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Subject:  Seed Exchange-- Seed list

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Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

This is not set in stone, there will be some last minute omissions and last minute additions, and could use a few more growers. Hopefully will get 8 to 10 more growers to participate. Some are repeats from previous years...

Sorry if I didn't put your seed on the list, there's probably a dozen seeds that I need to add. I will revise this tomorrow to reflect some the growers who I have omitted, it's not personal... it's a logistical & computer (tablet) issue.

In no particular order,

giant tomato
long gourd
late blooming dogwood
alise 5 lb. onion
hardy kale - green
field kin, various
1400 lb AG
orange cosmos
orange AG
Christmas corn, green & red corn
Indian Maize (corn)
honeydew melon
bushel gourd
giant pepper
Peter pepper
ghost pepper
wheat & hull less oats
porcelain doll
red warty x 1551.5 Rodebaugh
giant cucumber
fast arugula
dill (variety)
ristomate tomato
giant dahlia
rhubarb seed
garlic seed--hardneck purple
medium size hard warty yellow pepo
medium sized tan pepo
purple turnip
tall Oregon peas --up to 12 ft.
giant cantaloupe
giant watermelon
strawberry tomato
giant green squash, maxima (AG)
decorative gourds
shade leaf tobacco
FOSS orange genetics, AG
Anasazi beans
giant kohlrabi
mustard and rye?
giant zucchini plant

So... As you can see great stuff. Not 100% guaranteed list but there are some other cool seeds that could make the list. Some holes though still like tall corn & giant carrots maybe we could use a good marrow seed?

Hopefully --some more tomatoes and garden seed. I'll talk to the post office and see what kinda deal I can work with them.

I know they don't negotiate lol. But there may be some favorable options.


11/24/2019 9:39:57 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Forgot... tall sunflowers, cucamelons. An eleventh hour addition, giant yellow tomato...

I hope it's getting close to the point where Anyone could have a fun garden.

11/24/2019 11:22:39 PM


Oh yes, sounds like it will be fun and very interesting.

11/25/2019 12:05:48 AM


North Pole,Alaska

I don't have room to grow any exotics this year, so don't list me, but I'll send some marrow seed from a 81# from 2015 ( I just checked- 80% viable with 10 seeds tested) and Jala accession tall corn. I grew a 25'-5"from this line. Ak State fair lists it as 23'-3" because they didn't count the tassle. ( I told Brian Moore about that recently and he started laughing-who doesn't count the tassle?)

11/25/2019 11:55:13 AM


central Nc

dammit. was trying to resist this year, but now i want to grow the peter peppers just for family gag gifts. seeds going in the mail this week...

11/25/2019 3:11:07 PM


Guelph, Ontario

How about Zuke Gourd and long Dipper gourd? Also banana melon (open pollinated)

11/25/2019 10:50:07 PM

Gray B

UK Gloucestershire

Mine are on their way........

11/26/2019 7:09:32 AM


I myself am looking forward to Growing some of your seeds from the UK.

11/26/2019 10:56:14 AM


Fitchburg , MA

I would like seed but i'm an inexperienced grower so i don't have much to offer just your basic connecticut field pumpkins and some smaller AG seeds. My feeling is this group may have those covered.lol

11/27/2019 1:38:18 PM


Central NY

(The more the merrier)

11/27/2019 5:44:32 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

dave, irischap, enchanted, we are doing ok on space... So please join if you wish... We may get doubled up on a few items but I will do what I can to minimize overlap.
We had one grower drop out but a few more may join.
Seeds are coming in & looks like have got everything covered to try for gpc master gardener status plus some unusual & exceptional items. Enchanted... You are welcome to join. Yes... Finding a more exotic seed might be fun but the important thing for the exchange is to not exclude new participants. Whatever works for you. Let me say though that (metaphorically, perhaps literally) there are unopened doors in this world. This is a good excuse to knock on the door of a fellow gardener or to get to know local farmers... You could ask what items they like to grow and tell them about the exchange. I have started to do this myself.
Happy Thanksgiving all.

11/27/2019 6:38:05 PM

John Butler

Team Canuckle Heads

seeds sent yesterday

11/28/2019 11:48:17 AM


Fitchburg , MA

Thank you. Technically speaking, how do i join?

12/1/2019 1:59:57 PM


Central NY

Just say yer in I think...

12/1/2019 2:18:55 PM


Just let him know that you would like to join, and what seeds you would like to send in. Then send them.

12/1/2019 7:14:58 PM



LOL I had to look up Augerbine, now I know, Thanks for doing this Brandon!

12/1/2019 8:48:41 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA


About 3 weeks left so plenty of time.. . I will talk to my postmaster and figure out the exact cutoff day

12/2/2019 12:04:54 AM


Hot West Tennessee

Can I get in? Let me check on what I have to send in.

12/2/2019 11:14:45 AM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

I received a catalog today called Totally Tomatoes. Their Carolina Reaper pepper crop was a failure. Maybe some can donate some of their seeds to this exchange.

12/2/2019 1:49:40 PM


Central NY

TNorange!!!!....glad yer back!!

12/2/2019 4:37:15 PM


North Pole,Alaska

Marrow and tall corn seeds sent

12/3/2019 5:16:48 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

hey its TNo! Glad you made it. Yep, you're in!

12/4/2019 3:46:45 AM


Lake Oswego, OR

Sending Tall Corn and Big Head Sunflowers tomorrow...

12/5/2019 12:01:07 AM


I. Falls, Minn

Do you have enough tomatoes? If not I have some 7.18Hill 2019.

12/5/2019 9:35:59 AM

wile coyote

On a cliff in the desert

Bubble sent today with porcelain doll pumpkin seeds. Should arrive Monday.

12/6/2019 2:32:12 AM


Hot West Tennessee

Cool! Sorry I have been out of touch. Computer issues , family etc... Will send asap.

12/6/2019 9:49:55 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

frostbite, that would be great... Yep folks will want em. I expect those will see dirt in my own garden, too. I think having great seeds is a big part of getting excited about gardening. Yes, please.

12/7/2019 4:15:46 PM


central Nc

What's the count up to now Brandon? We got 40 peeps yet?

12/7/2019 8:29:12 PM


churchville, ny

My 12 inch high by 12 inch wide “exotic gourds” go in the mail tomorrow.
They are multicolored any many look like space ships.

12/8/2019 6:11:41 PM


Can you please give us a list, of the seeds that you have received so far?

12/11/2019 11:45:45 AM


Emmetsburg, Iowa

Is there still room? If so I can get my seeds bagged up, labeled and ready to ship.

12/12/2019 1:12:30 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I'm making a list, checking it twice... Some of you boys are on the naughty list and will receive coal instead of seeds...

12/12/2019 3:10:47 PM

Reed's Birds and Bees

Savage, MN

I'm on the naughty list. I will try to get my seeds sent out tomorrow or saturday

12/12/2019 8:12:43 PM


Princeville, IL

Same here. Hope to get them out Monday. Believe it or not I still have gourd seeds drying.

12/12/2019 9:33:17 PM


Central NY

Naughty list here too....maybe tomrw...Tuesday at the latest

12/12/2019 9:34:36 PM


Princeville, IL

Seeds went out today.

12/16/2019 2:20:58 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I have been getting many packages. I hope we stay on track time-wise but I know the holidays are crazy... I dont really want to overlap the exchange with the holidays but I do want to get the seeds back to you as early as possible... so that anyone eager to show garden rebel how to grow an onion can get theirs started on time...

I will begin filling the return packages today.

12/16/2019 4:40:24 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Thanks everyone. Don't have a final tally yet but I know we didnt hit 40 but thats ok, we kept it going. One of my neighbors has an heirloom giant german garlic dating back to the 70's. I will enclose a packing list and that will be the final list.

12/16/2019 4:55:35 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I am doing some germination tests on my own seeds so we'll see. Good news is jewelry bags are on sale at Micheal's for under a penny.
If someone wants to join at the last minute, please email me!

12/16/2019 5:05:12 PM

Reed's Birds and Bees

Savage, MN

I got all my seeds packaged will be sending them tomorrow.

12/16/2019 5:53:56 PM


Emmetsburg, Iowa

Getting my seeds packed right now and sending them tomorrow. Thanks again!

12/16/2019 7:52:09 PM



In the mail tomorrow also

12/16/2019 10:57:21 PM


Southampton UK

I just received squash from Joe Jutras for next year big thanks Joe

12/17/2019 9:52:38 AM


Princeville, IL

I put all my gourd seeds in one package so I put a key to what each of the seeds is in my diary. Hope this helps so you know what you are getting. Didn't want to print labels out and stuff bags for 8 different gourd seeds.

12/17/2019 9:59:47 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

That works... I can also include that info on the packing list. In case anyone doesnt connect those dots.
If anyone has other info/ insights/ pics to share, pertaining to the exotic seed exchange, I will attempt include these on a short & relevant info sheet. ...No guarantee on it, but thats the goal. So any info you want to distribute, there will hopefully be a way to do that.

12/17/2019 2:47:48 PM

Reed's Birds and Bees

Savage, MN

Brandon, you don't need to post this info on the card. I'll just post my details here.

53 Thoma 19 (Marrow)
78 Brown x self (which is 149 glazebrook)
It was grown 100 yards from field kins, but I did cover the blossom to ensure no cross pollination occurred. I just want to be transparent about that.

Yellow Delbrut tomato
Came from Bnot's F1 cross called the Delbrut. Most plants produced red tomatoes but one of mine produced yellow maters.

If you have anymore questions let me know,

12/17/2019 3:25:21 PM


Guelph, Ontario

Sent mine off today. May take a couple of days as I'm in Canada .

My address is on outside of package. I was going to put it on a card , but was too rushed.

12/17/2019 10:55:09 PM


Guelph, Ontario

I sent Zucca gourd. about 60 lbs. Same species as giant gourd and long gourd.

Also Banana melon. Produces a huge amount of sweet melons, but doesn't keep well

12/17/2019 10:58:33 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Thanks everyone. You have held up your end of this nicely.
Repacking is going well I think they may go out as soon as the last packages get here. I will return packs back to your mailing address unless I hear otherwise.

12/18/2019 2:25:40 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Judge this however you want... Looks like we are at 25 participants plus maybe a straggler or two... & 50-60 packs of seeds. I think thats a good number. Yeah the participation numbers could be a little better but dont be discouraged... We are really close to 30 participants...
I think this would be a perfect number.
I would be happy to discuss the exchange and good time to discuss any possible changes to the exchange would be after the holidays.
Have an awesome holiday season. -B.

12/18/2019 4:15:45 AM

Jay Yohe

Pittsburgh, PA

I would have liked to do this but I don’t have any unusual seeds to share unfortunately.

12/18/2019 9:52:10 PM


North Pole,Alaska

Brandon, you can give him my slot. I sent seeds but don't have the room to grow.

12/18/2019 10:12:12 PM

26 West

50 Acres

Great Christmas gesture from a great grower.Santa is probably just a hens race from your house. He's coming to your house for sure.

12/19/2019 9:38:51 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Ok I can work that out. I dont have any problem with direct forwarding, just need to know the new recipients address. Works best for me if the participant (dave) emails me the destination change. In this case, Jay, please contact Dave... Dave, please contact me with the change? Thanks.

12/19/2019 3:37:46 PM

Jay Yohe

Pittsburgh, PA

That’s a very nice gesture Dave but I’m gonna pass. Hopefully someone else may be able to take advantage of this offer from Dave?

12/19/2019 10:42:40 PM

Gray B

UK Gloucestershire

That’s a brilliant gesture Dave.

If the kind offer is still open, I would very much like to give my plot neighbour Martin a seed pack. He had a bad time last year and doesn’t use the internet, email etc, but I know he would be thrilled to receive a seed pack.

If you could email me at graham.barratt@btinternet.com I will send you the new destination address.

12/20/2019 6:03:51 AM


North Pole,Alaska

Email sent

12/20/2019 11:06:27 AM

Gray B

UK Gloucestershire

Very kind of you. Thanks Dave

12/20/2019 5:01:35 PM


North Pole,Alaska

Tell Martin if he sets any new world records, I get an official "Assist". Happy Holidays to all :)

12/20/2019 5:23:34 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I received the final two packages today. Good work everyone. The return packages should go out this week.

12/30/2019 11:21:41 PM


Princeville, IL

that will be a great way to start the new year!!!! can't wait

12/31/2019 12:11:53 PM



So have you mailed out seeds yet? And happy New Year

1/2/2020 11:33:09 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Domestic shipping is going out today. International might go out today or tomorrow.

1/2/2020 3:57:08 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

24 domestic packs shipped today... here's how its breaking down:
5 international will go out tomorrow
24 domestic shipped today
2 local (me and my neighbor)
2 in reserve
7 extra/ unclaimed packs
The shipping wasnt too bad and we are about even but the international shipping will put us in the red so maybe we can cover that by selling a few extra packs? Email me and let me know if there is a direction you'd like the exchange to go. Thank you to those who sent money because we are currently breaking even.

1/2/2020 8:17:57 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Its up to you. Just to be clear selling packs is meant to benefit you, not me. Believe me when I say this is a very non-profit venture for me. The way I see it... If we were lucky enough to come out ahead we could kick something back to the guys who sent in more than the postage cost. Or show our support for bp? I am only trying to help...

1/2/2020 8:32:40 PM


Buffalo, MN (Billsbigpumpkins@hotmail.com)

I'll take an extra one let me know what it will cost a and I'll send you the cost + the shipping cost.

1/2/2020 9:03:59 PM


So you have all our names & address. I am looking forward to get my seeds.

1/3/2020 12:49:56 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Thanks for the offer Bill. They are your seeds so I am going to listen to what you all want... And Ken D's website we're not sure whats good by him. In my refrigerator for now... Should be happy in there for a couple weeks.

1/3/2020 12:52:26 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

I think I got everyone. Domestic deliveries should not be an issue. I will request return shipping on the international ones so if there is a problem we wont forfeit any packages. Its my first time running it, but I think this is the best option.

1/3/2020 1:03:09 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

pumpkinmanTN... I think I know who you are and that your package did go out. Still getting to know people. Awesome seeds! Thanks for sharing.

1/3/2020 1:17:47 AM

Reed's Birds and Bees

Savage, MN

I got my package today. Im blown away by the variety of seeds this year. And even have bulbs and garlic. Im impressed, Thanks Brandon and all growers who participated.

1/4/2020 3:11:41 PM


Buffalo, MN (Billsbigpumpkins@hotmail.com)

Also received mine today and all I can say Is wow that package sure has a lot of variety of seeds and etc. Thanks for putting it all together. Bill

1/4/2020 3:24:07 PM


Leechburg, PA

Saw a post on fb about the seed exchange! I have got to get in on this next year! Looks awesome!

1/4/2020 6:51:24 PM

Gray B

UK Gloucestershire

Many thanks Brandon and Dave. Seed packs for myself and Martin survived the journey to the UK.

Thanks to all the awesome growers who contributed, absolutely amazing.

1/21/2020 2:55:17 PM

Pumpkin Farm

Going Green

Am I to late. Phil Wellington from Missouri

1/22/2020 6:42:14 AM

Total Posts: 75 Current Server Time: 1/14/2025 5:05:07 AM
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