Other Non-Pumpkin Related
Subject: What can be expected after all is revealed?
Date Posted
Hobbit |
Walhalla, ND.
Good question. New conspiracy theories will be running wild, mostly from the far left. There will be many non believers of what’s about to be revealed. The first that comes to mind is that President Trump somehow lied, manufactured evidence and convinced the military to overturn the election. There will be many other theories involving Covid19, the vaccine and on and on. It’s going to take a great deal of time before everyone has been fully educated on what’s been going on for decades let alone the past four years. All that is happening right now isn’t just happening in the USA its happening all around the world. The last country expected to fall will be the U.K. reason being is because they’ve been behind all the BS since the beginning. “Everyone” will soon be educated on what’s really been happening. Last but not least what’s expected on this site next. F&T will be one of the first to voice disbelief on this because they simply can’t and won’t be “wrong” and know far more than anyone “Lol”. In fact they will probably “never” wake up.
3/16/2021 10:25:28 AM
Marv. |
On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.
The problem is that it is difficult to know what is a lie and what is the truth, what is fact and what is fiction. We may never know. It becomes even more difficult when, even after seeing the facts, some people will never change their mind. They have their opinion, they may never change it and they are entitled to it.. And everyone knows that opinions are just that, opinions. And everyone know that opinions are like "noses", everyone has one. If what you believe is not based on solid facts, remember it is then just an opinion and you may be on shaky ground..
3/16/2021 11:23:06 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
The shakey ground is this country's finances. Bond rates going up... that means no more cheap trillions. Lots of straw on the camel's back already. Disrupt the flow of money and its anyone's guess what could happen. Most people are loyal to the hand that feeds them. If our economic choices do come to a dead end... then a lot of people's thinking will instantly change.
3/16/2021 1:19:15 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I wonder what smallmouth thinks.
3/16/2021 1:20:27 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
You are correct Marv! We all want to “know”, then we close our mind. It’s easier. It is human nature to want to believe in something be it politics or religion. But, don’t confuse “knowing” something and “faith”. We really don’t know what is true or not. We just have faith...be it politics or religion. We spend a lifetime backing up what we have faith in...be it CNN, FOX, or Q.
3/16/2021 1:53:14 PM
spudder |
Gritty, are you sitting down? I am going to agree with that statement.
3/16/2021 2:52:09 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
“News of Biblical Proportions” isn’t that what you predicted in this fairly recent thread?
So, your not back peddling, this is all still gonna happen and your Military has alr day taken over control?
Yeah, I’d like to know what Smallmouth figures about this too!!
Luke, care to weigh in on this one?
3/16/2021 11:00:29 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
Why am I being asked on this? I'm generally conservative, but don't follow any media outlets except the local. I know nothing about this except what I read here.
3/17/2021 9:50:06 AM
Hobbit I like reading your Treads,Dont let these Negative types Hold you back
3/17/2021 1:38:52 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I thought you said you were into trading bonds. Not every bond is the same but there might be some overlap. Maybe you were joking lol... you dont seen like the wallstreet type.
3/17/2021 4:39:51 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Getting to where we are between a rock and a hard place now, I think we may need Trump back: https://reason.com/2021/03/17/bidens-planned-corporate-tax-hike-will-cost-jobs-and-reduce-economic-growth-because-thats-what-taxes-do/printer/
3/18/2021 6:21:32 AM
Tadahh |
Gritty, if he should run again then you should give him campaign money, actually participate in the campaign and vote for him. Did you do any of this the last time?
3/18/2021 7:50:18 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
? Absolutely. You gonna send goons to harm me? Am I on here asking if you are gonna participate freely in politics? You act like you dont live in a free society.
3/18/2021 2:18:20 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Creeped out by your weird questions.
3/18/2021 2:18:57 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Maybe targeting someone for political views should be a hate crime:
Since sone of you may have no concept of right and wrong.
3/18/2021 2:23:05 PM
Tadahh |
Gritty, why are you using up all the space with your posts? Don't you know how to properly post?
3/18/2021 7:21:04 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Wow someone's grouchy?
3/18/2021 9:54:22 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
H-angry? Some protein might change your mood faster than beating me up would.
3/18/2021 10:04:26 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
After you get done beating me up... you'll only have 74 111,418 people left. Lol :)
3/18/2021 10:11:23 PM
Fissssh |
Simi valley, ca
Those numbers are not likely to be accurate, I know a few people who were with peanut brain ,& are finely not anymore, And the number will be going down more & more all the time!
3/19/2021 12:11:26 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I know lefters who arent happy with Biden.
3/19/2021 2:57:25 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
In four years will they be excited to turn out & vote? Or will they be tired of drowning in middle-politics mediocrity.
3/19/2021 3:00:07 AM
Tadahh |
Gritty Kins. You still don't know how to post. 10 out of the last 13 posts have been yours. Try to get it all together. You should have used only 4 posts, not 13. You are hogging up the space. I have to scroll down to see it all.
3/19/2021 9:13:36 AM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
Now Gritty, what you’re supposed to do now is post 25 one liners. That’s your comeback. In 9th grade this pecker kept flicking me on my ears off and on for weeks. Until I turned around and punched him in the jaw and knocked him out. Suspended for a few days but he never did it again.
3/19/2021 1:01:04 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
It's fine I will just wear my crown of thorns... No one owes me respect. Jesus once said, "The overposters shall inherit the internet." True fact ;) Over posting isnt my biggest sin but it's definitely one of them.
If you believe in democracy then not accepting/tolerating opposing viewpoints is a big sin. Be careful where your mind is, because your heart will follow! Rambling misquotes but at least this is all one post...
3/19/2021 3:16:52 PM
Tadahh |
Thank you Gritty.
3/19/2021 3:18:40 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
OK, so back to the topic. March 20th is the big day....
3/19/2021 9:22:48 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Misdirected fear and paranoia.
3/19/2021 10:13:43 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
So why the conspiracy theories? If we elected Joe Biden we deserve transparency and honesty which we will never get from the democrats. Ask yourself, does Biden seem in power to you? You know, I know Biden is just a spokesman doing the best he can to hold it together, preforming what ever is set up for him. Good or bad, at least Trump made it a point to speak to the people who elected him with his own words every chance he had. Oh sure, he had a teleprompter also thank God, because if he didn’t..but at least he made it a point to interact. Admit, you miss him. CNN does.
So if you voted for Biden who did you really vote for? What non-elected bureaucrats influenced by foreign leaders are actually running this country? This only perpetuates the distrust in the media by a vast majority of Americans, and breeds suspicion and conspiracy. Many people will hang their hat on conspiracy rather than whoever is behind the curtain. Cancel culture and eliminating good reads like Dr. Sues make it worse. At least I can admit I don’t know who is in charge and where we are headed.
3/20/2021 12:55:23 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
People who believed in conspiracies used to just drive to Roswell, bought and alien t-shirt and then returned to their moms basement, garage or socially awkward living quarters. They were pale because they didn't see much sunlight because they would hide and shun society as much as possible. They saw an enemy or a plot around every corner but they left us alone with their nonsense.
These day's with the internet, we all get to read their misguided brain farts and end of the world or secret shadow government theories and those who are not careful even get sucked in to their fantasies/psychosis.
I miss the old days, when their garbage stayed of my radar.
3/20/2021 8:47:09 PM
Tadahh |
I am so lucky. There is an underground shelter here that was built to be able to survive a Russian atomic bomb. I can always go there.
3/20/2021 8:58:29 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
Yes F&T, there are those continuously on the computer, in the basement and can’t catch their breath when they come up the stairs for food. Not in reality. Leave the Roswell people out of it. If you’ve never seen one or have never seen something that there is no explanation it’ll just be an conspiracy theory to you. That’s another topic.
What is not debatable is that this country is made up of all types of people. Different beliefs, different political views, different colors, ect. There are millions that disagree with Biden’s policies. Their education agenda, deep equity, BLM agenda, implied racism will destroy this country. The list is long. After Donald Trump there is a huge vacuum. Where do these people go? The information they follow is looked on as mis-information. There are millions waiting for someone, something to help them. They will not go away. Conspiracy is normal. If you cannot think for yourself you are doomed to government control. Be subservient if it makes you feel safe, if you are paralyzed by fear.
3/20/2021 10:19:13 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
New conspiracy theory:
Einhorn is Finkle is Trudeau. Let that sink in.
3/21/2021 10:08:37 AM
Tadahh |
The entire world is in a bad place with the pandemic and so many people having to move because of the changes in the weather. Everything is in turmoil. Changes are taking place that no one ever dreamed of. Robots are replacing people on jobs. Cars fueled by gasoline are being replaced by electric, big change for workers. Small farmers are being pushed out. Small stores are closing because of places like Walmart and Amazon. There used to be small filling stations but no more. Small grocery stores and confectionaries are gone. What ever happened to the neighborhood bars? Movie theaters may be a thing of the past. Prices on everything have sky rocketed. Paychecks have stayed the same. And we will be moving from carbon fuel to electric. Ask the coal miners how they are doing. And fracking is on the way out. We cannot go back. Computers everywhere. Cell phones. And, whether you like it or not, white people will be in the minority in this country in the near future. And more and more women will be in jobs higher up on the food chain. something probably overdue. Remember when we moved to a all volunteer Army? Now we have a female Army, at least some, and some generals. Wonder what everything will look like in 10 years? And political parties will not be able to do much about any of this.
3/21/2021 11:11:28 AM
Blooms |
March 20th has come and gone. The sky is still in fact, the sky. The delusional fantasies, and the desire for chaos will have to wait for another day. Do we have a new Prophetic Big Day picked yet?
3/21/2021 11:40:04 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Geez Luke, you got a real knee jerk reaction about Justin Trudeau these days. He’s actually a pretty good guy, you’d like him...his wife is hot!!
3/21/2021 12:05:46 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
@Uncanny China doesnt even use currency in the cities anymore. They are ahead of us. At the rate we are going we are going to have to move the decimal place in our currency or adopt an entirely new one.
3/21/2021 3:04:59 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
You are correct that the biggest changes will occur regardless of partisan politics. Racism was gone from the younger generation until the media started a fire and kept pumping the bellows. The damage the media has done to this country is shameful. The left sees nothing but color it seems?
3/21/2021 3:09:40 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
People want to be friendly and healthy. It's not all doom and gloom unless you let them poison your mind. Freedom is the key to prosperity and peace. Getting your view of the world from one source (MSM) is a bad idea. Sorry for the triple post.
3/21/2021 3:15:10 PM
Jane & Phil |
Ontario, Canada
Trudeau is an idiot & will ruin Canada with his social justice crap. I wish he would quit trying to label us all as racist. What is it with your lovefest with Trudeau, Glenn? Rumor has it that him & his wife are not really together. Not sure, but have you seen them together lately?? It would be the smartest thing she could do for herself & the kids.
3/31/2021 11:30:33 AM
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