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Subject: Saving Face?
Date Posted
TruckinPunkin |
Upper Strasburg, PA
Did the Biden/Harris administration really murder 10 people - including 7 children - just to save face after the bombing at the Kabul airport?
Associated Press: “ Afghan killed by drone praised by co-workers in US aid group”
9/15/2021 6:56:28 PM
Duster |
San Diego
I heard about this 2 weeks ago or so. It looks very bad yet you don't hear one peep out of the media. I have never seen a so many really bad decisions in my life for the exit strategy from Afghanistan from our current leaders. Shameful. Really shows who they are.
9/15/2021 7:18:32 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Investigation into the incident is "ongoing", which means forever until it is completely forgotten.. Crickets from the media.
9/15/2021 8:49:02 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I saw an upside down American flag atop a flag pole today plus an F--- Biden flag under the upside down American flag. He's gotta be one pissed off patriot to basically say this is no longer his country like that. (Which may be the case.)
The fractures in this country are as deep & wide as ever. The flouridated vaccinated mask-wearing sheep are clueless. Very comfortable under all their wool :)
9/16/2021 3:30:19 AM
LJ |
South Dakota
Gritty, what do you have against sheep. They are smarter than our politicians. Apologies to all the four legged sheep everywhere. Baaaad joke. LOL
9/16/2021 7:40:14 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
When I travel into our "blue/rino zone"...aka Seattle area... to me it's a zombie apocalypse. Maybe it looks happy and rational to others but I'm gonna go out on a limb and call this an abused society... Sorry Trucktech way off topic and I dont have any insight into that but I do believe Biden is a caring guy. For all his faults as a person I dont think he himself possesses the inclination to murder anyone. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt just because he doesnt strike me as an actual source of evil. He is obviously not a strong man but there I would defer to religion and say that meekness isnt exactly condemned in Christianity. I guess I'm more of a religious voter than a rational one.
9/16/2021 4:44:27 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
The article you cited was about the drone strike outside Kabul airport which purportedly killed a "friendly" and his family rather than suicide bombers, as reported by the Biden administration. Biden press secretary Jen Psaki stated when asked about the incident at a press conference that the investigation was "ongoing" and I am giving you my Biden administration definition of the term.
What is so off topic?
9/17/2021 10:15:38 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I got off topic. I also got confused between Truckin and Trucktech. I'm as dopey as the big guy... at least I'm not in charge of anyone else's life!
9/17/2021 1:36:50 PM
Jane & Phil |
Ontario, Canada
You guys got Biden & we got Trudeau. Both countries lost out in these last elections. I truly can't believe people are that out of touch with reality to support these two boneheads.
Now back to growing.
9/22/2021 3:53:45 PM
cojoe |
Jane and Phil, I find your posts to be spot on. They give me hope that the medias bias product hasn't brainwashed the last two generations.
9/22/2021 4:14:03 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Jane and Phil, It’s a simple voting process in Canada, called ABC.
Anything But Conservative.
9/22/2021 6:26:22 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
I lean toward conservative but they keep shooting themselves in the foot. I voted Harper first time around and his policies lead to the extinction of the Atlantic white fish. Now Erin the tool questions climate change, I’m out. A true leader acknowledges the need for green alternatives while supporting western oil / natural gas companies who should be leading the way in transitioning to green alternatives. Just sayin.
9/22/2021 10:25:42 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
Glenn, you might have a change of heart if your border was completely open by Trudeau and thousands of Americans flooded in daily without any ID or passport illegally. Then those Americans, many that are criminals, are allowed to roam society without speaking English and eventually get benefits to live for free. Oh wait, that’s us with Biden and all of Central and South America. You have no clue how bad this border crisis is.
Andy, you once said you like the wide open spaces where you live. I do to and I’m losing that at an exponential level due to illegal demographics. Instead of trying to fix their own countries, people flood into here illegally because Biden allows it.
I have a feeling you will learn the hard way down the line.
Anything But Liberal
9/22/2021 11:20:57 PM
iceman |
Lol ABC, not true, far too many people in both country's vote for free money and don't give a crap where it comes from. That's why our grand kids will still be paying off our debt. Too many people got lazy and have their hands out. We have thousands of job opening and no one want to work cause they don't have too.
9/22/2021 11:30:11 PM
26 West |
50 Acres
Your right Eddie. That damn cerb has killed the incentive to work. Jim
9/23/2021 8:12:00 AM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
You don't know the pitfalls, hypocrisy, and threat to individual liberties until you've lived at this time in The States, It's getting real, folks, and the real ugliness is getting closer to reality and it's all going to be in the name of keeping us safe.
We've lost a generation here in the states and the struggle is on to get it back from the CRT kooks, BLM thugs, and climate change nut jobs. Sovereignty is a much better option than globalism when it comes to preserving freedom and individual liberties. You're free to pursue capitulation if you like, but leave me out of it.
9/23/2021 10:06:55 AM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
Luke, I’ve resigned myself to not fully getting other points of view due to the fact that I’m not experiencing what others do on a daily basis. I will admit that if there were illegals on every corner taking work from the locals, my position may be different. I feel for you, in a much more densely populated area this problem must be frustrating to say the least. I have no answers, I really enjoy the wide open spaces but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about the future of my grand kids. The FYI- conservatives and liberals in Canada are not the equivalent to same in the US. We are more socialist than we pretend, even the conservatives.
9/23/2021 9:52:57 PM
Jane & Phil |
Ontario, Canada
Trudeau has no respect for the people he governs & only wants power to push his liberal agenda for more government control over our freedoms. That's a tyrant, not a Prime Minister. He also kisses China's ass, while our two citizens rot in jail. We should send that Chinese broad to our worst hell hole of a prison for the rest of her stay. Maybe that will get our boys home sooner. Canadians really need to come together in the next election to rid ourselves of this self-centered moron.
9/24/2021 12:36:55 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Jane and Phil, our 2 Canadians held hostage in China were returned home to Canada today and the extradition of the Huawei executive from Canada to the USA has been overturned and she is now also free to leave. I think Canada better think twice before arresting persons just because a crazy US President said so.
9/24/2021 11:08:36 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Jane & Phil: I was going to offer Biden for Trudeau, but it sounds like we both already have either.
9/25/2021 10:47:37 AM
iceman |
Glenn you don't really believe that do you?? The Huawei Executive was in New york meeting with Iranian officials,(wasn't a friendly visit) and she got wind that she was to be arrested, she jumped on a plane to get back to china which had a stop in Vancouver where she was arrested, This had nothing to do with Trump. The 2 Michaels were collateral damage as they say, BUT they are not without baggage either. Jane and Phil, the Liberals in Canada are just as corrupt as the Dems in the US. the amount of sheep that follow them all need to understand their supposed leaders are the big bad wolf, and not the sheep dog, Wolves get hungry and will eat their own. Just waiting for that to start and I want a front row seat.
9/25/2021 2:10:38 PM
Jane & Phil |
Ontario, Canada
Eddy is right & no amount of Biden & Trudeau's lies will make it true. I'm glad to see our boys home. Now if we could only send Trudeau over for a 3 year extended stay at the same prison our boys were held in. Maybe he would wake up & see that China isn't our friend. T Tech, I really think they are both lunatics that are equally damaging to their own countries. Power & money are the only language they speak. We need new leaders that will work together to make our region (Can, Mex & US) the powerhouse it could be, without the need for any Chinese products or influence.
9/28/2021 8:49:57 AM
Fissssh |
Simi valley, ca
There are many things in life that are a shame, like cancer & many other things , too bad America cant fix them all, but the way i see it is the way we got out of Afghanistan saved many American lives , A slow or so called better planed exit would have cost America many more of our boys & girls lives, Think it threw, there was no good way to do it, , Leader (not) tweeter !!
10/15/2021 1:59:04 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
We could fix them all... if big pharma would stop fixating on only the profitable problems. They already know what causes many of these diseases but they wont even tell you what they know when what they know doesnt earn them big buck$.
For example, they know cutting soy out of people's diet halts alzheimers. But they wont tell you that. Instead they are looking for fancy patented ways to remove soy protein from your brain, which they will charge you $1000 a month. It would be cheaper just to cut soy out of the persons diet. But then they wouldnt make a dime.
10/15/2021 3:41:39 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Make america great... dont settle for stupid or corrupt leadership.
10/15/2021 3:44:22 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Add fluoride and aluminum to the above rant... they KNOW fluoride lowers IQ. How does it lower IQ? Neurodegeneration by free radical oxidation? The Chinese and Russians are going to kick our rear ends. Because our society is literally choosing to be stupid. Anyhow, hang in there Biden... You may have dementia but you are 20x smarter than Kamala.
10/15/2021 3:54:10 AM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Catchy slogans really make up for the poor quality of leadership (or lack thereof) from the current idiot-in-chief. It's too bad that's all anyone can muster for him.
10/15/2021 8:26:18 AM
TruckinPunkin |
Upper Strasburg, PA
It’s pretty delusional to think that Biden’s plan to withdraw all air support and leave $90bn of weapons behind prior to evacuating Americans and allies was the best way out of a bad war.
Furthermore, glossing over the massacre of innocent people is a damning statement about one’s character.
10/15/2021 9:11:15 AM
Fissssh |
Simi valley, ca
WE lost close to 7000 there, Thats not enough ?
10/17/2021 12:40:16 PM
Fissssh |
Simi valley, ca
SO are you saying trump was above poor quality ?? Because i know what the majority of people think.
10/17/2021 12:49:45 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Your majority and reality are two very different things. Probably just best you stick to enjoying what the state of California has to offer these days.
10/17/2021 7:29:44 PM
Fissssh |
Simi valley, ca
Trucktech OK I made a mistake! I thought it would an easy one to understand! Lets try this again, Around me- my area yes more people see it for what it really is & they Do not anymore or never did think trump was Qualified to be a president! But no all-just most And perhaps in your area most people love the guy, SO to clarify I'm saying the majority of people in the '''United States''' think he did not do a good job (to put it nicely).
10/18/2021 2:20:43 PM
Fissssh |
Simi valley, ca
Sorry, but that is the reality !!!
10/18/2021 2:22:22 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
The reality is more than 50% of Americans are on psychoactive drugs. Some prescribed, some recently legalized. We can still talk about perceptions, but I doubt we, as Americans, can talk about reality.
10/18/2021 5:19:57 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
What I'd like to know from you is what you like most about Biden's policies and how they favor working Americans. Don't even try to convince sane people that his 3.5 trillion dollar spending package is in any way good for working America when we can all see it for what it is: a Democrat slush fund with feel-good names like climate initiatives and family child care.
This administration paid people not to work and continues to push a socialist agenda which threatens a way of life we gave blood, sweat, and tears to attain, all in an effort to consolidate iron-clad control over personal freedom and liberty. Excuse me if I happen to like those things which President Trump held near and dear.
10/19/2021 1:29:20 AM
Spudley (Scott) |
Yeah Joe got 8 million more votes than Ronald McDonald! That's what Democracy looks like. Unless you're a corrupt sore looser! Change the hearts and minds of more voters with your ideas. Instead of changing the voting rules to disqualify or to disenfranchise those that don't believe in what you pedal. The GOP still to this very day pedal the Big Lie Trump won the election. Insited a riot at our Capital were people died! Anyone who's still believes the Big Lie don't get a say so quit bitching about made up bullshit!
10/21/2021 2:55:32 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
You believe the Democrats are truthful? Ha ha. No you dont...
10/21/2021 4:18:23 PM
TruckTech1471 |
South Bloomfield, Ohio
Speaking of lies, it'll be interesting to see the whoppers this train wreck of a presidency comes up with to save the party from utter destruction in 2022. One of the most laughable these days is Biden's claim that only full vaccination will ease the supply chain crisis. Meanwhile, he flies illegals to unsuspecting cities all across America in the dead of night. Transparency at its best!
10/21/2021 4:35:39 PM
Buyers Remorse That is all um hearing from you Demos,what did i get myself into voting for this Braindead Telepromter Reader. Can any of you Biden Lovers tell us who is in charge in the Whitehouse? and who is Telling Biden what to say, and dont take any questions or you will be in trouble??
10/22/2021 3:39:03 AM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
Old Rook, at least gas prices haven’t doubled in the past year? Oh wait.
At least there isn’t record millions of illegals crossing the Texas border and released freely into society, and we know they are all vaccinated and cannot carry COVID. Oh
Look up companies leaving liberal run California for Texas and Tennessee , there are hundreds. Some as Hewlett-Packard, Digital Reality, Oracle and Tesla making the move to Texas.
10/22/2021 8:52:30 AM
Yea Smallmouth,the gas in my neighborhood is over 5 bucks a gal and some places in Calif its up to 8 bucks a gal. Good thing Biden stopped that pipeline, that will make the price of gas go down? Never fear 1/2 brain Joe says he has not got anytime to go the borderand find out why 2million plus are coming over our border, So he will send his Wife to investigate?? Joe has totally lost it
10/22/2021 6:17:58 PM
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