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Subject:  Please help me with the soil test math

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swinging crane

Auburn California

My soil test says I need .6 ounces of boron per 1,000 Sq. ft. I have a liquid product that has a guaranteed analysis of Boron of 4.5%. What is the math process to zero me out and have a perfect boron level. Please help. How much of this product is required per 1,000 sq. ft. Thank you to all that feel my pain and can help, Crane

4/27/2023 12:02:22 AM


Syracuse, NY

DO NOT use this 'eg result' unless confirmed by MANY others, lol!
I figgered that to make anything that is at 4.5%
become 100% DUE TO ITS QUANTITY OVER AN AREA, I'd divide 100% by 4.5% to see what would make it 100% or 100/4.5 = 22.2222...So, any amount of that substance at '100%' (22.2222 times any amount of it needed over the intended area) would be the answer,
so, (.6 oz. times 22.2222
or 13.3333 ounces over 1000 SF) is what is needed.

22.2222 X 4.5 = 100% (Close enough - the 2s repeat indefinitely);
If '100%' Boron is needed, then .6 times 22.2222 ounces of the
inoculating material is needed (.6 X 22.2222)=13.33332 ounces of your product.

I don't quite get how something that is 'THIS' concentration over here in this bottle could ever be this OTHER concentration over there, EXCEPT that it is over a
larger area in SF rather than in a bottle - it is not like a mixed drink with
more booze added - or is it? However, I suppose that is WHY the area is advised
in the first place. Everybody here please be the judge.
Please advise me of if I'm way off. Or correct!

>>>>>I cannot stress to you enough that I did this as a brain exercise at 3:25 AM. It is merely for others to agree with or disagree with. I am not accountable, butt I'll take a chance on being right once in awhile, lol---Good Luck! eg

4/27/2023 3:50:43 AM



I get 13.33 oz for 1000sq ft.its 0.6/.045=13.33333330z

4/27/2023 12:59:30 PM

swinging crane

Auburn California

Thank you both! Looks like 2 different ways to get the same number but very much appreciated and I can use that math for the one other amendment I need to put in. The numbers just had me 2nd guessing myself. Anybody else wants to chime in I very much appreciate it. Thank you hope you all have a great season, Crane.

4/27/2023 4:27:25 PM


Syracuse, NY

I did my math during a headstand and wishing I had not stopped beer and whisky for '23 - I was therefore very stressed.
cojoe was obviously not, lol---eg

4/27/2023 5:27:28 PM

swinging crane

Auburn California

Well one thing for sure I couldn't do a handstand if I had to, haha! Interesting enough. I quit beer and alcohol late last Winter of 2022 as well. Can't figure out what's gonna be in my hand while I'm working in the patch these hot summer days comming but, I intend to stay with it if possible. Thank you for all your help as I'm doing well with the numbers now, Crane

4/27/2023 6:15:24 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

That's interesting, Crane, I also quit drinking alcohol during the same time frame.

Sparkling water is nice and cold and has zero calories and no sugar.

Much luck to you and everyone else who also decided to quit! Grow 'em big in 2023!

4/28/2023 2:01:40 AM


Syracuse, NY

It's the pumpkinholism in the works - perhaps next year I'll have a nice balance about it, lol.

I just had great idea for a tee shirt -

Shows a pic of a guy or gal in the patch, a hoe in each hand and the caption is

'If you ain't HOEin' 'em, you ain't GROWin' 'em!!!'

I had to tone it down a bit for sensitive folk, like, well,
me, tomorrow, lol!
Oh, so funneh...

Have a great day, and swinging, both hands on a hoe, rake or shovel,
once you see the progress, will do very nicely! laters---eric g

4/28/2023 3:43:55 AM



When i'm at club meetings I like to greet newbies with " Hi,my name is Joe and I'm a pumpkinholic".

4/28/2023 9:13:27 AM


Syracuse, NY

"Hi, Joe". eg

4/28/2023 1:26:56 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

"Hi, Joe!"

LOL Eric!

You've got this, Crane!!!

4/28/2023 2:21:49 PM

swinging crane

Auburn California

Hi Joe? And a great season to all, Crane

4/28/2023 7:10:11 PM


Torrance, Ca.

What was your drug, I mean alcohol,,, ugh,, I mean pumpkin of choice?
Are you still in your addiction like most of us? lol

I'm just growing mustard this summer and I still spend time in the patch just about every other day. Stuff grows slow when you watch it every day.:)

My pumpkin helper told me to hit it with some cal nitrate and Epsom salts for sulfur so at least I'm having some fun. He tells me it will grow twice as fast and much fuller.

4/28/2023 9:32:43 PM


Syracuse, NY

Obey your Mustard.
Those that get it are crazy, too, and lucky, lol---eg

4/29/2023 12:39:34 AM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Blinded by giant pumpkins you can't see a thing!

4/29/2023 1:44:51 AM


Torrance, Ca.

Ha! ;)

4/29/2023 8:45:37 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Definitely pumpkin growing is like a strong drug or addiction. Funniest moment for me at Danvers was like this. After a lecture on squash vine borer monitoring we had a question and answer session. A grower stands up and asks a question. The lecturer then proceeds to try and gather some more information
from the grower to better answer the question presented. and asks "how many plants do you grow"? And the response that was not intended to be hilarious...but it definitely was came back. "well you see that is a tough question.... I am trying to cut back.." He didn't mean for it to be funny, but everyone immediately started cracking up because we all know what this hobby is like and could relate. It was like if a doctor asked you how many beers you drink in a day or week, or if you asked your kid a question he didn't want to answer for fear of getting in trouble. We all totally understood.

4/29/2023 9:40:12 AM

big moon

Bethlehem CT

Chris I admire your discipline for deciding to take a year off. I think it will pay off big time. YOu are right you have to find something else to grow this year and cultivate that, even if it is just cover crops. Maybe some big fish too, or even dare I say....... A vacation during the growing season?

4/29/2023 9:44:47 AM


Torrance, Ca.

Danvers was great and I remember that question. lol!! Everyone laughed because yes,,, we all related.:)
It may have been Andy W.,,,, I forget but we all know how many plants Andy grows!

Its been the perfect year to take off and we'll definitely be taking an extra vacation!

Hoping the year resting and growing a few cover crops will pay off come 2024. So far from what I'm seeing and the test I did,,, we're on the right track.

4/30/2023 1:36:28 PM


Syracuse, NY

Yup - Those were each crazy persons' answers;
Welcome, CD (!) and Dawn, SG we already knew about, lol---
I see that I am right at home.
Great story, big moon and it hit it home with me because I just put 7 more seed starts in the Germ-Fridge and there are 24 Gerrys already under lights in the basement (one of each of the various crosses will be planted unless any are crowded out by, oh, I dunno - the 1911 Urena, 2-1541.5 McMillins, 2-513.5 Vincents and 2-839 Sandercocks that each had a little story to them...
Wish I had any more of the 1007 Brown, resulting in this; remember this:
It is very neat to know I have seeds from that fruit - Hmmm, although I'm
not a 'fan' of fruits that keep 'secrets', what better WEIGH to do so???
I'm hoping I can get any to sprout...yyyeeeeahhhhhh----eric g

4/30/2023 11:14:24 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Hop water is good too, I'm enjoying some right now. No alcohol or calories and tastes very hoppy. Like a beer without the malt.

Much luck to you, Crane!

6/23/2023 1:01:12 AM


Syracuse, NY

Well, at least I'm reminded here of Master of Mustard.
I know I was crazy back in April, lol---Never a Doubt! eg

6/23/2023 8:04:46 PM

Dawn, Suburban Gardener

Lakewood, WA

Dear Mr. Heineken 0.0, Are you SURE this N/A beer has no alcohol? <burp!> Thanks, Dawn! lol

6/27/2023 4:49:03 PM

Total Posts: 23 Current Server Time: 3/6/2025 10:23:51 PM
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