Other Non-Pumpkin Related
Subject: under the dirt, 8 threads....
Date Posted
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
were political in subject. Pumpkin growers must be boring...
Anyone ever play simultaneous chess.... I will start...I will take on all players..to make it easier...I will take white. If i can get any opponents..i am willing to set a timer, for how much thinking time I get. If you wish, give me an idea how much time you think I should get. If you like chess, but do not know the notation read this link-
My first move 1. e4
4/11/2022 8:20:12 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/12/2022 12:04:46 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
4/12/2022 3:47:44 AM
JABC (Jordan) |
Kelowna, British Columbia
4/12/2022 8:36:09 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
I had to double check myself, your username changed a bit. At first I thought it was a new game with center counter defense along with the first game sicilian defence.
Jordan - 2.c3 d5 3. ed
4/12/2022 10:11:56 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
Whoops sorry I got my accounts mixed up. Is your last move e5?
4/12/2022 12:45:10 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
No not e5 I believe the game is 1. e4 c5 2 c3 d5 3. exd I have always used shorthand for captures.
4/12/2022 2:27:12 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
No not e5 I believe the game is 1. e4 c5 2 c3 d5 3. exd I have always used shorthand for captures.
4/12/2022 2:37:33 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
oops sorry for double post..not used to posting from my phone
4/12/2022 2:38:29 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/12/2022 4:35:14 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
3....Qxd5 4. Nf3
4/12/2022 5:28:23 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/13/2022 12:26:54 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
4...e5 5. d4
4/13/2022 3:30:12 AM
Elaine |
Mead, WA
Bnot 1.e4 Elaine 1.d4 bnot 2.?
4/13/2022 3:53:43 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/13/2022 5:00:46 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Jordan 5...e4 6. Ne5
Elaine I am confused..are you playing white and starting with d4 or did you mean d5 in answer to my e4. If you are used to descriptive notation I can use that..ie PK4 NKB3 etc. Lets start again and have a fun game..your choice white or black.
4/13/2022 6:50:46 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/13/2022 1:24:43 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Jordan 6....Be6 7. Bc4
4/13/2022 3:03:03 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/13/2022 6:46:15 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
Actually could I do Qd6 instead?
4/13/2022 6:56:08 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
yes, you can switch to Qd6, I think that is the only move....Qd8 8. Be6 fxe 9. Qh5+ g6 10 Nxg6 would about end it. I prefer to keep playing.
7. ....Qd6 8. Qb3
by the way...if we were playing this in a tournament..i would have lost on time already. I have spent too much time thinking about this game.
4/13/2022 7:10:39 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/13/2022 7:34:39 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
8...Bxc3 9. Qxc4
4/13/2022 8:12:55 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
oops correction 8...Bxc4 9 Qxc4
sorry, i typed a number wrong on your move
4/13/2022 8:27:01 PM
Elaine |
Mead, WA
Responding to your white e4 with my black to d4.i.e.bnots 1st move e4, Elaine's 1st move d4.
4/13/2022 11:57:22 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/14/2022 12:25:44 AM
Elaine |
Mead, WA
Oops looked up board usually play by sight ok your white e4 i meant move e5 had my letters and number rows switched
4/14/2022 1:19:29 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Jordan 9.....Qc7 10. O-O
Elaine 1.... e5 2. Nf3 -now we have a position that we can play.
4/14/2022 4:03:33 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/14/2022 12:01:19 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Jordan 10...Bd6 11. Re1
4/14/2022 3:35:17 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/14/2022 5:45:03 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
11.....cxd4 12. Rxe4
4/14/2022 6:27:42 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/14/2022 6:45:07 PM
Elaine |
Mead, WA
4/14/2022 9:43:29 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
jordan 12....Nf6 13. Qxc7
Elaine 2...Nc6 3. Bb5
4/14/2022 10:18:21 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/14/2022 11:43:07 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Jordan 13...Bxc7 14. Re1
4/15/2022 4:05:17 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/15/2022 5:43:55 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
14....O-O 15. cxd4
4/15/2022 10:07:23 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/15/2022 12:55:51 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Jordan 15....Re8 16. Kf1
4/15/2022 6:06:29 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/15/2022 8:49:56 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
16....Nc6 17 Nxc6
4/15/2022 9:47:43 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/16/2022 3:06:53 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
17....bxc6 18. Rxe8+
4/16/2022 7:14:30 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/16/2022 12:11:06 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
18....Rxe8 19. Nd2
4/16/2022 1:08:05 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/16/2022 1:18:08 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
19...Ba5 20. Nf3
4/16/2022 2:25:53 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/16/2022 5:51:37 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
20....Nd5 21. Bd2
4/16/2022 6:50:57 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/16/2022 8:46:13 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
21....Bxd2 22. Nxd2
4/16/2022 10:14:21 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/17/2022 12:01:01 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
22....h6 23. a3
4/17/2022 4:31:34 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/17/2022 11:22:43 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
23....Nf4 24. b4
4/17/2022 12:56:29 PM
Elaine |
Mead, WA
4/17/2022 1:12:27 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Elaine, I sent you an email to take our game private.
4/17/2022 4:26:09 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/17/2022 8:25:39 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
24...Rd8 25. Nb3
4/17/2022 9:01:14 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/18/2022 12:47:33 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
25....Ne6 26. Rc1
4/18/2022 4:02:15 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/18/2022 2:39:00 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
26...Rd6 27. g3
4/18/2022 3:00:58 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/18/2022 7:18:36 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
27...Kf8 28. Ke2
4/19/2022 4:03:10 AM
JABC (Jordan) |
Kelowna, British Columbia
4/19/2022 12:52:23 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
Whoops mixed my accounts up again sorry
4/19/2022 12:55:17 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
28...Ke7 29. Ke3
4/19/2022 3:09:17 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/19/2022 5:28:32 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
29....Ng5 30. Nc5
4/19/2022 6:34:02 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/19/2022 7:35:18 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
30....g6 31. Rc4
4/20/2022 4:06:44 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/20/2022 1:29:04 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
31....Nh7 32. Nd3
4/20/2022 3:16:04 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/20/2022 8:53:44 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
32....f6 33. d5
4/21/2022 4:12:56 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/21/2022 2:11:58 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
33....cxd5 34. Rc7+
4/21/2022 3:02:30 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/21/2022 6:51:35 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
34,,,,Rd7 35. Rxd7+
4/22/2022 3:38:24 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/22/2022 4:24:52 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
35.....Kxd7 36. Nf4
4/22/2022 5:12:48 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/22/2022 8:09:17 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
36.....Nf8 37. Nxd5
4/23/2022 4:16:21 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/23/2022 6:36:48 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
37....f5 38. Kd4
4/23/2022 8:03:16 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/23/2022 10:33:56 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
38....Kd6 39. f4
4/23/2022 11:32:30 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/23/2022 2:22:21 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
39.....a6 40. a4
4/23/2022 2:40:53 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/23/2022 3:04:14 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
??? N cant get to b8 from f8
4/23/2022 3:24:45 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
Whoops my bad, getting ahead of myself. Meant to do Nd7
4/23/2022 5:36:52 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
ok 40.....Nd7 41. Ne3
4/23/2022 6:39:04 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/23/2022 7:26:11 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
41.....Kc7 42. Kd5
4/23/2022 8:24:46 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/23/2022 8:45:17 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
42....Nb6+ 43. Ke6
4/24/2022 5:15:17 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/24/2022 12:50:03 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
43....Nxa4 44. Kf6
4/24/2022 1:24:07 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/24/2022 7:01:25 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
44....Kb6 45 Kxg6
4/25/2022 3:52:43 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/25/2022 9:43:01 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
45...Kb5 46. Kxh6
4/25/2022 10:06:07 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/25/2022 10:17:31 AM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
46...Kxb4 47. Kg6
4/25/2022 10:40:09 AM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/25/2022 2:22:36 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
47...Nc5 48. h4
4/25/2022 3:03:29 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/25/2022 3:36:47 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
48...a5 49. h5
4/25/2022 4:19:41 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/25/2022 4:35:54 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
49....a4 50. h6
4/25/2022 5:30:02 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/25/2022 5:48:25 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
50....a3 51. h7
4/25/2022 6:10:13 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
4/25/2022 6:47:17 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
51....a2 52 h8(Q)
4/25/2022 8:10:53 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
I will resign there if that's ok with you. Good game Bnot, thanks for playing with me!
4/25/2022 8:22:15 PM
bnot |
Oak Grove, Mn
Well thank you, It made this wet, cold April much more bearable. It was a long game. I thought I came out of the early opening great following your e4. I was thinking I was ahead in development with your king in the center. Then I castled. I think that was a mistake. It gave you time to develop with tempo's and a few moves later i was the one behind in development. I survived and the we ended up locked in position in the center, with me up an isolated pawn. I was hoping that I could find a chance to make a break with the king to either the kingside or queenside pawns. Fortunately, the opportunity presented itself.
Thank you again...now it is pumpking growing time. Good luck this season.
4/26/2022 2:31:51 AM
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