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Subject:  Bridges, roads, railroads, airports and Internet

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Looks like we may be getting a lot of needed repairs and improvements. We were doing this in Iraq and elsewhere but not at home. Now we will get around to us. It is about time. Some pipes have lead in them and our bridges are in need of repair and, in some cases, replacement. Internet everywhere is needed. Roads are in poor repair. Our airports are not as good as in China, France, England and Germany and neither are our trains. The rich people will pay for all of this so we need not worry about the cost. Thank you rich people.

4/3/2021 12:38:51 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Lol... the rich control both halves of the isle. So if they want to tax themselves and spend it on infrastructure then good for them.

4/3/2021 12:50:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

If the rich have had some kind of constructive epiphany then good for them. Forgive me for being cynical but --rich or poor-- the economists and libertarians would (correctly, I think) argue we know how to spend our money better than the government does.

4/3/2021 12:53:43 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

The majority of the rich didn’t get rich being as simple minded as the original post sounds. It will be nice to see a bunch of NFL and NBA players give back to the community if it transpires.

4/3/2021 12:59:59 PM

Orange U. Glad


Actually corporations are paying for it all and it will work its way down to the prices we pay. Biden wants to increase the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. Please Uncanny, at least have some facts to back up your nonsense.

4/3/2021 3:22:46 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Orange U Glad, prices and the push to automate everything. What do they think this will do to wages and unemployment? Let’s force McDonalds to pay 15 to flip a burger, but also raise their taxes. Sounds like little Joey might not have a job for long except flipping boogers and not burgers. Ugland house might need a bigger operation soon.

4/3/2021 3:40:39 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

I don’t understand all of the funding for electric car charging stations. Why aren’t the manufacturers or power companies paying for this development themselves? I’m not even convinced that electric cars are the best long term alternative to gas and diesel. What if a better technology like hydrogen fuel cells is in higher demand 10 years from now and all of this electric car infrastructure becomes obsolete?

4/3/2021 4:40:19 PM


You guys just don't get it. We are about to go green. We have to for the sake of future generations. And do you think it is okay that Amazon pays no taxes? Smallmouth, you really don't get it. The NFL and NBA players were once poor and many of them black. You want them to pay? Maybe China can pay? We can get rid of all our debts with China if we just give them Alaska? Happy Easter to all.

4/3/2021 5:56:57 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

So Rainbow, you’re implying black people can only be rich if in the NFL or NBA? You’re a racist. It also sounds like you are prejudiced towards Chinese. And that’s offensive towards Alaskans, you must be Latiphobic towards Northern people.

4/3/2021 6:14:58 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

Here’s the problem with “Green”: it has no substantive definition. It’s an idea so vague that you can pay yourself on the back for pushing technologies like electric cars and natural gas powered buses that have major negative environmental impacts.

4/3/2021 7:26:23 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

Pat* yourself on the back... auto correct is my nemesis

4/3/2021 7:27:06 PM


Western NY

Hey Smallmouth, went through McD drive through the other day and saw a sign in window that said we are hiring- 15.00 to start. WTF! Big cities might be able to handle it but rural towns cant. They have had kiosks for ordering here for a couple years, bye bye jobs for kids.

4/3/2021 9:24:39 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Whether you like it or not we are going green. More jobs will be created than lost. If you are in a carbon based industry you should start learning how to do something else because bye bye job. Ask the coal miners. And when robots start to drive trucks, well there you go. Get smart. Learn some new skills.

4/3/2021 10:22:44 PM

Dale M

Anchorage Alaska

Lol @ Luke, thanks my Mandarin sucks , as for going green, I cant wait for the 1st electric jet airplane or ocean freighter or semi truck , not happening in our lifetime

4/3/2021 10:47:22 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Latiphobia... Lol.

4/4/2021 12:14:37 AM


Upper Strasburg, PA

Marv, I have no objection to transitioning to cleaner energy sources, that’s at the heart of my point. Electric cars aren’t all that “green” as they still rely on power plants which in some cases burn coal and in most cases produce major negative environmental impacts, such as those of fracking and hydroelectric dams. Maybe that’s also a reason why manufacturers like Tesla or power companies like FirstEnergy Corp aren’t investing in the charging infrastructure themselves. They might realize that conventional electric cars will be dinosaurs 10 years from now and their window to get a return on their investment is very narrow. Instead, the taxpayers have to subsidize this development so that the manufacturers and power suppliers can profit from the delivery of their products over the short duration of time before the technology becomes obsolete.

4/4/2021 1:59:44 AM


Can anyone dispute that our bridges and underground pipes need some work? How about our railroads? How about our airports? How about a lot of things. They need to be repaired. Who will pay for it? Our government wastes a lot of money. We spend money for other counties while neglecting our own. And we get into a lot of wars and conflicts and act as though we have bottomless pits regarding money. How will all of this end? Our debt is horrific. Fortunately for us our credit is still good. Any bills passed by congress should include where the money is coming from to pay the costs. Why do older people coming here from other countries immediately get Medicare and Social Security? Why does congress have free healthcare that is better than those paying their salaries? Why do they receive big lifetime retirement money after serving in office for a few years when someone working 25 years get very little. It goes on and on. And do we need term limits for our elected politicians? Does the president have to go in ten or fifteen It was never meant to be a lifetime job. Our country is so fked up. Does the president have to go in ten or fifteen car convoy followed by an ambulance if he is going out to eat at a restaurant? And when there is a shooting do we really need 50 to 75 police cars and five or six ambulances to respond? Are they there out of curiosity? I could go on.

4/4/2021 11:17:03 AM

Orange U. Glad


Our airport is just fine and is the busiest in the world. States should be able to handle their own airports. I have no sympathy for mismanaged states. And that goes for bankrupt states such as California and the debacle that happened in Texas to their power grid. I think matching funds would be the way to go, to help states without creating a bailouts or handouts.

4/4/2021 2:20:58 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think you are right Uncanny. Except if there is a mass shooting yes probably there needs to be a few dozen officers. It's a whole lot of work to quickly get all the evidence.

Anyhow u may have blocked me. Lots of issues to care about. Not sure I get the term limits issue fully. It may be valuable to have old senators hanging around... if they are good caring people.

4/4/2021 4:35:34 PM

Dale M

Anchorage Alaska

you have some valid points ..uncanny

4/4/2021 8:55:52 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

Regarding German airports... flying out of Tegel in Berlin is like catching an international flight at a bus stop, complete with junkies digging through the trash cans. They have 1 nice airport in Frankfurt and the new airport in Berlin is years overdue and way over budget. Germany is not some paradigm of airport development.

Some other examples like China or the United Arab Emirates don’t provide us with acceptable examples to follow because they are using slave labor and their governments face no opposition to development like we see in a free country. They aren’t bothered by producing Environmental Impact Statements, they don’t face lawsuits, and they can imprison anyone who voices opposition to their development plans in public.

4/5/2021 3:15:43 PM

Spudley (Scott)


The only people who can legally collect benefits without paying into Social Security are family members of workers who have done so. Nonworking spouses, ex-spouses, children or parents may be eligible for spousal, survivor or children's benefits based on the qualifying worker's earnings record.

4/6/2021 12:09:13 PM

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