Fertilizing and Watering
Subject: Miracle Gro
Date Posted
Is Miracle Gro good for Atlantic Giant plants?
I use on my other pumpkins and they seem to like it.
5/26/2008 4:27:22 PM
Stan |
Puyallup, WA
Friend...Why don't you type the word "Miracle Gro" in the "Site Search" box in the upper right part of this screen. You will find a hundred or so entries regard Miracle Grow.
5/26/2008 5:05:28 PM
Richard |
From what I know most people don't use it. If you go to LINKS on the main menue and scroll down to the 4th from the bottom, Jim Beauchim and read his how I did it, he says he used a weak solution of it everyday.
5/26/2008 6:07:12 PM
pap |
Rhode Island
its a matter of personal choice. some use it while others prefer to use organic additives. if you do use a lot of chemical fertalizers ( of any type )be advised your soil will not be as alive or active.
5/28/2008 5:21:26 AM
Tad12 |
Seattle, WA
Miracle Gro is high in salts and is concentrated nitrogen in the form of nitrates. It needs to be concentrated because only the liquid that comes in contact with the plants roots will actually promote growth. The rest leaches through the soil and into our ground water. Much of the problems we're seeing with our water supply is due to chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
Because of the high salt content, when it comes in contact with the biology in the soil, it sucks the water through the cell membrane of these organisms through the process of osmosis (remember high school science class?).
By killing these organisms, the plant is now entirely dependent on you for food/nutrients, because the microorganisms that normally cycle the nutrients in the rhizosphere (area around the roots) are no longer present.
Personally, I would recommend the organic fertilizers over the chemical ones for this very reason.
5/28/2008 3:27:41 PM
croley bend |
Pap, what would you suggest for organic? Would using Neptunes seaweed/fish do the trick? Croley
5/29/2008 10:35:18 AM
pap |
Rhode Island
Croley there are all types of organic additives. we use some blood meal early on, fish and seaweed during the season. also humic acid and an organic potassium additive as needed along with a once a week speraying of soil soup - manure tea pap
5/30/2008 5:31:33 AM
croley bend |
Thanks Pap, I do have some organic products and will give them a try this year. Dont have a compost brewer to make tea, wish I did..thanks. Croley
5/30/2008 8:48:40 AM
Brooks B |
Croley, make your own, get a 5 gallon bucket and something to make bubbles( fish tank bubbler) .
5/30/2008 10:35:30 AM
croley bend |
Hey Brooks, I thought of that, but I really spent the money this year and well, Im sure you know what I mean. But if I did buy a fish tank bubbler...what size would I need for a 5 gallon bucket? I might be able to swing it, if I give up the beer and cheese...lol Croley Bend
5/30/2008 4:49:58 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Stevann, ask Cletus how to set up a cheap tea brewer!!! Peace, Wayne
5/30/2008 10:32:52 PM
pap |
Rhode Island
brooks ------ i can make bubbles in the bath tub. is that good enough?
5/31/2008 6:17:25 AM
croley bend |
Couldnt resist could ya Pap...lol Wayne, I dont know Cletus..but if I did, I would surely ask..Croley
5/31/2008 8:59:35 AM
eastkypumpkin(Dwight) |
croley walmart has pumps in the fish supplies for around $9.00. i use 2 in a 5 gallon bucket and it seems to do pretty good.dwight
6/1/2008 12:43:30 PM
Richard |
There's the empty gallon milk jug method, after done with milk you put all your ingredients in to jug and shake for as long as you can, it usually comes out bubbly.
6/1/2008 12:55:32 PM
croley bend |
Well, I did it, made my own brewer. Bot an inexpensive aquarian air pump, hose and am using my mini soaker hose as the bubbler...It works...now for the recipe. Thanks everyone for helping me out.
6/2/2008 2:55:36 PM
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