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Southern Illinois

i was drivin back from paducah ky yesterday and seen steam coming from a pile of manure,and was so excited, the farmer said he just had it droped off from a chiken farmer,he told me i could get a semi load real cheap,they had to much and they were trying to get rid of,so he load my truck with a full load,so do you guys think this would be ok to use with the rice hulls mixed with chicken manure,the smell is terrible,i was able to get 2 loads of lamb manure,but the guy told me no more,he would trade only 1 full days work per load,i have done more work this winter haulin manure,than i did all summer in the patch,went and picked up a load about 3 mile from house high calcium lime,the head man there told me trucks come from all over the us just to get the high calcium lime,$5.50 a ton not a bad price,i am ready to start growin,i have all my insecticide,fungicde,herbicides,plant growth reg,calcium chloride flakes,20-20-20 and 8-46-18 water soluble spray,ironite,fish and kelp,green house calcium nitrate,150 bags of 40 lb potting soil,the tillers have been serviced,the hoes have been sharpend,and i have the best seed in the world.

1/23/2003 6:58:52 AM


Western Pa.

Think you should wait till it warms up a little.

1/23/2003 9:53:32 AM


Puyallup, WA

How large is your growing area, HG? Is the so called "high calcium lime" really hydrated lime?

I would work the manure and rice hulls into the soil as soon as spring drying will allow. Sounds like you are "gettin' serious" this year!

1/23/2003 12:38:48 PM


Montoursville, PA

Hey Bubba....that is a lot of "stuff". Hopefully you have soil tests and will continue to test as you develop that field.

1/30/2003 2:45:29 PM


Montoursville, PA

I saw real Dutch beginning to haul manure to the fields this week. Yes there may be some valued loss because of the early delivery but there will be noted less soil compaction because the surface is still frozen. Then to maybe the steer will be lowered in the pen low enough that he can mount and breed without skinning his head on the rafters.

1/30/2003 2:51:47 PM



Rice hulls huh? Nutri-Cal derives their primary calcium chelating agent from rice hulls. Anybody got a calcium plant near you Rick?

1/30/2003 3:13:29 PM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI (mail@gr8pumpkin.net)

Hey a Doc a steer cant breed...LOL

1/30/2003 3:41:02 PM


Montoursville, PA

Have you ever heard of Dumb Dutch??? Dumb Steer. Got 'ya. :)

1/30/2003 7:18:03 PM

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