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Subject:  Biden inauguration

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

200,000 now-meaningless flags instead of 200,000 patriotic Americans...

National guard disarmed... if they dont trust their own National guard to have weapons... then Who exactly does this administration trust? Not the American people obviously.

I wonder if the flags were made in China.

What a joke. I miss Trump.

1/19/2021 3:03:37 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Its not the people they don't trust. Its the domestic terrorist's, who come disguised and hiding among the regular people. Trump-extremists. Idiots who used to hide in the woods with their guns and their confederate flags and who only would make the news if they would get into a clash with the feds. Then the QAnon fools, imbecile's fooled by some anonymous internet trol who spews outrageous conspiracy theories.

Your Trump has empowered them, emboldened them, made them think that committing crimes in Trump's name is somehow patriotic and serves the good of the country. And although the Trump backed up under pressure of even his own people, he never admitted to his lies. Perpetuating the lies that caused this mob and the violence in the first place and ensuring this threat will insist into the future.

Trump has gotten us into this mess. 4 years of demonizing liberals and also republicans alike who didn't like his autocrat dictator wannabe-like style of "leadership" and refused to jump on the bandwagon and lies and spin.

4 years of playing on fears and gut feelings trying to arouse anger and now violence.

4 years of scared selfish little snakes and weasels in the republican party facilitating, bowing down to and bootlicking this delusional and out of touch old narcissist in the hopes they themselves might get to ride on his wave of popularity and gain power thru him for themselves.

They all couldn't care less about he country, their only motivation is to ensure a favorable perception of the public and holding on to power.

And now a day before the most shameful transfer of power in history of this nation, you claim you miss the instigator and the sole reason for this embarrassment.

You got to get your facts straight. You don't seem to know what your saying sometimes.

1/19/2021 3:44:05 PM


Is it true the biggest loser is having his at Mile 102 of the 100 mile bridge to N.K. . Wet suits are optional.

1/19/2021 4:06:43 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Well at least I got you to throw down the "domestic terrorist" card. Funny how you didnt complain about the Antifa terrorism.

1/19/2021 4:26:44 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

"Antifa are oppressed freedom fighters. Trump supporters are NOT oppressed freedom fighters." F&T, if this is what you are saying then I think you are incorrect.

1/19/2021 4:32:59 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

No one called occupy wall street "domestic terrorists".

And frankly everyone is to FEARFUL of Antifa to call THEM terrorists. (Except Trump.)

1/19/2021 4:41:26 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

No one is actually afraid of conservative Americans who generally speaking have good wholesome values. The media (completely devoid of good wholesome values) ratings will dip unless they have an enemy. They will create one out of thin air if needed just to stay in business.

1/19/2021 4:48:12 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I like Biden well enough. Its not all his fault that his party seems to find a way to mock the average citizenry every chance they get.

1/19/2021 5:16:46 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Give it up Brandon. You're not making any sense anymore. Please take care of yourself. Over and out.

1/19/2021 5:47:16 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Frank and Tina, spudder, Spudley, I don’t see the psycho-babble posted by Brandon any longer since blocking him and I’d rally like to suggest that you all just stop responding to his posts and giving him a platform to spew his nonsense.

Like many before him, if you can stop giving him the attention he craves, he will simply go away and the pumpkin community will just be better off.

1/19/2021 6:18:24 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Ha,Ha,Ha Many on here will be crying the blues in a year when Evil Biden destroys America. Best spend tomorrow enjoying your last day of freedom. Plus your freedom of speech. Biden and the Democrats will make Americans life a living hell.First thing, Biden will announce legislation his first day in office to provide a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants in the United States illegally.The president-elect campaigned on a path to citizenship for the roughly 11 million people in the U.S. illegally.....

1/19/2021 10:05:14 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

US president-elect Joe Biden plans to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline permit, the fourth phase of a major oil transportation system between Canada and the US, by executive order during his first day in office. Canadian politicians are already expressing their concerns about how it could affect the country’s economy

1/19/2021 10:10:51 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Watch the people when their crying the price of gas will be high like it was under Obama.Watch people crying there Federal taxes will be much greater. Watch Biden buy crude oil from other countries! People will be run under a Socialist Government..... Kiss America the land of the free goodbye. There already knocking on the door of our freedom of speech

1/19/2021 10:14:03 PM

Spudley (Scott)


E Pluribus Unum.

1/19/2021 10:16:37 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Pumpkinbrat: Say goodbye to indecency, to classless behavior, to selfishness, to shameless nepotism. Say good bye to bigotry, ignorance and hatred. Say goodbye to endless lies, fantastic conspiracies and alternative realities.
Say goodbye to one of the darkest and worst chapters in history of the American Presidency and American Democracy since the civil war.

Can you smell that fresh air? That's the foul stench of the swamp that hovered over Washington for the last 4 years lifting.

1/20/2021 9:33:42 AM


Susquehanna Pa

I can smell that fresh air!

1/20/2021 12:00:18 PM


Central NY

“Frank and Tina, spudder, Spudley, I don’t see the psycho-babble posted by Brandon any longer since blocking him “
! This claim is disputed.

1/20/2021 12:24:29 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

@porkchop, maybe true, I do look at his diary on occasion and haven’t found a way to block that yet....

1/20/2021 12:46:29 PM


Simi valley, ca

IM not a religious person, Definitely not a Jesus believer, But today I will say thank GOD, Thank God, Thank God, (if there is one), WE are in Much much much much better hands.

1/20/2021 1:02:41 PM


Central NY

Lol... it’s literally you and him talking here...Brandon is a special kind of bird.

1/20/2021 1:35:32 PM

Spudley (Scott)


At least now bills coming out of the House will make it to the Senate floor for debate compromise and hopefully passage. That's how it's supposed to work. Say your peace and vote.

1/20/2021 2:00:18 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Happy Inaugeration Day! If Canada likes Biden so much maybe they can become the 51st state. Its like my ex... If she hates me so much why does she still have my last name. "Because she wants the same last name as her kids." If you really hated someone... how long would you keep their last name? The crap I deal with.

You guys are all awesome. Keep posting.

1/20/2021 4:04:11 PM

Total Posts: 22 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 9:12:13 PM
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