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Subject:  The Equality Act?

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Joe Biden and his Democrats are pushing for this, it has passed in the house
This is gonna cause alot of problems with the girl

2/25/2021 7:33:47 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

I don’t know how anyone can support males playing in female sports. It has happened a lot, and the men claiming to be women always win.

If you can defend this, have at it



2/25/2021 8:07:22 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Yes in a lot ways. I think a lot of girls in school sports will drop playing many sports.Can you picture a transgender senior in a 8th 0r 9th graders locker room? Many girls won't feel comfortable getting changed to play whatever sport there in.Plus what about the parents that have young girls in schools! Worse would be the transgender taking a shower in the girls locker room showers with the team girls in the locker room. Biden's push for this makes me sick

2/25/2021 9:40:32 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York


2/25/2021 10:35:16 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York


2/25/2021 11:03:47 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Good, if people can be any gender they want then I can be any race I want. I can get the 120% farm loan paybacks because I am now a Pacific Islander.

2/26/2021 6:10:22 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

Nothing gets conservatives more riled up then trying to create equality for those different then us. Excluding them, demonizing and ridiculing feels for much more natural, doesn't it?

Toss in some religious concerns and some legal issues and all the pitchfork and torches people come out for blood.

2/26/2021 9:17:20 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Frank, how is equal for a male to compete in female sports? They will win everything. Bone structures and muscle anatomy is different even if you remove testosterone.

Don't just come in with some worthless opinion about rights, give facts. Nobody is taking away rights. I am only talking about biological males in female sports. If your daughter did female MMA and was really good, would you care if she had to fight a "female" with a man's body?

If you daughter ran high school track and trained for it her whole life, how would you feel if a male came in completely built different, and beat her and all the records?

2/26/2021 9:38:33 AM


Ohio.. The Good Part

Think of the implications concerning female college scholarships

2/26/2021 10:46:04 AM


Western NY

Males should not be competing as females!

2/26/2021 11:50:55 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Is there a middle ground in this issue? One aspect is, hormones generally are not allowed in sports, but hormones may be required for a person to maintain their chosen identity... If I self identify as a superhuman, then can I use the stuff Lance Armstrong was using and win the Tour du France? It's not just a political or moral question. It could be a question of injesting foreign substances, also.

2/26/2021 12:06:01 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

I wanna know what Porkchop thinks, guy is almost always right.

2/26/2021 2:03:43 PM



If you go to jail, should the jailer put you in with all the women and be part of the crowd?
Or should the Jailer put you with the men and you can hang
with the guys? Confusing

2/26/2021 2:09:29 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA


An important sport where gender doesnt matter: Giant pumpkin & veggie growing. Porkchop can become Miss Piggy if he wants to! This is one sport everyone can still unashamedly compete after making the switcheroo.
Life is still fair in love, war, and pumpkins...

2/26/2021 2:18:23 PM

Frank and Tina

South East


If I had to choose which was more important:

A: Addressing systemic discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

B; Worry about fairness in female sports because of an influx of transsexual athletes.

Then A would be a no brainer, wouldn't it?

Surveys as recent as 2017 showed that approx. 4.5 of Americans identify as LGBT.
The Williams institute states after surveys that approx. 1.4 million people identity as transsexuals'. Or 0.6% of the population.

So what that means in short is that there is no army of transsexuals' waiting to snatch away those high school trophies or invade female bath rooms to commit sex crimes. Although conservative media sometimes wants to create that impression.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is not a concept exclusively for hetero sexuals. These unalienable rights which the Declaration says have been given to ALL humans by their creator, and which governments are created to protect also should apply to LGBT people.

We have already seen bakers refuse to bake cakes for gay's because apparently Jesus doesn't want gay people to have a wedding cake.

I wont even mention the beatings, the humiliation, the demonizing and ridicule LGBT people receive on top or in addition to the above on a regular if not a daily basis.

So just to make sure that people can't use religion or other pre-conceived notions about lGBT people to justify discriminating them and excluding them from things that are readily available to hetero sexual people, having additions made to an already existing discrimination law is a good thing. Its an improvement to society.

2/26/2021 2:32:29 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

As far as sports goes, its a recreational activity that although taken seriously by many, doesn't have a greater importance then the social isolation and persecution of certain groups of people based on their sexual orientation or identity.

On top of that sport federations can and should create and enforce their own rules that promote fairness. Testosterone level testing is one way, like they they do at the Olympic games.

My personal opinion? Should male to female transsexuals' compete in female sports : No men and women should not compete together in sports where one of the two sexes has an unfair advantage.

So let the rules and testing decide whether someone is eligible. Equal opportunity is the magic word here.

But if there is no measurable advantage then I see no issue.

There's bigger fish to fry then high school track.

2/26/2021 2:32:38 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

Maybe there could be a separate category for transgender athletes so that biological males aren’t competing against girls and women. There’s a school of thought that call themselves Trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs) who describe the trans movement as essentially being a men’s rights movement and this insistence that biological males be included in girls/women’s sports is a pretty clear example of that.

2/26/2021 2:58:47 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Frank, If you were much of a man and or father of some daughters playing sports you might have a different outlook on your daughter or daughters being in a locker room with some male acting as a female and his big penis is out and about changing clothes or in the shower. Besides all humans have hormones. I have granddaughters and their parents have already told them if it happens in their school, there all done with sports. Sometimes here on big pumpkins.com your a total ass when you address things. Why don't you start addressing yourself on this topic as a parent if you have children.

2/26/2021 3:34:56 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

You have that typical ignorant idea in you head that there’s millions of high school trans sexuals all dying to show their genitals in the female locker room. Nothing could be further from reality. Educate yourself on the topic before posting things that are not true.

2/26/2021 4:08:03 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Frank, this isn't a LGBT thing I or Rookie is talking about. They all can do whatever they want include marriage etc in my eyes. Males should not be allowed in female sports. That is ALL I am talking about. Stop spinning and adding.

Women will not be top in female sports anymore, men who become women will soon have all the records. FACT

Testosterone level testing? What about the 23 years John Dough grew up as a male developing male bone structure and muscles before he became Mary? Men have thicker bones, bigger joints, narrower hips and pelvis. No sex change can change that.

Looks like you just want to flush womens' right down the drain so you can cater to less than half of 1% of the population (transgender).

2/26/2021 4:08:48 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

I think your getting you panties in a twist for nothing luke. like I said, there's no army of transgender athletes waiting to take all the records and take home the price money.

I see lots of conservative fear mongering. I could not find a lot of transgender word record holders if any. I saw lots about a powerlifter (surprise surprise) and a cyclist but I was unable to find that great number of transgender athletes competing in a variety of female sports completely crushing and annihilating the born females with their male structure you are so worried about.

I'll agree with you when the Olympic Medals are flying of the shelve to born men and when tennis, gymnastics and track are completely dominated by transgenders,

But with only a handful of professional transgender athletes and even less on a high school or college level, I think the world is save from a transgender power grab in female sports. Although conservative America is really worried, lol.

Good to see you turned in to an advocate for fairness in female sports though. A truly noble cause.

2/26/2021 4:53:51 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Always have to be offensive in your posts. I'm happy you are a transgender advocate too. You fit the part.

Males should not be allowed in female sports on any level. The 1% that has to deal with males in their sports are screwed.

2/26/2021 5:29:10 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

And I have a lot of female athletes in my family. Many have played soccer at the D1 level, and one placed very high in the Boston Marathon. If you knew what they went through playing select ball, travelling every weekend, qualifications in runs around the country etc... you'd care too. Now you think it's okay if men are playing against them.

This is my last post, you aren't changing this mind.

2/26/2021 5:38:44 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Very well said Smallmouth-Always have to be offensive in your posts. Many have played soccer at the D1 level, and one placed very high in the Boston Marathon. If you knew what they went through playing select ball, travelling every weekend, qualifications in runs around the country etc... you'd care too. Basically you have to look at the WHOLE picture at to what it will affect female sports as a whole

2/26/2021 7:01:01 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

You mistake sarcasm for an insult Luke. I'm good to hear your family leads a healthy lifestyle. And honestly I didn't expect to change your mind.

See several posts ago I posted this: My personal opinion? Should male to female transsexuals' compete in female sports : No men and women should not compete together in sports where one of the two sexes has an unfair advantage.

You must have mist that. No biggie

2/26/2021 7:23:44 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

I said I was done responding, but I’ll say fair enough, Frank. I’ve been involved in sports my entire life, do a lot of coaching now and would get sucked into this subject. Not healthy for me.

Carry on everyone

2/26/2021 8:55:11 PM



I agree with you Luke. Testosterone alone doesn't seem like the only issue. How can you quantify the other variables? I think all people should be treated with dignity and respect, but in the spirit of fairness, transgender people competing in sport with biological females doesn't seem right. Just think of the issues with college sports scholarships, professional sports contracts, etc.

2/27/2021 1:40:20 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Agreed Doug, too many variables to consider. I’ll also add my wife played a sport at an SEC school so I might be biased. You take some girl who’s worked their ass off their whole life, then now they are denied a scholarship because a male wants to take their spot. Doesn’t make sense. Yes those numbers are small, but every scholarship counts.

Where do you draw the line? If you let a male in MMA, they would dominate. Would that be fair for the female GOAT, Amanda Nunes? No

2/27/2021 9:11:28 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

Im all in for equal rights and i have nothing against someone wonting to be a transgender, but i also agree with luke. At this point i don't think its legal to give a sex change before the age of 18 but im not sure ? But if someone identifies as a transgender and they wont to play sports they have to make a tough decision like anyone else. What is more important to them sports or quantifying themselves as transgender.if sports is more important to them then they better hold off any sex change or hormone therapy until they are done competing in the sport they like. If anyone is caught taking any kind of body enhancing drug they will be kicked out of their sport today. Just imagine if you had a bruce jenner in women sports today he would have had records that no female could ever reach !!! Their is no reason a transgender can't wait to change their gender untill they are finnished with their sport of choice. Their are rules for everyone to follow and their is no reason that you should give a transgender an unfair advantage!

2/27/2021 10:24:32 AM

wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer)

Wixom MI.

The word quantifying was supposed to be identifying my phone changed the word on me without me knowing.

2/27/2021 10:30:44 AM


Central NY

North shore- I’m 100% against giving people the the right to chemically or physically alter their prepubescent child.....it’s a $1000 fine in my county if you pull out a cats front claws.

3/3/2021 9:26:26 AM


Central NY

I can’t get that don young photo out of my head....

3/3/2021 9:27:23 AM



Anita Green May still have a shot

3/3/2021 5:03:58 PM

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