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Fertilizing and Watering

Subject:  Watering Pattern

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Pocahontas, Arkansas

I'm about to set up my watering system and my question is this.. Do I need to run water just to the base of the main or do I need to run a water source along side the entire main (will that promote rot?) or ziz-zag throughout plants area to get everything. Note: A sprinkler will be set up to water everything during the heat of the day.
Thanks in advance.

5/11/2010 2:51:26 PM

Will Wright

Colorado Springs, Co (wtmanc3mc3@hotmail.com)

water entire patch area, those roots go many many feet in every direction

5/11/2010 4:26:59 PM

Big Ange

Honeoye Falls New York

whats the best way? Run a bunch of soaker hoses? If you use soaker hoses do you need to bury them?

5/11/2010 7:32:56 PM

Will Wright

Colorado Springs, Co (wtmanc3mc3@hotmail.com)

if you look at last yrs diaries, bohica (tom) tom privitera has a great under canopy watering system hes using. several of ways of doing it as long as you get even watering on the patch

5/12/2010 12:24:07 PM

Pumpkin JAM


despite what you may have been told soaker hoses are next to useless, undercanopy water whole plant including side vines over top use water to cool if neccesary

5/13/2010 3:58:29 AM


Middle TN

Dang! I wish Id known that before I went and bought soaker hoses! Is there a way to water 'undercanopy' with out setting up an expensive watering system? Im just starting out here and have already blown the budget LOL :)

5/13/2010 2:40:53 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Tammy (in yer spare time...LOL). Check out dripworks.com They have a staff of folks who will talk w/you and help set up a drip system. It is a lil pricey, but maybe something to think about for next year. The system, once purchased will give you years of service (or should). Hope this helps. Don't give up!!! GROW EM BIG!!! Peace, Wayne

5/13/2010 10:48:18 PM


Willamette Valley, Oregon

Tammy, Don't fret. Last year I went with soaker hoses over the whole patch. Some got buried when I buried stems, but most didn't. I thought the soaker hoses on a simple volume-based "timer" worked just fine, but you do need enough to cover the whole area under a plant. You also need a certain amount of water pressure to charge a long length of the stuff, so one plant at a time is all I could do. I added another hose or two to the end of the last one as the plant grew. I'm doing it again this year with the same hoses since I've made that investment.

I also did some supplemental under-canopy watering by hand to wash in fertilizer additions.

I'm sure those other fancy systems work well too.

5/15/2010 1:53:50 AM


Cedar Lake, IN.

Tammy, this is my second year of growing. last year I used soaker hoses. they did a great job for me. I'm using soaker hoses this year. Next year I may or may not go with a under-canopy watering system. But that would be to make it easier for me to deliver supplements under the leaf. for insects, powery mildew, stress relieve (from heat) etc.

5/15/2010 7:29:27 AM


West Chazy,N.Y.

Tammy check out my diary, I installed the sprinkler system that I got from TOM, sprinkler heads only. And I water under the leaves and the top all at once. they work great. and cover the patch with no problem. 26x36 area.
I also had to run a 125 ft. garden hose from the house to water when I'm not home. I have my house water preasuer set @ on @45 to off@60 psi it works great for me!

7/14/2010 12:06:43 PM

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