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Subject:  Russ Limbaugh passed away

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On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

You all know Russ. He was on the radio for years with his talk show. Now he is no more. May he rest in peace.

2/17/2021 12:55:10 PM


South Dakota

What a Rush!

2/18/2021 8:28:16 AM



We will miss him

2/18/2021 2:23:31 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

like a bad headache

2/18/2021 4:51:43 PM


Central Ca

Ok troll

2/18/2021 7:16:00 PM

Orange U. Glad


I was wondering who would be the first person to see show a lack of class. Winner, winner, chicken dinner: Frank and Tina

2/18/2021 7:20:51 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Your hero buddy, not mine. "lack of class" perfectly describes him. Don't worry, plenty of right wing nut jobs left to peddles lies and hatred.

2/19/2021 6:58:03 AM


Saegertown Pa.

Frank and Tina you should be ashamed of your self, show some respect.

2/19/2021 7:49:14 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Frank has no respect. He didn't have to say anything, his democrats are supposed to represent unity, but they then wish death upon those they disagree with. His statements show he probably has esteem issues too.

2/19/2021 8:45:38 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Frank and Tina are being honest about how they feel. When Osama died there was rejoicing as when Hitler bit the dust. Russ was loved by some and hated by others as were Osama Bin Laden and Adolph Hitler. When they died those that hated them rejoiced. Those that loved them mourned. Have you ever seen people dancing in the streets after someone died, maybe a dictator? In Iraq there was some rejoicing in his death. Same in Italy when Mussolini (sp) was hanged in public. So Give Frank and Tina a break for having said how they feel. I think most you have someone you would not feel bad about if they passed on even though you might not actually say so? Frank and Tina did.

2/19/2021 10:15:26 AM

Orange U. Glad


Anyone who takes pleasure in another person's death has serious issues. If someone posted a Frank and Tina RIP, I would probably skip a post, but I certainly would not post about being glad that they were gone. The fact that they do not understand basic kindness explains their troll like actions.

2/19/2021 10:41:09 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Stop being a troll Marv. The people in power need to be respectful... Last I checked your party is in power? That's just the way the world works.

2/19/2021 11:55:19 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Rush’s conservative talk radio show was the top radio show in history and had been for a long time. He cannot be replaced. His audience was massive. Sure, he had controversial cringe worthy moments (you know, they all do: Trump, Biden..) but he opened the flood gates for more conservative perspectives on AM radio. I spend hours on the road and listened to him. He didn’t care what others thought about him, and this was especially true for the left. He didn’t conform. That’s why he is loved by the right, hated by the left. Either way his legacy on AM talk radio will last for generations.

2/19/2021 11:55:55 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Trump fan here, yes. Limbaugh fan, no. I cant say I feel any positive connection to the guy, but I can imagine it must be rough times if you did feel a connection.

2/19/2021 12:19:20 PM


Ohio.. The Good Part

people in power need to be respectful... LOL

2/19/2021 5:07:47 PM


Ohio.. The Good Part

you are right that is the way the world works.
We just haven't seen that for a while.
Hopefully this guy is more respectful than what we have been through.

2/19/2021 5:15:37 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Respect is for those who deserve it.

2/19/2021 7:34:56 PM


San Diego

Celebrating a conservative talk shows death is like celebrating the death of Hitler and Mussolini?????? Really? Speechless for how low this board is getting. People, please go do something good with your lives for others instead of acting like 2 year olds and posting nonsense here.

2/19/2021 11:48:07 PM

Orange U. Glad


FT, I suppose you deserve respect? Mocking the dead is an incredibly low denominator. When Obama or fill in the blank liberal passes away, I will derive no enjoyment nor be thankful for their passing away.

It amazes me how the left likes to think that they have the corner on compassion. I can only assume that your frustration is based on your failures in life.

2/19/2021 11:54:41 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Time for the delete button on the whole board again!

2/20/2021 1:33:48 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

Orange u glad. Read the post buddy. I didn't celebrate nothing. But, I'm not gonna lie or fake it either in that I'm not gonna miss a man who dedicated his life to spreading lies, misinformation, hatred and ignorance over the airwaves to millions of gullible Americans who didn't get any smarter or better listing to his foul and ignorant diatribe.

And on top of that. When Donald Trump was mocking the dead, blaming them for his failures, speaking badly of them and taking on crap on their legacy, like for instance in the case of the late John Dingle a day after his death and John McCain, even on late President H.W Bush, I heard non of you moral conservative crusaders on here that are outraged with me denounce that? Why not?

Where were you all then? I Were were you the last 4 years? I thought political correctness was something bad? I thought speaking your mind like the Trump did was considered a good thing by conservatives? I guess that only goes if its fits the believes and convictions. Done cherry picking?

Y'all's double standards are nauseating.

2/20/2021 7:57:01 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Duster, read my post again. I was not celebrating anyone's death. I was just telling what actually happened. Were you aware that in some countries people drag the bodies of their enemies in the street. Have you not seen heads displayed on stakes. People who had been crucified bodies being displayed on their crosses. These things all happened.
It is all historical. Read my first post if you have time. Russ Limbaugh has passed away. May he rest in peace. Maybe this thread as well.

2/20/2021 8:04:35 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

“Y’all’s“... look at Frank trying to sound like he’s American. lol

2/20/2021 8:58:15 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

Look at Luke displaying that typical conservative,” your not one of us”attitude. Can’t hide your true nature.

2/20/2021 9:42:15 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

lol! Always political to Frank. Now go carve me some wooden shoes.

2/20/2021 9:57:42 AM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

The coffee has got me this AM and I’m wasting my time again.

The word “misinformation” in today’s conversations about politics is overused in the wrong way. It is misused to mean “I don’t agree with what he/she is saying”, or “I disagree with what they are saying”, or “It’s the truth but I don’t want to hear it because it’s opposite of my political views”. It’s a pet peeve of mine and the word is used with a broad brush.

Frank, over the years you’ve written quite a bit. Hours, days, weeks of time if you add it all together. Some of it took a lot of thought. You’re intelligent no doubt, but there is no influence. Instead of 100% of your time chopping down Conservative values, leaders, and now the greatest AM radio personality of all time, try lifting up one of your own.

It’s like a bully shoving a kid to the ground to feel better about themselves. Attempting to show flaws of other individuals or groups artificially “lowers them” to artificially make you better. Doesn’t work.

So, are there any popular radio personality’s that send that Liberal message home to others? Anyone you listen to? No. Anyone that can open my eyes, get me engaged with some great Liberal ideology on my long drives? No. That is also the same with this current administration. Do you speak highly of Biden like we did Trump? No. Kamala? No. What does your party stand for? Can you tell us without shaming Conservatives? Are you really worried about your own party but just can’t voice it so you go after anything Conservative? Can you give us some good news, something to look forward to so we all can join the Liberal band wagon? Probably not because it’s just not there. The only thing is it’s not Trump.

How can Trump, the greatest *!#?!! you’ve ever heard or seen, or Limbaugh, “a man who dedicated himself to spreading lies...

2/20/2021 12:18:07 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

What you call liberal Garden Rebel to me is common sense.

I don't need to listen to liberal radio, conservative radio. I don't view the world through political lenses.

It was conservatives who felt oppressed by liberal America that felt the need for a separate conservative media and we can thank Roger Ailts for that. Before that there ONLY was mainstream media. But when Ailts realized that he could get Nixon elected if he would perform better in the media/tv, the idea of conservative media fox was born.

And the word misinformation is not really over used. Its when a president knowingly uses falsehoods and lies to manipulate a part of the population. Misinformation was under used by the conservative media the last 4 years because A: its part of their strategy and B: It was part of Trumps strategy to keep the base inflamed and loyal. "If they like it, they'll believe it." You know, the fox news approach.

2/20/2021 1:08:43 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

But you want some positive things about our new administration, lets see;

- We didn't start Joe Biden's term with an embarrassing lie about the inauguration crowd size.

-We reached out to the world to let them know that America is back. And that the America that has taken a leader ship role in the world in the 76 years since world war 2 is back.
-Age old alliances vital to America are re-kindled to retain its position in the world are being re-affirmed instead of damaged or broken down.

-We have acknowledged the environmental problems hanging over our head like the sword of Damocles and we started addressing them.

-The press is no longer the enemy. The president now communicates using a Press secretary instead of Alex Jones type middle of the night tweets.

-No indecent or immoral behavior from our commander in chief. No cheating, no porn stars, no grab em by the *%ussy, no insults to the disabled, the dead, or adversaries. Non of that petty childish crap.

-No Joe Biden hotels or golf properties that could house foreign dignitaries and completely violate the emoluments clause

- No daughter or son in laws in positions of power, no nepotism.

- No Self-aggrandizement, bragging or laying claim on the accomplishments of others.

- No Bullying and intimidation from the President.

- No fringe conspiracy theories from the darkest corners of the internet are being peddled by the President or condoned.

2/20/2021 1:09:18 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

- He's has rolled back the worst immigration policy's including the Muslim ban.

-Biden handled Covid like it should be handled. By the experts. With a plan. No lies and spin boasting his own performance like Trump did, but humble and realistic.

-And Biden restored dignity and decency to the White House. Respect for the centuries old traditions of this country going back to George Washington and respect for all people even the ones that disagree. No calling names, no cheap insults. A serious adult president deeply aware of the gravitas of his position and the influence it has.
Not a boyish spoiled billionaire making of the cuff gut calls, living out his child hood fantasies in between golf outings, while lashing out all those who dare to oppose. No non of that.

America has slipped up, but self corrected. We are back.

2/20/2021 1:09:25 PM

Spudley (Scott)


In the early 90's I listened to him and his stick back then was personal responsibility. Pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. Then somewhere along the way he went hard right. That's when I quit tunning in. But in the end ironically it was about personal responsibility he couldn't put those cigars down. There fore he died of lung cancer. May he rest in peace wherever that may be!

2/20/2021 1:39:21 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Fair enough you two.

2/20/2021 2:28:23 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

This is one of few sites left that let me freely speak my mind without an algorithm. We can agree to respectfully disagree. Why I still don’t know and will never know. My coffee has warn off and it’s back to doing something constructive.

2/20/2021 3:05:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

We rarely agree Spudley, but I certainly do get what you are saying. And yes big tech is ham handed its nice to be solely in charge of what we ourselves say.

2/20/2021 3:42:02 PM



Its only been a month he has signed 40 executive orders
has no idea what is in him, he justs, sign sign sign
We will soon see

2/20/2021 4:51:36 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Legislature is too busy with nothingburgets to do their job (and that's fortunate). Biden has to do their job for them lol.

2/20/2021 4:59:13 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

*nothing burgers

2/20/2021 5:01:20 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Frank, you say you don't view the world through political lenses....

Your last 5,000 post on Bigpumkins has determined that is a lie.

2/20/2021 8:48:59 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

I've noticed that I've seem to be of particular interest to you smallmouth as you seem to find great joy in pointing out my spelling errors, "playfully" mock me or try to find inconsistencies in my arguments, skillfully avoiding to react on the contents of my post.

I have to apologize as I never meant to occupy space in your head rent free.

But now that I do, let me assure you that beyond discussing politics with on BP I have no interest in politics. However once one gets sucked into this endless back and forth, like we did on here, it can be rather tempting to react to the boundless anger, stupidity and foolishness that political views seem to invoke in people. It proves to be to tempting at times.

The buddha described this aversion, or anger perfectly when he explained it as having a poisoned root and honeyed tip. As we all might not have the noblest of intentions when we post but we all seem to find some delight in our perfectly delusional self righteousness, Right or left.

Its all good Luke. Go catch some bass.

2/20/2021 11:01:41 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Google translation:

Yeah man, this sh*t triggers me...

2/21/2021 12:22:02 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I like your posts F&T. Not making fun, just having fun. Keep posting.

2/21/2021 12:42:15 AM


Simi valley, ca

Some people don't get it ,Like many on this board, The country is not in better shape after that pile o *hit Donald Trump. During trumps presidency and after he really did a Fuck*d up job, For example Have you seen that Asian people are being attacked and even killed from scum bags who were inspired by trump ,The list is long on the racist things trump has said while president ! Kung flu, just all kinds of mental case *hit ,, And that other scum bag rush Limbaugh wont here nice things from me eather just because he is dead.

2/21/2021 2:09:04 AM


Simi valley, ca

I will say it does seem strange that people cant call things like the are ,or who they are, or what they are ! I would say people who (especially at this point) cant call him what he really is ,Well id say they got a problem-at bear minimum !

2/21/2021 2:34:31 AM


Simi valley, ca

Gritty kins, and alike , How old are you? Let me clue you in on a something , Ok , Ok then listen,, Racism Is not cool. You get it? Its not cool ! you get it? I hope you figure that out someday !

2/21/2021 2:43:07 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I can take shit from you all day fisssh. Bring it on.

2/21/2021 6:48:38 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Never said racism was cool. It's not it never will be. I think Trump was a great president better job opportunities for minorities and less chance of getting wounded or killed in wasteful foreign wars. He started no wars. Best president ever for minorities despite the fact some of his base is racist. He also eased off if the Clinton/Bloomberg "destroy the colored people by incarceration" bullshit. Wasnt three strikes your out Clinton? And that was not real justice that was political/judicial tyranny.

2/21/2021 6:57:16 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think I am right.

2/21/2021 6:59:20 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I did post a screenshot where Kamala is more white than Trump. You dont see any irony there I guess. Of course that's offensive... but oh well. I am NOT here to kiss your rear, my friend.

2/21/2021 7:27:14 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Hate me if you want to. Yes, I am not perfect.

2/21/2021 7:44:25 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

The governor of Florida has decreed that all flags be flown at half mast in honor of Rush Limbaugh.

2/21/2021 9:15:51 AM


Long Island,New York

I got to the tenth post then stopped......Marv really? Rush = Hitler and Osama? Might wanna boost the dementia meds a bit.

2/21/2021 11:26:49 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Llumpkin, Read what I said again. I never said Rush =Hitler. Slow down when you are reading and process the words a bit better.

2/21/2021 1:47:00 PM


North Smithfield, RI

RIP Rush ! He was a great american and his casket should be showed in the capitol rotundra. Mr Limbaugh was absolutely right 90 % of the time !!! He will be missed by millions ...

2/21/2021 5:04:37 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Rotundra? LMFAO!

2/21/2021 9:34:35 PM

Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

We shall see if they had "a lack of class" is the worst thing posted when you die.

2/22/2021 6:06:02 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

No, the worst posting about you is the one in the obituary column stating that you have died.

2/22/2021 10:48:24 AM


Ohio.. The Good Part

Even after he is dead, he is still causing division in America. If that is what you think we need more of in this place then to you, yes he was great.
I think to use the word "great" or to put so much admiration onto another person, they should try to come up with another way.

2/22/2021 1:07:02 PM


Western NY

RIP Rush! By his own words he was an entertainer. It always amazed me that people could listen for more than 5 minutes of his opinion show. When he would say "The fact of the matter is" you know he was blowing smoke up your A$$.

2/22/2021 8:09:15 PM

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