Other Non-Pumpkin Related
Subject: 600 $$ Stimilus
Date Posted
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Do you really need it ? Some really do & I feel for them.I just spent 2 weeks down with covid to sick to work."I can feel your pain".In fact I did feel the pain.However if you dont need the $600 & its just golf money ? Maybe you could attend a Club auction & pretend to be Eddy ZZZ for the night.The clubs need our support.Just an idea.Please support the community.We need you.
12/30/2020 9:17:03 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Here is a good one to attend http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Attachments/Spain_Live_Auction_2021_FINAL.pdf
12/30/2020 9:18:21 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
You got the bug Bubba? Get well, and yes it's hard to make money while under quarantine. The symptoms/infection may last longer than two weeks.
Possibly there is a mistake being made in how the funds are distributed... because for some I am sure there is a temptation in order to make ends meet to (with mild symptoms) just go to work anyways.
12/30/2020 12:01:16 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Hope the systems were mild. Get well stay well.
12/30/2020 12:25:08 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Symptoms,darn autocorrect!
12/30/2020 3:46:51 PM
TruckinPunkin |
Upper Strasburg, PA
I paid a hell of a lot more than $600 in taxes last year. Let me tell you one thing that will never change: I will never be guilt tripped about wanting to get my own money back from the Federal government.
12/30/2020 5:42:44 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Many contractors have done just that TruckinPunkin.I know several who are working for cash & milking the federal cow for 900$ a week.They say "might as well the politicians are doing it" So with 90% or more milking the Golden Cow? How long can we continue as the greatest nation on Earth? Was Ma Ma right? 2 wrongs dont make a right? Will the Golden nipple be squirting Ripple? or Champipple as Red Fox would say.LOL Many unanswered questions to come in the next few years.May God be with you.If you are a non believer? May God be with you.God has a plan. Must keep my eye on the PRIZE! Christ ROCKS!
12/31/2020 8:27:33 AM
Spudley (Scott) |
We're not on the gold standard anymore for a reason.
12/31/2020 10:55:04 AM
TruckinPunkin |
Upper Strasburg, PA
I’m a lot less concerned about some contractors in Michigan gaming the system to keep their bills paid and a lot more concerned about the 2 trillion dollars spent in Iraq and the $174,000 base salary that members of Congress get paid.
12/31/2020 12:23:34 PM
TruckinPunkin |
Upper Strasburg, PA
Or the cost of the war in Afghanistan, which is equal to about 1/5 of our total national debt.
12/31/2020 12:28:20 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
A Big Thanks to Ken for letting us SPEW our misdirected anger on this page.We are all pointing at the other side.You are the problem.When in fact we are all the problem. The Love of $$$ will sink the entire ship.Its Biblical Its a fact.No man will save you No party No President No Congress No senate will fix Mans greed.Im sure the $900 a week is happening in every State.GRRRRREEEEEEDDDD! LOVE OF $$$$
12/31/2020 1:03:44 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Thanks Spudley The symptoms started out like a bad cold & feeling really tired.Body Aches & chills followed & were more intense each day for about 5 days.No headaches.I felt like I was thrown out of truck on dirt road as every muscle in my body hurt.After 5 days food tasted like dirt & nausea set in.I could not eat very much for the next 3 days.After about a week food started tasting a bit better but not great.I have been sicker inn the past with flu illness.But never had anything that lasted this long was pretty sick for 2 weeks then it lingered up & down for another week. Thanks God I only puked once.A friend sent over some Keisch (Spelled wrong) It stunk & tasted like dirt.It wasnt long 7 I was talking to RAALLPHHH ! LOL
12/31/2020 1:13:36 PM
Iowegian |
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Bubba, I had covid and so did my wife and 2 adult kids. We know all about it, I was in hospital 8 days. Economy crash is not good for the kids' jobs. My wife had to quit her job due to other health problems. As well as taking care of me my own private nurse. At least she is drawing a pension from a previous job but clears less than $600. I have my social security, 401K and pension. Medicare and insurance help a lot with cancer expenses, but there still is driving expense and other related expenses. I definitely could use the $600, and $2000 woud be better.
12/31/2020 1:43:00 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
I hear that I have no 401K no pension I would love the 2K
12/31/2020 4:05:04 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
8 days in hospital it must have infected your lungs? I was told you only go to the hospital if you have breathing problems.My breathing was pretty good for a 30 year smoker who quit 16 years ago
12/31/2020 4:07:28 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell dubbed the effort to increase direct payments to $2,000 “socialism for rich. He sure didn't have any problem passing those tax breaks for corporate America and people like Jeff Bezos.
1/1/2021 11:56:11 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Yes I might drive down to Kentucky & ask him in person about this.Pitch a bitch to Mitch.Anybody want to ride along?
1/1/2021 4:48:22 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Exactly what I was thinking Spudley... That gets my thumbs up.
1/1/2021 6:54:09 PM
TruckinPunkin |
Upper Strasburg, PA
You guys might be interested in this article about an abuse of the Paycheck Protection Program. This is the kind of thing that drives me crazy about the criticisms of the direct payments to citizens: those criticisms are attacking a program that in many cases is essentially an income tax refund to help people pay their bills when they have lost work, while major corporations are getting their pockets stuffed with “COVID relief” at the taxpayers’ expense.
1/1/2021 7:28:18 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
1/1/2021 11:21:32 PM
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