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Subject:  Tragic math?

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Average age of death, drug overdose or suicide: 45
Difference in life expectancy: 76-45 = 31 years
Total years of life lost 31 X 100,000 (overdoses plus suicides) = 3.1 million years of life lost

Average age of death covid: 80
Expected life expectancy: 76
Difference in life expectancy: ~1 year?
Years of life lost:
300,000 Covid deaths x 1 year of life lost = 300,000 years of life lost.

Assuming that the pandemic RESPONSE boosts suicide and drug overdoses by 10% then 10% x 3,100,000 = 310,000 years of life are lost.

In my county the Sheriff is busy paying attention to increases in domestic violence, drug use and overdoses, and suicides. They know this is a bigger problem than Covid. They can see it with their own eyes.

My kids mom has covid and while I do worry about her... the stats seem to indicate that car accidents, drug overdoses, and suicide will rob people of more life than covid. I didnt even include car accidents.

Please get all hyped up about covid if you want to. But the way I see it, the math regarding "amount of life lost" says I dont have to be worry about it any more than I worry about anything else.

12/22/2020 5:24:47 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Not trivializing it... because I dont think there is anything trivial about any of these causes of death.

I just think we should not be all edgy and fearful all the time. Maybe we should just be calm and happy?

12/22/2020 5:44:39 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

This is something the media hasn't said much about. With lockdowns, restrictions, in person communication cut off, virtual everything etc. We have evolved over millions of years through direct communication, and that has been cut off like a light bulb. Some seem to be fine with it. My wife is one, she is fine with working from home all day every day. I can be all virtual, but choose to go into the office daily for routine and to hopefully see some co-workers.

I will say ugly people are probably benefiting from this. Butterface (and Butthisface) or those with just "good" attitudes are probably getting dates they wouldn't have last February. I asked my oldest son if he has any pretty girls in his class, and he said he wasn't sure since he hasn't seen their faces. For you conspiracy theorists... there's your book. Covid was started by a bunch of ugly folks wanting world domination.

12/22/2020 8:43:18 AM


Guelph, Ontario

Did not sound right so did some research. Seems average age of death is much,much lower. In first district I found data average age of death from covid it was 49 years of age.

12/22/2020 10:13:08 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

That is false Iris. What is a district? Is it a district with mostly 40 year olds? I am looking by country where there is a broad group of ages.

Eighty seems high, but 49 is simply not true.

12/22/2020 10:28:49 AM


Susquehanna Pa

U.S. life expectancy has not kept pace with that of other wealthy countries and is now decreasing. Why is this?

12/22/2020 8:39:42 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Because processed food has no nutrition and causes chronic inflammation.

We get very little vacation time.

We are either underemployed or we work 80 hours a week.

Working odd shifts is proven to cut years off your life and way too many employers want you to work nights one week and then day shifts the next week. We are friggin abused :(

12/22/2020 9:34:42 PM


G. Kins , well said and there is more like bad air, lack of getting up off couch, kids not being outside playing instead of video games, Not getting paid enough to support family off of one forty hr. paycheck like when the average was going up(trickle down is a big cause of this) + more

12/23/2020 4:43:14 AM


Guelph, Ontario

When looking at % of deaths, 60% were 75 or older, so in that group average age could very well be around 80. The remaining 40% included some infants. So average age in that group would be much , much lower.

So average age way lower then 80

Just not correct to claim average age of all dying from covid is 80

12/23/2020 7:26:08 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Iris children are basically immune. Last time I checked here in Washington state only one child had died and I think they were age 17 with other health issues. I think this topic is sensitive it's probably bothersome so I wont say anything other than my kids have surely been exposed to it but nevertheless they tested negative and they havent gotten sick despite the fact that their mom caught it. She says her energy is mostly back now. So my conclusion is that efforts to protect the elderly should be the main focus.

12/23/2020 11:54:09 PM


Guelph, Ontario

Grinchy Kins, just look at statistic reports of death by age groups. Yes it goes down with age, but there are very young children dying as well.


12/24/2020 9:45:49 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

My guess is this topic is a touchy one. I am most trusting of local data the more local the better. Washington state stats: says deaths 0-19 is 0% of covid deaths. Lewis County stats: 1 death 50-59. 4 deaths 70-79. 16 deaths 80+ years. Even if I swing those to lowest possible age within each range... the average age of those deaths cant be possibly be lower than 76.6 years. The average age of death in my county is probably 80 and it could be 81 even. So mortality age from covid shows zero departure from normal life expectancy. How strange is that. The numbers here tell an interesting story which is that catching covid does not lower your life expectancy at all. I am not the one saying this!!! This is not what a conspiracy says.
This is simply what the math here says. Maybe everyone should check the math in their own local area. The more local the better... less chance of errors that would enhance an agenda via a false narrative. We have a desperate primal need for honest human relationships.
Believe your fellow humans if you want to. Or look at reliable stats and do the math yourself. Marv cant figure out why I believe "whacko theories"... Well maybe its because I still believe 1+1=2.

12/24/2020 10:48:26 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Iris, these are the USA deaths listed in your link. What kind of false agenda are you trying to push? There's a ton of info out there, it's old people dying. In Europe they average 75.

31 deaths under 1
18 deaths ages 1-4
50 deaths ages 5-14

62,280 deaths ages 65-74
79,724 deaths ages 75-84
92,757 deaths ages 85+

12/24/2020 9:33:20 PM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

What happened to ages 15-64?

12/24/2020 9:51:08 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

You can go to the link and see for yourself. Plus the conversation was young vs old, but the numbers are low compared to 65+

Iris was talking infants, he\she seems confused.

12/24/2020 10:00:52 PM


I know this is not part of the equation but what long term health effects is getting it going to cause. Pneumonia and other lung diseases usually weaken you for life. Some of the other symptoms may also shorten life spans along with other with more future health problems. Immediate death(imo) is probably only one of the issues.

12/25/2020 9:33:52 AM

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