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Subject:  Attention sheeple!

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The time to say no to tyranny and refuse to wear a mask is now! Tie a glove on your face with the middle finger up if u have to shop for food... Lol.

4/12/2021 1:38:03 PM


Brownsville, MD

There are much better ways to stick it to the man than refusing to wear a mask. Consider some of the following options:

1. Conduct all transactions in cash and do not report your income.
2. Buy unregistered firearms from the black market
3. Grow illegal plants and fungi

Those are the kind of things that really piss off Uncle Sam. The anti-mask thing is weak.

4/12/2021 2:28:17 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think its run by a bunch of Aunty Antifas now. I think Uncle Sam died of Covid.

4/12/2021 8:16:49 PM


Upa Creek, MO

Excluding kids, is anyone here not vaccinated who wants to be vaccinated? It’s a free for all here, walk ins available EVERYWHERE all day at multiple locations in every town.

That being said, masks should not be a thing much longer. I think some just think it’s the new way of life. Wrong

4/12/2021 10:03:48 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

If you want to gamble your life on not wearing a mask that's your choice. I've lost 2 family members and a couple of friends to covid because they didn't wear a mask. I have other friends that have had covid and ended up in the hospital for 2 weeks from not wearing a mask.

Until a vaccine that works 99% of the time, I will wear a mask even though I will have both shots soon.

4/12/2021 10:46:24 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Being a germaphobe was cool for about two months. The goal posts did move. I was supportive of containing/halting the spread and once that failed then not overwhelming hospitals.
Now it's like the houseguests who have overstayed their welcome & wont leave.

4/12/2021 11:12:51 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

But you cant politely tell them to go. Open belligerence works... Politeness doesnt always work unfortunately.

4/12/2021 11:15:14 PM


Upa Creek, MO

Sounds like you’re behind, Wile. Get that 2nd shot.

4/12/2021 11:23:34 PM


Upa Creek, MO

Wile, what about guns? And I’ve lost close friends being shot in the head, family shot in multiple wars. We still refuse to wear bullet proof helmets. Have you ever seen someone shot point blank, it’s not pretty.

4/12/2021 11:44:46 PM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

I quit deer hunting when my buddies and I were eating and drinking around a campfire. A bullet hit the tree above me and the same thing happened to a buddy. No more being in the woods with drunks carrying a loaded gun and shooting at every noise.

4/13/2021 12:04:04 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Masks aren’t going anywhere unless you are from those few states that dropped the requirements. Variant after variant will drop over the year(s) with the uncertainty if your vaccine will cover them. After your second shot there will be boosters on the horizon. I don’t see it ending. Booster 1, Booster 2, ect. There will still be enough fear being generated that people will continue to wear masks. It’ll be so normal that people won’t give it a second thought. That’s fine. If you don’t want Covid get your shots and wear your mask(s). If you you’re not worried about it don’t get the vaccine, don’t wear the mask. Prevention is the best medicine. Zinc and Vitamin D. And for crying out loud, go outside, take off your mask and breath in that fresh air! Not only is it healthy for you, that’s what it’s for.

4/13/2021 12:10:12 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

What about hand sanitizer? I never hear anyone advise using it anymore. It's all about masks & vaccines... To the point where I no longer remember to use it anymore.

4/13/2021 1:29:18 AM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

I only wear a mask when I am around people other than my wife and vaccinated family members.

4/13/2021 1:36:40 AM


New England

i can think of other things that are more freedom inhibiting than a mask. I don't mind wearing a mask. I wear one for 10 hours a day at work. But we can't instill voter ID in order to vote; or put the American people first while watching flooding at the border; but we will need Vaccine cards to travel even if in the continental US? Say what?
PSA; I am vaccinated so Im not one of those anti-mask/anti-vax people

4/13/2021 2:38:53 PM


New England

PSA I also just came back from Florida where there is no mask mandate and the majority of people there are wearing masks in public places without issue. The party areas like Miami not so much but the vast majority of Florida is much like being home except their businesses are open.
I personally don't think the mask thing is going anywhere especially when the vaccine doesn't prevent Covid; it just eliminates or lessens the symptoms.

4/13/2021 2:43:12 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

If it doesnt stop the spread of Covid then why make it mandatory or have ID cards. The only consistent message in all of this: RULE #1. Heads down, eat (smoke) your grass, be a sheep. RULE #2 Whatever you do, DO NOT use your brain other than to listen & nod 'yes'.

4/13/2021 4:39:57 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The only thing I see that is consistent is lots of obsessive behaviors.

4/13/2021 4:42:27 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

But of course that is seeing things through my own distorted lense which is I dont want people less smart than myself telling me what I need to obsess over.

4/13/2021 4:48:13 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

I wear a mask 13 hours a day at work and have for 25 years. Well, it’s a clean room so we have too. Rarely do people have colds here. But does it stop a virus? Probably some like my underwear stopping a fart smell.

Many people just get used to the mask. They feel safer and will wear them for the rest of their lives. That’s fine. It’s the new religion. Will everyone get the vaccine? No, that’s fine. Those people need to remain to kill the Zombies!

4/13/2021 6:11:08 PM


Upa Creek, MO

Wile, that could have been bad and I absolutely agree it's every persons right to do what they feel safe. It's just the control\law part of masks I disagree with in some areas that don't look like they will let up like California. I also wonder the effect on human emotion and interaction masks are having on people. You can't see people's mouths, sometimes it's hard to hear strangers talk. Facial expressions like smiles are a key trigger in first impressions and interactions on all levels. I'm just glad I am in a deep red state, and don't have to worry about all the restrictions like other states.

4/14/2021 9:47:47 AM


New England

I think it also depends on population density. If you live and work where population density is high and going to the office or the grocery marts is like being in a small crowd of selfish people; I really don't feel bad about wearing a mask in this instance. But if I live in a remote 1000 person town where the population is thinner; the idea of wearing masks seem ridiculous to me. Just as much as wearing masks outdoors in the fresh air when you're not near anyone. There is certainly stupidity out there.

But if a business wants you to wear a mask to protect themselves and their customers; people need to respect that. and that doesn't involve the government.

4/14/2021 1:34:38 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Well said farmergal.

4/14/2021 4:08:56 PM


Susquehanna Pa

All I know people that are ignorant of the scientific facts about the world wide pandemic named COV19 which affect the so called liberties of people world wide, these selfish people are like talking to the wall. They don’t hear a thing the most educated scientist with years of experience are trying their damdest to explain to them. Prime examples are Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, and most of all Donald Trump and his loyalist. Personally I want to walk around in public free of people that unknowingly spread a deadly disease by not simply wearing a mask.

4/17/2021 7:59:31 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Do you use hand sanitizer or are you just wearing a mask?

4/17/2021 10:50:54 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Some have argued the masks give a false sense of security and therefore may be self-defeating. You wouldnt work in a biomedical laboratory with Ebola with just a hankerchief, right? If we want zero risk we need better masks, eye protection, and hand sanitizing...

4/17/2021 10:58:47 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Like I said talking to a wall!

4/18/2021 7:52:16 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Whatever the communist (Democrat) party says cannot be questioned. They build walls between Americans... but not on our border!

4/18/2021 8:44:22 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Roger, do a search for hand sanitizer in under 'news'. Bing or google. There isnt a single mention of it. It's all lockdowns social distancing and masks.

Hand sanitizer is the one thing that has no harmful psychological component. So how often is it mentioned? It's not mentioned at all anymore.

This indicates to me that this is psychological warfare which is designed to destroy your happy freedom-loving brain... & NOT actual germs.

Positive pressure HVAC systems in buildings/ UV sterilization, new tech germicidal materials, etc? Nope what matters is obedience to an agenda of superficiality via emotional manipulation.

4/19/2021 3:14:54 AM


Susquehanna Pa

The virus that causes COVID 19 Spreads mainly from person to person by droplets or aerosols, coughing, sneezing or talking. Airborne transmission. The virus can live in the air for up to 3 hours. Another way. Is surface transmission you touch a counter top or door knob someone coughed or sneezed on. The simplest way to prevent most of the spread of the virus is a mask and sanitizer. Now that vaccination is widely available herd immunity can be reached. How long would it take for HVAC systems / UV sterilization in every building in the world

4/19/2021 9:49:07 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Nursing homes, hospitals, prisons anyhow. Cruise ships and airplanes.
I dont get why I still have to type my club card # on a dirty keypad. That boggles my mind why they didnt get rid of that (Safeway!)
Getting rid of having to touch anything in the checkout line would stop alot of illness.

4/19/2021 11:07:51 PM

Total Posts: 30 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:20:28 PM
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