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Subject:  Round-Up Question

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Pumpkin Pastor

Pinedale, WY

I sprayed the weeds in my patch the other day, and use the bucket method. (Drilled a hole in the bottom of a 5 gallon bucket and stuck my sprayer nozzle in there and put duck tape around it. The air was fairly still out too, but a couple of days after that, my pumpkin stopped growing altogether. The plant doesn't look bad, maybe a little less green, but not bad. Is there a chance that a little round up got on a couple of leaves out on a side vine where I sprayed, and could that stop my pumpkin growth?

9/2/2008 1:18:52 PM

Captain Cold Weather

Boulder County Colorado USA planet Earth

How soon did you remove the bucket? Roundup ussually just kills the plant through follage contact.

9/2/2008 2:45:30 PM

Pumpkin Pastor

Pinedale, WY

I would just put the bucket over the weed and then spray, and pick it up. If a little round up got on a couple of the leaves of the pumpkin plant, can it kill the whole plant?

9/2/2008 4:22:42 PM

Captain Cold Weather

Boulder County Colorado USA planet Earth

I dont know that answer to that question. maybe some one knows

9/2/2008 5:43:23 PM


Anamosa, IA BPIowegian@aol.com

Roundup will translocate from the leaves to the roots. If you got just a little on the leaves it might just make it a little sick. If you got enough on to kill it, it would start turning yellow and looking real sick like the weeds you sprayed. If there is ever any doubt about getting some on leaves of good plants, wash it off immediately or break off the affected leaves.

9/2/2008 6:08:57 PM

Pumpkin Pastor

Pinedale, WY

My leaves haven't turned yellow. It may just be something all together different, as to why the pumpkin stopped growing. The other one on a different plant, but close by is still growing.

9/2/2008 8:56:39 PM


South Bloomfield, Ohio

A little overspray on a mature pumpkin plant will affect the plant very little, if at all. A young, actively growing plant, however, will show some effects.

I did a Roundup experiment on a plant which was doing nothing last year. It was approx. 500 sq.ft. and I sprayed at a heavy rate of 4 oz./gal. on approximately 1/4 of the plant, thoroughly wetting the foliage. The Roundup killed what it was applied on, but did not translocate to any other parts of the plant, which I found to be very odd.

Bottom line here is, if your pumpkin stopped growing, it is probably due to some othe reason.

9/2/2008 9:02:20 PM

Chris S.


Agree with the above. I've sprayed Round-Up INSIDE my plants no problem.

9/2/2008 9:36:45 PM



We hit the vines with Roundup every year - sometimes a few times when I spray. The fruit doesn't mind. Only the individual leaves that are sprayed turn yellow.

9/3/2008 12:43:45 AM

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