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Subject:  Putin Lovers?

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Spudley (Scott)


How many Donald Trump fans are Putin lovers like Trump?

2/26/2022 3:51:05 PM


Simi valley, ca

NOT ME ! But Yes, i see your point they (trump fans) no matter how sick ,stupid, ridiculous, un-true , bad, wrong, crazy, Will still go along with whatever Idiotic thing he says or does! And there is still plenty of them out there ! But on a good note i have seen a fair amount of them seem to be changing there minds!

2/26/2022 4:04:09 PM


Cheshire Ma USA

I thought just the libs loved Puntin. Look what the ones in Washington let him do! Never did try it when Trump was their.

2/26/2022 5:21:53 PM


Central Ca

Biden, and anyone that agrees with him, might as well be a Poopin’ lover too. He doesn’t have the ball$$ to stand up Putin.

2/26/2022 5:50:31 PM


Central Ca

to putin

2/26/2022 7:09:04 PM


anytown U.S,A,

Funny lol. Putin wouldn't budge or even think of doing any of this under Trump. Trump was unpredictable unlike Biden. Biden pretty much told Putin everything that was going to happen. If you only invade a little bit, we won't do anything, but we will have a discussion. What kind of leader gives everyone the plan on whats going to happen.
Just another Biden Blunder. Clueless Joe
Can anyone say Dumb A--

2/26/2022 8:23:14 PM


Norwich, NY

I can’t help but recollect Trump kissing Putin’s ass. He still does. And no I don’t like Biden either. Anyhow, this would’ve happened regardless of who is president.

2/26/2022 8:41:58 PM


Western NY

So Heatstroke, are you saying that we should send in our troops? Trump is the one who wanted Russia back into the G8 which they were tossed out of because of invading Crimea which was part of Ukraine. Fissssh yes some Trumptards are seeing the light finally but some are dug in so deep they will never admit that they were duped.

2/26/2022 9:14:59 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I'm wary of both Trump and Putin. I liked the populist connection I felt under Trump but I'm ok with Biden. Nevertheless, things seem do seem to be going downhill in various ways.

2/26/2022 9:32:15 PM


History is the future

2/26/2022 10:18:32 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Funny how nobody in North America gave a shit about the Ukraine and its civil war since 2014, let alone know where it is on a map. Now everyone is a specialist when it comes to the Ukraine.

Add in lack of testicular fortitude on the current administrations in USA and Canada, wa-lah, it's magic.

The situation sucks, and our commander in chief still is trying to decipher the difference in spelling with Uganda and the Ukraine.

2/26/2022 10:59:05 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think a good move would be to open the floodgates on domestic energy production. And keep interest rates low. If we are not economically strong then, at the end of the day, we cannot be anything but lame?
We cant blame Putin or Trump for our current domestic decisions. It's all a big distraction from a lack of a good agenda here in America?

2/27/2022 1:04:05 AM



All the people that voted for Biden and Kamela and argued
what a great President he would be
Are Putin lovers

2/27/2022 3:21:02 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Breaking news, this just in.


2/27/2022 10:43:02 AM


Lodi, California

There's a difference between respecting someone and liking someone Randouth. People seem to have that confused

2/27/2022 12:38:04 PM


Lodi, California

North Shore interesting interpretation of a president invoking unprecedented emergency powers to quash a civil disobedience protest, where the only people hurt were the ones trampled by police horses.

2/27/2022 1:05:40 PM

john boy


Old rookie,,,,That was true words right there!!!!

2/27/2022 2:48:58 PM


Businesses suffered, people could not go to work to get paid, people were having trouble getting proper sleep, people working soup kitchens getting threatened. Do you want any more?
Do you think waving and posting hate symbols did not hurt people
So who were the only people that got hurt?

Trump lovers'remember this "the truth shall set you free"
Spouting crap will not change the truth.

2/27/2022 3:28:08 PM


Businesses suffered, people could not go to work to get paid, people were having trouble getting proper sleep, people working soup kitchens getting threatened. Do you want any more?
Do you think waving and posting hate symbols did not hurt people
So who were the only people that got hurt?

Trump lovers'remember this "the truth shall set you free"
Spouting crap will not change the truth.

2/27/2022 3:28:08 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think Trump lovers have a good grasp on freedom... Not sure anyone else does.

2/27/2022 3:56:23 PM


Lodi, California

Spudder so you disagree with civil disobedience? You believe the movements of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King were misguided? Their civil disobedience certainly made people uncomfortable. If the government is going to use its power to force people to do something they don't want, making them uncomfortable, the people have the right to make their voice heard, and make the tyrants in goverenment who think they can silence them uncomfortable. Trudeau froze bank accounts, seized property, and is tracking down anyone who sent support to the truckers. Now that's fascism if ever I've seen it.

And on the matter of the "hate symbols" and "soup kitchen", the people who did those things are bad people. But there's no way to know who they were, or even if they were actually involved in the protest, or people taking advantage of a situation. In the case of the flag, I saw a video of a guy saying that the person waving a nazi flag was stating something along the lines of "this is what the canadian government has become". There's no way to know for sure, but of course the media ran with it like they always do to smear thousands of peaceful protestors waving canadian flags, silencing dissenting opinions as they always do

2/27/2022 4:36:55 PM


Lodi, California

Spudder so you disagree with civil disobedience? You believe the movements of Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King were misguided? Their civil disobedience certainly made people uncomfortable. If the government is going to use its power to force people to do something they don't want, making them uncomfortable, the people have the right to make their voice heard, and make the tyrants in goverenment who think they can silence them uncomfortable. Trudeau froze bank accounts, seized property, and is tracking down anyone who sent support to the truckers. Now that's fascism if ever I've seen it.

And on the matter of the "hate symbols" and "soup kitchen", the people who did those things are bad people. But there's no way to know who they were, or even if they were actually involved in the protest, or people taking advantage of a situation. In the case of the flag, I saw a video of a guy saying that the person waving a nazi flag was stating something along the lines of "this is what the canadian government has become". There's no way to know for sure, but of course the media ran with it like they always do to smear thousands of peaceful protestors waving canadian flags, silencing dissenting opinions as they always do

2/27/2022 4:38:17 PM


Do not ever confuse those 2 with the anarchists that were involved in this not so paeceful protest. They wanted to over throw the government just like Jan. 6 as they stated. It should not come as any surprise conservatives from the USA were donating money to this non cause. If I did that , you would be screaming at the top of your lungs. These guys were a bunch of under intelligent people taking marching orders from others. How stupid can the protesters be when they thought one can just phone or email the Governor generals office and have the government disolved. No wonder these people could be so easily misled.
And stop using that excuse that those people were not part of the protest and blaming the media. IMO that is just lame. People should stop taking advice from those who get it from shape changing lizards.

2/27/2022 7:23:05 PM


And just for the record "This Hour has 22 Minutes" is a comedy show that just happened to hit too close to the truth for conservatives.

2/27/2022 7:30:14 PM


Lodi, California

Yes I'm sure you look down on all truckers and individuals that don't spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a piece of paper as "under intelligent"

Also note that I did not claim those events didn't happen, only that the media assumed they did and interpreted it from their own lens to push a narrative. Context always matters, and the media loves to take things out of context. As I stated, I don't know what really happened any better than anyone else.

2/27/2022 7:39:33 PM


Lodi, California

Moreover the demonization of people who have a disagreement with you, especially on a matter as heinous as the government forcing you to receive an injection, is exactly what the media wants to do to split a divide through this country. We have much more in common than I assume you think, even if we may disagree on some issues.

2/27/2022 7:44:00 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I have zero qualms about overthrowing corrupt governments! I'm certainly not desperate to have anyone else think for me, or decide whats best for me. I hope I'm old enough to not need a nanny. Growing up .. is now illegal.

2/27/2022 8:11:42 PM

Spudley (Scott)



2/28/2022 3:23:33 AM


Ashton, show me where I said education was what made you intelligent. Remember this " you can educate people (university ie) but you cannot teach them intelligence".I do not have a university degree and you obviously do not know what I have done or do for a living. Lack of intelligence is the main cause of having a lack of intelligence.

And I still maintain that the old style trade schools should be brought back. Grades 9-12 with basic math, writing and english(the ones most people will need in life) skills plus teaching a trade. That way people that are not wanting to go to university can have a valuable skill without the extreme debt.Even an apprentice program like Europe.

2/28/2022 11:12:39 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Spudder, now maybe you have a small idea of what Americans went through in every city for 2 years of liberal riots burning down thousands of businesses, rapes and multiple murders. You of course did not see that with your biased, liberal media.

2/28/2022 1:19:04 PM


The National Post which is the main source that MSN uses from Canada is a very very anti Liberal newspaper.
There was not one city that did not have protests, fires and murders during what you said?

"the truth shall set you free"

2/28/2022 3:20:16 PM


And you have to come up with something better than "liberal media" as that just shows shape changing lizards as a go to source. Try ghost donkeys, as they are much better and more reliable sources.

2/28/2022 3:26:29 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

I was talking about in the USA, not Canada.

Are you saying there were not 2 years of riots costing billions in damage?

You sound like you are on drugs, Jim Morrison.

2/28/2022 11:36:06 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Maybe face masks would be as useful for all the TDS that is quite obvious here as they were for COVID. All the admirers of the current Failure-in-Chief can think of is Trump, even after the latest Democrat hoax known as Russia collusion has blown up in the faces of the party and the liberal, corrupt media. You all have spent four years of your lives chasing one hoax after another.

We Trump supporters recognize what Democrat deflection looks like when the Brandon fans have nothing to cheer about. Trump's free rent lease in your heads is still quite as funny as watching all the squirming and excuses for failure.

Just as funny has been the fixation with vaccine mandates, even after top Dems declared early on that they would have nothing to do with the "Trump vaccine". Later, Brandon claimed ownership of the vaccine.

Hypocrisy? You people define the term. Nice attempt at deflection, Spuds, but the chickens come home to roost once again and will for the next three long, agonizing, freedom-destroying years.

3/1/2022 8:29:23 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Trump is definitely a real estate mogul, look at all these heads he's occupying for free well over a year later.

What does Brandon weigh these days? Looks about 85 pounds wet and wearing clothes when he's mumbling on tv.

3/1/2022 8:40:15 AM


You stated "your biased, liberal media" and since you know very well I am a Canuck do not try to deflect from your obvious wrong statement.
You stated every city which i questioned and once again there was a failed attempt to try and deflect what you said instead of properly answering. Nowhere did i say therre were not riots or billions of dollars in damage. Those are your words, not mine.
I do not do drugs but I have to say hmmm from your response.
Right now this reminds me of the cartoon characters that keep running until they realize they ran off a cliff. Quit while you are just a little off the cliff!
And did youever leave the door wide open with the Brandon comment but I am going to go easy on you guys. I do not want to trash you so bad you quit posting!

3/1/2022 12:29:25 PM


Lodi, California


3/1/2022 12:31:18 PM


Lodi, California

I go to school at a california university. All I'm gonna say is that I don't want the US to emulate that model. Discourse such as we're having here is not possible in that forum

3/1/2022 12:34:50 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Your media is biased, it all is, or is it just certain US outlets?

You mentioned Lizards, and it was a reference to the Lizard King as a joke. Clearly went over your head.

What do you want me to answer? There was something going on in every major city of the US at some point. Some as small as blocking traffic for hours. I am not going to list it out for you.

3/1/2022 1:35:47 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I can understand why they cut military service off at about 35... I feel too old to care... I surrender. Youthfulness is everything.

3/1/2022 1:39:53 PM


What news sources in the USA or Canada are anything but biased opinion pieces?

Ashton , feel free to state your opinion. i am not anywhere close to woke. It does not matter whether it is the far right or the far left, both are anarchist based and one does not dare say anything unless it is blessed by them. Most of us are some shade in between and can swing to the left or right depending on the situation.

3/1/2022 2:29:46 PM


Any university or higher learning institute that will not allow different viewpoints to be discussed(debated) such as at a live discussion assembly where you bring in different panelists to have a civil debate are a very big part of the problem. And right now the center majority is being shouted down by the 2 extremes.

3/1/2022 2:38:54 PM


Lodi, California

Well the "Center" is now the right.

Look what they've done to Joe Rogan. He's a "pot smoking hippie" who brings on all sorts of people to his show and who has for a while been known as a pretty unbiased intermediary of opinion, but now he's a far right extremist

3/1/2022 3:08:29 PM


Cologne / Germany

Since I´m from Germany, we just have a 100 billion $ upgrade to our army. Peaceful point of view gone in 6 days... and this with the new german left-wing gouvernment...
Putin is as mad as Hitler was in 1939 when he invaded Poland. Old fears and phobias coming back...
Sundy and yesterday, 750.000 protesters in Germany gathered for a free Ukraine. I was one of the crowd. Not sure if this will impress Putin, but it´s a sign for everyone that we do not accept fascism an nationalism anymore.

3/1/2022 3:23:22 PM


Yes Floh, I have seen that and when you are that close to the situation there probably is no such thing as being on the sidelines. I've also noticed some of the neutral countries have decided they had better get off the fence and help stop this.Trouble is that deranged person has gotten himself into a pickle and his ego is probably not going to allow him to admit defeat. Maybe some Generals will come to their senses and arrest him.

3/1/2022 3:49:38 PM


There are far too many politicians that are extreme and that is a problem. what has happened to Rogan is a prime example of not being able to properly discuss and listen to other viewpoints without going off the deep end.
The over the top politically correct will be the undoing of a lot of gains in human rights eventually. Keep discussion under wraps and someday that pressure cooker will blow and that does not matter which side is keeping the pressure building. I do believe that even Bama said the left is going too far too fast.

3/1/2022 3:59:01 PM


Cologne / Germany

The problem is that Putin was Corona-isolated and is probably having a long Covid syndrom. Did you see these long tables he is sitting on? Ikea just offers the "Putin table" for 500 $. So for the mother-in-law probably :-)

Anyway, he fooled Biden, Macron, Scholz and all the others talking to him personally.

Putin is the biggest liar around what makes him very dangerous. He will NOT do anything he said. Because he turned himself into an insane dictator living and acting in his own world.

To my knowledge, Hitler had Parkinson and Dementia, and ended up being completely mad. Every person, if oligarch or a military general, should now be ready to stop Putin.

3/1/2022 4:48:27 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I agree floh... a person can be wise and reasonable and caring but then change due to age and illness. But a demilitarized Ukraine seems like a reasonably good plan for everyone. Pride and ego can ruin a good plan. I believe both sides of the conflict are suffering from some pride/ego issues.

So the outcome is predictably bad.

Its clear that the dead... are the only ones who learn anything from war. The living have still learned nothing.

3/1/2022 5:11:06 PM


Cologne / Germany

I don´t think demilitarized is a good option for the Ukraine, and this will not be the plan of Putin and his friend Lukashenko in Belarus.
The Ukraine had never been a military problem. The Ukraine is very attractive for the Black sea, natural resources and the famous black soil.

The plan is to establish a russian political puppet theatre in Ukraine.
And the biggest problem is: next they threaten Finland, the Baltic States, Poland, Romania etc., what they already do.

There is no other option than to finish the russian invasion soon. You remember that after Hitler occupied Poland, he spread his poison over Europe within months.

3/1/2022 5:27:23 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Xi met with Putin ahead of Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremony. They stood side by side without masks. Then sat down side by side at a large table with a large group of people/diplomats. Of all the people you would want to avoid because of COVID I would think it would be the Chinese, according to Trump. I think it's all just performance art. Or maybe Putin doesn't trust his own Generals afraid they might try to poison him.

3/1/2022 6:44:01 PM


learn from history or you are doomed to repeat it. same reaction of lets talk as was done in the 30's Let them have a little land, he will stop. This mess started a few years ago, not last week. and look at his history and how he rose to power so why would anybody expect any different. people laughed at Romney and he was dead on.
Do not think that the Chinese government is not watching the response by the west for Taiwan. And Russis has showed them how weak their military is so except for the nukes they have nothing to fear.

3/1/2022 6:55:27 PM


learn from history or you are doomed to repeat it. same reaction of lets talk as was done in the 30's Let them have a little land, he will stop. This mess started a few years ago, not last week. and look at his history and how he rose to power so why would anybody expect any different. people laughed at Romney and he was dead on.
Do not think that the Chinese government is not watching the response by the west for Taiwan. And Russis has showed them how weak their military is so except for the nukes they have nothing to fear.

3/1/2022 6:55:27 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

floh, it sounds like you know history pretty well... but the idea you can win, militarily, against Russia puts us straight into WW3. Over what? Over hurt egos? This isnt about lofty ideals, this is more about inflated egos.

3/1/2022 7:00:33 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The Western media worships all lofty ideals except peace... peace would be boring and unprofitable. The most peaceful solution is the least glamorous, least profitable, and most pride swallowing solution. Putin should be asked to resign as the only condition of negotiations with Russia. Other than that, we ought to listen to their grievances.

3/1/2022 7:10:39 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Ignoring grievances and appeasement... are both unhealthy. Now Ive spoken too much as I often do.

3/1/2022 7:24:04 PM


Just might remember that briefcase caper in WWII. Legs on that table might not protect a person as well as the old tables did.

3/1/2022 9:05:28 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Spudder wrote: “did youever leave the door wide open with the Brandon comment but I am going to go easy on you guys. I do not want to trash you so bad you quit posting!”

Have at it, please. I’m curious and you’re giving yourself too much credit.

3/1/2022 9:19:53 PM


Cologne / Germany

When the Serbs started the nationalist genocide war 30 years ago in former Yugoslavia, they had (and still have) followers all over the country.
This is something Putin does not have. As well as society, values and opinions changed a lot in the last 20 years in Eastern Europe.
Putins war has no roots anymore. He is living in the 1990ies. So he is isolated from reality. You can´t win with that.

3/2/2022 3:43:34 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The weakness of an autocracy is power not shared. In the USA we have a semi-autocracy (entrenched two party system) and we are paying for it. Power held too long isolates those who are in power from reality. Willingly giving up power at the height of ones power is the correct antidote, in my assessment of it... But those who fill power vacuums can rarely be trusted either. If I was negotiating, the first thing I would ask is what are Mr. Putins retirement plans.

3/2/2022 6:00:30 AM


Cologne / Germany

I had been to Russia several times, as a tourist. After leaving the airport and a big city, you see what Russia really is about. Being on a trail with a donkey and some sort of a carriage, or a 1950 boat on a river, is what they have far outside from Moscow.

What we had been told about the Great Russian Empire was a lie 150 years ago, it was a lie when Stalin was there, and it still is a lie with Putin. They can not even provide their own soldiers with food and fuel on their invasion in Ukraine.

Apart from the fact, that these 20 years old soldiers in russian tanks have no interest at all about this war. It makes a difference if you sit in a chair in front of your computer game, or being hit by a stinger rocket in your real tank.

3/2/2022 6:48:40 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

If thats true, then why is Germany & Co. attacking these "innocent 20 year olds". Too cowardly to go directly after old Putin himself? I dont like the idea of blowing up 20 year olds with stinger missiles... that doesnt hirt Putin at all. Just most of WW2 could have been averted if every resource was poured into killing Hitler himself. I dont think 60 year old European politicians blowing up 20 year old Russians is the correct response. Putin will only stop willingly, or if someone plays hardball. This is where Trump would have the edge. For better or worse, Trump could stand toe to toe with these guys, and Biden & Co. cannot.
It's a shame. In hindsight, electing Democrats handed the world to China and Putin. The USA has grown soft by gleefully picking on smaller countries like Iraq, Libya. We are so big and tough? Germany had better remember how to fight because at least half of the USA is cowards. The USA has been purging itself of brave patriots just like Stalin did prior to WW2. Its disgusting.

3/2/2022 2:48:01 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Stalin regretted this once he was under threat from Hitler. Anyhow, Ukraine is full of corruption. Putin is being foolish. He is opening a beehive that has no honey in it.

3/2/2022 3:05:35 PM


Cologne / Germany

The Russians had placed the 20 years old in tanks and told them, they are going into a military exercise at the border. They don´t even know where they are. They probably don´t even know what they are shooting at.
The Russians do not care about losses. Soldiers are just "war material". So what is your idea to get out of this madness ?

3/2/2022 3:14:34 PM


Central Ca


3/2/2022 4:36:56 PM


Cologne / Germany

In case the USA would be called "capitulate or be destroyed & die", like Putin does with the Ukraine, what would you do?

3/2/2022 4:37:07 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Gritty's garden, your post is spot-on!

3/2/2022 7:11:40 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Brandon wasn’t mumbling last night, he is older but much wiser than the carnival barking Trump whose rallies sound more like self-proclaimed televangelists begging his viewers to pledge a $1000 dollar seed to help pay all his Lawyer fees! LOL

3/2/2022 8:42:39 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

$1000?? That's the cost of a gallon of milk now.

3/2/2022 8:54:21 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

$1000?? That's the cost of a gallon of milk now.

3/2/2022 8:54:21 PM


Cologne / Germany

The Russians will now be confrontated with their own weapons. Germany is sending 2500 anti-air rockets from the former East German Republic, produced in Russia... Now 35 years old ammunition makes sense again.
And yes, all Europeans being "in contact" with Russia in former decades know how to use a MIG fighter.
Mad to see, but that´s reality.

3/3/2022 3:25:19 AM


Cologne / Germany

Europe is facing thousands of refugees again because of war. But the difference is, the young men from Ukraine take their wifes and children to the border to be secure, and go back to defend their country. Noone is asking for asylum. They want to be back home as soon as possible.

All other refugees before had been young men leaving their families in Syria, Iraque etc.

It makes a big difference what kind of refugees are real and not, and what ambitions are. A man leaving his family in a war situation is a coward.

3/3/2022 1:46:34 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Is the USA really that afraid of Putin? We have been sticking our noses into Middle Eastern affairs for decades. Boots on the ground. Remember yellow cake uranium? The Caliphate? We have been more than willing to insert ourselves into their Holy Wars hoping to defeat and colonize that part of the world. Unlike here the western world we are not governed by the church. Church and State are one and the same for them. So whenever we step foot onto their soil and try to declare ourselves as liberators. They stop fighting one another and turn their weapons on us just like in Afghanistan that we occupied for 20 years. If you believed the mission statement that we were building assembling an Afghan army to take control of the country allowing us to get out come home. Well you see how that turned out. The Taliban took back control before we even left. They hate us more than they hate each other. So whatever the real reason for our willingness to put boots on the ground in the middle east (Oil). We choose to sit back and watch a true budding Democracy suffer the wrath of a madman. A country that is more than willing to fight for its freedom and land. Of all the interventions/liberations we've made in the last four decades the Ukrainians would truly greet us as saviors liberators. Saving a true Democracy is a worthy cause! I just don't get it!

3/3/2022 2:33:48 PM


Cologne / Germany

Scott: YES, we COULD stop the Russians in Ukraine. They do not have serious military hardware as of today. But they have nuclear weapons.
If NATO would come to finish this war - we are running into World War III. My distance to Belarus for example is 700 miles... Russians could nuke Europe in 1 hour.

Since Putin is a mad and ill dictator like Hitler, he would do it. For his own satisfaction. Nothing will work before Putin is out of business.

3/3/2022 2:59:33 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Floh I believe what you are describing is what the GOP/Fox so Called News ranted and raved about when President Obama was in office. APPEASEMENT! Ronald Reagan pushed back on Russia when they threatened nuclear attacks as being survivable. He even said he would be willing to die for the cause of it came to that.

3/3/2022 3:15:44 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

"The Russians dont have serious military hardware"? What bubble gum bubble are we floating in.

Putin may be crazy, but we can only control our own level of insanity... not his. Let's assess our own sanity first, and then his.

Putin may be an aggressive a hole, but so far he hasn't done anything more foolish than the USA has done. We have destroyed multiple countries creating millions of refugees and destroying huge anounts of infrastructure. And that is something we could easily control. Why don't we control ourselves, rather than others.

3/3/2022 4:14:55 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Oh, but I forgot the Democrat mindset is all about controlling others... never themselves.

3/3/2022 4:16:22 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Russia has the fastest and largest weapons. In the old d*ck swinging contest they win... sorry guys.

3/3/2022 4:19:26 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Puty has lost its marbles Spudley! And he knows that after 4 years of Trump the US is more divided then ever. We spend 4 years listening to America first, Nato sucks, withdraw European based troops and Putin should be our friend. And now that Putin shows his real colors its to late. It was only a couple of ago that Dumbass Carlson on Fox news was spewing pro-Russia on Russian state tv!? How freaking crazy is that??? Only a few years ago the previous commander in chief bend over for Putin on international tv. And to make things worse he was speaking in superlatives about a dictator running a gangster state invading a peaceful country.
If only half the country would just pull their heads our their asses and smell the coffee, America could be united and put Putin in its place.
Instead we got people playing politics 24/7 trying to undermine and shortchange the POTUS when the world needs a strong America more then ever.

What a disgrace!

3/3/2022 5:36:34 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

How exactly does the world need a strong America... it doesn't. Our track record of supporting tyrants is better than our track record of supporting democracy. Look at Saudi Arabia, look at Egypt. We killed the Arab spring. We are Putin and Putin is us... We are different sides of the same coin. Why should anyone gey flystered when all we are seeing in Putin is ourselves in a crytal clear mirror. Cant obscure the ugly painful truth with make-up. And that is what is driving the liberal sheep truly mad. Putin pops your bubble. Your bubble wasnt real. The whole idea that the USA cares about democracy is in your head. We care about power and money.

3/3/2022 6:20:04 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

* get flustered

Trump gets you flustered. Putin gets you flustered. The truth gets you flustered. Even democracy itself gets you flustered... when the deplorables outnumber you, which they do :)

3/3/2022 6:23:57 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The wall street types and power hungry types are far outnumbered by eceryone else, which is why you have to censor and create false narratives, like racism and "caring" political parties... lets face it, everyone who aspires to power is a malnourished sociopath, who wants to impose their will onto others. I heard a good point made which is, are things better in supermajority Democrat controlled California, than in say, Texas or Florida? If Democrats were so perfect, you'd think the areas they control would reflect that.

I wont be helping you take on Putin. I can see closer-to-home problems. Call me selfish :(

3/3/2022 6:35:16 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

For example, if anyone wants to invest in a better beehive design, rather than a war with Russia, let me know. Russians are pretty good beekeepers, but maybe I am better.

3/3/2022 7:18:32 PM


Deer Park WA

WTF? F&T You have lost your F...ing mind! Poppa Joe and his crack head kid are up yo their asses in cahoots with pOOpin and China. You are part of the dumb ass half of the country that elected this group of turds that have driven a wedge beyween citizrns and our country into the ditch.

3/3/2022 7:24:54 PM


Susquehanna Pa

What a disgrace is right OMG!

3/3/2022 8:16:41 PM


Lodi, California

Frank and Tina if Joe Biden and the democratic party were really against Russia, they'd call for sanctions against their biggest money maker- OIL! Russia makes all its money on OIL! Republicans have been calling to boycott Russian oil, but instead Joe decided to keep sucking on the Russian oil teat and keep funding their war!

3/3/2022 8:29:32 PM

john boy


You are right Gadberrys,,,

3/3/2022 8:38:43 PM

Spudley (Scott)


The US imports Russian oil, but it is not highly dependent on the country for its supplies. In 2021, the US imported an average of 209,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude oil and 500,000 bpd of other petroleum products from Russia, according to the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) trade association.21 hours ago.

3/3/2022 9:32:19 PM

Spudley (Scott)


In 2020, the United States imported about 7.86 million barrels per day (MMb/d) of petroleum from about 80 countries. Petroleum includes crude oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids, refined petroleum products such as gasoline and diesel fuel, and biofuels (including ethanol and biodiesel). Crude oil imports of about 5.88 MMb/d accounted for about 75% of U.S. total gross petroleum imports in 2020, and non-crude oil petroleum accounted for about 25% of U.S. total gross petroleum imports.

In 2020, the United States exported about 8.50 MMb/d of petroleum to about 174 countries and 4 U.S. territories. Crude oil exports of about 3.21 MMb/d accounted for 38% of total U.S. gross petroleum exports in 2020. The resulting total net petroleum imports (imports minus exports) were about -0.63 MMb/d in 2020, which means that the United States was a net petroleum exporter of 0.63 MMb/d in 2020.

3/3/2022 9:38:05 PM


Lodi, California

Yeah, when Trump was president Spudley. Biden shut down US exports when he assumed office in 2021.

Also if Russian oil makes up such a small part of our imports, what's the issue with boycotting it? Everyone should boycott Russian oil. Trump literally told european nations he would not protect them against Russia if they kept buying russian oil, it didn't make sense. Moreover, now that the US is exporting less oil, other nations are more dependent on Russian oil

3/3/2022 9:43:53 PM

Spudley (Scott)


So why don't we quit exporting oil products? Wouldn't that solve the problem to?

3/3/2022 9:59:18 PM


Lodi, California

Why don't we stop exporting everything. Just isolate ourselves from trade.

We make lots of money exporting oil, and the less we export to European countries, the more they'll rely on Russia.

3/3/2022 10:03:43 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Oh yeah that makes allot of sense, Not!

3/3/2022 10:07:08 PM


Lodi, California

You're saying that exporting goods does not make sense, and that by converse secluding ourselves is a good idea, we should stop trading?

3/3/2022 10:28:02 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Let's blame everything on the Yankees and be comrades.

3/3/2022 11:26:31 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

I’m still waiting on Spudder to “trash” me on the Brandon comment.

Ashton, take light with Spudley, he most likely won’t remember anything he posted tomorrow.

3/3/2022 11:46:51 PM

Spudley (Scott)


I'm just saying it's very complicated. No one thing is gonna be that silver bullet everyone's looking for. Keep imposing sanctions and stay strong. When gas prices go up don't bitch about it or try and blame the President. Let's stay united!

3/4/2022 3:48:20 AM


Cologne / Germany

Well, it doesn´t make the war any better to discuss it on the internet, but to do something.
For my point, we are on the road tomorrow with three small trucks to deliver goods (non-military) to Rzeszów in Poland near the Ukraine war border (will take us 14 hours), and to take back refugees with relatives in Germany.
To stop the Putin war is unfortunately not the job of civilians, but to help its victims is something we can do.

3/4/2022 4:27:58 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

This country was ran into the ditch between 2016 and 2020 Gadberry's when all kinds of fringe figures were allowed into the White House and 70 years of post World War 2 power structures weren't good enough anymore for the then new President. Everything had to be dismantled and shaken up. And look where we are now? Biden playing clean up crew, just like Obama had to after 8 years of Bush. Turns out Putin is not the nice guy Trump thought he was and maybe playing footsie with him was a mistake. Atlantic City all over again! Lets go Cheeto!!
Back to a cold war.

3/4/2022 7:35:23 AM



lets not forget Biden is weak minded.thats why Putin attacked Ukraine. Putin would of never attacked if Trump was Pres
he was scared of Trump
All the polls show only 30% of the Americans approve of Biden
the other 70% of Americans want Biden gone now!!
Every week his approval goes down down close to 0 %

3/4/2022 11:58:27 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Lol. Pretty sure F&T has me blocked. Such blockages are necessary to maintain a myopic view of the world...

3/4/2022 12:55:02 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Spudley, I doubt Alaskan gas prices will go up. So I guess everyone else will bear the cost of your opinions. I love the "its not our fault" abd "shut up and dont complain" cards being played by the Democrats... Watch the soviet jokes video.

3/4/2022 12:58:43 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Alaskan taxpayers will reap the benefits of higher gas prices... Are you in on this with Putin, Spudley?

Check out the Ronald Reagan reboot!

3/4/2022 1:02:10 PM

john boy


Rookie hit the nail on the head

3/4/2022 1:48:31 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Why bullshit the numbers when they are early researched? Yeah Biden’s popularity poll numbers have dipped lately, but be real.



The other guy, your beloved 45 isn’t winning any popularity contests either, but let’s not cloud things with reality.



3/4/2022 10:28:42 PM


Central Ca

God bless you glob!

3/4/2022 10:49:26 PM


Central Ca


3/4/2022 10:49:51 PM


Lodi, California

Spudley gas prices were already super high before the conflict began. We will definitely blame the president for that. Stopping domestic oil production is what caused it, and it's strengthening Russia because now their oil is worth more.

3/5/2022 12:35:06 AM


Cologne / Germany

And what is your fuel price? On our way to the Ukrainian border today we paid 7,6 Euro for one gallon.

3/5/2022 4:28:34 PM



Oh how i would love a mean tweet and gas at .76 a liter about now

3/5/2022 4:57:53 PM


Simi valley, ca

Wow ,Some of you dont remember how trump handled the pandemic? And everything else ? And you say you want this clown to handle something like this!

3/7/2022 12:44:20 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

What pandemic? Was there a pandemic of anything besides insanity? And yes, the insanity pandemic rages on...

3/7/2022 1:32:19 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I dont think the pandemic of insanity will end until we stop ingesting GMO soy and fluoride. Russia has banned GMO's... Maybe WE are the ones who are nuts???

3/7/2022 1:37:49 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

You mean by fast-tracking the development of a vaccine, Fissssh? A vaccine that your beloved leadership vowed they would never embrace and then went on to mandate those vaccines and face masks for everyone but themselves? It turns out that clown has been proven to be right about everything thus far, especially by exposing Democrat corruption at every level of government.

3/7/2022 8:09:22 AM


Cologne / Germany

Being back from Poland with 12 refugees from the Ukraine (mothers and children), I can tell you the truth about Putin and Trump: psychopaths, narccisits, liers, betrayers.
Putin is destroying the Ukraine and killing civilians. He is not a politician, he is a butcher. And I don´t think Trump would have done it any different - he still is a Putin fan.

3/7/2022 8:27:37 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Yes floh I agree! I started this post waiting to see how many Trump apologist are still out there. Sorry to say The Grand Old Party is still sick with Trumpism. But it's getting better. I applaud you for what you're doing. Thank you!

3/7/2022 2:42:25 PM


Cologne / Germany

I say thank you for the US veterans that now want to come over here and defend the Ukraine against the Russians !

We should also remember that every dead russian soldier (most of them are young and don´t know much) is like killing people or neighbours on your own continent. Which makes both, Ukrainians and Russians, more than sad and desperate.

Unfortunately, the political idiots decide what happens.

3/7/2022 3:06:49 PM



If Trump was Pres Russia would of never gone into Ukraine
Cant believe these Biden lovers still think he is of sound
mind and not weak brained.

3/7/2022 3:19:54 PM


Cologne / Germany

Weak brained, ill and mad is someone who wanted to bomb Iran and let the Capitol be attacked in his last days of presidency. The name of this person is: Trump.
The same Trump person that now literally congrats Putin for his genocide in Ukraine.
Do you need to be a Biden lover to identify dangerous psychopaths around the world? Noone wants to see another Hitler again. This is 2022 !!

3/7/2022 3:30:45 PM



Again there would be no Russian Ukrain war no one dead or hurt
if TrUMP WAS Pres !!! Puten can do what ever he wants now!!

3/7/2022 3:37:42 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Do you guys not question the mainstream narrative? There is a portion of Ukrainians who probably do want Russia to be there. Just like there was a portion of Iraqis who were happy to have Saddam go. Saddam was elected... didnt know that did you... You know not every election is fair, right? A portion of the population probably thinks Zelensky doesnt represent them well. Thats how it goes. When you blindly eat the msm bait you cant even discuss the issues anymore.

3/7/2022 4:24:15 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Oh,,,Rookie. Putin eats guys like Trump for breakfast, or sends them to a Gulag. Billionaires worth many times what Trump was worth on his best day. If anything Trump would have given him the green light to take the Ukraine. Trump loves dictators and Autocrats. He wants to be one

If Trump would be President......even Senate fairy Lindsey Graham said it...What a joke!

If Trump would be President, things would be really fudged up. The only difference with now is that Trump would be lying to you, straight in your face, saying that we are winning and its all because of him.

And you would probably believe him, like a good boy, and just cheer him on and agree.

Be thankful that the fool is not in office right now. Idiots have no business near the nuclear codes.

3/7/2022 6:00:33 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I saw Putin fighting ISIS as a positive thing. But I do think he is acting a bit strange now, even by our own aggressive standards.

3/7/2022 6:05:10 PM



Why didnt Putin go into the ukraine when trump was Pres?
Look what you got now, a nut case Biden ,who thinks its ok to let millons of unvetted immigrants come in our country; and now were paying 6 bucks a gallon ,lets not forget inflation he has caused, plus all these businesses that went bankrupt cause of the covad 19 closeing that didnt have to happen

Your happy with this brain dead Biden and now you trust him
with the Nuclear button ????

3/7/2022 7:02:15 PM

john boy


You got that right Rookie,,USA done gone to shit,,,,Biden is brain dead!!!!!!!!

3/7/2022 8:19:53 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

"If Trump would be President, things would be really fudged up." What are they now?

With Trump's exit, Putin knew The White House would be weak and now he smells blood in the water. This is by far the worst administration to ever disgrace The White House and Jimmy Carter can now go to his grave vindicated.

3/8/2022 12:49:50 AM


Joliet, IL

Watch "Black Sabbath War Pigs live 1970" on YouTube

3/8/2022 6:01:36 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

Why do think Putin helped to get Trump elected? He knew Trump would destabilize and weaken the US, reek havoc in US and allied/Nato politics. And so Putin watched and geared up for war, hoping that Trump would be a two term President. But even he couldn't keep he Cheeto from screwing it up.
And so the guy who thought the Nato was obsolete, the guy who thought Putin could be his friend, the guy organizing pageants in Moscow and aiming for a Russian Trump tower, the guy who sold his palm beach mansion for 95 million to a Russian oligarch for 95 million after buying it for 21 million only 4 years before had to leave with his tail between his legs.
Cause remember when the world put sanctions on Russia in 2014 after they invaded, Trump as President tried to get them undone. He tried to justify the Crimea invasion, claiming that the people would welcome the Russians and rather be under Russian rule. He tried to blame the election hacking in the 2016 on the Ukraine instead of Russia, again aligning himself with Moscow.

So make no mistake, he made very clear how he feels about Putin and Russia. To think Putin somehow prefers Biden over Trump in the White House is delusional at best. His buddy in the White House was gone and he had to make is bid on the Ukraine. Putin must not think Trump will make it back to the White House, or he would have waited.

3/8/2022 6:16:13 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

*Ukrainian rule

3/8/2022 6:18:02 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Frank, do you have a link or article where Trump blames the Ukraine for 2016 election hack as you just stated?

I have never heard that.

3/8/2022 8:22:01 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Luke, here are a few links.




3/8/2022 9:20:22 AM



Spud are you deflecting on Bidens job performance by a Trump post.I thought biden and kamela were on duty when Putin invaded Ukraine.

3/8/2022 10:32:24 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Thanks, NSB

3/8/2022 10:37:55 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

No one with a brain actually believes Trump and Putin are buddies. The rest are Democrats. Fact is, this unmitigated economic and foreign policy disaster is 100% the fault of an inept, unprepared, directionless, and weak administration.

It didn't have to be this way, but an administration which cowtows to the lunatic fringe left and leaves the American middle class in the dust.

In a time when the only know is the unknown, Brandon recklessly avails 60 million barrels of oil from the strategic reserves rather than tap the world's greatest oil reserves here in The States. The climate change kooks must certainly be happy now.

Every bit of what's happening now and what's ahead is solely the fault of the Democrats and a grossly inept American president. It's no wonder democrat voters refuse to accept ownership of the consequences of their TDS vote. Better to have the plane go down with a Democrat in the pilot's seat than to admit that the bad orange man was right.

3/8/2022 12:20:19 PM

Spudley (Scott)


9-11 happened on GW Bush's watch. You know you remember right. GW Bush true Christian Conservative the leader of the moral majority. A hero mission accomplished! So using your logic GW was a terrible President? I think Fox so called news just like Russian state sponsored TV. Has warped your ability to think for yourself. No one President or his administration are totally responsible for matters of war. Putin has been stewing about Ukraine for decades. Things that happened in the past are now coming to fruition. You reap what you sow. Understand?

3/8/2022 2:39:43 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Blame... is a communist fallback. Its lazy and dangerous. Democrats are in power so its outrageous that they are asleep at the helm.
The captain of the Titanic is askeep and all the back seat boaters are still convinced it was Trump, not an iceberg. "Trump put the iceberg there!" If you say so...

3/8/2022 2:56:45 PM

Spudley (Scott)


And it hasn't escaped anybody's memory when one term President Trump was in office. He licked Putin's ass blew in his ear and whispered sweet little lies. And that was all just fine because their Supreme leader could do no wrong. So where are all of you Putin loving Trumpers now.

3/8/2022 2:57:58 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Who exactly is the enemy? Democrats are too cowardly to deal with Putin so they attack their fellow Americans instead...

3/8/2022 3:04:21 PM



Nov is comin up,last I looked over 30 democrats are not gonna rerun for office, why, no confidence in Joe Biden, and his own
people know he is a total train wreck, so goodbye Joe
Welcome Republicans and Trump

3/8/2022 3:25:23 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

It's all a bunch of fish getting excited about some bait. The invisible net has encircled all of us. This isnt a real war anymore than the pandemic was a real pandemic?

3/8/2022 3:45:15 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The fishermen have swapped out the covid lures for different ones... Its the same lines, the same reels, and the same fishermen. Just different bait!!!
Just say no to the bait :(

3/8/2022 3:51:21 PM



Now your deflecting on Bush-really

3/8/2022 4:04:54 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Lol deflecting? Coming from you that's rich.

3/8/2022 4:33:31 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

I think Trucktech that what you really mean is that the US is still rebounding from a inept, unprepared, directionless, and weak Trump administration. The damage that Trump has done will reverberated for a quite a while longer. But when your infatuated with those fun rally's, where he yells and calls people names, thinking about the future isn't on your mind!

Lets face it, so many alt right, white supremacy lunatics have passed through the White House between 2016 and 2020, that a guy like Putin must have been giddy with joy. One fringe nut job after another got fired from the kings court while simultaneously undermining the constitution, and one tweet at a time he was destroying the reputation and credibility of a Republic that has lasted for more then 244 years.

And to top it all off he got the pitch fork and torches people to storm the Capitol. What a guy! What a President!

3/8/2022 4:35:28 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

I'm sure Putin was shaking in his shoes Trucktech when he saw the great uniter spur the American people on to turn on their own and to riot on his behalf and try to hang the Vice President who fortunately was not willing to crap on the constitution like the Cheeto tried to.

I think you got so used the lies, insults, the whores and the BS in Trumps term, that its hard for you to accept that an actual President leads a country with common sense, not with bragging and fantasy stories, not with lies and insults. Not worried about his own image or the profit margin of the Trump organization.

Remember Trump was handed a country that had fully recovered from the great recession, some issues, sure, but healthy and stabile. What he left for Biden was a country unprepared for the pandemic, playing catch up, deeply divided, economy steadily declining, and internationally isolated because "American first" may sound good, but doesn't work when for last 70 years you have lead the free world. He left a mess.

The united states we live in now, is the United states Trump left behind : divided and in economic turmoil. And instead of fostering strong alliances and strengthening the bonds with our allies amidst the threat of a stronger China and a resurgence of Russia, he spend four years chest puffing trying to be relevant and important, chasing photo ops, while severely weakening the west for future confrontations with Russia and China.

What a visionary, lol. Yea lets get him back!! Good idea!!! lmao

Oh I'm sorry, its Bidens fault, he should make more stuff up, lie about the Economy and threaten Putin. And then shoot of some midnight tweets. That would make him a great President!

3/8/2022 4:35:42 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

How do you feel about Trudeau's blackface? Too partisan. The thing thats worse than insane is... inane. You can fix insanity... But you cant fix stupid.

3/8/2022 4:47:11 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

F&T you are white, correct? Need I say more...

3/8/2022 4:51:19 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Romeo and Juliet. "Deny thy father and refuse thy name!" Isnt it kind of dusrespectful for a white person to preach that non whites are victims? Wow. I guess we wont be stopping Putin anytime soon!!!

3/8/2022 4:57:53 PM

Green Toe


How freekin simple in the head are you people? I’m not left or right but can you not figure out that Putin was holding off on the invasion because he thought that Trump would be elected on a second term and would not appose him ? Wow !!

3/8/2022 7:28:33 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Trump was everything Putin could have wished for, Trump was his useful stooge, much to Putin’s dismay Trump the one that crippled NATO and planned to shatter it in his second term never got the second term and could not continue to be his useful stooge. Now maybe just maybe Ukraine will have a chance to survive the dictator and his oligarchs.

3/8/2022 9:12:05 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

No new wars under Trump. Zero. Plus an economy that was going the right direction. What more can complex minded people want than that? You ruin a good thing by complicating it.

3/8/2022 9:29:19 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Trump was good, Biden is terrible.

The Democrats have 2.5 years to show us they've got other cards to play other than -Blame- .

3/8/2022 9:33:15 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

-Blame Trump-
-Deplorable/Low IQ-
- ??? -

Democrats, I know four out of five of your cards. Thats not a strong political poker hand. But I have to say this, I have no clue what your last card is! I doubt its -Be Happy- but I wish it was.

3/8/2022 9:44:30 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Ugh, its probably: -If the Democrats Aren't Happy Then No One Is Happy-

I may be stupid... but I just nailed it!

3/8/2022 9:53:08 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Still no accountability from the Democrats, just more deflection. 37% of Americans agree with you liberals that Brandon is doing a fantastic job. The other 63% think for themselves.

3/8/2022 10:50:40 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Its ok to like Brandon! ...If I may say so.

3/9/2022 3:15:41 AM


Deer Park WA

Trump saw NATO was weak and made them increase thie milatary spending to two percent of their GDP or US would pull out. He saw what Russia and China were planning and he was two moves ahead of them. Get your facts straight.

3/9/2022 10:37:14 AM

Frank and Tina

South East



Trumps desire was to leave NATO. And if the fool would have reelected he probably would have. Here is a 2019 article to refresh your mind and more recent one where Bolton, Trumps old national security hawk let us know Trumps real stance.

Even back then when Trump tried to keep the content of his Putin meetings as secret as possible he told many in his private orbit and spoke publicly about his doubts and dismay about NATO.

In his ignorance he would have handed over the old Sovjet states back to Putin on a golden platter.

He never fully understood the importance of NATO and never really understood how great of threat Russia really is.

The only reason he insisted on the increased military spending was that he didn't want America to carry the burden alone. It had nothing to do with him trying to be two steps ahead of Russia and China, if anything he was always two steps behind. And current events proof that.

Maybe you should get your facts straight. This isn't a rally or fox news. This is the real world. Facts matter.

3/9/2022 2:05:20 PM


Cologne / Germany

Poland suggested to leave all their MiG-29 fighters to the US to get F-16 fighters in return.
I have no idea how silly even NATO members think...
However, Blinken rejected the plan, and Germany also, since the MiG fighters should be parked over here :-)

3/9/2022 2:15:47 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

F&T I know you wont read this, but you are just straight up hateful. Everything you post is centered around hate, not facts. Europe is weak because they think the United States will jump in and save them. Well, Trump was smart enough to know the USA cannot challenge both Russia and China and the Middle East alone. I'd call that being a step ahead and a very sharp assessment on a healthy role in the world for the USA.
I may not be very smart myself but I can make up for it by looking at both sides of the argument. I agree the USA is weak. The Democrats are in power (fact) so if they want to make America strong then they have the opportunity to do so.
No one is disempowering the Democrats from making the best possible choices. If the Democrats make bad choices, then they need to be voted out.

3/9/2022 4:18:06 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Gritty, I don't respond to your posts because most of the time you seem to have no clue what you are talking about.

My post usually are initially responses, to incorrect and times borderline delusional claims from folk who base their world view on the propaganda they get from cable news opinion anchors. Not journalists, but opinion anchors. So more often then not those opinions are either outright lies or the truth has been twisted in such a way that it no longer can be distinguished from what ever narrative the network wants to push.

The only way for the "west" meaning Europe and US to be able to compete with emerging Asian countries with a far larger population both in business but also as military powers is have a strong alliance. In Europe that alliance is NATO.

NATO and the US is what kept Russia in check for 70 years after world war 2 and was able to win the cold war which ended with the fall of the Berlin wall and the collapse of the Sovjet Union.

Trump undermined NATO. Publicly challenged individual members and questioned the very existence of NATO itself. All while trying to appease Putin and acting like Russia could be a good friend.
He did what he always does, the exact opposite of what he SHOULD do. And I know all his groupies and fans get all excited and riled up when he goes against the grain, because that's why they elected him, but in this case he was gambling with status quo of the free world.

His call that NATO was obsolete was wrong and played directly into Putin's hand. His call to cozy up to Putin was wrong and alienated age old allies while strengthening Vladimir's Putin position in Russia.

3/9/2022 5:56:40 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

So to make a long story short, Trump weakened the US by undermining and disrespecting age old customs, traditions and agencies, he stretched the letter of law to its maximum looking to get away with more and more each time. He showed the world a vulnerable and divided America, no different then any other country in the world that was a far fetch from the country that led the free world after world war 2 into decades of prosperity.
He then started to weaken our alliances by questioning every pact, every agreement and every deal ever made to see if he could broker a deal that would make HIM look better, all at the expense of our age old alliances and the relationships that have kept this world save.

All his actions were self serving, short sighted and ill-informed and would have incase of second term been devasting to world as you know it. And if it wasn't for some cooler head keeping him somewhat in check that first term could have been even worse.

There's times for partisan bickering and there's times for unity. Trump Republicans have forgotten that. They couldn't care less about the country, it could be on fire and all they would do is blame it on liberals. As long as they have shot at being in power and can crap on a democrat they are willing to sacrifice anything.

We've yet to see rock bottom.

3/9/2022 5:56:50 PM

john boy


I guess biden will go home tonite and eat his cone icecream,,and be tuck in bed with his bottle of milk

3/9/2022 6:12:23 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Gritty definitely has no clue what he is talking about most of the time. Please watch the major news networks and find out what really is happening. Even Facebook and Twitter are removing disinformation accounts pushing anti~Ukraine propaganda. It’s sad that some on the Christian Right support Putin’s war.

3/9/2022 7:00:21 PM


Deer Park WA

Lol @ roger80, Just put a couple of ignorant sheepeople that lime to talk BS on the "bp ignore" list and threads like this start sounding a lot more intelligent and thoughtfull....

3/9/2022 7:26:28 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Lol u guys. You are all so smart...

3/9/2022 7:30:17 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

You guys are so sure that you know the truth. Watching the msm is the same thing as burying your head in the sand. The fish dont see the net.

3/9/2022 7:37:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

--Slander Against Christians-- Ah, so thats the fifth card in your poker hand. Christians bad, Trump bad, White people bad, Russia bad.

Got it.

3/9/2022 9:21:37 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia


3/9/2022 11:02:44 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Going to the original post” Putin lovers”
There is no bigger Putin lover than Trump. Don’t take my word, long before Trump entered politics Putin’s “ Make Russia great again” slogan rose him to power, sound familiar ?Putin’s war with non governmental media climaxed with the fake media being shut down, fake media, sound familiar?
Helsinki 2018- National Security Advisors advise Trump that Putin was a national threat- he meets with Putin and trusts his word.
Do I need to go on, really? At the onset of the Russia invasion of Ukraine, Trump was calling Putin a genius. I know the Trump deciples won’t be deterred, looking at you Gadberry.
After all, he has never done anything wrong, never admitted to a mistake and always refers to the superlative- the best, most, greatest etc. Putin is Trump/ Trump is Putin, I never thought those tactics would work in the US, was I wrong.
Not a Biden fan, not a Trudeau fan, just a fan of common sense and thinking for yourself.
Going to bed now, interesting to see what spin will dominate tomorrow,
PS- I’ve avoided this board for several months but I saw the “ fake news “ and had to respond, see what I did there?

3/9/2022 11:14:27 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I'm never going to trust you Northshore... No clue why anyone would.

3/10/2022 12:00:03 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

I want nothing from you, and don’t care about earning anything from you, let alone your trust. I am concerned about your continued Grittiotic posts on this website. You bring no value to any discussions, just fade away.

3/10/2022 12:09:40 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Ditto my man!

3/10/2022 2:44:03 AM


Cologne / Germany

Trumps private jet had an emergency landing, so he could not make it to his castle in time. Maybe he could have been late for golf. But Republicans helped him out with another plane.

Why did he survive? Some sort of destiny is always on the wrong side of the good people, while Putin killed more than 500 children in Ukraine already. A heavy stone accidentally falling on the head of dictators could change so much in this world.

3/10/2022 2:47:01 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

How many Iraqi children did Madeline Albright kill? You guys have such narrow vision. I'm not saying Putin is making good choices. But last I checked, we control our own choices far more than we control his choices. If you truly care, then as Micheal Jackson would say, look in the mirror.

3/10/2022 2:52:38 AM


Cologne / Germany

Iraqi children? That was Bush. You know that Europe never wanted to go in this war - and for that, had been blamed by Bush for not participating.
That´s the way Republicans act since Vietnam.

3/10/2022 3:05:20 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Men are designed to fight. But men like Bush are not good men who are worth fighting for. Zelensky and Putin aren't worth dying for either... Stupid.

For a woman to lack humanity and compassion is even more abhorrent. Do a search "Madeline Albright Iraqi Children" (GMAFB...)

Yes my reality-bubble includes old fashioned gender differences.

3/10/2022 3:23:36 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

We started this war:


Not that anyone here cares.

3/10/2022 4:55:36 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Two biggest takeaways from this post:

Non Americans hate Trump and still love to think about him.

Born Americans support him or hated him, and realize he is gone and have forgotten him.

Good lord, he is a master of owning your brains (some very small)! I thought Homo Habilis was extinct, but this post proves he was just extirpated this whole time.

3/10/2022 8:21:57 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

roger 80: Watch the major news networks for accurate information??? Fakebook and Twitter credible??? Are you serious??? High maybe??? Maybe you enjoy being lied to, manipulated, and censored, but I certainly don't.

Four years of Democrats pushing fake narratives with the mainstream news networks and social media carrying their water and a corrupt Democrat government at the highest levels, all with the goal of unseating a duly elected president, was the greatest Constitutional crisis of my lifetime and you say we should listen to the same media? From Jan. 22, 2021, any hope of the country uniting or there ever being any meaningful bipartisanship in the halls of Congress went out the window, as the Democrat party went all-in to divide the country and they have determined to stay on that course. We're never coming back from the damage the Democrats have done.

Any citation of WaPo, NYT, CNN, PMSDNC, NBC, CBS, or ABC items means an automatic lack of credibility, as they all quit practicing journalism years ago and are merely op-ed rags which add their own political spin rather than simply put forth accurate, unbiased, and verifiable information which allows the reader to decide how they feel about what they read.

At least we have John Durham still active and making Democrats sweat.

3/10/2022 10:10:35 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Liberals love to equate activism with journalism because it reinforces their skewed vision of reality.

3/10/2022 11:26:50 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Ukrainians who still have parents brothers sisters relatives living in Russia. Refuse to believe that Russia is bombing them. They believe the propaganda Putin is spewing on Russian state TV. It reminds me of Trump and Fox so called news. And Trump's constant fake news rhetoric. Knowing unlike Putin who has the power to shutdown any News agency that won't spread the propaganda. Trump had to verbally assault the free press constantly. His form of propaganda/programming. So I can excuse to a certain degree people whose news is heavily censored. But here in a country that allows a free press it's a choice. You can believe what the majority of the world press reports or believe the Fox and Russian State TV.

3/10/2022 2:12:49 PM



Never fear Braindead Biden is sending Kamela to Poland
to fix this ukraine thing with Russia????

Hopefully she isnt smokin that stuff that makes her Laugh for hours

3/10/2022 3:00:11 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Spudley, you incorrectly believe that the media's job is to be honest. I assume our kids are being taught a barrage of falsehoods in public schools as well.

3/10/2022 3:03:51 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

@Trucktech1471, with your option of WaPo, NYT, CNN, PMSDNC, NBC, CBS, or ABC all being not credible, what news or journalism sources are you saying are credible and provides accurate, unbiased and verifiable information?

Honest question, what news outlets has Trucktech1471 deemed credible?

I see some other person posting links to astutenews.com and newspunch.com and would question the credibility of the poster, but that was established long ago so is easily ruled out as logical or real.

3/10/2022 3:08:39 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The majority of people I know are using that drug or under its influence. Get sober folks...

3/10/2022 3:10:56 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Tucker Carlsen is the only honest mainstream news.

3/10/2022 3:12:52 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Northshore has a personal vendetta. Its getting in the way of his ability to think openly.

3/10/2022 3:26:26 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Nah Gritty, I’m just calling a spade a spade….and you are it. Sorry man, you really think you are “smart” but your words, actions and reputations say otherwise.

Thanks for proving my point, not even Fox News own Lawyers can defend Tucker Carlson as credible.


3/10/2022 3:31:53 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

You are corrct. I AM an idiot.

Thats why Ive been deceived by people smarter (and more evil) than me for most of my life... Cheers :)

3/10/2022 3:45:57 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Those who truly are smart should refrain from deceiving others!!! Its what pushes flakey folks like myself out to the fringe.

3/10/2022 4:06:15 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Tucker Carlson... is hardly a fringe pundit though. Maybe I'm crazy, but he strikes me as sane.

3/10/2022 4:14:02 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Televangelist Pat Robertson made a special appearance on The 700 Club on Monday and declared that Russian President Vladimir Putin is simply following God's plan to instigate the "End of Times" and the final battle against Israel.

3/10/2022 8:43:46 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Some people say the book of revelations isn't a legit addendum the Bible. Who knows... I do know God is hurriedly using his chisel on me. Probably muttering to Himself, "This guy is definitely not making the cut."

Good post, roger80!

3/10/2022 11:57:57 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

North Shore, I do not watch broadcast news and will dig into the way news items are written. I look for sources who report facts without putting a spin on them and sources which report news the networks ignore, such as the recent Durham filing. I find that OAN, Newsmax, and The Hill are decent sources.

3/11/2022 4:26:34 AM


Cologne / Germany

Better care about usual prices for daily life...

Right now in Germany:
- 1 liter fuel for the car from 1.50 Euro to 2.30 Euro in 10 days
- A bottle of 11 Kilogram bottled Gas from 20 Euro to 30 Euro
- A bread roll bun from the bakery at 65 Eurocent

Since we can´t do a lot about Corona and the Russian war, this is what we have to pay for. Once again: Thanks to stupid politicians that leave us with a situation as of today. Do they increase wages so someone can afford it in the next months?

3/11/2022 5:22:04 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

Oan and Newsmax: for ousted and chewed out fox news personalities and perfect if you want your news to have that alt right wing flavor that bashes liberalism and coddles to Trumpers! And do you refer to the infamous Durham who just got rebuked by a judge for including unnecessary and incendiary material in a routine court filing to gin up negative coverage in Trump-friendly outlets?

All very un-partisan and unbiased, lol. Much more more credible then the NY times or Wapo! I mean Eric Boling or Bill O Reilly? Common now, that's the gold standard for unbiased journalism, LMAO!!!!!

Dig deeper when your researching Trucktech. And when the piece makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and you agree with it its probably a lie. You will find that its written by a right leaning opinion "journalist" "reporting" inline with the narrative the base likes. That's means it was spun for conservative consumption and worded to avoid inconvenient truth and reworded to reassign blame to some liberal cause or person . Now discard it and look better sources, with a better track record. Once you find an organization that tells you things you don't always agree with, but tells you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear you will be well informed. Your gonna have to be weened of the propaganda first which will be ugly. Good luck!!

3/11/2022 7:05:54 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

F&T you strike me as someone who has no real problems. Hence you can fully indulge in imaginary ones. The way the world is going, I think its you who will be weened, and need some luck.

3/11/2022 7:35:22 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

I should prob quit posting because I'm not adding much, and IMO it is not so black and white or Trump vs Biden on who's fault this is. Like the Syrian war, there are so many pieces, factions and areas of gray like in Donetsk and Luhansk (separated states w\in Ukraine - war in Donbas). From what I have been told, there are both Pro Russian and Pro Ukr. people who live in them and of course fight. That war within the Ukraine has been going since 2014... before Trump.

The past admin domino effect, yes, but new rows of dominoes are falling with the current president too.

I work with a girl from the Ukraine who's been here 6 years now. She grew up there with her mom, but her dad lives in Moscow and she went to college in Russia. Her parents are clearly divorced, and she has been in touch with both. One is scared, the other supports what is happening. Crazy having a split family like that.

And Griddy, don't be so hard on yourself!

3/11/2022 8:49:16 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

This should pretty much do it, Frank. Pulitzer was handing out prizes to the NYT and WaPo like they were candy. We now know that retractions later followed and the whole Russia collusion story has been debunked since then.

When media outlets have to print retractions on a regular basis, they're probably seen as lacking credibility.

CNN went from being the #1 cable news network to barely eking out PMSDNC as the most biased and corrupt network full of sexual predators. The only thing PMSDNC has over any other outlets is that they can lay claim to being the most racist.

ABC is owned by Disney, a "woke" and liberal-biased conglomerate. The Durham filing was a factual background piece in the investigation into the fake Russia collusion story designed to establish a starting point to keep the investigation going in the face of Merrick Garland's DOJ. Admonished (not rebuked as you say) by a judge for "creating a sideshow" or not, they remain as facts in the investigation.

You should really be going after Robert Mueller for wasting 40 million dollars on an investigation he knew was fake. You continue to deny, deflect, and distract, Frank, because you continue to ignore the role the media played in perpetuating the lies. Here's the 2018 Pulitzer Prize list for your perusal. It's about as cheap as Obama getting one for just being the right race.

3/11/2022 1:16:42 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Sorry, here it is:


3/11/2022 1:17:26 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Excuse me, Obama got a Nobel. No coffee yet.

3/11/2022 1:19:27 PM


Cologne / Germany

By the way, noone from Europe likes to come to the US as a tourist anymore. Everything is about rip off and defraud. A crappy hotel for 500 bucks in Miamni or somewhere else - no, thank you USA.

3/11/2022 4:19:33 PM



Your right Truck Tech.
CNN has gone to the shitter after the Jeffrey Toobin
Story, Mr Toobin admmitted being caught Red handed while working on the set of CNN Mas..tur..ba.. their ratings got so low they even hired back Old lefty handed Jeffrey toobin
For sale

3/11/2022 6:01:46 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

We love Germany, too, floh.

3/11/2022 6:31:15 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

You've been conditioned by 25 years Fox news. You parrot their baloney like its the gospel. You couldn't tell the truth from a lie if it hit in you head.

Your postings are all conservative cliche's and talking points that with only a couple of clicks of the mouse and some typing can be exposed for the nonsense it is.

Stay in your bubble where its comfortable. With the immigrant hatred, the pro-life hacks and the holier than thou hypocrite bible wavers and the fake patriots that offer their thoughts and prayers everything something that could have been prevented has happened. You like these channels so keep watching them. There's millions of people like you.

You wont be happy in the real world.

3/11/2022 7:02:42 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

USA has everything floh, tropics like the FL Keys, mountains, vast deserts, high plains, back country, small towns, big cities, forests with the biggest trees in the world.... did I say we have everything?

Both my grandpas raided your country during WW2 and helped bring Germany down to nothing but dust. One came home proud with a german bullet in him, and went to his grave with it. I have the Purple Heart, we won.

3/11/2022 7:33:07 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Blah blah blah, Fox News, blah blah blah. And yes, there are millions like me. Brandon will thrive with a 37% approval rating.

3/12/2022 4:20:07 AM


Cologne / Germany

Smallmouth, I guess you never come to other continents as a tourist? Would you like to have your bank account checked, your Smartphone checked, your job checked, your family connections checked, your amount of beer per month checked, and the times you usually go to the toilet? To fill out 10 pages of questions and never get an US online connection to transfer them?

Now this is what you have travelling the USA as a tourist from Europe. Nice, isn´t it? And I guess you would spend 500 bucks easily to have a worn out hotel room with mold. And pay 15 bucks for a Cheeseburger. That´s what I´m talking about. It´s not against USA, but the way they rip off guests.

3/12/2022 5:23:19 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Floh, I have lived and worked in both Northern and Southern Europe for years, so your assumption is wrong.

My paternal grandpa who was shot by a Nazi told stories of women and children being sent out to fight after the Germans should have surrendered in 1945. I'd tread lightly in what you say with such a pathetic and weak bloodline responsible for the largest genocide in history.

3/12/2022 8:08:29 AM


Cologne / Germany

Smallmouth, I was not talking about a person being a US citizen himself. You obviously didn´t read what I said.
It´s symptomatic for you guys to blame Germans being born in Woodstock times already to still have something to do with Nazis...

3/12/2022 2:21:30 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

You have taken shots at the USA for years on here and did 2x above. Don’t talk bad about another country if you don’t want it back.

3/12/2022 3:39:13 PM


Cologne / Germany

I was born when the USA bombed down Vietnam, and my parents met the Russians on their wedding weekend during Prague Spring in January 1968. Nothing more to say.
You know nothing about Europe, and how we think. All what guys like you can do is blaming others without reflecting their own history.

3/12/2022 4:05:23 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

blah blah, I have heard your Vietnam rant before. You've made it very clear over the years on here you don't like the USA.

You can dish it, but you can't take it.

3/12/2022 6:41:55 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think you got rubbed the wrong way Smallmouth. Understandable... I think there isnt too much to be happy about, in either Germany or the USA, at the moment.

3/12/2022 7:33:25 PM


Susquehanna Pa

I’m sure I won’t make the cut either Gritty. LOL

3/12/2022 7:51:58 PM


Susquehanna Pa

I’m also sure if Trump makes the cut we both will!

3/12/2022 7:56:02 PM


Cologne / Germany

Trump suggests Biden to prepare a nuclear strike against Russia.
If this psychopath would still be US president, we now could prepare ourselves for the Third, and last war of this planet this March. But no problem, Trump can play Golf in his bunker till the end of his life.

3/13/2022 4:03:08 AM



A while back there was a guy on this site from Germany ,
who was disrespecful of our country USA, LIKE YOU floh

AMELIO was his name you and him are the same person
Your just another " Want A Be "

3/13/2022 8:31:13 AM

john boy


If trump was in office,,,,It wouldnt been no war,,,Trump told us what was going to happen ,if binden came president,,,,it was the truth!!!!!

3/13/2022 8:48:46 AM


Cologne / Germany

"AMELIO was his name you and him are the same person
Your just another " Want A Be "

I don´t know a person called Amelio, I´m not in contact with this person, and I never had been this person.
It´s typical for times like George W. Bush and Trump to use fake news as a legal instance to blame opinions and persons, isn´t it?

3/13/2022 9:54:25 AM


Cologne / Germany

But I remember pretty good about this message board when it was said "Iraque? Bomb that place flat" in 2003.
And you still wonder why the civilzed world is not always following a republican president of the USA like Nixon or Bush or Trump?....

3/13/2022 10:04:27 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

The Iraq war(s) were either supported or fought by a coalition of so-called "civilized" nations, including Germany, and led by American forces. There was no problem then under both George Bushes.

3/13/2022 3:17:31 PM


Cologne / Germany

TruckTech, get the facts straight. Most of the countries in Europe, including Germany, did not went to Iraq with Bush in 2003. That was the first conflict with Bush 19 years ago. Of course, a lot of people already forgot.

3/13/2022 4:06:42 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Europe was pretty quick to help reduce Libya back down to a 3rd world country. The same as Rome treated Carthage. We of European heritage ought to own up to the fact that most of us are not saints.

3/13/2022 4:38:49 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Not saying we need to carry guilty conscience we just need to realize the history. This might help:


This puts the avoidance of war into a proper perspective.

If a similar video showed peace agreements, that would be interesting too.

3/13/2022 4:49:22 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

While you're correct about the second war, the fact remains that Germany was well involved with a Bush war, contrary to your original assertion about the "civilized" world.


3/14/2022 3:55:25 AM


Cologne / Germany

Please keep in mind that Europe is the place where all the refugees from senseless overseas wars (like USA in Iraq) come to. And what comes out from this, like the IS in Iraq.

Our chancellor Merkel was stupid enough to open all borders in 2015 to people from Iraq and Syria, but the Iraq war 2003 was YOUR war, and you expect Europe to clean up after you. As well as in Afghanistan.

I assume you have no islamist problems in the US, since no refugees ever made it to the USA, do you?

3/14/2022 6:52:11 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Sounds like you should let Russia take over. You might be better off...

3/14/2022 10:28:38 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Russia is the only reason why Syria and Switzerland are still different countries?

3/14/2022 10:30:35 AM


Cologne / Germany

As of today, Germany took 150.000 refugees from the Ukraine, and more to be in shelter in Moldovia, Poland, Romania etc.
Once again we have to take what mad politicians leave us behind.
I don´t think you have any idea in the USA what it´s like to sit at the border of wars.

3/14/2022 11:22:53 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Floh, we have an open southern border due to our politicians not securing it. It is estimate between 11-15 million illegal immigrants in our country. They cross over from Mexico into Arizona and Texas.

3/14/2022 12:49:02 PM


Lodi, California

Floh is right Iraq was a pretty shitty war. Arms dealers loved it though, nothing like a good proxy war to bolser arms sales. For some reason american politicians really seem to like little wars fought in far away countries out of sight and out of mind, where the consequences affect us minimally. Hmmm...

Also this thread is huge, I'm surprised it's not dead yet

3/14/2022 1:00:40 PM


Cologne / Germany

Smallmouth, these are illegal immigrants due to economic situation. This is what Europe has in addition, because Africa is not far.

The real war refugees, this is different, because they come to us so women with children don´t know if husband is still living, or if there is the family house remaining, or already bombed away. This is totally different from these Mexico and Middle American problems I guess.

By the way, most of the economical refugees in Europe are very well organized in criminal activities like drugs and prostitution, and they don´t even have passports, identity etc.

3/14/2022 1:08:37 PM



In Spain, there is a rumor (intelligence sources) that Putin could suffer from a brain disorder caused by dementia or Parkinson's disease, as a result of steroid treatment for cancer

3/14/2022 1:34:16 PM


Cologne / Germany

Rmen, Hitler also had Parkinson and was treated with drugs to ease his pain from poison attacks in WW I.
For dictators, that´s a common way to mentally decay.

3/14/2022 1:57:20 PM


Cologne / Germany

pg3(Ashton): Germany is now buying 35 model F-35 fighter jets in the USA. So that we can send nuclear ammunition from the skies...

"Arms dealers love it though" Your true words, and once again, the war logic - and logistic - are on their way.

3/14/2022 3:18:29 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Hey has anyone watched the Netflix series The 100? Could this be where we're heading?

3/15/2022 3:33:24 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

If Putin is on painkillers that would be bad news. Politicians should have to disclose what drugs they are on, just like an airline pilot... even lowly truckers have to do drug tests. But politicians who control the fate of the world? No drug tests for them!

3/15/2022 4:30:14 PM


Cologne / Germany

Send drug detecting dogs from the airport to the parliament building, they will find cocaine and other stuff everywhere. In Moscow, Berlin, Washington...

3/15/2022 4:47:07 PM


Cologne / Germany

Question to Biden: "Do you assume Putin to be a war criminal?"
Biden: "Assume? He IS a war criminal."

Trump: "Putin is a genius and wise"....

Any questions?

3/17/2022 4:26:55 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

You love things out of context. Trump meant Putin was wise to wait until after weakness entered The White House, not a genius for invading Ukraine.

Any questions?

3/17/2022 2:04:37 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Hopefully they arrest George Bush at and Hillary Clinton at the same time they arrest Putin.

3/17/2022 2:10:21 PM


Cologne / Germany

Do you really think Putin would have not invaded the Ukraine with Trump? It was a plan of Putin for at least 10 years.
Maybe with Trump, his playboy luxury dictator friend, the sanctions would have not hit him so hard.

For the purpose of war, a dictator´s attidude to play Golf or fly a fighter jet or ride a horse with no shirt is not relevant. Anyway, compared to Putin Trump is lacking the ability to do things without a shirt and a bunch of hairspray.

3/17/2022 5:37:19 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Are you still offended, floh, after Trump called out the European NATO deadbeats in Brussels in 2017 for not providing their 2% fair share? When Trump became president, only 5 nations were meeting their commitment.

Europe decided to go all-out with their climate initiatives in recent years, pretty much ignoring any threat by the Russians and, instead, making energy deals with Putin, with Germany committing to getting 75% of their natural gas needs from Russia when Nordstrom 2 was up and running. All it would take to bring Germany to its knees is Putin turning off the pipeline valve. It's getting real now.

And yes, I really believe that Putin held off the invasion until the U.S. committed to the climate change hoax and forfeitted energy independence for energy dependence to placate the lunatic fringe of the Democrat party. All it took for Putin was to sense weakness in The White House. I also believe that Putin believed the European members of NATO lacked any resolve to stand up to him.

3/17/2022 7:44:59 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

A very interesting read here:


3/17/2022 7:46:55 PM

john boy


TruckTeck is right,,,,Biden is weak.,,,Hes killing america

3/17/2022 8:26:42 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

floh (with a lower case f) is a descendent of a country responsible for 85 million people that died in WW2. Anything he says is irrelevant to me.

3/17/2022 11:29:11 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

? Hitler was in charge, not floh nor his ancestors.

Yeesh. Am I responsible for killing Iraqi children? I didnt vote for Bush. I didnt vote for Round 1 of Trump either, lol. I did vote for Round 2 of Trump and that didnt happen. I think Biden is ok, but I'm perfectly cspable of seeing that Trump might have been better.

3/17/2022 11:46:27 PM


Cologne / Germany

Who was Trump to dictate Germany not to build Nordstream 2? Does any country in the world tell the USA where to buy or produce your oil and gas?
Should Europe buy dirty US fracking gas that needs to be transported 5.000 miles on dirty ships - that transport gas to the European harbours and cruise back empty? What kind of economy is that? Do you build us a Transatlantic pipeline to sell US gas and oil to Europe?

Get your geographical facts straight.

3/18/2022 4:46:32 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Hell hath no fury like a Putin scorned... Fair weather friend Saudi Arabia is now friends with China, Germany friends with Russia. I'd say we are on our own here in the USA? Make America Great Again! (Make Anerica Pray Again?)

3/18/2022 8:37:18 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

Trump wasn't dictating. He was pointing out the hypocrisy by Germany to rely on the very nation NATO exists for. "Sleeping with the enemy", so to speak.

The U.S. really isn't much better when it comes to China, outsourcing millions of jobs and having much of our health care supplies and pharmaceuticals manufactured there. But at least Trump was doing something about that by employing trade tariffs to level the playing field. Tariffs work when allowed to take root.

If Europe doesn't get their defensive capabilities bolstered ASAP, it could get very ugly very quickly.

3/18/2022 9:18:48 AM


Cologne / Germany

"Sleeping with the enemy"
Who is not sleeping with the Middle East, Russia, China and sometimes Africa for gas, oil, coal, raw material and cheap labour?
Concerning that, every Western nation is a whore for itself. Hypocrisis is about to be jealous who has the best deals in that business, and how to get them.

3/18/2022 1:41:41 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Still waiting on Spudder to "trash me" so bad I quit posting.

It's been almost 3 weeks, Spudder, well?

3/19/2022 9:09:32 AM

Spudley (Scott)


If we the consumer have to pay more because we all know who really pays those tariffs. Why not manufacture those products here. It's moments like these raw capitalism is laid bare. Country over profit or profit over Country?

3/19/2022 2:12:16 PM


Cologne / Germany

Spudley, not every country in the world has the conditions to plant or produce just everything. Concerning the climate, the USA can.
Europe has a strange system NOT to produce as it could. We import beef from South America or the US, so it has to be transported 5.000 miles - does that make sense?

Ukraine by the way is the main provider for wheat and corn for Europe because of the "black soil" they have. No other country is able to produce so much of it. The Russian war in Ukraine is also a war about the best place to provide markets with agricultural products which becomes more important every year. Russia does only provide 25%, the Ukraine 50%...
Two days ago, the Ukraine also had one of the biggest steel factories in Europe, now bombed flat by the Russians. Russians are as insane as they had been 80 years ago, because without infrastructure, what should be the future of Ukraine? If for the Russians or anyone else?

3/20/2022 3:32:41 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

That's the idea behind tariffs, Spuds - to encourage America-based manufacturing over outsourcing due to highly unfair trade practices by other nations. The economic impact of tariffs on the target country(s) forces a deal to accept more U.S.-based products. Where we really need to work is at limiting the purchase of U.S.-based companies by the target countries. The more we spend with China, the more of us they own. We should accept nothing less than dollar-for-dollar trade with any developed nation. Our biggest enemy is right here in the U.S.- politicians.


3/20/2022 9:21:34 AM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

We forced a renegotiation of the job-killing boondoggle known as NAFTA to an agreement which is more fair for working Americans into the USMCA by leveraging our consumer power and threatening tariffs on Mexico and Canada. It isn't perfect, as we still have government-based industry subsidies by the U.S. and Canada, chiefly, to keep a competitive advantage, but it's better than what we had.

3/20/2022 9:29:42 AM


Cologne / Germany

Anti-war songs made it during Vietnam, let´s go again.

"You are my faith in these times" Santiano, Germany

"Ukraine stand proud and in peace" Ukraine / Southafrica

In the USA, do you think about the Russian war in Europe, the victims, the killed children and their parents, the lost buildings, the millions of refugees? Germany now took 200.000 refugees, women with children.
Or is it just another war for you, 6.000 miles away?

Biden will be over here this week. It´s not sure if he will visit Ukraine.

3/20/2022 2:28:30 PM


Cologne / Germany

Ukraine Nabucco choir
Another Ukraine song:

This is no hillbilly muslim shithole. This is Europe.

3/20/2022 3:03:41 PM

Walking Man

formerly RGG

So Spudley, what is your opinion of the corruption revealed on Hunter Biden's laptop ? That " boys will be boys " LOL ? I mean now that both Fox News & the mainstream media agree it is authentic.

4/1/2022 8:23:04 AM

Spudley (Scott)


OMG and Benghazi is coming to a theater near you. LMFAO!

4/1/2022 12:14:37 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I dont understand the crocodile tears. Either fight or surrender, imho. I dont get what good the singing or sobbing does for a man. Men should be men and skip the kumbaya crap. Either fight Putin or don't...

4/1/2022 10:41:29 PM

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