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Subject:  Should I stop fertilizing to get some females?

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Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

My Phosphorus level is already jacked according to my soil test. Should I go ahead and give a little more in the hopes of getting females or just cease the fertilizers completely. I'm only having a problem on one plant, my 781 Frantz so far. I know I need to do something, since the vine is at 15' now and the first female died before forming and the second on the main seems to be staying small too. Any help is appreciated! -Jim

6/25/2006 4:06:59 PM



I was having the same problem with some plants. I stopped feeding them. I gave some of them extra phospate to induce fruiting. It worked for me within a week or so I had fruits. I also noticed when it was cool I was not getting a lot of fruit action. When it warmed up after feeding and giving phospate I got a lot of fruits. I noticed that the weather on the north east has been wet. Maybe the plant likes it warmer or less wet. Do you have to much N. It can cause no or little fruits. I have plants that got to much N from chicken manure and have almost no fruits. And those ones they do have are tiny. I added lots of phosphate for them, but it does nothing, so I have to wait untill next year to fix the soil. If you already have high Phosphorus levels, I see no reason to add anymore. That's my 2 cents.

6/25/2006 5:48:53 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

I've added two big doses of Blood meal this year so I could have some N buildup. But the nitrogen is very soluble, right? The rains should clear me out. Maybe 4 inches in the last two days here. I'm leaning towards stopping fertilizers for two weeks or so.

6/25/2006 9:49:24 PM



Rain should wash it down if you had to much N. When did you test the soil before or after all the rains? Maybe phosphorus got washed out, but i doubt it. It could just be genetics though. Late bloomer. Does your plant get any shade? But I think if you have to much of something and you don't get the result you want it's better to lay off for a while. The only other thing I can think is that your other plants got their fruit when the weather was nice and this plant has not had good weather when it was ready to fruit.

6/26/2006 12:17:38 PM


Mocksville, NC

Use a folier with high (P) it wont mattter what in the soil the plant will take it in. Might have a lock up at this time P in your soil. Thats the great thing about foliar spays it absorbs it whether the roots do or not.
(Just my opinion),but P is for roots, and flowering!

6/26/2006 2:24:14 PM


I agree with Rog,,hit that plant with a foliar,,something is wrong in that part of the patch if the other plants are preforming as expected.

Always remember soil tests are a valuable tool,,but,, the plants will tell you what the need "if" you pay attention !!

6/26/2006 8:07:59 PM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

781 plant is 16x20, while the other plants except the 1230 are 10x10 maybe. I'll try a foliar P I think. Is there no residual build up, and what is the best type of P to use that has no or little N? thanks,

6/26/2006 11:02:18 PM


Mocksville, NC

Peters bloom booster 10-50-10 water soluable, and dont worry now about build up, balance you soil next year, and just grow a biggin! just use it once or twice on the plants that are having flowering prb, just to kick start, then stop with P, my geuss would say you PH, was between 7.5 in those areas all else will be unlocked when the plant needs them. Good luck.

6/27/2006 6:25:33 AM

Peter Pumpkin

Rainbowlake Alberta

When trans planting my plants , after one week i applied 10,52,10 for the next 2 weeks,I then noticed roots 1/8 inch thick pushing up I covered them with top soil, My one plant the 338 Rahe has 11 females 3 on main and 8 on secontaries, My other has the 67 Rahe has 6 so far, dont know if its genetics or the 10,52,10 but last year the 338 never had that many females so you decide?

6/27/2006 7:35:42 AM



I've avoided this thread like the plague but this deserves a reason. Not all of the N that comes from blood is soluble. "Tow big doses" gives the reader no idea whatsoever how much N was actually applied.

I'll start a new thread to explain.

6/27/2006 9:05:42 AM

Orangeneck (Team HAMMER)

Eastern Pennsylvania

A big dose = 1 cup for 20sq feet according to what I wrote in my diary. Oh well that's the least of my problems now I got over 9" of rain in 2 days with more today, tonight and tomorrow.

6/27/2006 1:02:25 PM


Doylestown, PA

You're not alone, I'm having the same problem you are on two plants in my new patch. My plant has been growning like gangbusters, but I've had 5 females rot off without fully forming. I'm going to hit it with a foliar tonight and see if that doesn't help it out.

6/30/2006 10:33:29 AM

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