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Subject:  Mixing fertilizers with other chemicals

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At this time of year I get a lot of questions about which chemicals are compatible with one another in a tank mix. While the label must be the first place to go for information, most modern chemcials are usually compatible when properly mixed.

I sent the following spring reminder to my colleagues & customer this morning. Perhaps some folks would find it useful here too.

Tank Mix Order Priority

1.) First half of tank water
2.) DG's & DF's
3.) WP's
4.) Flowables
5.) Iron or other Micronutruents
6.) EC's
7.) Solutions
8.) NPK Fertilizers
9.) Surfactants
10.) Spray Dye Indicators
11.) Balance of water


4/16/2003 9:30:05 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

Does hydrogen peroxide fit in there anywhere?

4/16/2003 9:34:03 PM



Around #5-#7 is where I'd put it if the desire is foliar. Is it?

I would absolutely do a jar test first since I can't say as I've ever heard anyone even discussing (let alone spraying) it except for here.

Soil applications with fertilizer should be OK though.

4/16/2003 10:37:38 PM


Sloughhouse, CA

Steve, I know all the abbreviations for Sp. Ed. but not fertilizers.
What are DG's, DF's WP's, EC's?
Thanks. Suzy

4/17/2003 1:27:28 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

The H2O2 would be used for drench/drip watering..would that change the order?

4/17/2003 5:17:06 AM



Those would be pesticides in most cases. Whereby the letters that follow the name are usually combined with a number. The number would indicate the amount if active ingredient.

DG= Dispersible Granule
DF= Dry Flowable
WP= Wettable Powder
WDG=Water Dispersible Granule
EC= Emulsifiable Concentrate
SC= Suspension Concentrate
F= Flowable
WSP=Water Soluble Packet
WSB=Water Soluble Bag


Merit2F is a flowable form (of Imidacloprid) that is about 20% active ingredient or 2 lbs active ingredient per gallon.

Merit 75WP is a wettable powder that is packaged loose in a 2 oz jar. The powder is 75% active ingredient.

Merit75WSP is also a 75% wettable powder that is packed 1.6 oz in each water soluble packet. 4 per envelope, 4 envelops per case or drums of 88 loose "WSP's" per drum.

Merit 2.5G & 5G are both granular products. Obviously neither gets tank mixed as they are designed to be applied as they're purchased.


4/17/2003 6:52:27 AM



We also buy (but cannot sell) the technical grade version for formulating fertilizer combination products for lawn care.

Provado, Marathon & Admire are also all made from the exact same tech material & packaged similarly (though sometimes as a weaker 60% ai) but labelled differently & thereby intended for different end users. Admire is the one for Pumpkin growers. But so far, I haven't told my seeds & I don't think they can read yet. So Merit it is here "on the farm".

In this case, bugs don't know the difference. But the multiple formulations are designed to make the end users jobs easier for them based on how, where & to what they apply.

Kyle, I think the hydrogen peroxide would really only be combined with NPK ferts or micronutrient solutions. I'd add micro-nutrients, peroxide, then NPK's. In that order. But do a jar test first. Mix in a jar the items you want to use together in at least the concentration you want to use them in. Shake it up. Let it sit a while. Check on it once in a while. Bad combinations can cause the precipitation of elements. ie Iron may cause potash to fall out of suspension. Really bad mixes can gel &/or solidify. Peroxide could do goofy stuff that we don't yet know about. Let's find out now, before we have hungry little plants waiting for dinner.

I'll never forget the day we had to shovel 1200 gallons of jello out of a spray truck. Not pleasant. LOL! Cost a couple bucks to rid ourselves of that jello too!


4/17/2003 6:53:57 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

Thanks Steve, I'll test it.

4/17/2003 4:32:14 PM


Sloughhouse, CA

Thanks for the info. Suzy

4/17/2003 11:46:56 PM

Don Quijot

Caceres, mid west of Spain

That was a good advice Steve. I Take notice.

4/18/2003 12:57:31 AM

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