Except the Democrats own credibility is so lacking. So it looks to me like fleas arguing over who owns the dog. One nation, under God, overdue for a shampoo. Just my opinion.
6/29/2022 12:14:45 AM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
The dog and pony show continues, with Secret Service agents who were actually in the presidential ride volunteering to refute the "bombshell" testimony of the day. When NBC reports it, it doesn't bode well for the witness' or committee's credibility.
All the "testimony" in this show amounts to "so-and-so told me that....". Just another Pelosi shit show designed to drag out up to the midterms and distract from the true ills of the country and the inept Democrat's attempts to continue to implement liberal policy to fix them. The idiots still either fail or refuse to understand that those policies created those ills in the first place.
Remember when Russia collusion and Stormy Daniels weren't looking good for Donald at all? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Just wait until the coming of the second pandemic, slowly being plotted as we speak.
6/29/2022 9:11:13 AM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Someone's eventually gonna wanna know why the Capitol was left so inadequately secured, but it won't be this committee to do it.
6/29/2022 9:14:55 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Democrats, pushing kids and the truth out of the way! Rome doesnt need you, Pelosi.
6/29/2022 10:41:46 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Of course, maybe we dont need Trump either. Where are the young, intelligent, non-millionaires. The Senate is too old and too wealthy.
6/29/2022 10:51:27 AM
DKrus |
Cheshire Ma USA
Trump has the longest arms in the world if he could reach the steering wheel of a limo from the back seat 15' away. What a crock of sh*t. Kangaroo court for sure.
6/30/2022 7:57:24 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
When did lying become the a national pastime? Baseball, apple pie... congressional story time where mommy puts big-baby congressmen to sleep with stories of dragons, mermaids and unicorns...
All the dems in power are disgusting people.
6/30/2022 1:17:04 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Please vote them out of office. Is this really what you need? Fantasy bedtime stories, to put you to sleep? Vote Democrat if you enjoy the infantile games of footsie! Sheesh.
Schiff does look like an insomniac. I guess this is what he needs...
6/30/2022 1:29:58 PM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
Donald Trump is a perfect example of a man that definitely does not have a good enough memory to be a successful liar! To be a good liar you have to keep track of all the lies you’ve told. The total false or misleading claims are too numerous to mention
7/2/2022 9:48:52 PM
lbright |
South Arkansas
If my memory is correct, on tv the Secret Service officers drove around President Trump in black Chevrolet Tahoes or Suburbans or similar looking vehicles.
7/2/2022 10:53:01 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
You just described Brandon to a tee.
7/3/2022 9:05:27 AM
DKrus |
Cheshire Ma USA
Exactly true TruckTech !!!!! The liar in chief Brandon!!!
7/3/2022 9:57:20 AM
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