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Subject:  Some are ruining it for all

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Ken D.

Connecticut, USA

The number of complaints I am seeing about this board is WAY too high right now.

12/18/2020 1:49:46 PM


Central NY


12/18/2020 3:52:16 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

Gone but not forgotten.

12/18/2020 3:59:15 PM

Spudley (Scott)



12/18/2020 4:39:01 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Good. A well timed, time out.

12/18/2020 4:47:30 PM


A fresh start is probably a good thing.

12/18/2020 7:24:54 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

How funny that complaints ran high AFTER Trump lost. Go figure....This is what the country needs to do on January 20. Forget about what happened the last 4 years and start over.

12/18/2020 8:12:59 PM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

Agreed. Fresh start is welcomed.

12/18/2020 8:30:13 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Frank has to bring Trump into this post... LOL

12/18/2020 8:36:26 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Well said F&T.

12/18/2020 8:57:58 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Frank is Mr. Know it all that's why. He thinks he is always right and everyone else is stupid... Frank will be crying a river when Donald Trump will be in office another four years... He better stock up on tissues

12/18/2020 10:42:58 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I always figured the block user button was sufficient. Figure if I rub someone the wrong way then they could block me. 100 % supportive of Ken running his site however he wants to/ needs to... but isnt it sad that cancel culture (inability to have your thoughts or beliefs challenged) is everywhere now.

12/18/2020 10:45:07 PM

Spudley (Scott)


If you choose to post here then for the life of me why would someone complain about the content? Maybe tonning down the personal attacks a bit would help. And if you just can't help yourself use the ignore option. Come on man quit complaining and grow a pair, lol. Metaphorically speaking.

12/19/2020 1:32:33 PM

Kerry gross

Thomas wv

I seriously doubt its the people thats posting on the board thats complaining its probably the ones that enjoy getting bigpumpkins.com to lean about growing juat like people that enjoy hunting fishing or any other hobbies they have its thier peace and enjoyment time i will admit i have posted on this board but i wouldn't loose any sleep over it if lost everyone deals with political viewpoints out side of this site and probably want to just enjoy what they love wich is growing maybe im the only one thinks this way

12/19/2020 3:59:59 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Merry Christmas PumpkinBrat!!!

My present to you: 4 years of Joe Biden...Enjoy!!!

12/19/2020 7:23:42 PM


Susquehanna Pa

Nobody has to post on this board or read it, it is that simple if you don’t like it stay away from it.

12/19/2020 7:47:18 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

I’m with Roger

12/19/2020 9:13:56 PM


Upper Strasburg, PA

Democrats and Republicans ruin everything

12/19/2020 9:24:04 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Hey, TruckinPunkin welcome back, missed your input.

12/19/2020 9:42:45 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

BTW, I agree with you on a much bigger scale. We all ruin everything.

12/19/2020 9:45:13 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Well well well Mark being you're a plumber/mechanical engineer. You're well equipped to handle it. Lol.

12/21/2020 5:03:28 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Let's simplify things...
There are approximately 133 million registered LEGAL voters in the USA. No one disputes that Trump received 78 million of those votes during the 2020 election.
How can anyone truly believe that he received 80 million votes?
That means there was a minimum of 21 million fraudulent votes, ASSUMING THERE WAS 100% VOTER TURN OUT!
Math, it's such a wonderful thing!

12/21/2020 5:52:06 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Just a question because I don’t know. Do you need to register in each state or can a US citizen show up on election day a d still vote?

12/21/2020 6:23:37 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

If Pumpkin Brat's math is correct, we have a massive problem. We have one congressional district in Iowa where the republican won by 42 votes. The democrat loser asked for recounts, and nobody complained about that. First they recounted a few counties and the margin shrank. Then they did a full recount by hand and the margin shrank to just 6 votes. The county supervisors in all counties certified all the votes, the secretary of state certified the district total and submitted it to the House of Representatives. The democrat had the option to appeal to the state courts but instead appealed to the House. Looking to a democrat controlled House to overturn the 2nd district's election. If we let the majority party call all the close races, why even have an election. Senate and House elections need to remain in the state or district.

We hear the mainstream media call every one of Trump's challenges false or baseless. They do that long enough and people believe it. Bur it doesn't address the 22 million vote discrepancy that Pumpkin Brat pointed out. That is just too outrageous to let it slide without investigation. 22 million means widespread fraud. And where that kind of fraud is found, the only resolution should be to throw out the entire state's votes. Blame the guilty party; they didn't trust the people and decided to ignore their rights. I don't care which party is to blame.

12/21/2020 6:23:58 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

Another point to ponder. Look at the campaign rallies. Trump's rallies were over-run with supporters. Several couldn't seat everyone. Parades for Trump were organized by supporters, not the campaign. Car parades, boat parades. We didn't see this on the other side. Poor attendance contributed to Biden taking his campaign underground to his basement.

How is it that Biden supposedly had so many more votes? His campaign had poor support. Trump had unprecedented support before the election. Why didn't Trump win by a landslide? Could it be 22 million more votes than voters? Something smells fishy.

12/21/2020 6:35:24 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

Andy, 21 states and District of Columbia have same day registration at the polls. But it would take over a million per state, all voting for Biden to come up with what the election officials are telling us. That is just plain unbelievable. https://www.rockthevote.org/how-to-vote/same-day-voter-registration/

12/21/2020 6:45:05 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I know within my family they were 3:1 against Trump. I know most of my moms friends were hostile as hell towards Trump. Yes Trump was popular... but basement Biden was popular with his "hidin' Biden" base. I think it was rigged but Biden definitely got big numbers. If Trump lost it's not all Trumps fault the media was 100% against him in the last month any resemblance of fairness went out the window. Google news went from 90 % negative to 100% negative in the last month prior to the election. Trump didnt deserve that. Despicably false hit piece in the Atlantic saying he didnt care about the military even though he has been the only president worth serving under in about 50 years... Etc, etc. They Kennedy'd him, minus the bullet.

12/21/2020 7:16:28 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

I suggest doing this yourselves. I googled several sites including the census and all have the number of eligible voters much higher than 133 moon. The lowest was 153 million and several out the number over 200 million.
As usual, if I’m wrong I don’t mind being told so.

12/21/2020 7:21:33 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Ken's post gets buried in the exact crap that he wanted to till under.

12/21/2020 7:21:37 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Fun fact for Pumpkinbrat (check your sources) is that around 239.2 million Americans were eligible to vote in 2020, according to the U.S. Elections Project. Not 133 million as you’d like people to believe.

Also, how can you assume all those 78 Million for Trump were legal votes? How possible can you claim that, doesn’t fraud, cheating and ballot fixing happen on both sides?? I heard dead people voted twice for Trump....oh no, not widespread voter fraud in favour of Trump. Cmon fellas.

12/21/2020 7:35:19 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia




12/21/2020 7:59:01 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Yeah a lot of this stuff is easily fact checked but you know if you'd rather believe a lie so be it.

12/21/2020 8:04:17 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

lol, math is fun!

Biden won 51.4% of the votes or 81,283,485 and Trump won 46.9% of the votes or 74,223,744.

Joe biden won by 7,059,741 votes. Which means that there's a zero % chance that Donald Trump will stay in office.

That doesn't mean he can't try to find a loophole that would allow him to stay. Hence the lawsuits.

Most of them have been shot down or withdrawn, and no court has found even a single instance of fraud. Of at least 57 cases to have been filed, including some not directly involving Trump but which could nonetheless affect his standing, at least 50 have been denied, dismissed, settled or withdrawn.

And we still have a zero % of another 4 years of Trump.

12/21/2020 8:28:01 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

The misinformation is what drives me nuts. I don’t care who anyone supports , why would I ? Almost 30 years in law enforcement, I question anything that doesn’t seem to add up. I know roughly the population of the US. 133 million registered voters seemed light when compared to the overall population. 200 million + eligible voters, according to the census and now the result isn’t too difficult to understand.

12/21/2020 9:50:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I hate the word "facts." There are no verified facts. The dominion machines could have scammed enough votes to hand the election to Biden. The other "fact" we are told is that the vaccine is safe. Sorry but there is no way cancer or auto immune neurological damage is going to show up in just eight weeks. These are slowly progressing diseases that are hardly noticeable at first.
We'll have the facts in about five years. You guys have destroyed/misappropriated an important piece of the lexicon.

12/22/2020 1:14:59 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Ken is gonna have to straight up ban me. Cant keep my fingers duc taped behind my back the way I am supposed to...

12/22/2020 1:17:41 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

And Mark sinks down to the lowest level possible and engages in name calling when he has no logical response left to give...it’s Christmas time, I like fruitcake.

12/22/2020 10:09:12 AM


Long Island,New York

"and no court has found even a single instance of fraud."

Impossible unless you're not looking.

12/22/2020 2:52:30 PM

Frank and Tina

South East

Its not only possible. Its a fact. Name the court that confirmed election fraud in any of the dozens of lawsuits that Trump and pro-Trump entities started? There is none.

12/22/2020 3:38:19 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Antrim County. Search for it F&T but I bet you wont. You are just trolling. Pretty sure you already know the truth.

12/22/2020 6:41:05 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

F&T your perfect avoidance of the truth is a little too perfect. You know precisely what you are avoiding. That's how you are able to avoid it. The truth is falling off the back of a truck like loose bales of hay. Your car is swerving all over the road and you're telling us "Honest, I havent seen nothing!" You probably know more about the truth than any of us. Biggest clue is you're avoiding it a bit too perfectly.

12/22/2020 6:53:33 PM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

I looked it up and didn't find a smoking gun. In fact I looked at two articles and both results were the same.


12/22/2020 7:03:48 PM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

I looked it up and didn't find a smoking gun. In fact I looked at two articles and both results were the same.


12/22/2020 7:03:49 PM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

It's a very nice area. Hight rent district. If you ever get in the area, check out Elk Rapids.

12/22/2020 7:11:25 PM

Spudley (Scott)


Well it looks like we now know who was doing all the COMPLAINING, LOL.

12/22/2020 7:47:46 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

You believe all these so called fact-check sites? You guys really dont know who to trust. Try your search again and this time read some other sources.

12/22/2020 8:11:37 PM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

Maybe give us another youtube link with the information you'd like us to see.

12/22/2020 8:15:13 PM

Soopr Sizr

Littleton, Colorado

Andy, FYI the census numbers are not reliable for determining voter eligibility as it does not differentiate between citizens and non citizens and only citizens are eligible to vote.

12/22/2020 8:15:38 PM


Freedom Is Just Another Word For Noting Left To Lose

I wont sign up for Parlor though.

12/22/2020 8:17:02 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Point taken, Sizr, of the many searches I made almost all had the number of legal voters- registered + show up Election Day and register at 200 million to almost 239 million. Anyone can research this and lots of other things they are concerned about.

12/22/2020 9:24:45 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I did a google search for voter fraud michigan county. Seemed to have plenty of info. Obviously I am not going to trust Dominion to do anything but cover their own rear ends. They made an error, got caught, and made up an excuse. Yes that's good enough for why you were late getting back from recess in elementary school. But I dont think that is anywhere near good enough for our American democracy/republic. We need a system where fraud cannot occur. We dont have that.

12/22/2020 9:26:41 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Hay Frankie Boy, My buddy President Trump just cut a new song about you and your Best Friend Joe Biden, I thought you should hear it as it fits you to a Tee......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShADx4MNSp4&pbjreload=101

12/22/2020 10:04:39 PM


Upa Creek, Mo

Frank, I disagree with most of what you say, but what Bubba is saying towards you is uncalled for. He sounds like a 12 year old.

12/22/2020 11:42:56 PM



Tina you had it coming to you

12/23/2020 4:38:32 AM

Frank and Tina

South East

lol, ask me if I care. The noise will go down a notch on January 21st. Except for the crying, We will hear the tears fall for another 4 years. Its over.

12/23/2020 5:57:06 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

2 can play your little game Pumpkinbrat (living up to your moniker)...enjoy.





12/23/2020 11:11:05 AM

Bubba Presley

Muddy Waters

I cant wait till Biden self destructs its will happen soon.I hope you snowflakes will man up & admit your wrong.However I bet you wont.If your hope is in Biden you are doomed

12/23/2020 11:50:53 AM


Central NY

I hope Biden does a great job.

12/23/2020 11:56:33 AM



All they have to do is take away his TELEPROPTER

12/23/2020 12:33:53 PM


Paradise Mountain, New York

Porkchop, I thought you loved President Trump? You changed over to a Democrat now?

12/23/2020 4:23:27 PM



Sad, Porkchop it must of been Nancy Polosi that changed you

12/23/2020 4:56:39 PM


Western NY

Who said porkchop flipped? I always hope the new president does a good job no matter who it is.

12/23/2020 4:59:07 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

I voted for Trump, but if Biden is sworn in, I want him to do a great job. But my idea of a great job and Biden's are 2 very different things.

12/23/2020 5:54:42 PM

Spudley (Scott)


I think we all know as long as the Senate is in GOP control no major legislation will get done. Then all you'll hear from Fox so called news is boy what a failure Biden is. Oh yeah fiscal conservatism will be back. Oh the debt and the deficit, me oh my! Assholes!

12/23/2020 6:10:19 PM


Central NY

Love trump...

12/23/2020 7:03:37 PM


Central NY

Nancy sucks

12/23/2020 7:04:03 PM


Central NY

This board sucks

12/23/2020 7:04:17 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think this board is fine there are just lots of things out of our control. And amongst the things that are in our control... not everyone has exactly the same concerns.

12/23/2020 7:57:04 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Disagreenents... love your neighbor and turn the other cheek. But always look for areas of agreement. Cooperate and fix the problems that both sides can agree on.

12/23/2020 8:00:26 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

I don’t disagree with you Porkchop. Question is- why do we keep coming back?

12/23/2020 8:35:03 PM


According to Flip "the Devil made me do it".

12/23/2020 8:45:23 PM

Andy H

Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia

Flip Wilson, awesome metaphor.

12/23/2020 9:20:07 PM


On top of Brush Mountain, Pa.

We come back for several reasons. First we can't believe the totally ignorant things posted here. And second we are curious about what ignorant unreal thing will be posted next as if it were the truth. It's like being in a fantasy world. So unreal and so far from the actual truth. I cannot understand why some people think what they think.Incredible!

12/23/2020 9:50:27 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Maybe you come back because this is the only place that let's anyone post the truth.

12/24/2020 12:19:07 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

^wrong. Better answer: I mean, for most people the truth doesnt really matter... Love is what matters? Right?

B.P. Rule #106... Do NOT listen to Celine Dion when posting... Ken will ban u for sure.

Just follow the rules.

12/24/2020 1:21:16 AM


"for most people the truth doesn't really matter". Man that is really asking for a shot but I am going to behave myself!

12/25/2020 9:49:09 AM


Simi valley, ca

Some people would buy a gold neckless from a guy on the corner, & some would not .

12/25/2020 7:54:20 PM


Simi valley, ca

Lets see if- Biden on his first day says i got the biggest crowd in history ! I'm betting he probably wont !

12/25/2020 8:00:22 PM


Simi valley, ca

It will be SO SO SO nice to have the bullshit gone ! Its just a shame the smell will be around for a bit !

12/25/2020 8:03:36 PM


Simi valley, ca

And even if bullshit does arise Atleast it wont be a dump truck full EVERYDAY!!!

12/25/2020 8:05:38 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Shoot away spudder. I'm game.

12/27/2020 12:49:44 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I analyze both sides of an argument before taking a position. I avoid untruthful agendas. Try me. Win a convert to your way of thinking.

12/27/2020 12:57:37 AM


G kins, when you wake up in the morning, wait for something bad to happen to you before you get sour. Until then be happy. All the rest(politics etc.) is just background noise that you should not let spoil a good mood and nobody has a perfect life.
That is my attitude.

12/27/2020 6:56:15 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I do want a perfect life and everyone around me should too. Is there something wrong with that? I have some health issues and I cant stand liars but whatever. I came here to play ball I'm not gonna sit and warm the bench. Sorry if that's a problem.

12/27/2020 10:02:38 AM


No problem . And grow some big loupes with those seeds.

12/27/2020 10:34:47 AM


Upa Creek, Mo

Spudder, you come off as exactly as you wrote. Calm attitude, cool and collected. It’s an admirable trait one has or doesn’t.

12/27/2020 11:08:33 PM


Central NY

<—-contemplating the comedic value of letting spudder out of the playpen..

12/28/2020 10:07:30 AM


@ Porkchop
Take all the shots you want at me. You know that old saying "sticks and stones". Still mad at me saying gullible?

12/28/2020 1:52:15 PM


Glad to see you you are allowed to play with the computer again. I promise to behave and not torture you guys too much but slips can happen.

12/28/2020 2:40:27 PM

Total Posts: 89 Current Server Time: 1/14/2025 6:32:17 PM
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