Other Gardening General Discussion
Subject: long day and short day onions
Date Posted
Captain Cold Weather |
Boulder County Colorado USA planet Earth
Ok I have read about long and short day onions. So the wquestion I have is what is the difference and what would you recomend for Colorado?
3/3/2011 9:49:54 PM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Long day onions bulb up with long days and short nights. They do well in the northern part of the country. (This includes all sweet spanish types) Short day onions grow well in the south and will not do well in the north. In Colorado you are kind of stuck in the middle, so I don't know which one to recommend. They have a variety called 'Candy' that is neutral and will bulb up nicely under long and short days. I grew it last year up here and it did well for me. YOu could try that one or you could find out what other growers in your area are growing and use the same varieties.
3/5/2011 7:57:38 AM
pumpkin-eater |
Albert County, New Brunswick,CANADA
Thumbs up on the candy hybrid. Grown from seed, they are sweet tasting,yet last a long time in storage and grow to a reasonable size if started from seed.They should be started now,but its not too late.I can get about 300 in a regular tray,but wow,the patience. I use toilet paper over the soil mix so I can see what I'm doing and then cover lightly with soil mix when I'm done. It will degrade quickly.Some can up fast with heat but only a few and so I put them in about 55 degrees for a week after and nearly all came up.
3/24/2011 3:41:54 PM
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