Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Drip irrigation
Date Posted
Caper1388 |
Cape Breton Nova Scotia
What's everyone's views on drip irrigation? Pros and Cons. I have a roll of tape and the 10lb pressure reducer, filter and fittings to go into the header. All I need is the header pipe. I'm thinking it could save me at least an hour of my limited after work patch time to do other things other than watering.
3/15/2018 8:26:11 PM
Gritch |
valparaiso, in
I use drip tape hooked up to a 250 gallon tote. The tote is about 5 feet off the ground on plastic pallets. I just open the tank and let it drip for a few hours. Not ideal, but it does the job. I have it marked on the back so I have an idea how much water has been used. Saves me a lot of time.
3/15/2018 11:41:20 PM
baitman |
Central Illinois
one drawback is it can be a pain moving boards,I also trip over it a few times a year,but it does a great job for watering
3/16/2018 8:58:18 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Gritch, doing it that way with no pump, how many feet or lines of drip tape can you use?
3/16/2018 4:53:03 PM
Gritch |
valparaiso, in
My garden isn't that big compared to most on here. Off the top of my head it is 25' x 35'. I space the drip tape 2' apart if I recall correctly. Maybe 1 1-2' apart. And they are 20' long. I have maybe around 18, maybe a few more, laid down. So let's say 360'+. I also wrap some line around the tomato plants.
It takes a few hours to get the water amount out I want. I feel that is worth it, because of all the other stuff I do while it is draining. I used to waste so much time watering everyday. I like this much better.
Here is a picture of the pallets I use with the tank in the background. http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=236276
3/17/2018 12:33:17 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Thanks Gritch. One more question, what kind of drip tape are you using and so you use a main line with the drip lines attached?
3/17/2018 11:19:01 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
“do you use a main line with driplines attached to it”
3/17/2018 11:19:58 PM
Gritch |
valparaiso, in
I bought a kit similar to this one: https://www.dripworks.com/drip-tape-row-crop-kit-small
If I remember correctly it was the Heart of the Garden kit? I also bought an few 100' rolls with it.
I have the filter hooked up to the tank with a few feet of main line tubing running to the ground. I have that hooked up to one of the Easy Loc Tees. Then main line tubing running the width of the garden in both directions bent at the end.
Best advice I can give you is to paint the hold down stakes a bright color. I went with orange. That way you do not lose them in the garden.
3/18/2018 12:56:33 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Ok, thanks Gritch.
3/18/2018 10:49:51 AM
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