Other Non-Pumpkin Related
Subject: Marjorie Taylor Greene U.S. Representative.
Date Posted
Spudley (Scott) |
Here's some Nostradamus s***, I predict Donald Trump will float the idea he'll run again and take Marjorie Taylor Green as his running mate in 2024. She's a whack job like him and she's willing to say anything do anything. Cable TV may pick it up. Rumor has it they're going to call it Donald Trump The Insurrectionist.
1/31/2021 3:28:26 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
You know you’ve made it to the big time when SNL does this:
1/31/2021 4:47:51 PM
PumpkinBrat |
Paradise Mountain, New York
Now that would be a great match up. Two strong people who would work super hard to make America strong. Green and Trump would be a great couple to build us up after Biden gets done destroying America
1/31/2021 5:31:57 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
She's a like a new Sarah Palin but the trailer park version and in constant psychosis. Lil dumber, lil crazier.
1/31/2021 5:33:29 PM
PumpkinBrat |
Paradise Mountain, New York
Sarah Palin was a great Republican. Yes Frank I understand you hate Republicans
1/31/2021 5:55:38 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
And she could see Russia from her backyard!
1/31/2021 6:46:28 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
And as my Governor I was delighted to hear she read all those magazines and newze kinda publications and stuff like that. LMAO!
1/31/2021 6:55:27 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Bye bye Congresswomen Green! Crazy train is leaving the station. Have your bags packed.
2/4/2021 8:31:17 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
See, have faith as it appears your system of checks and balances work.
2/4/2021 8:53:52 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Its so easy to be a bully.
Land of the free and brave. Something Canadians and Democrats and cowards will never understand.
2/4/2021 9:36:25 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Just another media hit piece against another innocent person. Charges? Crime? Conviction? Nope. The media is the new KKK... yet another extrajudicial lynching.
2/5/2021 3:16:16 AM
spudder |
Canadians understand totally. Trump lost and his supporters are sour because they did not read the real news or they would have understood.
2/5/2021 10:40:16 PM
spudder |
Here is a song for those who believe the election was rigged and the republican party does the right thing. Quite appropriate
And they're coming to take me away ha-haaa They're coming to take me away ho-ho-hee-hee-ha-haa To (finish it those who know)
2/5/2021 10:56:05 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
spudder the msm is not real news... the truth is pretty much 100% censored so how can you call the msm real... calling the msm real is like calling a veggie burger a hamburger
2/5/2021 11:32:02 PM
spudder |
"The earth is flat" "the sky is put there as a sheild by the government to prevent you from seeing God" "355 congressmen and 109 senators are arrested"(I thought there was only 100 senators}
"The US military government will take control (by force) of ALL of the official media (radio, television, newspapers) on Friday February 5 at 6.30 p.m. EST (11 p.m. GMT or midnight in France) exactly on all American territory. This includes taking control of all American channels on direct broadcast satellites broadca"
This is all real news? Get real.
2/6/2021 8:53:41 AM
Frank and Tina |
South East
When it comes to Marjorie Taylor Greene and her supporters: "never argue with stupid people. they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience". - mark twain
All she does is threaten her colleges with the will of the base, all she does is hold Trump over them. Her content is ignorance and conspiracies. She's one of those creepy crawlies, those crazies, that remain after Trump gave them a pass to come out, after he legitimized them in return for their loyalty and their vote.
She to to will vanish sooner or later. Not by bullying, but by her own doing.
2/6/2021 9:18:53 AM
Marv. |
On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.
The die is cast. Her future is clear. She will fade from the scene.
2/6/2021 9:37:23 AM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, Mo
Spudder, I think Griddys point is something along these lines and here’s an example. The MSM all the sudden act like they care about police when one was killed during the capital riot. Headline after headline, white supremacy, Trump etc. far from the cop bashing headlines usually up.
The MSM wasn’t nearly as vocal, and certainly didn’t blame Black Lives Matter when 12 police were ambushed, shot, and 5 murdered, during a BLM riots in Dallas. The shooter targeted whites only too. Imagine if races were reversed and 12 black cops shot by a white toothless redneck. You also have politicians like AOC tweeting about white supremacist police, but no blame to her.
Also, can you tell me exactly what Nick Sandmann did wrong and why the MSM was focused on him for a month with every headline? So focused CNN had to settle a 275 million dollar lawsuit with him. I still can’t figure that one out.
The problem is most people see headlines and don’t read articles anymore, then make knee jerk social media posts, then everything gets distorted like the telephone game we played as kids. Look up Kamala and Jussie Smollett. How many people read her tweet?
I saw a headline the other day that read “Father dies after receiving Pfizer vaccine”. In the article it states no correlation was made with the vaccine and his death, but you wouldn’t see that unless opening the page. Why not just write “man dies after taking a shit”? It happens
That’s my MSM rant, you all can go back to Greene.
2/6/2021 9:59:45 AM
Frank and Tina |
South East
I want to rant to.
The MSM is a conservative concept made up by frustrated republicans and Trump populist who got tired of being rubbed into the truth with their noses. its not a real thing. Its a just another baseless conspiracy theory like the deep state or election fraud.
It started as a disinformation campaign launched by Trump to cast doubt on negative news about him and was mindlessly parroted by the same people who are effortlessly drawn in by conspiracy theories and made up stories that confirm their own paranoid beliefs and fantasies.
If you think the media is problem, use that magnifying glass you use to dissect the MSM and look at conservative media. Endless peddling of those same conspiracies, divisive rhetoric constantly predicting the end American society as you know it if those "evil liberals" grab power, cheap appeals to patriotism with cliché white nationalist points of view.
If you think conservative news media provide you with a "fair and balanced" report of the news void of the same partisan influences that have helped to shape those same outlets then your truly are naïve and gullible.
And putting your faith in "opinion hosts" like Hannity and Carlson, or any of those charlatans that hide behind the assumption that because they are no journalist and the first amendment, they can spew what ever lie and half truth unpunished because the responsibility of believing those lies solely lies with the viewer. They prey openly and unapologetically on the gullibility and ignorance of the American voter. They know that although they claim to be " just giving us their opinion" many take their lies and nonsense as the conservative gospel and the truth no mater how wacky and outrageous.
2/6/2021 11:55:53 AM
Frank and Tina |
South East
No if you have a problem with the main stream media and think they lie and spin the news, but then turn around and watch conservative media, because you like their conservative and populist tailor made version of the news better, your a hypocrite. And maybe just maybe, a little naïve and gullible.
Look what happened in Washington, the mob in the Captol.
Responsibility? 50% Trump, 25% Trump cronies, 25% Fox news and other conservative outlets.
Trump called the MSM the enemy of the American people.
But its the conservative outlets that willingly and knowingly air lies, and conspiracies aimed at undermining our democratic republic and give a voice to those who damage the fabric of democracy by willingly spewing lies and half truth in order to gain or remain in power who are the true enemies of this country.
2/6/2021 11:56:00 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I read what mtg posted on facebook. Have you? If you have not read the original post then how do you know the media isnt blowing things out of proportion? Granted, there is a lot of crap on the right to wade through but you cant condemn her upon someone else's sins. The least anyone could do is look at her original facebook post. Its lengthy and its not worthy of burning her at a stake. It just isnt. You guys burned her in effigy but why? None of you even read the original post right?
Look at what she posted first. Then cast your stones at her. Dont let the media be the judge and jury, and then yourself the executioner. If you are going to take part in a mob verdict then you yourself are responsible to give a fair trial?
We on the right know the media never does.
2/6/2021 12:00:10 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I also watched the thing about AOC and I didnt see the big deal. Nitpicky smear campaign delegitamizing her legitimate fear. Her female Republican colleague is being a bully. It political bloodsport. These are real people. We should treat them the way we would like to be treated. If you want bloodsport stay out of politics and watch fiction. Otherwise we will end up turning the Hunger Games a documentary.
2/6/2021 12:11:37 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I hear you F&T. Its hard to keep a healthy open mind in the current political environment. Its mostly stupid shallow political games. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!" I think thats how the saying goes. Well, I have bees and kids to care about all I want is for idiot communists not ruin my simple sustainable life... Tty guys later.
2/6/2021 12:56:43 PM
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