Other Non-Pumpkin Related
Subject: Trump leaving is a Good Thing?
Date Posted
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
This is what your congress is trying to pull.What do you think will happen after Trump leaves? Not watched they will sink our country.Whats left of it.God has a plan however it is going to be really hard to watch.Must keep my eye on the prize!You better keep on eye on Biden.LOL
12/26/2020 9:04:38 AM
Spudley (Scott) |
The rantings of a mad man!
12/26/2020 11:49:56 AM
irischap |
Guelph, Ontario
Poor man. so confused. None of this part of Covid support bill
12/26/2020 3:38:43 PM
Marv. |
On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.
How can you not tell that Trump is a sick man?
12/26/2020 3:49:07 PM
Biden is already lost cant finish a sentence and he has to ask permission to speak.
12/26/2020 4:06:03 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Don’t worry Old Rookie, when they put Ole Joe Biden out to pasture like you seem to want them to, Kamala Harris will take over and you can spend the rest of her presidency complaining about the fact that a chick running your country.
12/26/2020 4:35:14 PM
TruckinPunkin |
Upper Strasburg, PA
Kamala Harris is exactly the kind of malevolent and corrupt politician who shouldn’t be in public office. That’s regardless of her gender. The Burisma scandal in Ukraine is also that exact type of official malfeasance that should prohibit an elected official from ever holding another office ever again. But the orange man is mean, so I guess none of that matters.
12/26/2020 4:55:47 PM
You would of thought with all that Fraud and stealing the election, the demos could of picked someone with a Brain?? Bidens dog, plays fetch with him, but his dog throws the stick and Joe runs after the stick. Even the demos are worried
12/26/2020 5:36:08 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
Its always laughable when people who supported the most unhinged and incompetent President we ever had and try to throw shade at other people. Blind to his lies, and ignorant to him playing them like a fiddle they stay loyal till the end. Dang it, even the Jim Jones people would have bailed by now. Reminds me of the orchestra on the titanic.
Keep playing boys, its almost over.
12/26/2020 6:04:05 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Yep Biden will sink the ship with his buTT in it
12/26/2020 9:08:56 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Trump maybe sick Marvin But Biden & democrats are blind to common sense.They are selling us to China.Your hate for Trump has made you loose any common sense you liberals might have had at one time.You people hate him so much you will sit and watch China become a Super Power as the business as usual politicians sell us out.I guess its Gods Will the Democrat/Liberals(They have become one in objective) will be the fall of America.Keeping my eye on the prize.God will prevail.
12/26/2020 9:15:58 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
You hate for Trump has you so blind to reality I doubt any of you will ever admit America collapsed due to the politics led by the now Liberal Democrats.Look what they have done to California.When I was a teenager it was a nice place everyone's dream was to live there.The democrats have turned it into a disaster.With the democrats in charge the entire country will be just like Cali in 20 years or less.Mark my word.Trump was our chance to slow down the mess.He is not perfect but 10 times better then them
12/26/2020 9:26:01 PM
Iowegian |
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
It is called pork barrel politics. A specialty of the democrat party. They talk how they are going help us out, but send OUR money overseas. Iowa senator Ernst will have all kinds of stuff to give her pig squeal award to. Biden has already been telling us that our darkest days are ahead of us. Those darkest days will be when we get the bill. But the majority wanted a little girl sniffing, senile old politician who thought he was running for senator again. Lets see if there is anything left of the country in 4 years
12/26/2020 9:56:21 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
That bill we are about to pay Iowegian is the cost of 4 years of Trump. Bad decisions always come at a cost. You didn't really think that all that corporate welfare in the form of his wonderful tax cut was going to come for free. Increased deficit, not nearly the economy he promised, reduced federal income and a delusional old man in charge who thinks he's a two term President and who prefers golf and cable news over running the country. Heck even those holier than thou fiscal conservative Republicans sold their souls to Trump and stood by as he gambled with America's budget.
Biden will have to start fixing the mess Trump made, but the foul smell of his cheap populism and fake patriotism will linger in white house for at least another decade.
12/26/2020 10:21:14 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Frank Biden cant play with a puppy without braking his foot.How could he fix anything but a election?
12/26/2020 10:25:06 PM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
12/26/2020 10:25:28 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
I don’t get any of this. What fraud, no fraud. How is Joe Biden implicated with Buriisma? Mark believes God has a plan yet tries to intervene anyway. This is all nuts to me, theory after theory disproven, case after case thrown out yet still? Really? How about signing the bill so honest working people don’t lose unemployment benefits. What about people, who, through no fault of their own may become homeless because the eviction moretorium will expire end of the month. This is a big deal, at no time did Trump express an opinion one way or another during negotiations and once a bipartisan Senate, 92 votes in favor of the bill and now what? I can empathize with millions of Americans who are on the brink- red and blue, hang in there.
12/26/2020 10:57:30 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
At this speed and trajectory all that will be left of this country will be the black box.
12/26/2020 11:16:13 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I dont mean to be overly pessimistic I just dont see any good leadership other than Trump. Kamala's flaw is she is not a leader and never will be. Ok, her style works for some people I guess. But overall what we are seeing is lower IQ's decreasing life expectancy, lower real earnings, more censorship, more lies, more psychosis... basically we are seeing an all-out-assault on anything good about our country. I think Biden is a good guy overall certainly not the worst. Not sure if he will really control the country or not. Speaking for myself, at some point I will refuse to be governed. I think I will move to Seattle and steal bread for a living...
12/26/2020 11:51:19 PM
Jimbo01 |
Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose
Pork barrel politics is a specialty of the Democrat party? LoL what kind of spin was that? That comes across like the Democrats have the Republicans by the balls and forced this bill down their throat's. Let me remind you that Mitch runs the show. At one time there were 395 bills sitting on his desk collecting dust as proof. This bill had a $1200 stimulus attached but the Republicans (Sen. Ron Johnson) blocked that amount from the American people. The ball is very much in Trump's and the Republican party's court. Biden hasn't made one decision that has in any way effected the current situation. He's not on the clock yet. This is all on Trump and his supporter's. United States of Amnesia
12/26/2020 11:52:20 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Trump is trying to be a good leader. Democrats are undermining him any way they possibly can.
I am trying to be a good father. The women in my life are undermining me in every way they possibly can.
Someone explain this to me please... why is my personal life an analogous microcosm of national politics.
12/27/2020 12:12:11 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I think you've got a good grasp on things Bubba. We have reached a bizarre state where the mainstream media and its followers have no reason (and perhaps no ability) to question their own hypnotic narrative. Mass hysteria about Trump and yet Trump has harmed virtually no one. It's totally irrational. The CDC botched the coronavirus response. I sure they dont mind if Trump takes the blame for their failure.
12/27/2020 1:31:46 AM
Iowegian |
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
We have to pay billions in the form of money to other countries and special interests because of Trump? NO. It is good old fashioned pork. You have a good cause to spend money for a critical need, then load it up with all kinds of other crap that would never get approved on its own. Would money to Pakistan to study gender issues get approved when we are in a huge disaster? No. When are politicians going to realize we are in deep doo doo and can no longer support the entire world? Over 5000 pages? That alone is reason to veto the bill. Any person in congress who would vote for something they didn't read deserves to be fired. But this is just the way democrats and rinos like to operate. Hide stuff around page 3000 and no one will see it. Get favors for your campaign contributors. The congress has a new motto now. " OINK OINK OINK"
12/27/2020 6:15:19 AM
Bubba Presley |
Muddy Waters
Trump scares them.They would rather be screwed behind closed doors & keep it a secret.Keep everything peaceful & pretend its ok.Trump wasnt the cure all.However the alternative is 5 times worse.The BLM movements & other groups wont stop in till we all remove God and any kind of common sense from the world.You follow the politicians.I will follow God.He is our only hope now
12/27/2020 8:37:59 AM
Frank and Tina |
South East
Hiding pork in bills like this is the only bi-partisan thing you will see in Washington. Trump not signing is a last grasp at the lime light that he will miss sorely.
Its not like he's been involved with this bill. Or knows what's in it. He goes on what his advisers tell him. And then he makes a judgement call based on his gut feeling and whether his base will like it. You cant try to undo an election and scam your way into millions of extra funding, play golf, tweet all day, watch cable news all day AND run the country.
Thats to much even for the Donald.
12/27/2020 10:20:03 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Bubba, you keep mentioning God, and I have to wonder if he/she is OK with all of your actions and words on this forum? You’ve been pretty harsh and personal on here and I’m wondering if that is OK with your God?
Maybe you have forgotten Mathew 7:12 or Luke 6:31 or Proverbs 11:17 or Ephesians 4:32 or Proverbs 14:21
12/27/2020 11:38:10 AM
spudder |
Ken, I am doing my best to behave.
12/27/2020 11:50:30 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Vanity and religion... This board is getting worse. I might have to complain oh wait I just did.
12/27/2020 11:55:43 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Thank you spudder you win.
12/27/2020 12:01:55 PM
DKrus |
Cheshire Ma USA
12/27/2020 12:37:47 PM
DKrus |
Cheshire Ma USA
Notice F+T only speaks bad of Trump?? Because they can't think of anything good about Biden????
12/27/2020 12:39:01 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
That's because Biden hasn't started yet Krus. And except for the fictional accusations many Trump supporters like to spew, there really is not a whole lot you can say. All talk is merely conservative conjecture and speculation. Its like in Trump's case where somebody like Cohen blew the lid of the manure tank and showed us the inner working of Trump's dirty ways.
When I say Trump is golfing with Graham as thousands of Americans are dying, that's true. But hey, he needs some leisure time to right? When I say he tweets all day, that's also true. When I say he watches cable news al day, that's also true, its been confirmed by many of his close associates.
I think we can agree that in a time like this, when the pandemic is raging at an all time high, the countries economy is in the shitter and millions of Americans are struggling, none of those three activities are appropriate at this moment.
Fighting the results of a lost election even as all courts you've appealed are letting you know there no case, is inappropriate to.
Its hard to say something good about a man who keeps serving his own interests till the very last day. Not a single thing has been done by him for the country that wasn't for personal gain. Either monetary, in the form of self aggrandizement, or just good old taking credit. Even if he had nothing to do with it.
Great leaders are humble and know they serve their people and their country. Not the other way around.
12/27/2020 12:58:46 PM
Iowegian |
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
We are in a big crisis. We don't have any money so we have to borrow and print more. Now is not the time to blow cash on other countries and special interests. We need to support our people and small businesses. Big businesses have been getting by OK and don't need help.
We need to keep cash flowing at the bottom of the economy. More money for citizens and the small businesses. Make sure our health care is well stocked. None for foreign countries or non essential projects. Drain the pork barrel.
Yes, Trump plays too much golf. But until the plague hit he did great for our economy. High stock market, low unemployment. But deficits too high. I support Trump trying to get more for Americans and dumping the pork. Unless someone can show me how good the pork is. Like explaining how studying gender issue in Pakistan will help us.
12/27/2020 1:59:15 PM
DKrus |
Cheshire Ma USA
Biden has been in politics for 47+ years he has more than started
12/27/2020 2:59:27 PM
Iowegian |
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
47 years and look at the shape we are in. Not very encouraging
12/27/2020 4:53:31 PM
Frank and Tina |
South East
Thank God we have Trump. Only he can fix it. LOL
12/27/2020 5:42:30 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Brainwashed to hate Trump. Pretty simple.
12/27/2020 5:43:27 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Playing golf is not a justification to hate someone. Same goes for all your other hateful complaints. The only one that has traction is to be critical of him for not over reacting to covid. But then... why not be critical of Cuomo or the CDC? They both did a far worse job than Trump.
The lack of attacks against anyone else who "did a bad job" reveals this is not about specific issues anymore this is about covering someone in a blanket of hatred.
Its ok to lynch the orange man. As long as you dont admit you are wrong, you are right.
12/27/2020 6:02:18 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
Gritty, You explained trump to a T! As long as you dont admit you are wrong, you are right and his boot lickers believe him.
12/27/2020 8:40:30 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
Trump just signed the relief Bill, truly better late than never.
12/27/2020 8:47:08 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Drama Queen!
12/27/2020 9:00:41 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
You don’t screw with peoples lives. There may be pork in the Bill but millions will be able to hang on hopefully long enough until this is over. Hard working people who want to work shouldn’t be penalized because they can’t. I don’t care for you know who but this is a relief to many I’m sure.
12/27/2020 9:32:10 PM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
Typical Trump move using his power imbalance to tease the most vulnerable population with a $2000 stimulus check, go play golf for a few days and then take it away. Paybacks are hell, justice will be served and Trump will get what he deserves.
12/27/2020 9:55:06 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Fisher I think both sides play the same dirty game. I will admit Trump plays both smart and dirty to an extent.
Biden's response to his son's corruption was 'He's the smartest guy I know'. That's a Trump-esque deflection if ever there was one. They both play tug of war with reality.
12/27/2020 9:56:40 PM
Iowegian |
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Andy, how long will $600 let you hang on? Not very long in the winter. Too cold to sleep outside. Unemployment insurance doesn't pay enough to live on.
Roger, it is Congress that handles the money. Trump asked for $2000, Congress only wants to give us $600. You don't have to use everything as an excuse to hate Trump. This time Congress was the Grinch and Trump was on our side. I wonder which representative will get big campaign money from sources in Pakistan? $2000 to people would get spent and turned over several times in the economy. That would do a lot of good for our whole country instead of college professors in Pakistan.
What both side need to realize is that we are in a serious crisis. Borrowing and printing money are bad ideas, as history has pointed out.
12/28/2020 8:36:27 AM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
Democrats were willing to give the $2000! Trump took it back after teasing the public with it, he just never grew up, had everything handed to him, he is just plain sickening.
12/28/2020 9:01:08 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I am half Trumps age and I couldnt keep up with his schedule. I dont see the accuracy of saying he has everything handed to him. He gets more done than you or I would, right? If Biden and Congress "care more than Trump" then they can hand out more money once they complete their coup de etat.
12/28/2020 10:50:58 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I am pretty sure Biden wont have the mental strength to pressure the Fed to lower rates the way Trump did. We wouldnt have any of this largesse if it wasnt for low rates. Trump led the charge on that. And that's why things are not much, much worse. We will see if the economy is doing better four years from now. My guess is that four years of Biden will not improve things for the bottom half of the country. His policies are all wrong nothing Biden is going to do will support real economic strength. Trumps policies were correct.
12/28/2020 10:59:45 AM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
It’s more than just a $600 cheque. And Congress didn’t get anything near what they wanted after getting shut down by the Senate time after time. They finally agreed to the present bill. $600- better than nothing Unemployment insurance up to $300 per week until mid March Eviction protection and a lot of other support, some more deserving than others arguably. No where near perfect but may help a lot of people from being tossed out into the street.
12/28/2020 3:18:15 PM
Iowegian |
Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com
Congress needs to learn that it is OUR money they are throwing around, not theirs.
Sure there are good things in the bill that Trump signed. And a whole lot of waste. When did it become mandatory that we have to give more to foreign countries than our own citizens?
It is time to dump both political parties. They forgot who they work for, who pays them. They forgot that it isn't their money. They showed us that throwing our money around is more important to them than actually addressing the pandemic and fixing the damage it caused.
12/28/2020 5:54:12 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
Gritty,Both sides are absolutely dirty and crooked but I dont think much of what trump does is smart, it works because of the people around him. There are many of his policies that i support but I think he could have done so much better if he wasn't so self centered and worried about his image.
12/28/2020 7:14:26 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Here we go Fiscal Conservatism. That's just a GOP slogan.
12/28/2020 8:05:39 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I agree he wasn't perfect fisherray. The only way anyone can be perfect is to play mental games within ones own head.
Its logical to not see reality though. We are designed to reproduce and we fool ourselves into thinking "oh he is perfect!" or "oh she is perfect!" The reality is, we wouldnt reproduce very successfully if we didnt fool ourselves lol. Most of us are wired to not see reality. Darwin says the show must go on.
12/28/2020 9:07:25 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
Congress voted 275-134 in favour to increase the individual benefit from $600 to $2000. Many republicans joined in as per Trump’s after the fact decree. How will the Senate vote? Previously no Republican reps would support this amount and now many do. Will the Senate Republicans follow suit or cave? This kind of hipocracy gets under my skin. I’ll say again, you don’t screw with people. This is Depression like numbers and unless you are directly affected, you may not fully comprehend how many lives have been turned upside down. We will get past this and be better for it. Do you know anyone who endured the Great Depression, best people ever.
12/28/2020 9:35:34 PM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
Moscow Mitch and Trump’s golfing buddy Lindsey Graham will never let it be raised to $2000
12/28/2020 9:47:41 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
I agree wth you Roger. Trump painted himself into a corner. He has no way out without looking like he is pandering to the left which is contrary to his base. The irony here is that many of his base are in desparate need of this bill and the benefits. Crazy times.
12/28/2020 10:15:58 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Trump isnt an orthodox Republican. In many ways his base would have voted Democrats in the past. But Democrats gave up on labor unions because good wages conflicted with the interests of their wall street donors.
Interestingly, the modus operandi of the left is raising minimum wages but this decreases employment and boosts inflation which in turn depresses real wage growth. Trump had it right. He is actually more of a old-school democrat in terms of really caring about workers, than the neo democrats. The democrats have sold out their policies to wall street. Wall street is in favor of illegal labor, and many Republicans want to sell out their base on this issue too. The media and wall street and neo democrats dont want you to realize how good trump is for the average american (and how bad they are). We are told so many lies. Always use your brain.
12/28/2020 10:51:22 PM
Jimbo01 |
Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose
Democrats didn't give up unions. Union busting isn't a democrat catch phrase nor is right to work a preferred method of employment. Pull your head out of the sand and look around. The middle class is SHRINKING as is a living wage. Maybe the next statement you make is the benefits of multiple family incomes in the home as a result of corporate greed.
12/29/2020 5:21:02 AM
Jimbo01 |
Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose
G kins, I looked up a some information for you. Read this over in your spare time.
12/29/2020 3:59:46 PM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
The federal minimum raise is $7.25 per hour that’s $290 for a 40 hour week. The Senate controlled by Mitch McConnell has no plans to raise it any time soon they won’t even consider it. It’s no wonder he thinks $600 is enough. LOL, but it really isn’t funny.
12/29/2020 4:10:22 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Good info. I didnt really say that Trump favored unions though. I just said democrats abandoned them. In order for unions to exist there have to be some trade protections. Otherwise the jobs simply go overseas. Democrats have not been in favor of any trade protections. So the result is Anerican workers can look at the cake but they cannot eat the cake. Wall Street wants profitability not increasing wages. Clinton was president whose free trade policies started putting a glass wall between Anerican union workers and their "cake." Everything still looked pretty on the surface. Maybe you think it still does.
I used to believe what I was told. But eventually I realized that wall street wants wage suppression. They cant stand a tight labor market. In their eyes, that's unhealthy. But nothing improves working conditions and wages faster than a tight labor market. Things like minimum wages and regulations become farcical. Because in a tight labor market people dont have to remain stuck at their job. Bosses have to actially care about their employees and create places where people actually want to work. Raising minimum wages sounds good on paper but it doesnt create any tangible wealth. It just creates inflation and hardship for business owners.
12/29/2020 6:32:57 PM
fisherray |
Western NY
Gritty, the only perfect thing on this planet is me just ask my wife. Kidding aside I have no clue why you would think anyone is perfect because there is no such thing or should it ever be expected.
12/29/2020 7:46:17 PM
Spudley (Scott) |
Yep it called the right to work for less. Fully endorsed by the GOP near you!
12/29/2020 8:10:37 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
You mean "The only thing perfect on this planet is my wife." No worries man. I know what you meant to say.
12/29/2020 11:03:43 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I thought the left believed in choice. I guess not. I would rather work for less than be culled from society entirely.
12/29/2020 11:08:17 PM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
If I hired A neighbor kid to mow my yard and it took one hour and gave him $7.50. I would never see him again!
12/30/2020 8:00:01 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Lol. But you are proving my point. He has ample other choices of where to work. This he doesn't have to work for minimum wage.
12/30/2020 10:04:40 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
But believe me, wall street doesnt want that lawn done for 7.50... 7.50 is too expensive. Wall street wants the job to be done by a robot.
12/30/2020 10:11:27 PM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
Trump building a wall to stop Mexicans, unless they are here to do the house keeping for his casinos.
12/31/2020 9:12:01 PM
roger80 |
Susquehanna Pa
If there is so many choices then why the hell don’t they raise the minimum wage?
12/31/2020 9:14:52 PM
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