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Subject:  need to add iron

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Central Illinois

My iron content is 10ppm in one plot and 22ppm in another, the OVGPG article says optimum is 46ppm should I worry about raising and if I do will it effect any other minerals.

My zinc levels were low at 2.3ppm but I have added Zinc sulfate at the recommended amount and my pH is 7

11/21/2014 1:20:20 PM



Adding 1 40lb bag of Ironite to 1000sq ft. will raise your fe ppm by about 38. It also contains trace minerals so check them.

11/22/2014 9:54:42 AM

curtlave (team extreme)

Sourthern Utah

ok,, so here's another question,, on the same lines,, i also added 40 lbs ironite,, this fall,, fe ppm was at 6,, low,, yes,
so where should my manganese levels be in accordance to the fe levels, ??

11/22/2014 10:21:56 AM



I would say the manganese should be about 2/3 the iron.

11/22/2014 10:38:53 AM


Central Illinois

Iron always has to be higher than manganese; when manganese is higher than iron it will tie up the iron. Over 75% cation saturation calcium will start tying up iron.
Ferrous sulfate (aka iron sulfate) is the best form to apply

100#/acre ferrous sulfate will raise iron levels 10.5 ppm.

Thats a copy and paste from this page http://woodleaffarm.com/enlivening-soil/

but does adding iron changes PH ?

11/22/2014 12:29:09 PM

curtlave (team extreme)

Sourthern Utah

ok,, thx men,, i added 40 lbs of aluminum sulfate and 50 lbs calcium in october,, till it in,, watered hvy for a couple weeks before i added the iron,, let winter run it coarse now,, will add manganese in the spring with what new soil sample tells,, appreciate the ifno,, best and good luck

11/22/2014 3:01:47 PM



All of our climates and soils are different; but keep in mind that in any soil your leach factor will negate some perceived gains in ppm over the winter.

I agree to wait until spring to "top-dress" your nutrients, esp the ones like Mn that leach quickly.

11/22/2014 6:36:48 PM


West Paris Me.

I came across this article when I was looking for a way to raise my iron levels. I have used this product in the past, but will not use it again. http://www.dirtdoctor.com/Ironite-Story_vq120.htm

11/23/2014 9:26:16 PM

Ludwig Ammer


With such high cation saturation you should not add Iron-III-Sulfate, which reacts as cation too! ...and produces alums.
Phospates/phosphite would be blocked through flocculation with Fe-III-sulfate (like in the clarification plant).
With my pH around 6 or below I can use Fe-III-sulfate, when I do not give too much lime. My soil has far too much manganese. It´s better for me, not to raise pH over 6.3 for pumpkins. But I apply only a little Ca when spading up in a autumn.
In spring I spray Ca with boron before flowering and magnesium nearly the whole season. And when Xanthoonas bacteria show me the surplus of manganese, I spray iron-citrate. My greenhouse soil is charged with very expensive iron-chelates, where there is too much soilborn manganese. These chelates persist three years at least, but I have to inject them into the soil, because they are not UV-resistant.

11/25/2014 7:25:15 AM

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