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Subject:  Calcium and Towels

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Water (John)

Midway City, California

When do you start to apply the calcium and towel method to the pumpkins?

7/19/2004 9:27:16 PM



I usually start around beach ball size, but would like to hear other opinions.

Though I've been injecting Calcium into the sprinkler system for 2 weeks now. It seems to reduce fruit diseases in my experience. And we used to have "issues" in the past.

7/19/2004 9:56:57 PM


Western Pa.

This year I am applying directly to the pumpkin daily, beginning shortly after fruit set.

7/19/2004 10:01:23 PM

Grandpa's patch

White Bear Lake, Minnesota

Could someone describe the "calcium and towel method" to me please? What kind of calcium? I may be older but I'm still learning. Thanks

7/20/2004 1:35:19 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

Been doing it for 3 weeks now

7/20/2004 8:39:01 AM


Vermont Green MTN State

More info on calcium please. I have had no luck finding it so far & not sure what type to use? Calcium nitrate????

7/20/2004 9:03:36 AM


Western Pa.

I'm using Vigor-Cal this year, but in the past, I've used Foli-Cal. A towel is soaked with the diluted product and kept on the pumpkin. I don't advise using Cal. Nitrate this time of year.

7/20/2004 9:24:30 AM



I just hit each pumpkin with a calcium spray every day vigor cal from Hollands land o giants.

7/20/2004 10:10:40 AM



In general, the towel is soaked in either a dilueted chelated Calcium liquid solution or one made from Calcium Nitrate. The towel is left on the fruit at all times with the feeling being that subsequent irrigation cycles "reactivate" the calcium.

I think the big question is one of rate. The President of a company who is a major player in the Chelated Calcium market. We pow-wowed with one of his distributors in a tele-conference a couple years ago. He knows some of the hitters we all like to emulate.

While he acknowleged there is no carved in stone rules for this practice, he felt that towels can gradually brought up (in rate) to "some quantity more than the approved label would recommend".....But he won't recommend it. LOL

How's that for specific?

The bottom line is this: We're on our own when we deviate from the manufacturers recommendation & labels.

A good read is the featured grower trancript of Dave Stelts found from the home page here.


7/20/2004 10:47:30 AM

tomato grower

Benton Ky

Kirl, I was just curious why do you not advise the calcium nitrate this time of year?

7/20/2004 11:39:50 AM


Western Pa.

I believe the calcium nitrate works best in cool growing days, I spread a little granular before planting, and maybe a little in Sept., if the fruit is still growing well. I use other things for calcium and nitrogen during the heat of summer. It's not that you can't use it. And it's KILR!

7/20/2004 1:56:48 PM

tomato grower

Benton Ky

Sorry about the name, Kilr. Do you use triple phoshpate?

7/20/2004 7:19:42 PM


Omaha, NE (N41-15-42 )

Now, are you towel guys then not covering with a tarp, and substituting the tarp with the towel, or are you doing both? Steve's comment on "subsequent irrigation cycles would lead me to believe that it shouldn't be otherwise covered.

7/20/2004 7:37:29 PM

Grandpa's patch

White Bear Lake, Minnesota

thanks for all the info. I'll get it going later this morning. If it doesn't work, I'll throw in the towel. hehe

7/21/2004 3:28:16 AM


Vermont Green MTN State

Would anyone know what would be the dilution of calcium nitrate for the towel method would be? And does it matter what stage the pumpkin is at? I am waiting on some from my local garden ctr, they had to order it.

7/21/2004 8:47:35 AM


Montoursville, PA

In the pumpkins natural growth between ten AM and 4PM they often sweat. The sweat evaporates or is taken back in when the general flow of life food or plant pressures reverse for the evening. The pumpkin remains dry of this sweat until the next day.

I don't think there is a concenses of opinion on towels or spray. I use sprays by Agro-K alternating with Vigor Cal and Vigor Cal Phos with three drops of the Agro-K horticulture oil added per quart of spray. This is every night from softball to finish. I believe the oil supports the natural good bacteria in residence on the fruit.

My thinking is that the fungus loves dark, damp and cool weather. Might covering wet create an environment that may bring on the fungi activity ahead of it's time?? Would or could the calcium act just the opposite and prevent fungi growth? Food for thought!

7/21/2004 2:46:27 PM

Brooks B


Dog can i get the Vigor Cal local? if not is there something i can use to spray on my pumpkin close to this i can get like at my local walmart or co-op store?
Thanks, Brooks

7/21/2004 2:52:41 PM

Brooks B


also my puimpkin is well over 200lbs and i have not spray anything on it yet beside a light spray of captans.

7/21/2004 2:54:30 PM


Hayes, Virginia

hey slychit.
I order my vigor-cal on line
around $13 bucks a gallon.+s/h

7/21/2004 9:28:47 PM

Brooks B


thanks MrD

7/22/2004 9:45:47 AM


Vermont Green MTN State

I coud find NO local sellers of C. Calcium!!!
So I found a real nice company today on the Net that specializes in Chelated Calcium, Nuti-Cal. They were willing to send the Bottle today to get it out ASAP to me, trusting that I would call in later with my Credit card when I got home. The price is about the same as other suppliers. Just thought I should share because they were so nice. They also told me a little about the "Towel method" and said their Calcium was perfect for that. So if you need some another place to buy from!

Nutri-Cal: http://www.biggerproduce.com/index.html

8/5/2004 3:04:02 PM

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