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Subject:  Re-Education for Liberals

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Liberal communists

1) Consuder that your utopian plans may be terrible. Terrible for everyone including yourselves and the whole planet.

2. Conservative Americans already are everything that you wish you were: Moral, Sustainable, Caring.

3. Build your utopia without destroying anyone else's utopia.

4. Stop calling people who are every bit as good as yourselves, racist.

5. Stop saying poverty is an indication moral inferiority. Stop saying workers are worthless and should be replaced by something "better" (like cheaper labor or machines).

6. Stop using drugs and having a wacko ideology.

Let the re-education begin...

2/23/2021 10:56:30 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Looks luke someone needs to learn how to edit.

2/23/2021 10:58:24 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

1. Baloney
2. Out right lie
3. Baloney
4. If the shoe fits...
5. Baloney

Conservative re-eductation:

1. Stop acting like you own patriotism, liberals shed blood for this country to.
2.Stop acting like your morally superior because you go to church on Sunday. If you lie and cheat the rest of the week your still a no good sob.
3. Stop acting like you don't need the government. You use the roads, the healthcare, enjoy protection from the military and if shit hits the fan, you'd be happy to accept their help. Spare us the tough talk.
4.Stop acting like racism doesn't exist. We know how you talk to your buddies when your not in public.
5. Don't be ignorant when it comes to environment. set this world up for success in the future and make sure your kids and grand kids have a planet to. Don't be a selfish ignoramus.
6.Stop wearing camo clothing in public and stop embarrassing yourself.
7.Learn the different between opinion hosts/entertainers and real journalists. Learn how to discern between juicy propaganda that sounds good and fits your world view and reality.
8.Dont inject lysol to protect yourself against covid.
9.learn a foreign language and have at least two friends that are not white and or American. It will help to prevent ignorance.
10. Don't be a hypocrite. Don't talk about cancel culture while wanting to silence conservatives who don't like Trump, don't talk about abortion if your pro-death penalty, and don't about lack of religion while demonizing muslims.

2/23/2021 5:28:53 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

10. What crime did the infant in its mothers womb commit?

This is what I mean by wacko ideology! How can you say an infant who hasnt gotten the chance to make any of its own choices be the same as someone who has made some very bad choices.

Other than that you made it to the end with a reasonable level of sanity F&T... it was a noble effort. I think you deserve a B+ :)

2/25/2021 2:05:41 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I'd switch to being a liberal, if guys decided to love giving babies a 1st chance as much as you love giving BLM/antifa/death row inmates a 2nd chance. We are getting within a few pages of being on the same page here! Wow.

2/25/2021 2:14:06 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

And I'd switch to conservative if you guys wouldn't be so GD self-righteous when it comes to pro-life and religion. If you guys were just as passionate about poverty, inequality, racism and the environment most political battles would not even happen.

2/26/2021 8:49:04 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Politics should be like a jigsaw puzzle. If the gaps between the puzzle pieces are made small, and when the pieces are where they should be, then we can see the big picture. The alternative is to continue to be chaotic and disconnected pieces and see nothing.

2/26/2021 11:55:08 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

Stop putting Demented Old Circus Monkeys in the White House were doomed.

3/13/2021 7:59:56 AM

Total Posts: 8 Current Server Time: 1/13/2025 4:44:41 AM
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