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Subject:  The oil runs out.

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Not even with the Covid crisis has it been possible to stop the world's oil consumption. China, India and many emerging countries, and of course the West, consume more and more oil, and the extraction is less and less. We will see more and more rises in fertilizers, raw materials, it will be a very difficult change. A lot of strength for everyone.


2/5/2022 1:34:11 PM


Oak Grove, Mn

Back in 1975, when I was a teenager, I was told by now, the world would be out of oil. In my youthful optimism, i thought, no problem, humans are creative, they will just find an alternative. Alternatives now exists, ethanol, biodiesel, electrical with solar, nuclear and wind, hydrofuels etc.

I need a few more acres, then I would experiment with either a still(ethanol) or a seed oil press(biodiesel). If I had some forest, I could try to run my vehicle on wood gasification. I have books on how to do all of these.

Short term..this oil crunch will cause many people problems. Global inflation for all energy, and food (fertilizers) etc. Unfortunately, i feel those that the wealthiest, will gain from this shortage..and all the poor people will suffer.

Long term...we will survive....

2/5/2022 2:38:28 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I dont really like electric vehicles. Why? Because the price of electricity will become linked to the price of gasoline.

2/5/2022 9:50:10 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

Soon all gardening/farming equipment will be electric or battery powered. Solar power will become the fuel of electricity. Systemic oil-based pesticides will have to be replaced by more natural methods like companion planting to attract beneficial insects and repel insect pests. Expensive chemical fertilizers will be replaced by more natural things like manure and compost. Herbicides will be replaced by old fashioned weeding.

2/6/2022 12:40:45 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Scientists this year took two big steps on what has been a decades-long, slow march to fusion power. Researchers in California used lasers to trigger a record-breaking fusion reaction, while a team in Massachusetts demonstrated a powerful magnet that could one day be incorporated into an electricity-generating fusion reactor.
Mankind will figure it out.

2/6/2022 6:52:09 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I also dont like the price of food being linked to the price of ethanol.

So thats good news about fusion! Nuclear power is the safest per kilowatt, a bit like how airplanes are the safest transportion per mile. But if something does go wrong... then uh oh :)

2/6/2022 9:01:26 PM


Thorium is from what i have read a better fuel than Uranium, much safer and cheaper. The knock against it in the beginning of nuclear was that to the best of my knowledge it could not be used to make those weapons.

2/7/2022 9:07:50 AM


Long Island,New York

My Exxon stock is doing great.......

2/8/2022 9:57:54 AM


Honesdale, Pennsylvania

We WERE pretty self sufficient over here. Now we are begging OPEC to HELP and increase production. The Keystone pipeline was a pretty good idea and gas prices were low.

2/8/2022 2:52:07 PM

Spudley (Scott)


My stock in Generac is doing well too.

2/8/2022 3:00:07 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Gas companies like Exxon, Chevron, Shell, and BP are posting some of their highest profits since 2017! They have no willingness so far to ramp up production to help reduce cost. Their share holders are loving it taking advantage of bloating prices, screwing American families all the while. I paid $3.25 a gallon for heating oil just today. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, it’s the Republican way! Couldn’t help making it political. LOL

2/8/2022 8:11:04 PM

Orange U. Glad


The Republican way, lol. So if we have a Republican president and the low gas prices- no peanut gallery comments. High gas prices which is a trademark of Democrat presidents and it is still somehow the Republicans fault. Their is no logic to your position just a willingness to be blind. The Democrats control all branches of government and it still the Republicans fault. Is nothing Biden's fault in your world? You really didn't make it political, you just showed your blind loyalty to the Democrats.

2/8/2022 9:14:08 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Either party can be bad at economics. Not very intelligent to say Democrats are perfect, nor to blame the party that isnt in power.

2/8/2022 10:39:38 PM



Stupid is as stupid does I guess Orange. Can't fix stupid lol

2/8/2022 11:09:35 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

It wouldn't have mattered which party was in power in 2016 when there was low gas prices. In 2016 shale producers were flooding the market with oil regardless if it was profitable or not. After awhile the weaker players went bankrupt and the stronger players bought weaker players or bankrupt players assets to make themselves stronger. The stronger players became more efficient because of this. Then the Saudis decided to flood the market with oil to try to bankrupt the remaining shale players for over a year. Then Russia had a dispute over its Opec quota with the Saudis and they both flooded the market with oil for about 4 months. World demand has caught up to the world's supply and that's why gas prices are climbing. Eventually the shale producers will start flooding the market with oil when it becomes profitable to start producing a lot of oil and gas prices will start coming down.

2/8/2022 11:42:59 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The strength of the dollar matters... If the dollar is strong people will want those more valuable dollars and thus sell their products cheaper. This is the reason people flood the market with their products... they want valuable dollars. They dont want worthless dollars.

2/9/2022 3:01:03 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

During the pandemic, the rich got richer, the government got further into debt, and now interest rates are set to rise. This isnt a good scenario for the environment, taxpayers, or the poor. I think Biden should be pushing for low interest rates the way Trump did?

2/9/2022 3:32:29 AM


This just might throw a wrench into the EV takeover
Will be interesting to see if it works out or is thrown out


2/9/2022 10:29:09 AM

Frank and Tina

South East



high price per term: Republican
lowest price per term: democrat

best average per term: democrat

2/9/2022 5:20:39 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Cheapest under Bill Clinton, inflatikn adjusted. I remember that when he nearly had the federal debt paid off, it briefly dropped to .99 cents.

Then shortly after that... his briefs dropped :) And we went back to huge deficits.

2/9/2022 9:36:28 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think if Trump had a second term, he would have tied with Clinton.

2/9/2022 9:39:10 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

^ Both economically smart men. Both undeservingly hated...?

2/9/2022 9:42:36 PM


Susquehanna Pa

A guy that goes bankrupt 11 times using his old man’s money is economically smart???

2/10/2022 7:31:47 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Smarter than those who get their money for free by printing it. Yeah this world is a struggle for most people, including Trump. I dont see the appeal of the Democrats any more. Sorry I just dont see what they are offering. Utopia? Unrealistic.

2/10/2022 9:06:05 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Edison failed 999 times before he invented the light bulb. Does that mean he isnt a genius?

2/10/2022 9:07:02 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Reminds me of the story about the guy who founded KFC. He started like dozens of fast food businesses. He is probably an expert by now. Everyone gets smarter by failure. As I understand it, even A.I. computers basically get smart by trying absolutely massive numbers of failed algorithms. They will win against himans, because they arent afraid of failure like we humans are :) Plus they can "fail" way faster than we can. I think success in business is very much about speeding up your failure rates, but only an innovative businessperson would understand this. The point is, all those failures create a foundation. I really do not see what foundation the Democrats are building upon. It doesn't appear to be constitutional law. It doesnt appear to be the economy. I'm not sure what the Democrat party is any more other than a clever political machine. I get texts all the time from people pretending to be friendly, and they are all Democrats who want money for this or that. None of them are my friends, but they sure act friendly. I think the Democrats are just offering a sort of amorphous social solidarity, but its all unhelpful fluff at the end of the day.

2/10/2022 9:30:33 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Blah, blah, blah:)

2/11/2022 12:49:03 AM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

It annoys the hell out of me that oil prices are so delicate that when the Saudis sneeze we catch a cold. I completely realize that the Russian invasion into Ukraine is not the norm and I also see the potential adverse reaction in European markets, pipelines etc.
There was a post a while back relating to ethical oil. The US imports what, 2% of their oil from Russia. Similar here in Canada so why the inflated increase? The US and Canada are sitting on a buttload of oil/gas. We should be looking out for ourselves and our friends, the old way of doing things doesn't work anymore.

BTW- I am all about green initiatives and alternate solutions to fossil fuels, however, today we still need and depend on oil, sucks but it's reality.

3/21/2022 9:37:27 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

It has more to do with printing money than with Russia.

3/21/2022 10:07:55 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Andy, do you mean how how Biden dissolved the Keystone pipeline DAY 1 in office to prove a point. The major XL line from Canada to the US?

Keep voting democrat

3/21/2022 10:10:15 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Andy, want to clarify, my last sentence was not directed at you or any Canadians.

3/21/2022 10:17:14 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Actually, I wasn’t thinking about Keystone at all, the system is an old one that needs to be looked at in a way that prevents this from happening every 3 years.
Now that you mention Keystone, I agree it was shut down to prove a point.
Don’t mean to sound like a broken record,but, I’m all for green initiatives and I’m willing to do my part. However, today, we need oil and that includes Keystone.

3/22/2022 11:52:53 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think we need good leadership. Too much "what's in it for me" thinking amongst the powerful lobbies out there. And powerful people are hypocrites, they spend more money on new yachts than on figuring out how to recycle the old ones. They take their private jets to conferences where they blame the poor for the worlds problems. Its the Pelosi syndrome. She gets her hair done, wearing no mask, while others are unemployed and forced to wear (useless?) masks. The double standards (poor leadership) is what inhibits progress.

3/22/2022 12:44:45 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Andy, it was the day one, literally, that gets me.

3/22/2022 5:30:43 PM


Mead, WA

Sir Humphrey Davy 1807, British chemist warren de la rue 1839, Thomas Edison 1879. Change inventions take time and is built on predecessors knowledge. While Edison didn’t invent the light bulb he did perfect it. He was into movies he did invent the phonograph. I homeschooled my oldest he got to dress as Thomas Edison and say two facts about him on stage when he was 4 with a group called wee rock preschool a bunch of MOPs moms in Spokane wa ran 13 years ago.

4/17/2022 11:49:32 PM

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