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Subject:  The buck stops... somewhere else!

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Disagreements are cool, but if you're in power... then you have lost the right to be irritable and paranoid!

If you (or your political party) is in power, then grow up & act like real men.

Democrats, if you dont act emotionally secure, like you really won, then no one will believe you really did.

If you are in power then its slightly past time to grow up.

4/1/2022 12:17:00 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

They can't handle the truth. They find it unthinkable.

4/1/2022 7:47:11 AM


Cologne / Germany

OMG. If the german election last year would have been the way that a fascist mob stormed the Berlin Reichstag after Merkel lost her job, what would the world have thought about that? Going back to 1933 over here?

Your country USA should have some lessons in proper political education, behaviour and good manners before Reps enter some African style rebellion against each other.

4/1/2022 8:22:43 AM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

Fish, why do you hate America so very much ?

4/1/2022 8:25:27 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Floh, except your 1933 Germany eventually was responsible for 85 MILLION dead people worldwide. Thanks Germany!

4/1/2022 9:01:50 AM


Cologne / Germany

I have nothing to do with 1933. I was born in 1967, and my grandfather had been a lawyer working in Nazi resistance and helped jews fleeing from Germany. My father worked for IBM his whole life. I have nothing to do with Hitler.
Why should I hate the USA?

I don´t like autocrats like Trump and Putin. That has nothing to do with USA or Russia, the people living there have no interest in violent conflicts, so it has to do with certain leaders spreading hate and war around the world because they are old men who learned nothing from 80 years ago.

4/1/2022 11:23:37 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The worst thing is when the person or party in power continues to act like a victim even though they have attained power. Once you attain power, your victim card expires. Thats my kvetch.

Hitler kept the victim mentality going way too long. Putin less so. Trump not so much, Biden not so much. I wish Bidens supporters would drop all of their victim cards since they are now in power. Because that would be the mature and constructive thing to do. But of course the toxic media on both sides gets people all edgy... Edginess plus power... leads to tyranny and injustice. Right wing or left wing its the same.

As an example, Will Smith hitting Chris Rock. Right hand? Left hand? Either hand can do harm, equally.

4/1/2022 10:28:57 PM


Cologne / Germany

Gridiot, you are right, if right or left, it never made a difference in recent history. Once in power, political leaders serve and provide their own pack first.

In former Eastern Germany, the Honecker pack was fed Western Finest, public had to buy cheapest available. Wanted to have a car or leave the country for holidays - keep your mouth shut, join the party, work hard, support the leader. That was the left dictatorship.

In China - people are awarded with points for doing things the way the red leaders teach them.

Be a friend of Putin to help him selling gas and oil, you become rich, buy a villa and have a luxury boat in the Mediterranean Sea. Go for skiing in the Swiss Alps.

In Nazi Germany, you had benefits from joining Hitler´s party, got jobs, houses, could go on dedicated vacations. That was the fascist version of the Stalin version.

So what is fascism? It makes no difference between right or left. It´s just a term to blame the other side to be fascist. Just what Putin is doing in Ukraine.

4/2/2022 2:34:23 AM


Cologne / Germany

German minister Habeck today:

"There is no morally irreproachable position in politics. But there is always the consideration of preventing greater evil. All political steps are derived from this"

Now let´s see from the first weeks of 2022: Olympia in China, FIFA world cup in Qatar, gas and oil from Russia, war in Ukraine...

Whatsoever, everyone at least is the whore and the pimp at the same time for getting all possible bucks - no matter where it comes from.

The big lie of all politicians from all kind of parties around the world is to declare themselves being morally integer and to look for inferior foes :-)

4/2/2022 4:32:50 AM

Total Posts: 9 Current Server Time: 1/12/2025 9:41:59 PM
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