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Subject:  Vine burying

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Hampstead, NC 28443

I have noticed many growers create a mixture of dirt, compost, fertilizer, mycro, etc... to use to bury their vines with.
What is your mixture?
What percentage of each?
Thanks for your input.

4/20/2012 10:10:21 AM



Last year I used just the dirt of the patch (haven´t used any myco with my plants so far, and the fertilizers were either broadcast or dissolved in water). This year I´m inclined to try myco (both at the plant site and at the leaf nodes...half a spoon at each leaf node). The tap roots of each leaf node will grow quite alot, and therefore, IMHO, it is probably much more important to have a good patch soil throughout rather than trying to enhance fertilizer concentration in the very small area where you bury the vines.

4/20/2012 10:22:21 AM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

Scott, I make a mix of Jobes Organics, Espoma Starter Plus and Mykos that I add to the trench below each root node and scratch it in with my pointed hoe. This year I used a bag of each (6#, 4# and 2#). Sometimes I add a little bit of worm castings as well. When I run out of this mix, the root nodes farther out get just the Jobes and Espoma without the Mykos. Then I bury with garden soil. Since the roots go down and not up, I like to get my micorhizae and beneficial bacteria mixed into the soil where the roots will be growing. I apply my manure, compost and other fertilizers to the entire patch. I also dig a big hole for each main root site so it has good loose soil and plenty of nutrients as well as my "mix" to get it off to a good start. I can get away with that due to my silt loam soil; it woudn't be a good idea in clay. I view the soil covering as just material to hold the vines down so the wind doesn't whip them around and to hide them from vine borers.

4/20/2012 5:00:45 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

One item I forgot. I don't mix the worm casting together with the other products. One time I mixed them all together and after a few days it started growing a white mold that made me nervous. They get applied to the soil separately.

4/20/2012 5:03:15 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

One item I forgot. I don't mix the worm casting together with the other products. One time I mixed them all together and after a few days it started growing a white mold that made me nervous. They get applied to the soil separately.

4/20/2012 5:03:15 PM


Quincy, CA

I believe the Brysons use a mixture of compost and black dirt for vine burying.
Hard to argue with their results.

4/21/2012 1:16:22 AM

pburdon (Team Lunatic)

Goodwood, Ontario, Canada

The Bryson's buried their vines in horse manure. Aged of course. My plan is to disturb the soil under the vine as little as possible, as I've planted a cover crop to established a mycroriza relationship. Just a little soil and horse manure mix over the nodes for me.

4/21/2012 8:10:31 AM

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