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Subject: Dominion Voting Systems.
Date Posted
Spudley (Scott) |
Now we'll see if Rudy and his team have the goods. Dominion voting systems will be suing them and they will be compelled to come before a judge and tell the truth. And Just like the previous 60 lawsuits Rudy and his team filed he will have no proof / evidence. He will be forced to tell the truth or lose his law license.
1/31/2021 1:59:35 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
I agree. The defamation lawsuit should rule against Giuliani if was all a big lie. Through this whole thing true, partially true, or nothing true, the trust by the American people in our voting system is at an all time low. How can we ever get it back? Or has so much damage been done to its reputation it’s irreparable. Winning or losing the lawsuit won’t help one bit. There needs to be some reform whatever that means, but the left won’t waste time with “this nonsense”.
1/31/2021 2:40:23 PM
B2 |
Ohio.. The Good Part
I'm not sure if the "trust by the American people in our voting system is at an all time low" as you say. Every effort has been exhausted to try to prove the system is flawed. All of these law suits have proven nothing substantial, if anything at all. Many of the highest political powers as well as herds of legal teams have put every effort into trying to get the American public to doubt the process. In the end, the failed attempts to convince any court in the land that anything at all happened... should prove just the opposite.
1/31/2021 3:14:39 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
Just the fact that a lot of time was spent and in our media discussing potential election and voter fraud. Whether it’s true or not. This has caused a lot of discussion where there was none before like vote by mail, ect. We used to have Election Day, in a booth. There are so many variables now that cause to question things, and you should question. Again, the fact that is was dragged out in the news creates uncertainty. The same uncertainty caused by fraud in other countries like Venezuela.
1/31/2021 6:16:07 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
No one has explained the vote spikes favoring only one candidate. I will remain an election doubter.
1/31/2021 8:30:48 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
The only thing that created uncertainty was Trump Garden rebel. He was crying foul months before the election started, so that just incase he lost he could do the nonsense he actually did. Had he won, he would have said nothing. Instead he turned the US into a banana republic with mad mob storming the capitol.
That covid cause record mail in ballots is no surprise either.
Its really no rocket science. But if your a disappointed Trump supporter, there's about a 100% chance that you'll be parroting Trumps desperate lies until the day you die. And if your a Trump supporter that also kind of believes QAnon and all the other nonsense conspiracy theories, then all hope is gone for you.
If your a proud republican, a patriot and an American with self respect and integrity it should not be to hard to admit defeat. Its been a back and forth since the beginning of this Republic and even an immoral autocrat like Trump cant change that.
Republicans can try again in 4 years. Lets hope that by that time the nasty fringe conservatives that Trump has lured out of the holes and from under their rocks will be gone.
1/31/2021 9:26:33 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
Those are your words F&T, not mine. Trump is gone and we have to move on. Q has nothing to do with it. I listen to as many news sources I can and I still don’t know the truth. It’s all faith like religion. Most people don’t know what is true. They think they do including you. I admit, I don’t.
The fact is Democrats are happy. Happy that Trump is gone. Election or voter fraud was never an issue for anybody because your candidate won. The fact that it was brought up at all and made its way through the media made people question its integrity. I’ll say it again: whether it happened or not. No matter what, millions will question Dominion and mail ballets. Unless something changes it will always be this way.
1/31/2021 9:49:31 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Left pushed me off of their side... I believe in global warming and was raised in a liberal house. But Trump did prove his economic policies were better for average Americans. Now Biden gets to show that his... are better for Wall Street and terrible for the rest of us.
1/31/2021 10:41:22 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
At the risk of talking to myself I must also say: that the big tech lockdown on free speech (everything from unconvicted (innocent until proven guilty anyone?) politicians... to licensed doctors), the ongoing covid paranoia, the seeming inability to be rational (cuomo, on nursing homes, Newsom on wildfires), the elitist hypocrisy (Newsom, Pelosi, and many others) and the general societal trend toward confirmity rather than truthfulness, is ALL disturbing to me. Had to just get it off my chest.
If I am just a tree falling in an empty forest, oh well. It's off my chest now. Maybe someone out there feels the same way. Or maybe... not.
2/1/2021 3:15:16 AM
Frank and Tina |
South East
Why on earth would we change the election process because Donald Trump didn't like the outcome? Baseless claims remain baseless claims unless proven. Repeating them over and over does not make them true. And people who believe baseless claims can not be satisfied unless they get what they want, so why bother trying?
If there would be a big congressional investigation that would conclude the elections were fair and constitutional beyond any reasonable doubt, countless people would still claim fraud because its not what they want to hear. Its not want they want reality to be. If its not what they think it is, it cant be true.
That why conservative cable news does so well. Its tell people what they want to hear. It caters to their preferences and doesn't mind lying or making up stuff along the way. And if people don't get to hear what they want, they quit listening. Want proof?:
when fox news call the election for Biden it lost a large amount viewers instantly. It wasn't what viewers wanted to hear. It didn't affirm their views and believes. And that kind of says it all. Some folks will never leave la la land. They are lost forever. Lets stop paying them attention.
2/1/2021 8:01:07 AM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
Your party won. Therefore there was no election or voter fraud, I get it. Our party lost so naturally there is suspect by millions. Don’t forget there are many Democrats also in whatever poll you choose, that think the rl cation was stolen. Yes, nothing has been proven, let alone even investigated. Nothing has been proven OR disproven. This mass vote by “junk mail” scheme thrown together at the last minute has left many (like millions) skeptical. Naturally. You should ask questions, especially since nothing like this on a large scale has been vetted. Again, naturally you wouldn’t question this since your party “won”. I would admit, my skepticism would be less if Trump “won”.
Don’t forget, or maybe you never knew, our wishy washy, hypocritical, “uniting” president spent decades warning of voter fraud. Now calls it a myth. Of course if you look the other way it never existed. The mass skepticism is there and it’s not going away. Allowing half the country to try to silence the other half will only lead to more anger. Nothing good or unifying.
2/1/2021 1:16:23 PM
B2 |
Ohio.. The Good Part
Questioning things is required to keep everything as open as possible. That was done. Who's party is largely irrelevant at this point in the game. If anything could have been proven it would have been. We used to know the world was flat. then we investigated and evolved knowledge.
2/1/2021 1:56:46 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
The now-disbanded voting integrity commission launched by the Trump administration uncovered no evidence to support claims of widespread voter fraud, according to an analysis of administration documents released Friday. The same thing happened back when President GW Bush was in office. Right after 9/11 AG Ashcroft was tasked to find voter fraud. That attempt failed too. The bottom line there was no fraud just unfounded claims. Since the section of the Voting Rights Act "Pre-Clearence" was overturned. The GOP have been on a tare to purge voter rolls close voting stations shorten early voting limiting voter options/access. Remember individual states run their own elections. When GOP candidates can't win in reliably red states what more needs to happen before they get it. Believe you me if rampant voter fraud existed then why is so hard to find. Kinda like looking for and finding Bigfoot.
2/1/2021 2:52:14 PM
spudder |
Learned 2 things today
"The earth is flat"
"the sky was not really the sky but a “shield put up by the government to prevent individuals from seeing God,”
And if you believe those 2, you probably believe Trump won, Covid-19 was a hoax and I have a bridge to sell you
2/1/2021 3:06:39 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Dont forget five people were murdered. And you guys wonder why I dont trust your numbers...
2/1/2021 5:17:03 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
Hmmmm. Let’s see what my Qanon crystals are revealing..............................
........They say that Trump is setting up a shadow government and presidency...stay tuned!
No, you guys are a lot of fun. These subjects get my heart racing and I don’t need that and need to move on. Not growing competitively this year so that makes me a troll. This country has a huge divide and we need to start over. Start over and smile to your neighbors and everyone you encounter.
2/1/2021 6:16:40 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Q Post 4589: Rebels Rutabegas will soon Release the Kohrabi Kraken. No one thinks I am funny.
2/1/2021 7:42:14 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Sorry. I just think u might lighten up a tiny bit and grow something heavy, Rebel? Maybe I am a fool.
2/1/2021 7:50:36 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
^I shouldnt post when I am tired. But I agree with rebel about being divided... its a red flag for narrow thinking when people are setting up and falling into these divisions.
2/2/2021 2:04:13 AM
irischap |
Guelph, Ontario
When large batches of votes were released, there were spikes, for both candidates. It was not one sided as Gritty seems beleives
2/3/2021 8:28:40 AM
Spudley (Scott) |
Sebastian Gorka Cuts Off MyPillow Guy for Spouting Voting Machine Conspiracy on Newsmax. The only reason this happened is because Dominion has threatened to Sue any and all parties that continue to tell the Big LIE the election was stolen. Finally someone is pushing back. They're saying either you prove in court your accusations "which they can't" or we're gonna hit you where it hurts. Lou Dobbs and Hannity got the message. Remember how Fox so called news went after Joe Scarborough accusing him of having something to do with Seth Rich's death. Claiming they had information from an individual who could substantiate their claims. Well well right before Dobbs and Hannity were supposed to testify under oath Fox settled out of court. Paying the Rich family millions there by keeping Hannity and Dobbs out of prison. Obama should have done the same thing with birterism.
2/3/2021 12:29:33 PM
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