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Subject:  Open Carry equals 10 Deaths

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On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

10 dead. It speaks for itself.

3/23/2021 7:38:10 AM


South Dakota

Too bad one of those people weren't armed, they could have protected themselves and others from a maniac. I was not the gun that did the killing, it was the person.

3/23/2021 9:08:58 AM


But, the person could not have done it without the gun. This discussion will end up like which came first, the chicken or the egg? I say the chicken.

3/23/2021 9:13:45 AM


South Dakota

If there were no cars, there would be no automobile accidents. How many people are killed in auto accidents every day, we need to ban automobiles. Cars kill.

If there were no alcohol, there would be no alcoholics, we need to ban all alcohol. Alcohol kills.

If there were no drugs, there would be no addicts. We need to ban all pharmaceuticals. Drugs kill.

Do you all get it? It's the people, people.

3/23/2021 9:21:40 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Let's ban nuclear weapons while we are at it? Totally insane to give politicians power over anything but money.

3/23/2021 9:25:47 AM


Gritty, thorium is much better but weapons of mass destruction won out


3/23/2021 9:48:15 AM


Guns for hunting I understand but guns because you think everybody is out to get you I do not agree with. People that hunt fot themselves have a much different attitude than those who just want as many rounds as possible in case of an alien attack. Countries that limit guns have a much lower murder rate per capita then those that do not limit.

Why does anyone need a machine gun or a rifle that can penetrate an inch of steel. Those are for an army to defend their country

3/23/2021 9:57:47 AM

Orange U. Glad


Illinois has one of the most stringent set of regulations against guns in country yet, Chicago sets the standard for murders and gun violence. The argument for more regulation has never been a productive argument.

3/23/2021 10:19:38 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Obviously, the bad guys will not follow the law. Making more regulation will not help. This only effects law abiding citizens. If it doesn’t work in Chicago, I mean it really doesn’t work in Chicago, why would it work anywhere where else? Emotionally based arguments will not solve anything. The root of the issue are broken homes, drug use, and the mentally ill. The left will use yet another crisis to further their agenda of control. It’s not genuine.

3/23/2021 10:43:21 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Ironically the left does not want any drug controls... even though sober people never do these acts. I've never heard of a mass shooter who wasnt also a drug user.

3/23/2021 11:26:10 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

We've seen horrific terrorist attacks using vehicles (France) but no one is saying ban all motor vehicles.

3/23/2021 11:28:09 AM


Dream land giants georgia

It's not a gun problem it's a sin problem from evil hearts

3/23/2021 12:20:47 PM


Probably has seen a lot religious temples and heard bible quotes . Maybe that is the problem.

3/23/2021 12:53:28 PM

Spudley (Scott)


It's a revolutionary mind set the right keeps pushing. They know when push comes to shove when their ideas aren't held by the majority they'll have their guns to convince you otherwise. And laws do work but only when they're enforced.

3/23/2021 12:55:18 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Mandatory/regulatory things like seat belts do save lives. But just like back then they're those who just don't wanna hear it. Good bad or otherwise.

3/23/2021 1:15:06 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

You are correct Spudley in many ways, but where do you draw the line between civil liberties, freedom, and saving lives? Mandatory masks and always enforced? Sure, it’ll save lives. Mandatory we all can’t drive over 25 mph, enforced. It’ll save lives. Is it really about saving lives? I don’t think so. There are those that will be subservient to what ever they are they are told, paralyzed by fear. Feel safer with more laws and regulations. I know many responsible people with the big scary guns. They target practice or just collect them because they can. Those people, those guns have done nothing wrong. The bad guys will still be there.

Imagine for a minute, hypothetically, where this country would be with this current administration if there was zero resistance from the opposition. Whether it be spending, border control, taxes, gun control, business regulations, education, I can write 100 things. What freedoms and choices would you lose. Dems, do you have any limits or boundaries for how much you will allow the government to regulate your country and your lives? Where does it end?

3/23/2021 1:45:58 PM

Orange U. Glad


Scott, if all rules were enforced to the fullest then there would be even more minorities in prison and prison space would run out. Then you would have people complaining about racism and that laws harm minorities disproportionately.

Gang members do not care about your seat belt laws and would ignore all gun laws. Seat belt laws only work on people who follow most laws anyway and are worried about their insurance rates. :-)

3/23/2021 1:55:36 PM



What laws do you think would make a difference with gun violence,specifically mass stranger killings.The second amendment is unlikely to be changed, so lets hear some other ideas on gun control that people feel might make a difference.I saw the local news media rushing to boulder for a scoop. It seems like theyre the only winners in mass shootings.

3/23/2021 2:07:10 PM


I think we could ban automatic weapons and big magazines. Hunters etc don't need these. And people with known mental illnesses should also be prohibited from owning a gun. And there should be no private sales of guns. These result in guns not being properly registered. And we should continue not allowing criminals who have committed a crime involving a gun should not be allowed to have a gun. There should also be laws preventing open carry. You don't need a gun when you go to a football or basketball or baseball game. I could go on but I know it won't change anybody's mind. We could begin though by banning automatic weapons and large magazines. How could anyone oppose this? Can you envision a world where everyone was walking around toting? Maybe the wild west?

3/23/2021 3:33:09 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Yeah well I guess everyone should have the right to do what they damn well please. Why have any laws.

3/23/2021 4:07:41 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I would like someone on the left to just say what the guy did was wrong, immoral, and insane. And stop blaming the weapon. I challenge the left to simply realize that comes down to a personal choice between right and wrong.

3/23/2021 4:27:08 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

If you need laws to tell you what's right and wrong then yes maybe you should not own a gun.

3/23/2021 4:28:39 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Oh and this... stimulus checks should only be spent on rent & utilities I think 1400 is the wrong amount of money to give to some people...

3/23/2021 4:42:29 PM


Gritty, did you cash your check?

3/23/2021 6:03:14 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I told them to send me a half oz of gold. They said sure no problem we can get a dustpan sweep the floor of the vault for you.

3/23/2021 6:28:24 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

So I will get my package of cobwebs & mouse droppings soon.

3/23/2021 6:31:47 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Wow gold is trading at half what it should be?? Could get nearly an oz.

3/23/2021 6:37:20 PM


Diamond, Ohio

You don’t need a gun at a baseball game? Try telling that to Steve Scalise. All gun laws are infringements on our God given rights.

3/23/2021 7:32:42 PM



Automatic weapons are already illegal for citizens to own. A lot of normal looking hunting weapons are semi automatic including a lot of shotguns and .22 caliber rifles so a ban on semi auto weapons would remove them also so it would affect your average hunting gun owners. Problem with most people proposing new regulations is that they don't understand the current regulations already in place.

3/23/2021 7:36:45 PM


Western NY

Criminals don't follow laws and will always get guns. Dibble gun laws are not God given.

3/23/2021 8:20:37 PM


Susquehanna Pa

I’m guessing none of you people that are against gun regulations have had anyone close to you killed while attending elementary or high schools, colleges, churches, theaters, post offices, Walmart’s, concerts, grocery store or some one close to you that committed suicide. If you did maybe, just maybe you would think gun regulations could save lives. I know regulations can’t save all the senseless killings but what you don’t know is how many lives the current regulations have saved.

3/23/2021 8:48:53 PM

Orange U. Glad


"Semi-automatic" is such a liberal misnomer. It is still one bullet per trigger pull. "Semi-automatic" is just thrown about to add fuel to the fire.

Where is all the outrage when 60 people a month are killed in a liberal city like Chicago. Where are all the liberals demanding change in these crime ridden Democratic urban cities?

3/23/2021 9:10:28 PM


Brownsville, MD

People who are determined to commit murder will always find a way. A gun is a tool. It is an inanimate object that is without agency.

3/23/2021 9:29:27 PM



Seems like mass shootings are the new way for malcontents to get out there on all media outlets.How about some hate legislation against mass shootings.Anyone convicted of shooting 3 or more people in a well outlined scenario gets executed publically. I'm thinking being pulled to pieces on the rack might reduce offences.

3/23/2021 9:40:54 PM

Kerry gross

Thomas wv

In Kennesaw, Georgia, local law says that “every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm.” smart move now what would happen if some crazy starting shooting up the place problem would be solved quickly and less dead and i doubt any person would go and start a shooting Kennesaw, Georgia because everyone carrying.

3/23/2021 10:09:03 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

The Japanese chose not to invade California because they knew lots of people as they moved east had lots of guns and knew how to shoot.

3/23/2021 10:41:49 PM


Brownsville, MD

Kennesaw is pretty interesting... they have almost 0 murders, but their violent crime rates are really high. On their website, they use the category of “Part 1 crimes” which overlap very much with the FBI’s category of “Violent crime.”



Look at the rate of rapes in Kennesaw compared to nationally. They’re between 25-50 rapes per 100,000 people annually.

3/23/2021 10:49:03 PM


Central Ca

Sorry Marv, you’ll never be as good as the original shock jock.

3/23/2021 10:54:26 PM


Brownsville, MD

Roger, a former band mate of mine was murdered in a botched robbery only months after I moved back from California. Not once have I ever thought that gun laws would have made any difference. If the perpetrators were willing to shoot a man in the back when he was running away, they would have been willing to chase him down and stab him too.

3/23/2021 11:46:16 PM


Brownsville, MD


Maybe Honda Civics should be banned too. Or maybe people shouldn’t stand on the graves of others and make asinine assumptions about who has or hasn’t experienced loss while trying to advance a disgusting policy that would punish innocent people.

3/23/2021 11:57:30 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The left doesnt see ANYONE as being innocent and good. To them literally everyone is some kind of racist/deplorable. That's the world through their lens. They dont see any innocence, good values, or good moral character... its a total blind spot for them. If you wave an American flag at a rally you are a demented Nazi, not a proud happy caring patriot.
So fear and paranoia reigns... only the news ratings benefit it makes them millions I am sure and encourages the next shooter. Any attention is good attention when you are a disgruntled sociopath. They really ought to frame these stories in a more shameful less glorifying way, if possible.

3/24/2021 2:45:42 AM


Brownsville, MD

I think that Big John is on a better track than proponents of gun control. The verbiage of sin and evil hearts might make some people tune out, but his idea could be expressed in non-theistic terms as a crisis of the human person. I think our culture could gain a lot more from reading Kierkegaard and Camus than from listening to people who like to spill out sanctimonious bullshit from up on their soap box as if they can infer the entirety of a person’s life experience from their opinion on a public policy issue.

3/24/2021 3:34:08 AM


New England

Colorado has done everything the left has wanted regarding firearms. they are a poster child for gun control.
-Universal Background checks
-Red Flag Gun Seizure laws
-"Hi-capacity" Magazine bans
-and a passing gun control grade from Giffords Courage.

But all of those changes and laws and implementations didn't stop a deranged maniac.

We refuse to look at the real issue at hand. the deranged maniac.

3/24/2021 8:13:45 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The guy had a previous 3rd degree assault. So he was barely eligible to own a gun. My understanding is that a 2nd degree assault or a DV assault would have red flagged him completely. In this case, he probably would have passed a psychological eval. despite some paranoid schizophrenia. The issue for me is I think there are lots of "good guys" out there and taking the guns away from the good guys wont help.

3/24/2021 8:37:29 AM


There are no cities that are right or left. Most cities have lots of people that are either left or right. Why would anyone think a city is left or right. The elections are usually pretty close. The majority of the residents are Americas though.

3/24/2021 9:00:51 AM


South Dakota

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

3/24/2021 9:27:03 AM

Orange U. Glad


Every network/commentator talks about red states and blue states. And now liberals are trying to hide from failing liberal cities and their gun crime. Just like farmergal mentioned Colorado and California have far more gun restrictions than most states.

At some point, liberals have to own the stats that their states and cities generate.

3/24/2021 9:32:23 AM


I wonder who is shooting all these people? The same Republicans who showed up at the insurrection attempt in Washington?

3/24/2021 9:48:25 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

What rainbow are you over Uncanny. No one was killed by the stop the steal protesters as far as we know, right?

3/24/2021 10:17:17 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

So Uncanny my guess is... The msm hasnt reported that the guy was ethnic Muslim. If you watch the msm Uncanny... then you will be kept out of the loop. If you want the truth, dont expect it to be served to you like warm foie gras on a silver platter. Eventually you will realize that the msm is 80-90% fake. A month before the election... it was 100% fake.

3/24/2021 10:28:16 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

In fairness to Muslims... Byron Klebold of the Columbine shooting was ethnically Jewish... and Timothy McVeigh was about as white as can be. So everyone deserves a stigma :(

3/24/2021 10:39:18 AM


Vancouver Washington

Wonder why you don't see as many stories about guns saving peoples lives? There are many instances on the net. Not as many "likes" I guess? And I agree with Heatstroke.

3/24/2021 11:05:28 AM


Brownsville, MD

Crime stats are amazingly consistent over time. There’s one demographic group that routinely makes up about 40% of homicide offenders annually, despite making up only about 14% of the population. You could break down that group even further by age and sex and see tiny subsection of the population commits a stunningly disproportionate number of murders. It should come as a shock to no one that it’s the same tiny subsection of the population that is disproportionately involved in lethal force incidents with police. I’ll give you a hint: It isn’t white Republicans.

3/24/2021 1:28:19 PM


Truckin, where did you get your information? I would like to read it. When pumpkin time gets here I won't be posting as I will be in the garden. You guys will miss me.

3/24/2021 1:45:37 PM


Brownsville, MD

The FBI website has extensive data on topics like crime and police use of force. It’s a great resource for people who really want to dig into those social issues

3/24/2021 1:57:19 PM

Orange U. Glad


Hey Truckin, to give your Kennesaw rape stat some context. Kennesaw is home to the third largest college campus in Georgia. That probably spikes a lot of Kennesaw's crime stats.

3/24/2021 2:36:04 PM


Brownsville, MD

That makes sense. I was surprised to see how much crime they have. The low murder rate really stands out though. Only 1 murder in the 5 years they post statistics for.

3/24/2021 6:45:29 PM

Orange U. Glad


My gun club is in Kennesaw, Governor's Gun Club. I am not sure if it true, but they claim to have the first indoor skeet/trap facility in the U.S. The skeet range is a huge facility. The club has a sports bar, formal dining area and a convention space. It is a pretty cool place: https://www.governorsgunclub.com/. Kennesaw has earned its reputation for embracing the gun culture.

3/24/2021 6:56:32 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Here in the mountains of Pennsylvania we have lots of gun clubs as well as bow and arrow clubs and even a club for people interested in throwing knives and axes.

3/24/2021 7:02:40 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Skeet shooting is kick ass fun!

3/24/2021 8:09:02 PM

Orange U. Glad


Lots of gun clubs Marv, but how many are all indoors? Skeet shooting indoors is essentially like building a college basketball gym.

3/24/2021 8:42:33 PM

26 West

50 Acres

"IT IS AMAZING WHAT OUR SOCIETY HAS BECOME' with many innocent people killed in a grocery store, and 60 posts later no one has expressed sympathy or condolences. People are more worried about the guns they have.

3/27/2021 9:06:56 AM


South Dakota

Or don't want anyone else to have.

3/27/2021 9:32:50 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

We are mostly men. Men like tools and solutions to problems not emotional rehashing of trauma.

3/27/2021 9:33:07 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I understand the extra close-to-home pain of our Colorado bigpumpkiners. I know this must be a painful, unwanted burden. You do have my sympathy.
Yes 26 west we ought to be taking time to care about the victims unfortunately we are all becoming direct and indirect victims it seems. It's frustrating. But youre right that being cold and callous about it, may lead to nowhere.

3/27/2021 10:09:38 AM

Orange U. Glad


Ouch, what a great post LJ. Amazing 26 West, how you ignored all the liberal anti-gun posters who did not mention condolences. Plus, liberal's took joy in Rush's passing. Tunnel vision is absolutely amazing.

3/27/2021 2:33:47 PM

26 West

50 Acres

If I offended anyone here I apologize. That was not my intent. I felt there was not enough compassion expressed towards the grieving families. Jim

3/28/2021 8:43:56 AM


26 West, I quite understood what you meant and I do not think you need to apologize. People need to reflect on what happened first and who the real victems were.

3/28/2021 1:03:42 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Good post no offence taken.

3/28/2021 7:12:40 PM

Orange U. Glad


Hey 26 West, I am with spudder on this one. No one who posts here is easily offended or easily persuaded. No need to apologize.

Actually, there is no point to these discussions other than it keeps this crap off the main board.

The original poster was talking about gun laws not a thread about condolences. Plus, the original poster likes to stir the pot. If the post had been a remembrance post then you would have seen a few more high road posts. Though at some point a low road debate would have broken out.

3/30/2021 10:44:35 AM

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