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Subject:  Did Trump bet

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Western NY

Did Trump betray Mike Pence? Yes or No!

2/26/2021 2:53:44 PM


Cheshire Ma USA

No betrayal either direction.

2/26/2021 5:11:41 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

He threw Pence on the bus, and if it weren't for capitol police, Pence would have been lynched in public.

Pence and all other republicans have to deal with Trump because of the base, If it wasn't for his popularity the gop would have dumped Trump a long time ago.

Trump would throw anybody under the bus if convenient for him, but then again so would the entire pack of rats that runs Washington.

2/27/2021 3:13:59 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

You need to start reading the Bible Frank! You have so much hate in your heart as the Devil has planted so much hate in your heart.No never have anything good to say about anything in your replies.Yes we all know on here how much you hate President Trump. But I guess you think it's ok with Biden is destroying so many things in America. Killing jobs, killing the pipeline. It much be hard for your wife to live with you as you portray to always be right and you never agree with anyone

2/27/2021 3:55:26 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

I don't believe he did. I think Pence is just looking to retire and enjoy life

2/27/2021 3:56:30 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Pumpkinbrat, In a now deleted tweet, Trump said, “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify.”

I don’t want to pass judgement, but seems to me like the bus hit Pence with all 4 tires with a public statement like this.

2/27/2021 5:18:52 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

He (Trump) was asking his second in command to commit treason by not verifying and certifying something that your own courts have previously ruled on many, many times.

What don’t you see or recognize in that as just wrong?

2/27/2021 5:22:54 PM


Central Ca

It took me a while to figure out these conversations, then I remembered I used the ignore option for frank, lol. I’d recommend y’all do the same.

2/27/2021 7:36:00 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

It's not treason to not verify. If Pence believed the election was flawed he could have used his Constitutional Authority however he deemed fit. It's not treasonous for Trump to complain either. I dont get how a Canadian citizen can be so one-sided partisan about U.S. politics. There were lots of sworn affidavits regarding election fraud. You are saying thousands of people were lying? You are saying our election process is perfect? There were/are legitimate concerns here in our country.

Feels like I recently became addicted to pizza and pancakes. I've got the Canadian-bacon or Maple-syrup Monkey riding on my back again!

Yeee Haaw! Welcome to the United States, partner!

2/27/2021 7:38:25 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Trump looks at the Bible and holds it upside down for crying out loud, let alone know how to read it. LOL

2/27/2021 7:58:49 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

lol @ heatstroke. I'll consider it a Badge of honor. Conservative cancel culture. Don't like it, don't listen.

2/27/2021 8:35:33 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Gritty. PumpkimBrat is an example pretty much of the far right, at least on the topic of how the election was run. Frank is on the left , maybe far left, about the election results. We don't know where they are on gun rights, abortion, voting rights etc. Maybe left, maybe right so you can't blanket name them as liberals or conservatives as you have been in the past.Do you get it now?

3/2/2021 8:43:21 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

I consider myself left of the middle Marv. I'm much closer to conservatives then they might think.
Call me liberal if you want, that would probably be true. Far left however, no. I hold no extreme views by any means.

I just refuse to parrot lies that can easily be verified as lies and on top of that I don't have a religious agenda and religious moral standards that I need to meet to be accepted by either my fellow human beings or my chosen religion.

That means that I'm free to use common sense, speak my mind and and use modern concepts instead of the strict and antiquated dogma that comes with religion.

3/2/2021 9:56:10 AM



Hard to argue with that.

3/2/2021 7:18:36 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I dont have much problem with the far right or far left or "dogmatic religion." There is a lot of unhappiness in the world and some religious morals would go a long ways towards everyone being better off, especially the babies whose moms un-choose them despite the fact they are alive.

3/2/2021 11:34:30 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I dont get why people get upset about their own perspective being challenged.

3/2/2021 11:37:22 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

All coins have two sides and all have some value.

3/2/2021 11:43:54 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Frank, you and I are fairly close. On most things I am a little left of center. I support a woman's choice and oppose allowing people to have automatic weapons. I believe in raising the minimum wage. I also support mail-in ballots and allowing people to vote early etc. I don't understand how anyone can believe Trump's and his followers lies. I am not happy with the country's deficit and hate exceeding the budget every year but also believe we should help those Americans who are unemployed because of the virus. I support wearing a mask, social distancing and getting immunized. Overall, I support the police but realized that at times they overdo it and that they have a few "bad apples." I am not a racist. I think Gritty would call me far left but I am not. I consider myself not to be a radical. I am opposed to unlimited migration as I do think some screening is necessary, no criminals. radicals, trouble makers etc allowed. I think I am a fiscal conservative in that I don't want my children to be left with a huge deficit to pay. We should be taxing the very rich and large companies who pay no taxes. I am not happy with people living in poverty and I support education for those desiring it. I feel the rioters in Washington should be punished consistent with any crimes they committed. I watch Morning Joe and Rachael Maddow but don't agree with everything said. Joe rants too much. He used to be a Republican! Fox News is something I don't watch, too many lies and distortion of the truth. I used to believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus but I don't think that is toward the left or right. I don't believe everyone, even on the far right, is a radical. I just don't agree with them. This is still a free country for the most part. I guess you would say I am closer to Frank and Tina than most posters here.

3/3/2021 8:36:46 AM


I am with you Marv and pretty much Frank and Tina too. Are there any Proud Boys, Q anon or White Supremacists growing pumpkins or tomatoes or onions etc and posting here? I don't think so but I could be wrong. Anyone attend the riots in Washington and willing to admit it?

3/3/2021 8:43:39 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

F&T admitted to having no external morals. And you guys are on a witch hunt for people with "low morals"? Probably need to start amongst yourselves...

3/3/2021 1:36:32 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Marv I think we should be talking tomatoes I know we would make a great team.

3/3/2021 1:56:14 PM


Western NY

So Gritty, are you saying that you need an "external entity" like a government or church to tell you how to treat people?

3/3/2021 3:39:44 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Correct. I dont believe moral self assessment is sufficient.

3/3/2021 3:42:32 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Without external input we all end up high on our own soapboxes. Maybe I am wrong, but I doubt you can prove I am wrong.

3/3/2021 3:44:42 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Speak for yourself Gritty,

We also have an innate moral code: Do not kill, lie, steal, or poach another’s mate. These injunctions weren’t just handed down to us on stone tablets. Rather, they’re inscribed in our DNA. We’re incensed when others violate these rules. And we feel guilty when we break one of them, even if nobody else knows.

But if you need an ancient book to remind you and spell it out for you, go right ahead. Just don't believe we all need that.

3/3/2021 7:31:40 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The only person can I know completely is myself. Only speaking for myself in this regard I think I have benefitted a lot in my life from other sources of wisdom that didnt come from within me. That could be a fallible notion or it might be an understatement, idk.

3/3/2021 9:32:15 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Yes... Not speaking for anyone else.

3/3/2021 9:33:03 PM


Simi valley, ca

Marv, I like the way you put it in your 3/3 post, that's pretty much the way i feel , Sounds like a lot of common sense.

3/4/2021 2:03:42 AM


Simi valley, ca

It is too bad common sense is not exactly common, 1 out of every 600 people in this country now dead from covid 19 ,Now if you ask me that's not a good thing! Im saying as a fact- that many did not have to die! How i say that is a fact is based on my observation of what i saw happen in front of my eyes, Lets be clear ,who doesn't know what a pandemic is? or does? anyone ? But here we are again people say things im quite sure they down inside really don't believe, or what they are saying, part of growing up is admitting you have made a mistake, but i realize that is not easy thing to do- for people, When you realize the facts and know that there was one person who could have done a lot! much suffering did not have to happen! What a Sh*ty situation we are in now, , Not to mention ALL the other ways our country has been let down, Like seeing Asian people being attacked , Common sense tells me when your a president and you stand up in front of country and give a name to a pandemic like kung flu, your useing racist terms, Maybe you dont see that eather, THats a shame and shame on you!

3/4/2021 2:48:29 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

No difference in viral spread in between florida and New York. Honestly if this "pandemic" didnt exist in your heads I wouldnt realize it e even existed in the first place. I see no evidence of it in my own life and the evidence I do see is all flawed. Sure my girlfriend tested positive on a PCR test but they were into the range of 50% inaccurate and her doctors refused to administer a second test. I can guess why this is... if they administered 2nd tests, it would reveal the first test was nonsense.

3/4/2021 8:04:00 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I agree racism is wrong... but if you arent critical of China then go become a citizen of China. Its un American to kowtow to any another country.

3/4/2021 8:08:07 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Post Trump Stress Disorder...
Ought to classify that as a disability then the worry wart half of the country could give their jobs away to immigrants and Trump supporters & they could collect checks from the government... the rest of us could collect a paycheck and forget everything the fake media bashed into our brains. That would be a win-win.

That's basically the direction that this is going :(

3/4/2021 8:17:14 AM


Gritty, who won the election for President of the United States, Biden or Trump? Should we all be getting immunized if it is available and should we all be safe distancing? Is covid real or fake? This is a reality test. What is your reality?

3/4/2021 8:58:23 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

My reality is wearing a mask is psychologically unhealthy for me.

3/4/2021 9:35:03 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Listening to msm is extremely psychologically unhealthy.

3/4/2021 9:35:59 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Biden is unhealthy.

3/4/2021 9:36:25 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Fauci needs to take a reality test.

Cuomo and Newsom are the ones who need reality tests. The reality is they've been in control of their own states (not Trump!) They are not doing any better than Florida or Texas. How's that for reality...

3/4/2021 9:42:30 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Basically masks and lockdowns did nothing. Can you show me any statistical proof they worked? It's easy to believe what you are told. Its harder to prove that what you are told is correct.

The stats for my county are this: Your life expectancy is actually higher IF you "die of covid." No joke that's literally what the math says: According to the math for my county... covid prolongs your life expectancy. Since my girlfriend is now as healthy as a baby horse I have no reason to doubt this is true. I think hypochondriasis is what is killing people. It appears to me that covid prolongs life, on average.

3/4/2021 9:54:00 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Plenty of ammo so duck down and load up your own ammo.

If you die of suicide what's your life expectancy? 55?

If you die of drug overdose what's your life expectancy? 45?

If you die in war what's your life expectancy? 25?

If you die in a car accident what's your life expectancy? 47?

If you die of Alzheimers what's your life expectancy? 75?

Yet... if you die of covid in my county, your life expectancy is: 80!!!!

I would gladly die of covid. Much more worried about reality... than about covid.

3/4/2021 10:02:14 AM


Gritty, you answered most my questions except for the one, "Who do you think won the election for president?" Your statistics about life expectancy are all wrong. Do you have a reference or an article or two or did you dream these up on your own?

3/4/2021 12:03:34 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Trump duh.

Look up the stats for your county. Dont believe what I post. I did look up the stats for my county and I am not going to be an untrusted middleman for info that you can look up yourself.

Election fraud info was all censored so no point in looking that up theres nothing to find anymore. You can say there's no info supporting election fraud & you would be correct to say this. The whole internet was wiped clean. You know this is true.
So on this topic, we can no longer have a real discussion.

3/4/2021 12:30:57 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Youtube, facebook, twitter... censored anything regarding election fraud. The war on the alternate media has been successful also. Amazon killed Parler. Other sites are being sued.

We can't let private companies like Dominion run our elections because if you question the results they use you. We need our elections to be run by "we the people". Not by for-profit-companies who cant handle free speech.

3/4/2021 12:38:15 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Latest stats for entire county:
0-49 1 death
50-99 49 deaths (40 of those were 70+)
Nearly half (23 deaths) were 80+. There's no difference here between this and normal life expectancy.

These stats... are identical to normal life expectancy.

3/4/2021 12:52:02 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

If you use your brain and do the math yourself using these stats you will see that they are identical to normal life expectancy of 77-78. Our county isnt the richest county... we shop at walmart so that cuts 5 years off our lives. Rich areas have life expectancies in the low 80's.
Covid is not a threat to us... Shopping at walmart probably is though.

3/4/2021 12:57:54 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

* sue not use. I dont think you can have a fair election when allegations of fraud are obscured by complete censorship and lawsuits. What I think doesnt matter. Reality is what matters and we are not seeing reality. We are seeing what we are being shown. And we are not seeing the things we are not allowed to see...

In order to know who won I would have to be able to see reality. Reality is hidden under a blanket of censorship, so how can I possibly know who won. Even if I was a Biden supporter I still wouldnt know who won.

3/4/2021 1:22:33 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

All you know for sure is this: we have an untrustworthy system and deafening censorship. The rest of it is not reality, it's what you want to believe. Just like having a dick no longer means you are a man... It's all whats in your head now. The inside of your head is reality, now.

3/4/2021 1:26:04 PM


I would suggest you look at data from real experts


And here is one that needs to be updated.(0-49 1 death) Do you really believe that? Tell that to the people who have lost loved ones that it is all fake.


3/4/2021 2:18:30 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

You are telling me to NOT believe my county health department? I trust them more than the CDC or the msm.

What about the people who are losing loved ones because no one wants to visit the doctor anymore

3/4/2021 3:14:41 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Vaccines was a billion dollar industry. Now it's a trillion dollar industry. These people basically make a living selling doom and gloom. I dont trust them.

3/4/2021 3:18:34 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Trustworthy data that doesnt fit your narrative gets ignored.

Look up your own county and post results here. Then we will see what the truth is.

My county website:


This will be updated so the numbers may change but you can see the numbers I posted are correct. Only one death age 0-50. How many deaths due to suicide and drug overdose and car accidents? The cops I talk to say those numbers are up. Not sure the exact number... but greater its than 1.

3/4/2021 3:27:51 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

The numbers I posted above are correct, as of today. A whole lot of mainstream "monster under the bed" concerns... I was very concerned initially and took it seriously. Now I just feel duped.

3/4/2021 3:31:06 PM


Misread county

3/4/2021 7:09:24 PM


Simi valley, ca

Gritty kins, Reading your post is like breathing from a septic tank, its full of SHIT!!!!

3/4/2021 7:42:31 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

UnCanny, if you can decipher the “answers” you got to your direct questions, I’m more interested in what you think his “reality” is and what recommendations you would prescribe.

3/4/2021 9:19:00 PM


Welterweight, Wa

You want simple goody 2 shoes answers then turn on the msm. Turn off your brains... I dont care. No one wants to post the data from their own county? Well then, you havent exactly proved me wrong. You've just lazily dismissed a lot of good info. Let me lull you boyz back to sleep like the msm. Rockabye, rockabye, go to sleep little leftists... go to sleep, go to sleep, you are the msm's delight. Here is what you need:

3/4/2021 10:15:14 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Here is what you guys want:


3/4/2021 10:20:01 PM


Vancouver Washington

" Pull your head out ", F!!!!!!sh

3/5/2021 8:03:42 AM


North Shore Boyz, Gritty is beyond help as far as what is actually going on in the world. He has been brain washed by Trump and the big lies. He may or may not recover? I think we all need to get beyond this. Over 500,000 people have died from this virus. Trump was incompetent with regards to managing the pandemic. Other things as well. Let the courts and the republican judges sort this out. All of us bickering won't help. Lets get the virus under control, stop giving Trump much thought, accept that Biden is now the president, allow the Congress to do it's job and get on with life. There will be another election. When it comes, donate money to your candidate, campaign for your candidate and vote. In the interim be a good citizen and a good neighbor. And, "GROW BIG."

3/5/2021 8:29:48 AM



Well said.

3/5/2021 10:20:59 AM


Welterweight, Wa

Thank you for live and let live attitude. If a man can believe he is a woman then surely I should be allowed to believe whatever the frick I want to believe, also!

3/5/2021 12:16:51 PM


Welterweight, Wa

I am a live and let live kinda guy myself. Trolling you guys aside, I actually have no clue who won the election... in my opinion it was too heavily censored, and too much handed to a private company.

Concerns were swept under various rugs... the biggest rug is the massive & ongoing censorship. You cant claim a fair result if any of the arguments against your desired result are censored, even to the slightest degree.

3/5/2021 12:50:33 PM


Welterweight, Wa

There was, for example, excessive crank calling of the hotline to report voter fraud. Some people are so selfish that they dont really deserve to live in a democracy...
If legitimate concerns cant be addressed in a fair and timely manner then the narrow-minded trolls can win!
When you guys get sick of Biden/Kamala... you will regret weakening your own power to get rid of them.

3/5/2021 1:19:21 PM

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