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Subject:  Misdemeanor

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Susquehanna Pa

Republicans passed a law in Georgia if you give a voter a drink of water while waiting in line to vote it’s against the law punishable with up to a year in jail! What constitutional amendment does that violate?

3/26/2021 7:57:35 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I just want to know why it doesnt violate the law to have a partisan & possibly foreign software company (Dominion) tally the votes???

3/26/2021 8:02:59 AM


Cheshire Ma USA

Its called buying a vote no matter how small the cost of water is

3/26/2021 8:03:22 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

I agree roger80, a year is too much! At least a week. If you know you’re going to stand in a long line to vote you would think common sense would say bring you’re own snacks and water. And it’s not “if you hand out water”, it’s specifically targeted to third party groups handing out water. A third party is any party contending for votes that failed to outpoll either of its two strongest rivals.

The water isn’t the most important part of the bill. You conveniently forgot to mention that this bill imposed identification requirements for mail in ballots. We all want more confidence in the legitimacy of our elections don’t we? As long as we have this implied lawlessness of our current election system we will never feel confident in our election system. Well, unless your candidate wins then you’re confident. Loopholes for potential voter fraud need to close and voter ID laws need to be employed. Surely you see that, otherwise you are promoting the potential for voter fraud. This is applied to both Democrats and Republicans.

3/26/2021 12:55:59 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Biden won. End of story.

3/26/2021 1:31:39 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Obviously he won. The question that will never ho away is, did he win fairly?

3/26/2021 1:51:36 PM



Yes Garden Rebel . Drivers license or Social Insurance Number in Canada . Drivers License or Social Security Number in The US . Why would you argue that ?

3/26/2021 1:57:13 PM


Plymouth, MN

If restrictions are going to be put on voting in the name of protecting against fraud, the people making restrictions should first demonstrate the existence of widespread, result-changing fraud. A case of someone double voting here or there is inconsequential.

3/26/2021 2:01:03 PM


Cheshire Ma USA

any fraud is wrong, voter id is fair to everyone and it makes people accountable, why would anyone not want this? unless they plan on cheating.

3/26/2021 7:33:44 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Well said cjb, absolutely no existence of widespread fraud. We will see how Dominion Voting Systems make out with their defamation law suits even with Trump’s supreme court nominations, especially after the Supreme Court allowed his tax returns to be released! LOL

3/26/2021 7:35:23 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Biden Won! That's the BIGGEST Joke of the American People. The Democrats rigged the election so Mr.Joke Biden could win to destroy America and make the American people pay for believing we were a great country. As time goes by, the people with blinders on will see the Democrats are following Hilter's ways of doing things

3/26/2021 11:45:26 PM


Long Island,New York

I was a construction inspector for 38 years. If I'm offered 10 grand to pass a person's inspection its a bribe punishable by jailtime. If I accept a cup of coffee at the coffee truck by the contractor and pass his work it can be considered a bribe punishable by jail time. Leave it to a democrat on the run from today's realities to stretch any topic to its rediculous end to try and deflect.

3/28/2021 11:03:32 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Bullshit! No fool would pass an inspection for a cup of coffee. Boy you guys really have to stretch reality to justify your rasict voter laws.

3/28/2021 4:16:43 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Better yet tell me why in the hell voters are made to stand in line for hours to vote? It amazes me how these GOP controlled states are allowed to pass laws without any proof they're needed. Just speculation, you know the kind Trump peddled. You know you remember he won the election but it was stolen from him.
When The Supreme Court overturned the voting rights act the pre clearance part this was bound to happen. Remember they're justification we had just elected a black president surely there is no racism left in this country. Boy did they get that one wrong.

3/28/2021 4:32:11 PM

Spudley (Scott)


My voting station is right down the road at the church. How many Church's in Georgia have polling stations at black churches?

3/28/2021 5:58:16 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

There ought to be a mandatory drug screening for everyone who wishes to vote 4 commander & chief of armed forces. You wouldnt want to be on an airliner where the pilot was t sober. Only sober peoples vote should count when it comes to who will control nuclear weapons...

3/28/2021 8:00:07 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Myself and a whole bunch of other people... should NOT be allowed to vote :)

3/28/2021 8:03:29 PM


Cheshire Ma USA

Spuds how is voter ID racist ??? Waiting for that justification. We need to show some sort of Id for almost everything else in life.

3/29/2021 9:12:16 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

This current administration, like a drum beat, constantly implies that blacks are disadvantaged. That includes that they are not capable of voting or producing ID therefore it’s not required. That somehow they are victims of white America. This is the new slavery, the government insisting black community’s and families continue to be dependent on the government from birth. The Democrat party depends on this. This Democratic approach is racism, but fortunately people are opening their eyes.

3/29/2021 2:08:29 PM


Can someone explain to me why anyone should have to wait in line for hours to vote?

3/29/2021 2:52:42 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

It’s run by the same agency that runs the Dept. of Motor Vehicles? Not sure, my state is only vote by mail, ha!

3/29/2021 5:37:29 PM


San Diego

Has anyone read the law, anyone? If you did, there would be no posts. This is the kind of non sense that happens. Someone claims something outlandish in a bill that is not true by twisting the truth. Bill allows anyone to donate water or food to the actual polling station to help people. Bill allows polling station workers to hand out water or food if needed. Bill allows the state to actually develop more polling stations if there are polling places that have too many people waiting in line to help fix the problem. What the bill doesn't allow is someone who is not a poll worker to come and hand out things to people which is voter bribing. Almost every state has this law which is common sense. This Bill actually tries to fix the problem of long lines. Read the bill and stop listening to people twisting the truth.

3/29/2021 8:25:52 PM


President - GPC

Thank You Duster!

3/29/2021 8:34:53 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Why do people have to wait in line so long to vote?

3/29/2021 8:50:14 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Because the voting process is slow.

3/29/2021 9:01:51 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Now the crybabies cry about lines. Why are there lines at Disney World? Why are there lines at the DMV. Why are there lines at bathrooms when you have to take a shit? Why is there a line to see Santa? Why are there lines to get groceries? Why are there lines to get prescriptions?

3/29/2021 9:48:20 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

There are lines in hospital emergency rooms too but shouldn't something be done about these things. I waited in long lines in the army too. But there no one gave a shit about it because we were just dog meat anyway. Are voters dog meat? And would there be lines if you could vote by mail? You can't go to Disney by mail or any of those other places. But you can vote by mail.

3/30/2021 6:46:20 AM


Susquehanna Pa

Why did the all republican Texas Supreme Court uphold order limiting Texas counties to only one drop-off location for voters to hand deliver their absentee ballots during the pandemic?

3/30/2021 9:57:26 PM

Spudley (Scott)


If it ain't racism then it's voter suppression disenfranchisement. You only have to look at who's targeted. It's no secret how certain demographics of people vote easy to target them now ain't it. Either way it's shameful what the GOP's trying to do.

4/1/2021 12:45:50 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Im the past five years verything the Democrat/left wing media has been critical of.. has been a direct deflection away from their own sins.

4/1/2021 2:39:54 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Did Bill Clinton accuse Ken star of being a sex addict? No but somewhere in the past 20 years people have become stuck in very single minded ruts. I'm sure you could see hypocrisy in the blind eye Democrats have turned towards election integrity. We'll see how the Arizona recount goes...

4/1/2021 2:44:46 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Did Obama accuse Trump of being a whore bait? He paid $130,000 to porn star Stormy Daniels.

4/1/2021 8:33:28 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

I agree roger, $130,000 is way too much. What a sucker.

4/1/2021 11:04:37 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The left doesn't even like Biden they just hate Trump.

4/2/2021 1:00:10 AM


Susquehanna Pa

Under Trump the ultra rich got much richer, it did not trickle down the deficit sky rocketed, Under Biden the lower and middle class will get their share and so will the government get theirs in the end. He will, given enough time make America respectable again, creating jobs investing in infrastructure and green technology and making large companies pay more than zero federal taxes. If you make less than $400,000 a year you should vote for Biden next election.

4/2/2021 8:05:20 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Fake news & empty promises. The only thing that will trickle down under Biden is inflation. Real wages wont rise. Wall street doesnt want that. And if Biden stood up to Wall Street they would throw him under the bus just like they did Trump.
Always vote/ stand up for whoever is being thrown under the bus!

4/3/2021 2:37:05 AM

Spudley (Scott)


The GOP are the party of obstruction period! They got things put in the recovery act only to bitch about every thing else. Then they voted against the bill. If I were the Dems I wouldn't allow any GOP amendments unless they made a promise to vote for the bill.

4/3/2021 3:07:56 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

They wish. They cant obstruct anything they are not in the majority...

4/3/2021 3:15:43 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Eliminate the filibuster and see what happens

4/4/2021 8:01:16 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Eliminate the debt cap too. Let's take this credit card to the Casino... woo hoo!

4/5/2021 12:06:52 AM

Spudley (Scott)


I agree majority rules!

4/5/2021 2:08:32 AM


Is there anyone here who still believes that Trump won the election? And, if you do, why?

4/5/2021 8:58:08 AM



There are over 1000 affidavits signed and saying there was all out Voter fraud against Trump they saw it.
The diaper wearer Biden is against the Georgia voting
law,he does not want anyone to have to produce an id
to vote just send a ballot in. He knows this was one of the ways he cheated the system and won.

4/5/2021 10:38:55 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Who shot Kennedy & why? Who kidnapped & killed Charles Lindberg's son & why? Who stole the election & why? & Mant more...

4/5/2021 10:42:02 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I doubt you can understand. These things do happen...
When there is poo on your shoe... it may look like dirt but sure it doesnt smell great.

4/5/2021 10:46:54 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I doubt you can understand. These things do happen...
When there is poo on your shoe... it may look like dirt but sure it doesnt smell great.

4/5/2021 10:47:02 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

If they hate Trump enough to run 100% negative coverage in Google news for a month before the election then 1) they are very powerful 2) they are capable and motivated to commit both the fraud and the coverup.

4/5/2021 10:56:51 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Who "they" is I dont know... but he pissed someone off really bad and it wasnt good hearted rural Americans, who are tired of being kicked around, slandered, and lied to!
That I do know.

4/5/2021 10:59:41 AM

Orange U. Glad


Funny, how liberals are now for ending the filibuster when it was the only tool in their tool box during the second Reagan term and the first term of the 2000 Bush presidency.

Politics is a continual loop. If you eliminate the filibuster then four years from now you could give a conservative majority a blank check. Be careful what you ask for.

4/5/2021 11:14:50 AM


I think you guys drank the Kool-Aid.

4/5/2021 11:54:45 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

If you already know you’re not going to like and agree with the the answers Uncanny, why would you ask a question like that in the first place? Then respond like that.

4/5/2021 1:19:58 PM


Just to see and try to understand the opinions of the other side and why. I might change my opinion if someone would give me a good reason to do so. Maybe you can do that?

4/5/2021 2:17:38 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I screenshots of the numbers changing in weird ways on election night. In my diary last year.

4/5/2021 3:14:33 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

But if you wanted Biden to win it shouldnt matter at all to you.

4/5/2021 3:15:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Vote spikes favoring Biden still havent been explained. Trump did a video on it. Its prob. been banned now? Hard to find the info when its all censored huh?

4/5/2021 3:18:45 PM


Western NY

Why didn't people question the results in 2016 when trump won? Dominion machines were used then also.

4/5/2021 7:26:37 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Media coverage was more favorable in 2016. Apparently no one cared if he won in 2016 or they didnt prep to steal it because they didnt believe he would win anyhow. In four years Trump had time to make enemies. He didnt make enemies with his base but I guess he pissed the media nd tech bigwigs off? Doesnt that seem obvious?

4/5/2021 8:41:57 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

He pissed the FBI off apparently, too? Because they've twiddled their thumbs about leftist activity. They havent even identified the guy who threw the fire extinguisher at the stop the steal rally. Seems like they dont want to interfere with any of the orange-man-bad narratives!

4/5/2021 8:45:39 PM


Susquehanna Pa

The Supreme Court found no evidence of voter fraud, they dismissed multiple lawsuits, despite three of them being confirmed Trump nominees!

4/5/2021 9:25:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Well then I guess there was no fraud???

4/5/2021 10:24:52 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Uncanny, fair enough. I have never seen opinions change on this board. People don’t ponder different ideas or information, even if it was true. Minds are made up because we all have the answers. News is not like it used to be. Everything is tainted in politics where we really don’t know what is true or not. Many Democrat policies are so wrong, but so are Republican. The media will tell you who is right and who is wrong. Unfortunately too many people listen and don’t do their own research. Just know that everything you see whether you are on your phone, watching TV, or billboards are trying to change your mind.

My parents, grandparents, great grandparents fought in wars to make sure we remained free. Don’t ever forget, you have to fight for freedom and fight to keep it. It should never be taken for granted or it will disappear before you eyes. Ask you yourself, “Am I complacent”. You shouldn’t be. Young people today (in general) don’t have the same dedication to this country as in the past. Stuck on their phones, playing video games, looking for the easiest path. Don’t even know what the Pledge of Allegiance is. What it means. Don’t know the branches of government. Why is this? Ask yourself what political party would support this and why. What political party tries to support rights and freedom for all Americans? Uncanny, will you really understand opinions from the other side? You don’t have to understand, just respect that others have an opinion different than yours.

4/6/2021 12:23:41 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

There are two paths... Some insecure people seek power as a route to freedom... these people end up with out-of-touch sociopathic behavior & ideas. Other insecure people seek freedom first & these people retain their healthy, natural & humble compassion...?
There are two paths, I think, and seeking power is the path which can lead to our collective misery. Those who wrote the constitution would be appalled by the seeking of power (corruption).
They were very much concerned with seeking liberty.

4/6/2021 6:15:04 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

So... back to the topic of voter laws the question is really whether the law helps free people remain free... or submissive people remain submissive. I can pack my own lunch and bring a water bottle and identification. That's not an act of submission. But letting people vote with no ID... that's an act of submission. This opens a Pandoras box of integrity/ illegitimacy questions. It's fake freedom.

4/6/2021 6:27:52 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Garden Rebel. I hear you. I have always supported this country. Have you fought for your country? Have you ever served? Hell, I am a combat veteran. I actually fought for it. But, to get back on topic, you did not really answer my question. You talked about a lot of things but never the answer to the question. I respect everyone's opinion, just want to know why they have that opinion, you included.

4/6/2021 8:36:35 AM


Thank you for your support, Marv. And thank you for your service. I have not been in the armed forces but would have been if called upon. I was to young at the time and did not feel the desire to be a volunteer

4/6/2021 9:16:58 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Garden Rebel, I apologize. Let's just agree that we don't agree. Nothing will change here. You have your opinion and I have mine. Let's all get back to growing something big. I am still trying to get past the 1000 pound mark. Maybe this year. I wish you good luck in your patch and I am hoping for the same in mine. God bless America.

4/6/2021 9:35:36 AM


Same here. Grow big!

4/6/2021 9:37:32 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

You guys are all good people. As long as we can respectfully express our opinions on here I’m good. This is one of the few places left we can. Most of us will never meet and I wish you all the best.

I’m not growing this year. After all the Oregon fires last year I’m worried for this summer. After someone tried to set fire to our property during the fires I’m clearing brush and cutting trees.

Marv!, thank you for your service. I’m assuming it’s Vietnam. I lived in Guam as a child and remember the B-52s taking off and landing flying a hundred feet above our apartment. My dad was Korean War, and I grew up with him trying to convince me to go to college instead of going to war. “We wouldn’t be where we are today if I didn’t go to school”. So I went to school. My two boys have no interest in serving. The chain was broken. Marv, I can’t answer your question because I can admit I really don’t know. I do support mail in voting. It just needs to be done correctly.

4/6/2021 10:39:59 AM

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