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Subject:  Just wondering?

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On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

I am wondering what people here think about who won the election for presidency. Biden is now our president but did Trump really win the election and get cheated? Should our president now be Trump?

2/23/2021 9:20:04 AM


Trump never came close to winning and any intelligent person with good morals would not say he did.

To say he won you would have Democrats, Republicans, judges, civil servants, volunteers, business all coming together and nothing legitimate being leaked. People who say he won are (imo) either just plain trouble makers, looking for ratings so they can make more money, power hungry people who do not believe in democrazy or those who frequent and believe what the tin foil hat sites spout.

Have more faith in your Country than that. Putin started trouble in 2016 but enough people seen thru it this election and realized in times of trouble, Carnie Barkers really have no ability.

2/23/2021 9:51:27 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

No one ever explained the note spikes for one candidate and not the other. Still waiting for the explanation. I assume the explanation will be a fabricated explanation.

2/23/2021 10:03:59 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

No one ever explained the vote spikes that were 100% for Biden. Trump showed a graph of it but it's been censored off the internet completely now. Thats the problem with censorship. The truth doesnt matter... The only thing that matters is "what people think". That's the reasoning behind all the censorship. Censorship isnt designed to change the truth. It's designed to change "what people think".

So, really great question Marv.

2/23/2021 10:08:43 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Nah, the spikes have long since been explained but you’ve made up your mind by getting your news from Facebook, OAN, Fox, Qanon and the Sovereign Citizens.

“In fact, the change has long since been explained. The votes came from mail ballots cast in Milwaukee and 38 other municipalities that were counted in a central location and reported all at once. State officials fully expected to see the sudden change.”


2/23/2021 10:33:22 AM



Marv there are 75 million Americans that think somethin does not add up on the election!!
Myself we need to fix this voting thing before the next
election or else no one will vote.

Pudder those are strong words your using on us Americans
were i come from if you talked that way to someone to their face, you wont like what happens

2/23/2021 10:54:29 AM


Old Rookie, so, you don't think any of the 75 million who voted for Trump now believe Biden won. Even Mitch McConnell says Biden was the winner.

2/23/2021 11:18:46 AM


Old Rookie, so, you don't think any of the 75 million who voted for Trump now believe Biden won. Even Mitch McConnell says Biden was the winner.

2/23/2021 11:18:49 AM


Did I say something to upset people. I never said Americans just the people that are spouting false info. You know the Anti-American people

And anybody that can only type Idiot ans Senile etc. to describe a person who won an election fair and square should not point their fingers at anybody. Give it--take it.

2/23/2021 11:20:50 AM

Spudley (Scott)


Marv you didn't, lol.

2/23/2021 11:57:59 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Nope, not taking the bait. Breath in the good, breath out the bad.

2/24/2021 12:08:13 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

I can't name people or were I get my sources from. I would get someone in really big trouble and he would lose his job. The person works for the US government in a highly classified job. So Marv's question: Biden is now our president but did Trump really win the election and get cheated? Yes Trump won by a great deal! Was the election rigged and Biden cheated to win? Well, Biden really didn't cheat, but the Democrats did to steal the win by rigging the votes. No outside countries had anything to do with it. Things were done in different states. Now if you stop watching the far left media and start watching Newsmax and seeing what's really going on in America with Biden, you will see in a weeks time how Biden is destroying America and millions of Jobs. Biden signing all these executive orders will show you a clear path that we are headed for. Democrats own the white house, Congress and the Senate. By years end, America's people are going to be in big trouble.Under the HR1 Bill Democrats want, Voting would be fully controlled by the Federal Government and no longer by the States.HR1 would be suicidal for democracy. The bill will also expand early voting and enhance absentee voting by simplifying voting by mail.Another words H.R. 1 as a 'federal government takeover

2/24/2021 3:34:41 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

If anyone thinks acting President Biden is doing a great job, do your own web search on this. Under Biden taking over Jobless claims: Another 861,000 Americans filed new unemployment claims just last week. Biden is killing American jobs.

2/24/2021 3:48:55 AM


Shape changing lizards are not a reliable source.

2/24/2021 9:44:22 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

We all know if Trump won you would believe...no, you would “know” that Trump cheated, there was election fraud, there was Russia collusion, ect. Knowing this without knowing the facts. Do you know the truth? No. Do I know the truth? No.

You are not supposed to question the results. That’s free thinking. The term thinking for yourself and asking questions has been replaced with the word “disinformation”. The word was barely used before last year. Asking questions threatens the media’s monopoly. This is why there is a big push for censorship. Networks like CNN and FOX are the real threat, not small potatoes, conspiracy theory sources like Qanon but the mainstream wants you to think it is....so it is. Why the censorship? Ask yourself why and think for yourself.

So, at this point the truth about the election is what the media tells you. I don’t know, you don’t know, Biden won and that’s the truth. Trump lost. Don’t question. Whether it’s politics or religion, we want to believe. Some of you believe, some of you don’t know. If you believe that only means you have faith it is true. It is really difficult for man to say “I don’t know”. This is about was Biden duly elected and who is really in charge. For the most part if you are Democratic Biden won fair and square. If you are Republican you think there were issues with the election. It’s only natural. Of course you know this is true for the reverse. We spent the last four years proving that.

So, I don’t get my truth from the mainstream media or Hollywood. I’ll be honest, I don’t know the truth and either do you, you should always ask questions of authority. Both sides. If you don’t you are limiting yourself. This current administration does not want you to ask questions or think for yourself. This current administration does not want you to have choices. If you do you will be shut down. This

2/24/2021 11:10:02 AM


Opinions are like aholes. Everyone has one. The election is over. Biden is in the White House. Growing season is near. Winter will soon come to an end. On the political front there will not be another election for several years. I hear that Ted Cruise will most likely be the Republican candidate. If Biden is still around I wonder whether or not he will run as he will be quite old. Trump will not be in the picture unless he starts a new party. At this point the truth that satisfies everyone will never be found. Life goes on.

2/24/2021 12:42:39 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Romney Says Trump Would Win 2024 GOP Nomination If He Runs

2/24/2021 2:55:33 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Trump could be in a jail by that time if all the charges against him are real. Most of them are not felonies but some are. He has a lot of pending investigations on going, some which could turn up involving possible jail time. Wouldn't it be something if someone in jail was elected president. How would that work?

2/24/2021 4:15:05 PM

Kerry gross

Thomas wv

Trump never came close to winning and any intelligent person with good morals would not say he did. Wow this comment i can only imagine whats going through someone head to actually say this especially on bp when i know people that voted both sides and more on trump side that come on bp wich help one another good thing i dont think bp should be another news source

2/24/2021 6:56:28 PM


Saegertown Pa.

If the clintons didn’t go to jail trump won’t ether.

2/24/2021 7:00:01 PM


I did not say that anybody that voted for Trump did not have good morals. Nowhere in that statement does it say that. Biden won fair and square. But anybody that helps promote false stories that can lead to what happened at the Capital does not have good morals. No one but no one should support and condone that type of action.

Agree or disagree?

2/24/2021 7:28:59 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

If there's any takeaways from the "trump era" Marv its that a sizable chunk of the population must believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy.
Because there is no way people could see through those stories, but on the other hand think Trumps BS is real.

Another take away is the "alternative facts" Introduced to us by Mrs. Kelly Ann Conway. Conservative Americans have embraced alternative facts (read: lies and spin) and took it to the next level and then some. There's people there who see America through a lens of made up stories and fantasies, fed to them by their favorite media and "influencers". They no longer can differentiate between opinion or real, fact or fiction. Their resentment and hatred who those not like them has clouded their judgement and disabled their ability to reason.
Night after night and day after day they get bombarded with hate full propaganda to strengthen those delusions and inflame hatred towards fellow Americans who feel differently. Any argument or fact not in line with thinking is either fake, a lie, deep state or mainstream, which enables them to reason and explain away anything that doesn't fit in their fantasy world.

Between November 3 and January 6 this cancerous process escalated and came to a head. And we all saw the end result. And as time passes we can see lawmakers and opinion hosts alike are trying to downplay and minimize this sad culmination of the conservative campaign of misinformation and the instigating of civil disobedience. The politically most toxic event in the history of this nation

The delusional part is not yet over. It will take years to de-program the people who have been fed these lies for years themselves.

Unfortunately the disinformation seems to be a never ending stream of profit seeking institutions that thrive on dividing the nation and keeping the people in a constant state of outrage and resentment.

So until people wake up.

2/24/2021 7:45:32 PM

Kerry gross

Thomas wv

All i did was copy and paste

2/24/2021 8:40:10 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Most toxic political event in USA history? Kennedy, Lincoln? Or if talking the police, maybe the Black Lives Matter event in Dallas where 11 officers were shot and 5 murdered. I get you’re a foreigner, frank, but over half of what you state is opinion, that’s it.

2/24/2021 8:44:38 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

It's all about money and control it's not about the truth. Many human minds are corrupted by the desire to feel "powerful and in control". The truth is, probably there are a lot of people who are miserable and struggling. But the left has a major issue with seeing the truth. We give billions to big pharma to solve 500,000 old people dying. Meanwhile, there are 5 million homeless or living in vehicles and we give them how much attention? I think I can see the truth here.

2/25/2021 1:30:08 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Those 5 million people will all die earlier than they should.

2/25/2021 1:36:44 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Caring about those people wouldnt earn big pharma and big media a single dime. Hence 5/5 articles on google is about covid.

I think I am on the wrong topic now. The point is, you NEVER trust the narrative. The narrative ALWAYS has a bias, an agenda. Truth is NEVER the top agenda... EVER.


2/25/2021 1:45:25 AM


I think the only thing Gritty will understand is a boycott of his products. I have been a customer for a good while, But no more.

2/25/2021 8:15:43 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

I Loved President Trump's Gas and Fuel Oil Prices Much Better Than Joe Biden's Prices.

2/25/2021 9:01:20 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Trump's downward push on interest rates is what saved everyone's rear end. It's going steadily back up so the drain plug on the Trump-era-happy-bubble-bath has been pulled. It will a little time but soon we will discover that our financial butts are cold and naked. Yet again.

2/25/2021 12:05:09 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Uncanny... Liberals are never gonna boycott my products they will sell their souls to me long before they go hungry. Sheep come to the hay. Unlike most people, I can post anything I want with complete impunity.

2/25/2021 12:12:19 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I know that sounds arrogant but I could put a big red warning label on a jar of organic honey saying "produced by a Trump supporter" and you guys would gobble it right up. A person's brain can tell lies and play "cancel" games all day long, but their stomach will not. Glucose is the biological "financier" of the brain, and honey is by far the healthiest source of glucose. If you cancel me, your brain wont function optimally.

If your brain was a bitcoin then I would be like the PUD.

2/25/2021 12:43:51 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Left wing/right wing doesnt matter, everyone needs their brains to work!

2/25/2021 12:45:51 PM


Gritty, I am not a liberal. Would you tell me what a Liberal is? Is it anyone who doesn't agree with Trump? Is it simply anyone who voted for a Democrat? Is it someone who favors immigration? Is it anyone who wants to help those who have been negatively impacted by the virus. Is it anyone who get immunized? Is it anyone who wears a mask? Exactly what is a liberal? I don't think you can answer without googling it.

2/25/2021 1:07:28 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

You believe in cancel culture, but you are not a liberal? My bad. So what are your views, exactly? I assume they are the opposite of mine and that you do not want to coexist on the planet with me...

2/25/2021 3:54:09 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Some kind of caste system or apartheid maybe? Rather than seeing eye to eye with a "deplorable" like myself?? Friendliness is a choice. Whether you want to be friendly or not is up to you, Uncanny. I won't change who I am in order to get your brain to pretend to be friendly towards me. I know people well enough to know that their brains don't matter. My belief is that at the end of the day you will all sell your souls to satisfy your stomachs. Prove me wrong.

2/25/2021 4:10:03 PM


Gritty Kins, read my post. Answer my question. What is a liberal? Fact is that you don't know. Come on Gritty, you been yacking about liberals but can't say what one is? Exposed? Don't just dance around. What is a liberal?

2/26/2021 7:55:19 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Rachel Maddow is a liberal.

2/26/2021 11:48:17 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Tucker Carlson is not.

What do you want me to say? I don't get what you are seeing here. It's possible you see something that I don't. The liberals in my life basically do not like Trump but they get upset about a bunch of other things too. They are caring people but I see Trump as being a caring person and they do not. It's baffling to me that they are incapable of seeing Trump as being a caring person... so anyhow... enlighten me please Uncanny. You have officially confused me! Congrats.

2/26/2021 11:57:38 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Maybe I cant tell a fish from a frog? So enlighten me. Tell me what I do not know...

2/27/2021 12:09:31 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Ok so Uncanny You are not:

a supporter of policies that are socially progressive and promote social welfare.
a supporter of a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise.

Assuming you are way smarter than me... Maybe you should post more and I should post less...

2/27/2021 12:15:28 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Not defending/ being against the right to bear arms is, in fact, illiberal. So then I should use the word "lefitists" not "liberals". Am I getting warmer?

2/27/2021 12:19:03 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Rachel Maddow is a leftist, Tucker Carlson is a liberal. Thank you for correcting me, Uncanny.

2/27/2021 12:21:11 AM


Gritty, nice dance. What you have done is answer a question with a question? Tell me what you believe a liberal is? I think you are getting closer using the term leftist but still you have not defined a liberal. I know it is difficult because people talk about far left, left, and a bit left. When you speak of liberals do you include all of these categories or just far left and if so is this a fair description of people not on the right? What am I if I believe in all far right choices but think black people should be paid for what they suffered as slaves? What am I if I believe in bearing arms but not abortion? What am I if I believe in bearing arms and oppose abortion but don't like Trump? What if I support welfare. food stamps, and an increase in the minimum wage but support the First and Second Amendment? You see, it is not so easy, Are all people identifying as Democrats liberals. even those only a bit left and are all Republicans Conservatives? This is why you are having trouble defining Liberals other than those on the far left. For me there is the far left and the far right. Others I might consider as having liberal or conservative tendencies.

2/27/2021 8:57:58 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Well there is a hodgepodge of views. I think liberal is a loosely derogatory term used by the right (far right?) to impugne people that they do not like (Hillary Clinton, AOC). I will grant you that it's a misused term. I see it as being a term that conveys a meaning without being hurtful. It's a glossy conveyance of many negative meanings, but they are all political in nature & not meant to be taken personally or hurtfully. I see the misuse of the term "rasict" by the left wing or mainstream media. Also we see creep towards the misuse of the word "terrorist" (when "enemy" or "unfriendly" or "oppositional" should really be used?) Anyhow, negative labels can be hurtful at worst, mind numbing at best. Thumbs up on deconstructing my use of the word "liberal". Some people are quite proud to be called liberal (or so I thought) but feel free to call yourself what you want & to disregard my yakky labelling if its offensive/inaccurate/misundertood. Let's yak about something else you want to yak about...

I am all yakked out.

2/27/2021 10:35:56 AM


Me too!!!!

2/27/2021 11:33:30 AM


Walhalla, ND.

Currently there is no real President. The military is in charge at this point and in the near future Trump will be installed as the lawful election winner.

3/16/2021 8:54:32 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Cool, keep us posted.

3/26/2021 9:58:56 PM

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