Other Non-Pumpkin Related
Subject: Good solution to city homeless run amok?
Date Posted
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Portland and Seattle are both disgusting.
Why? I dont get it. I also dont get why no one is blaming Trump.
1/15/2021 1:58:06 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Pic posted today (to 2020 diary accidentally...)
It's hard to capture how hopelessly huge the amount of trash is. Basically extends along riverbanks and into forests all over the city and of course along the freeway completely out in the open.
This is a big societal change? I dont get what has changed in the past five or ten years or so. There has always been homelessness but why did it seemingly become mainstream. Economics, drugs, or cultural change? What happened to all the Karen type environmentalists who worry about whether a plastic straw is recyclable. The amount of trash in these cities seems insurmountable. And your city councils and legislatures can only fix the problem of "plastic grocery bags, oh no!"
Maybe people were using those free plastic grocery bags to pick up trash and throw it away and now they're not???
1/15/2021 2:14:50 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Seriously... I think that could be the issue.
1/15/2021 2:16:02 PM
Garden Rebel (Team Rebel Rousers) |
Lebanon, Oregon
You mention Seattle and Portland. Both role models g F or Democratic leadership. San Fransisco. Don’t expect any improvements with Biden. But do expect these cities to receive funds to help the homeless receive more in the for of basic needs like hygiene products, shelters, and basic care. Not any moves for self sufficiently. That would be discouraged because: “Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.”
There is no accountability Gritty for the homelessness, from Kate Brown, Inslee, and Pelosi’s lovely 12th District of San Fransisco. With a Biden administration/Senate/House what do you think will happen to the homeless population now? At this pace, fast forward 10 years.
1/15/2021 2:41:19 PM
Jimbo01 |
Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose
You could also place some blame on the shrinking middle class and the need for a living wage.
1/15/2021 2:48:24 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
Plastic bag, environment Gritty? That doesn't matter to conservatives Gritty. The environment is not important. Economy and jobs, keeping immigrants out and inflating the army.
And the homeless, that's the result of the famous republican trickle down system. Where the rich get richer and the poor getting the poorer and the middle class can fight over the crumbs. Don't let people fool you with nonsense about democrat run cities. Because the problems you see, are nation wide and not exclusive to "Democrat cities" or Democratic states:
What states have produced the least educated populace? That would be Mississippi and West Virginia. They are governed by Republicans. Which has the greatest percentage of people living below the poverty line? There is Mississippi again. Mississippi hasn’t had a Democratic governor in two decades. Alabama, Arkansas, South Dakota, Oklahoma, that’s not just a list of states where the GOP has a lock on statewide elected office, it also happens to be a partial list of states with the highest infant mortality rates. You name the measure of prosperity, education, health and well-being and chances are a state with a Republican governor and usually a Republican-controlled legislature have the worst outcomes.
Conservative values drive the filthy rich to more money and make sure the poor stay poor.
"Keep em dumb and keep'em poor" It really should be the GOP motto.
You saw who got the bulk of the tax breaks right? It wasn't the middle class and sure wasn't the poor.
So don't believe cheap conservative conjecture peddled by the propaganda networks. What ever problems the country has, they are caused by all of us. Conservatives and liberals alike.
1/15/2021 3:14:40 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, etc the most dangerous cities in the United States year after year. All liberal run.... and I mean run in two ways, leadership and to the ground.
And here's the highest murder rate.. St Louis, Detroit, Baltimore... see a trend.
1/15/2021 5:10:08 PM
Talk about homeless; Huge Caravans are waiting outside ca border 10s of thousands of um, some have been let out of prisons some with strong gang ties, and Old Joe is welcoming here in the USA Smallmouth, Garden Rebal You hit it right on the Head
1/15/2021 7:14:01 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
Republicans run whole states into the ground, not just cities
And those poor state turn out to be the most violent to.
ROOKIE, I thought Donald Trump fixed immigration? To bad twitter didn't close his account two years ago. Maybe he could have done some work for the country.
1/15/2021 7:36:55 PM
Fissssh |
Simi valley, ca
Regan closed down the Camarillo state hospital & the mentality ill homeless problem exploded around here ! Thank fully not to close to me, But I was driving in the sf valley today & a homeless guy crossed the street threw traffic this lady honked & the light turned red The guy rammed here car several times with shopping cart & sprayed something all over her car !
1/15/2021 8:00:30 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
I’ll dumb it down. Here’s a simple wiki link to the most dangerous cities in the world.
The first city to show up in the USA is St Louis at 9 behind Mexican cities. I live right outside St Louis and everything from mayor to prosecutors to all board of alderman are democrats. Democrats have destroyed cities all over the US. With the new no cash bail laws signed in Illinois by their democratic governor, Chicago will be next to make this list.
1/15/2021 8:24:13 PM
TruckinPunkin |
Brownsville, MD
Democrats ruin cities. Republicans ruin states. You’re both right. Together, they’ve ruined this country, and some would contend other countries as well.
There is a way to fix all of this: carnival games. It’s time to get the right clowns for the job.
1/15/2021 8:47:05 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
The bail reform enacted in NY state by Cuomo and downstate is a disaster! For the most part you have to be charged with murder to stay in jail.
1/15/2021 9:29:17 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
Yes Fisheray, that's what Illinois just did. Basically you can shoot someone, and be released from jail with no bail until court. My mom is moving out of Chicago this this spring. It's another liberal run city that gets up to 75 shootings a weekend due to week prosecution by Kim Foxx (another liberal), and a liberal mayor who wears clown suits to match her policies.
1/15/2021 9:38:14 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
Missouri is a red state with a crime rate higher then the national average even outside St Louis.
Since you forgot to highlight that, let me remind you that nearly all positions of power in Missouri are held by republicans. Democrats have losing ground for years now. This is a deep red state.
Its remarkable how you put all the blame on local authorities (who happen to be democrat) and completely forget to involve Republican state leadership. Who like in the rest of country are running their state into the ground.
No political bias at all, right Luke.
1/15/2021 9:41:45 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
LOL! Outside St Louis? Did You forget about Kansas City Missouri? Our biggest City? It is democratic and murder ridden too. Big factor to leave out, Frank.
1/15/2021 9:50:01 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
And what exactly is republican state leadership doing to help?
I'm sure they are right their with them to help turn the tide.
Or are they working against them, and doing some of that finger point you seem to be so good at?
See here is the problem. Cities attract a diverse population. Diverse populations tend to vote democrat.
Rural area's predominantly white tend to republican. That's why all the cities always look blue and country side always look red.
Rural areas like the one in Missouri deal with things like hight unemployment and a raging opioid crisis. Maybe not as sexy as the murder rates from St Louis nevertheless.
Republicans in those rural areas (and state leadership) seem to be just as incompetent as you think democrats running the cities are.
To fix your cities you need to fix your state. And to fix your state you need red and blue. Finger pointing is a two street and a dead end street it leads to nothing.
So for things to work out both in cities and rural area's
1/15/2021 10:01:43 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
You really don't get it. Funny to hear a European try to tell me how Missouri is run. I really don't think you get the role of prosecutors and how much they can affect crime\murders. It's okay though, you can learn. What is a governor supposed to do when the DA in St Louis or Kansas City won't prosecute or just drops charges for no reason? Then you get repeat offenders who commit murders. The prosecutor in St Louis is more agenda driven to go after the police. She literally won't take cases from certain officers (like a 2 year old blocking feature).These are the democratic areas where the sheep keep voting for those types of leaders, and then wonder about the violent consequences.
1/15/2021 10:17:34 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Supporting the USPS would help. They hire alot of our Veterans.
1/15/2021 10:58:31 PM
TruckinPunkin |
Brownsville, MD
Spudley, that’s not a bad idea. My grandpa was a Navy veteran and went to work for the Post Office in St. Louis for the rest of his life (until retirement) after he served. My grandma was a lifetime postal worker too after she moved to the city. They had a very nice life for people who came from very humble beginnings.
1/15/2021 11:40:22 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Wow. I am glad this touched a nerve...
I can only imagine the number of people behind on rent right now and the additional drug use during the lockdowns will make this more than true:
1/16/2021 1:28:51 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I dont know if this is going to become a permanent thing where we simply have vast permanent slums the way other countries do. It seems highly likely. I guess people care about the issue. I'm pretty sure it affects all "races" or "colors" of people and both sides of the political spectrum. That's the only thing I know for sure about it.
1/16/2021 1:48:16 AM
TruckinPunkin |
Brownsville, MD
If we want to talk about homelessness as a persistent public health and safety issue, then we should talk about the cost and availability of healthcare. Medical debt has been a leading cause of personal bankruptcies for a long time.
1/16/2021 2:32:35 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I wish we could skip four years of wishful thinking (that raising the minimum wage will help, when it wont.) I think we need to start valuing economic empowerment and freedom and ditch one-sided tyrannical capitalism. Sure, capitalism is effective, but so are nuclear weapons...
1/16/2021 2:48:23 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Capitalism creates winners. The problem is it creates losers too. Those losers have always been in other countries so we didnt notice. It's easy to say "well, the only alternative to capitalism is communism"... but I dont think that's true. Maybe freedom and empowerment are good alternatives to both capitalism and communism. You have to evaluate every idea and say "Does this create freedom or restrict it? Does this empower people or disable them?" To use healthcare as an example, I found that Obama's plan did restrict my options. I couldn't pay cash to see a doctor who wasnt on my plan. They literally wouldnt accept cash. Another doctor did accept cash (even though it was technically illegal for them to do so) but, because they broke the law, I was able to get good medical treatment. And because I paid cash and got it (a problem with my foot) done on my own it actually saved everyone else/ the public medical insurance system money... A win-win.
I think when freedom and empowerment are preserved, there can be win-win solutions. There are too many win-lose "solutions" out there, because they ignore either freedom, or empowerment. My opinion.
1/16/2021 3:18:54 AM
Frank and Tina |
South East
American Luke. I'm fully aware of your arguments. Your arguments are party driven though. "democrats ruin cities" is a conservative slogan used to demonize democrats. It doesn't correctly reflect reality.
The problems in Missouri are red and blue problems. Reducing violence in the long run is done by lifting people out of poverty, education and transforming bad area's in to better ones.(that's where the state comes in) Filling up jail cells doesn't necessarily fix any structural problems, although criminals should obviously be locked up.
That's not an overnight process though. This takes tenacious work from communities alike throughout the city and state and if done right is supported by governments.
As far as the DA and prosecutor goes, what do you expect? Policing has been under a magnifying glass and St louis is about 45% black and has another 5% minorities.
Policing the police is a sign of the times. When the cellphone video's with beatings and the killing of oftentimes black people stops, so will the scrutiny on the police.
1/16/2021 5:40:22 AM
Tadahh |
Education is the answer. Here and elsewhere. The people with more education seem to end up with more money. Hmmm. At least finish high school. Should we be teaching more trades in high school? Why is it so hard to get a plumber or an electrician when you need one? Have you ever noticed how some of the employees at the fast food places and convenience stores don't know how to make change, not all but some? Many of the cities you mention also have a lot of mentally ill people running around with no medical care at all, homeless and penniless and with no prospects. Recall when many of the mental institutions closed down? Where do you think those people went when they were turned out? Okay, so a few may have gotten elected? Who will fix all of this?
1/16/2021 8:51:20 AM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
Frank, you really got yourself into a corner googling St Louis Demographics. You are wrong with those too (very outdated).
A "sign of times" is an internet warrior like yourself. A European trying to tell someone in St Louis how St Louis works.
Tell me more about Missouri. I have lived here for 40 years in various spots. I went to the University of Missouri. I worked for the state of Missouri. I am in Missouri as I type this.
You avoided my question about our two worst areas in Kansas City and St Louis. What is the Republican Governor to do when the DA's in KC and StL won't prosecute? Kim Gardner (google her now) won't take cases from multiple cops. The Democratic Mayor, Krewson, supports this. That and many other local policies is why St Louis is top 3 in highest murder rates in the country every year along with Detroit. I guess my friends in city homicide are full of $hit too. I'll be sure to tell them a guy from the Netherlands says different.
You are out of your element on this one Frank. Give up, you can't google yourself right.
1/16/2021 9:47:54 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I agree, education is win-win. But even if you are a highly capable genius, you could get hooked on drugs or whatever and end up homeless. You can be highly intelligent and slightly schizophrenic and life suddenly becomes not so easy. Even smart people can make bad choices, make a bad gamble, whatever.
1/16/2021 10:49:05 AM
TruckinPunkin |
Brownsville, MD
One of my aunts told me a while back that statistics for St. Louis can be misleading because they only include people within the city limits. I was just trying to find out more about that and came across a fairly recent article with some background information.
1/16/2021 1:51:40 PM
TruckinPunkin |
Brownsville, MD
Fathers being present in their children’s lives (especially for boys) is another major factor in people’s success in life. That’s something that transcends demographic lines, but you rarely hear lefties talk about it because it isn’t consistent with their anti-family ideology.
1/16/2021 1:55:13 PM
Jimbo01 |
Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose
TruckinPunkin, I read about the great divorce last night as I was researching Luke's statistics. That's thing I enjoy about this forum. I've been to St Louis many, many times as I have family that lives in St Charles. For as long as I can remember, St Louis has always been a dangerous place. Seen a hammer used as a weapon there on one visit and it wasn't family lol. I also strongly agree with your statement about having a father in children's lives and G Kins statement about education.
1/16/2021 2:47:54 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Agree truckin. I feel like without me in his life there is a 100% chance my son will struggle. Even with me in his life there is still a high chance he will get into drugs or crime. Its probably different for different kids some are resilient but my guess is many are struggling long before they hit 18.
Parents are more powerless to discipline their kids nowadays. If you're gonna knock some sense into a kid on meth its gonna take more than a spanking. But then the parent goes to jail and the kid is allowed to destroy everyone. The ideology of the left is that "property has no value". I'd assume this is a lie except that Chistianity says something similar.
As far as religion being a solution... Christianity says to build upon a rock not upon sand, at the same time saying sell your possessions and follow God, and give to Ceasar that which is Caesars, give to God that which is God's, and the poor you will have amongst you always. Its a bit too confusing to see any solution. The only bible quotes that might help is those dealing with forgiveness of debts and somewhere in proverbs I think it says "dont give money to the wealthy". For some people a tent could be a healthy way to live... ideally not any less healthy than a well-planned camping trip. But I doubt God wants anyone to live as a prisoner in an unhealthy dump.
I think we should vote for freedom and empowerment? And within our own lives, as much as possible, make good choices, and give others good choices.
1/16/2021 3:30:31 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
Your conservative bias seeps through every comment you make. Its great you have friends in city homicide, I guess you feel that makes your opinion more valid or true. If anything it adds to your bias, because now you got skin in the game and all objectivity is out the window. I'm guessing your friends in homicide not only share your opinion on the prosecutors but they most probably formed it for you and you are now parroting their sentiments on here.
I did google Kim Gardener and it didn't take much reading to understand exactly where all the resentment originates. A: she went after the police union, vowing officers would be held more accountable. And she also made a list of 28 plus officers she not take cases from. Which since its such a specific number she must have a good reason for. But you probably know her reasons better then me. B: She's a Black woman and a Democrat (A combination enough to annoy any white conservative male, just because). And to top it all off, C:She indicted the sitting governor, Eric Greitens, a rising star in national Republican politics.
I'm sure there's much more dirty laundry and I'm sure she hurt a lot more feelings in the white male dominated world of law enforcement over the years. But with just those three facts in play Luke I have a feeling it would not matter what she's would do, it would never please or satisfy any conservative in Missouri. Or a cop. I think that google search completely explained your resentment.
1/16/2021 3:46:26 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
I cant google myself right, but this is not a a right or wrong issue. Its a matter of perspective. Your perspective is right in line with all the comments you have previously made on BP. If anything your consistent.
The black female Democrat prosecutor went after your buddies in homicide. Of course you don't like her. I'm sure she pissed of tons of white male conservatives besides you who then after she did what she did declared open season on her.
That what it looks like.
I've got a feeling the black community in Missouri probably has different perspective then yours Luke. What do you think?
But what do I know, I live in South Carolina and grew up in Europe. I'm not that invested in your state and St louis.
I do enjoy the back and forth!
BTW: The St louis demographics I posted come from the July 2019 US government census. If you have more precise numbers I'd love to see them since you claim these are very outdated.
1/16/2021 3:46:36 PM
Smallmouth |
Upa Creek, MO
I don't get why race has to be brought into this five times. I absolutely see where you are going and it's a lose-lose situation for me to respond (white male, black female, black community). I've already been called a racist on here, and I am not going down the path you're trying to direct me on.
This is the internet for everyone to see, and I am not taking the bait.
1/16/2021 10:34:22 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
Fair enough. I brought it up because it was obvious. Besides that, racial issues are still at the core of America's problems. No need to go down the rabbit hole though.
1/17/2021 5:37:25 AM
fisherray |
Western NY
LMAO about the core of America's problems F and T. I say education is the core of our problems.
1/17/2021 2:14:28 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Very few Americans are racist so that really cannot be the core of any problem.
1/17/2021 2:31:54 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
lol Gritty, yea your right, what am I talking about. 400 years of Slavery, segregation, lynching's, racial bias, police beatings and killings, riots.....yea your right, racism isn't a a problem at all in the US with so many nice people...
Fisherray, education, healthcare, the national debt. Take your pick. Plenty of important core issues. All depends on your point of view and where your coming from. If your a white boy, racism isn't high on your agenda of course.
1/17/2021 6:39:57 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
If u thought America was so bad then why did u move here? I call bs.
1/17/2021 6:43:04 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Racism isnt high on anyones agenda other than the mainstream media. Most black people want safe cities and police. There is a bit of a fanatical fringe who arent thinking rationally. I think the problem might be delegitimizing rational concerns like shipping jobs overseas and replacing them with irrational concerns like whether white people still want slavery.
1/17/2021 6:47:30 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
At least call it colorism dont call it racism. White is a color not a race. Blacks have had genocidal race wars amongst other blacks. I think this whole discussion is very outdated.
1/17/2021 6:50:21 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I dont really think its a suitable discussion for bigpumpkins. But I agree parts of it might be worth discussing.
I dont think the homelessness issue has anything to do with race. If you have to come to Portland or Seattle to see homeless white people then please come out here and see that it has nothing to do with race. Maybe its different where you are but I very seriously doubt it.
1/17/2021 6:57:58 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
F&T I would be open to discussing more but its probably too hot a topic for bp.
1/17/2021 7:04:47 PM
TruckinPunkin |
Brownsville, MD
It’s almost as if people move here because they believe that they can earn a better life for their families with hard work and talent, regardless of where they’re from or what they look like... weird.
1/17/2021 7:20:37 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
Hey Frank, I'm not a white boy I am a white man! Education for the most part takes care of health care issues because you can get a good job that has health care. National debt has been a problem for a long time and at this point it is only going to get worse.
1/17/2021 8:04:41 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
This seems to me to be more truthful than anything in the "news approved by someone" mainstream media:
1/19/2021 4:51:41 PM
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