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Subject:  President Trump Offers His D.C. Hotel To National

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Paradise Mountain, New York


1/22/2021 3:33:52 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Thats why he got my vote. And thats why the democrats didnt.

1/22/2021 4:04:40 PM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

G kins, this happened after the election. Did you predict this or are you from the future?

1/23/2021 12:15:02 PM

Spudley (Scott)


PR Don's at it again, lol.

1/23/2021 1:14:18 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

What's your point Pumpkinrat?

1/23/2021 3:27:19 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I am just praising his chatacter. And Im disgusted by the democrats. All that pomp and circumstance it took less than 24 hrs for them to show their true colors... Its as bad as a husband hitting his wife on their wedding night. Should I stop now or continue on. Well its me so that means your gonna get the whole shebang: Voters are like women... they just cant resist picking the wrong guy.

1/23/2021 3:34:32 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Right, and underneath Biden's PR is a guy who wont start any new wars, who will help black people achieve real power (jobs and wages and better choices) not just give humiliating government handouts and empty promises and confinement to a system that doesnt truly care. Are there any real social justice warriors here on bp or just democrat/media lackeys?
Fake warriors will never give real warriors the respect they deserve. You say Donny T. is fake. But who giving the deserved respect? To troops? To black people? To America?
To our only ally? For whom exactly are democrats reserving all their pent up respect?

Sorry if I myself am not being respectful.

1/23/2021 4:03:07 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Maybe I'm nuts I think it was wrong to bash Trump for four years if those doing the bashing had nothing better to offer...

I still hope they do.

1/23/2021 4:10:30 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

What's my point Marv, Just goes to show how much of a heart this great President has.

1/23/2021 4:57:18 PM

john boy


You right PumpkinBrat!!!!!!!!!!!

1/24/2021 9:20:48 AM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

Where do the troops fighting over seas sleep? What hotels did Trump have them staying in while he was in office? I'm under the impression that our soldiers are trained to adapt to their surroundings. Did these troops show up to protect D.C. without thinking about needing sleeping bags or tents? No commanding officer readied the troops with a list of gear needed for this operation? Nobody seems to question that. Why? Where these soldiers promised 5 star accommodations? What kind of meals were they eating? Cold MRE's? Why isn't anyone complaining about this? This whole thing is being blown out of proportion. If the troops stayed at the Trump motel, where would they have slept or rested? In the motel's parking garage or the motels hallways? Neither! Those are for use of paying guests.

These troops would have never been needed if Trump had acted like an adult and conceded his loss to Biden back in November. These troops would have never been needed if Trump's lies of false claims of voter fraud were put to rest after the first failed court case. But NO! You all wanted Trump to have his day in court because he was allowed to try and prove his case. He lost the election, and lost every single court case. GET OVER IT. These troops would have never been needed if Trump didn't egg on the capital rioters and insurgents. To those of you that think this is some type of failure unrelated to DONALD TRUMP need to get back to reality and move on.

1/24/2021 10:22:10 AM


Guelph, Ontario

The oann.com news source reporting a rumor, does not mean it is true. A far right pro DT news source, deemed unreliable.


An internet search did not provide any back up for this story

1/24/2021 11:13:29 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

They ought to just rename the Democratic party the Canadian party because they're that out of touch with this country.

1/24/2021 2:26:54 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

But irischap, we don’t get radio, newspapers, internet or reliable cable TV yet way up here in Canada, so apparently we aren’t getting the full story.

1/24/2021 2:34:09 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Canadians and Democrats are equally out of touch with the United States. Pretty sure no one likes the Democrat party except Canadians. Look what Antifa did to the Democratic party headquarters in Portland. Or is that censored also? You can censor within the mainstream news all you want but I can still just drive down to Portland and get the real story. Lockdown shmockdown we are still free! Doesnt that just piss all of you off... I bet it does.

1/24/2021 2:47:46 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Yeah apparently Trump's really big on Russian TV right now, LMFAO!

1/24/2021 3:24:49 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Russia is a Christian democracy who defeated ISIS so of course you would have a problem with them.

1/24/2021 3:45:31 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

They are watching him play golf.

1/24/2021 3:53:40 PM


Guelph, Ontario

FYI We have cable up here in Canada. Get good reception in our igloos.

We also have a newspaper called "The inquirer" Want me to send you a copy. Not as much fun information as your conspiracy channel, but has some news you will like.

1/24/2021 5:04:17 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Igloos is a derogatory term. The correct term is snowflake bubble.

1/24/2021 5:15:19 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

9 out of 19 entries here by the same person, gee I wonder who is spewing psycho-babble again?

1/24/2021 5:28:06 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

My bad. ESKIMOS is derogatory. Inuit/igloos is correct. I obviously need to go to a PC re-education camp. I sure hope it comes with a free pumpkin growing seminar.

In other news the Asian Giant Hornet has been renamed the Bigger Sized Hornet '19... because Sun MingMing says "Their stinger is not as big as mine."

Ha ha.

1/24/2021 5:42:37 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

11 out of 21. I post too much... Trump supporters love Anerica too much... The list of complaints never ends.

1/24/2021 5:48:34 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

12 out of 22 I hope the channel that shows hairy wannabe women beating real women in sports comes in nice and clear for you up there :)

1/24/2021 5:50:11 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

13/23 Israel is conservative Americas only foreign ally. Obviously NOT CANADA. You guys have really changed my mind. I think we SHOULD freeze the Keystone pipeline and get our extra oil from the Middle East after all? Wow you guys are really something else.

1/24/2021 6:09:00 PM

Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers)

Lebanon, Oregon

Did Trump offer up his hotel to the troops? The truth is what you want it to be. Hell, I’ll just be honest, I don’t know. Will we ever know what is real, what is fake. Besides believing what you want to be as real, be honest with yourself.

I only use Google anymore for hard facts, like geography, sports, ages of an actor, ect. But we all know Google is hard left with its information. It satisfies a left leaning voter just fine and doesn’t permit them to ask questions. A Republican is not a bad person. We want to know truth like you. Google doesn’t supply all the answers like you think. Good Conservative information is buried on purpose. There are plenty of other sources of information. Don’t limit yourself unless you are limited yourself.

This group is the perfect group to watch an excellent documentary on Netflix called “The Social Dilemma”. It blew me away and that’s difficult to do. If you have the ability, watch it. It’s not political in any way. It’s about how the media giants targets its viewers from Google to Facebook. Everything we look at, scroll through, pause on, read, uses algorithms. They know more about us than you think. It interviews ex CEO’s, software engineers, ect. How your beliefs are manipulated by media. How this encourages someone who doesn’t think like us to be our enemy like on these boards, and how Democrats and Republicans are further apart than ever.

1/24/2021 6:12:21 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

We'd be better off as a whole if we invested in algae not algorithms. The media landscape makes the whole world into a modern day Roman Colosseum sadly no one wins and we are all entertained.

1/24/2021 8:16:07 PM



I watched first part of that documentary- g reb.Gonna finish it too.Very informative, thanks for the heads up.A few people have posted that they want BP to more like there favorite social media and for free.Nothings truly free and theyre huge undertakings.I'm confident Ken isnt using mind control.

1/24/2021 9:08:39 PM


Western NY

Gritty, The only time that the words trump and character should be used in the same sentence is when, is a cartoon, is used between them. Example: Trump is a cartoon character.

1/25/2021 8:05:21 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Four years to us you are better. According to you
Trump has set the bar so low a person might trip on it.

Dont be that person.

1/25/2021 8:28:45 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Four years to show us you are better :)

1/25/2021 8:29:19 PM


Never watched that documentary but I started noticing this stuff several years ago. Click on a story out of sheer boredom and watch what floods your screen afterwards. Buy something on line and watch your ads in less than 5 seconds. Do a totally out of the blue search and see how the results differ the second time you do the same search. The results that were of use to you are usually replaced by the results for the mega companies. The mega companies are feeding you the mega companies.
That is why people are moving to VPNs. These big companies to me act very creepy.
If I were to follow a person every where they went and recorded every thing they did, the police would call me a stalker. What are these companies doing that is any different than that?

1/25/2021 8:50:01 PM


Western NY

LOL! I only hold loyalty to family and friends! Have never understood loyalty to a party or a certain politician. I feel loyalty to a traitor is the biggest problem we have.

1/25/2021 9:08:01 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

"Trump is a traitor." Ok... Thanks for sharing your opinion...

1/25/2021 9:11:46 PM


Western NY

traitor: one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty.

1/25/2021 9:48:11 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Loser: Someone who wins but keeps on b'tching.

1/26/2021 12:35:47 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

The way things look right now, Joe Biden is really hurting American people over jobs lost. By years end, gas, fuel oil, taxes, federal withholding taxes will all be higher..

1/26/2021 5:04:34 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Donald Trump may be rude and crude. He may be abrasive and off-putting. His Twitter temperament may be caustic, his leadership style demanding, his political instincts heavy-handed, and his use of hyperbole a bit extreme; yes, President Trump may be a pugnacious man with many flaws that he doesn’t even care to hide, but Joe Biden is a proven, habitual, unrepentant fraud and a pathological liar of the highest order.

1/26/2021 5:04:41 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Mr. Biden will fail so soon is that many more millions than voted for him will realize — and quickly — that they made a mistake. In some ways, it will be a similar reaction than was to the election of Jimmy Carter in 1976, when many of his voters quickly realized they had screwed up.

1/26/2021 5:06:46 AM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Just answer this very specific question: Had there been no COVID-19 pandemic — none at all — who would have won our 2020 election? Answer: Donald Trump by a huge landslide, as he was the architect of the most significant short-term economic prosperity in our recent history.

And this reality was proven over and over in continued and improved employment and income statistics for all aspects and sectors of our economy — especially workers and more especially women, African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians and the other measurable demographic groups.

1/26/2021 5:09:40 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Congratulations PumpkinBrat. You just went on my ignore list.

1/26/2021 8:28:46 AM


Long Island,New York

Marv wil only hear what he wants to hear.....hands over ears ...La-La-La-La.....cant hear it then it isnt true.

1/26/2021 9:08:24 AM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

If you do hear it maybe it is just BS. Who wants to listen to things that are totally untrue? "Lies and the lying liars who told them", ever read that book? For sure Fox News is the source of your information. They represent a risk to our Democracy.

1/26/2021 10:54:20 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Censorship is a risk to democracy. You guys cant tolerate opposing viewpoints.

1/26/2021 12:02:55 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Let them lament Marv. Who cares? They complained all 8 Obama years and they will every second of Biden’s terms. They will cling to their made up facts and “what if’s “ and remain easy targets for the conservative propaganda machine that likes their people angry and misinformed. Sit back and enjoy while Biden dismantles Trump’s foul legacy. The USA is back !

1/26/2021 12:05:19 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Unexplained vote spikes favoring one candidate are a threat to democracy.

1/26/2021 12:08:25 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Partisan state governments not following their own sensible laws and proceedures is a threat to democracy. Yes... let us lament. Stop shutting up the crying child by shaking it... Thank you.

1/26/2021 12:12:46 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Well said Marv. Fox so called news is nothing more than an on air National Enquirer. Kelly Ann Conway said it best "Alternative Facts" in other words propaganda/lies. Murdock is a cancer on American Democracy.

1/26/2021 1:53:34 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Liberals never lie. Ever.

1/26/2021 2:04:57 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Liberal media is 100% factual and truthful... Theres ever any need to question anything they say.

1/26/2021 2:13:58 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Liberal media is 100% factual and truthful. There is never any reason to question anything they say.

If you do question them they freak out and call you a freak. Thats the depth of our politics nowadays.

1/26/2021 2:21:53 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Best news of any news is Newsmax. Newsmax is the only news that is watched in this house.... Best News for the American people

1/26/2021 2:48:59 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Redstate.com / Townhall media.

Some additional tidbits for mainsteam conservatives.

1/26/2021 3:31:53 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Newsmax is a msm neocon publication in my opinion. Pro war/ pro wall street. I dont think its a true conservative publication. But to each their own.

1/26/2021 3:38:21 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Look up OANN on Wikipedia

1/26/2021 8:27:18 PM

Total Posts: 55 Current Server Time: 1/13/2025 1:07:53 PM
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