Seed Exchange
Subject: Exotic Seed Exchange
Date Posted
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
Greetings fellow growers! Do to Phil not being able to continue the seed swap my wife and I have agreed to take over the seed exchange.
Here is how it works: The number of participants will be limited to the first 50 who post "I'm in and what your are sending. Next, you need to send in 50 individually labeled bags with a decent amount of seeds included. For example.....if you are submitting large seeds, three seeds is fine, if its a small seed, 15 or more seeds are expected. Send 50 bags of the same seed and consider including another 50 bags of an additional type of seed. The best growers usually submit 3 or 4 different types of seed! You may combine different seeds in each bag, but make sure members can tell the seeds apart AND label accordingly. In a separate baggy/envelope, include your shipping money and a pre-addressed label. This can be hand-written on a piece of paper (neatly) or printed from your computer. Make it large enough to go on the top of a box. I will try to send your seeds priority mail, but need to wait and see what the volume of seeds looks like. Shipping per box will be $8.00. You can send cash, money order or pay via paypal. No checks please. If you want to use Paypal, send to:\LTaylor516 US shipping only. Next year we may expand to International shipping. PLEASE send your seeds to me by December 1. I worry about seeds getting lost/damaged during the Christmas rush. Mail your seeds, payment and return shipping label to: Kreig Taylor, 745 Lakeview Dr. Collierville, TN. 38017 I understand some of you have been wonderful donors and some have just barely participated. Let's all send great seeds and fair quantities this year.
Let's make this the best year ever.
I am very excited about the EXOTIC SEED EXCHANGE this year. If you have questions, call me at 901-483-4851. Sign up now! Kreig and Linda Taylor
10/21/2018 9:52:33 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
5.01 and 5.04 tomato seeds, warty genetics AG, best orange AG, best blossom-down AG, good 167 Treece x sibb field kin seeds... Besides these standard seeds that folks may want I will try to get my hands on a useful or exotic mystery seed... a surprise.
10/22/2018 3:28:47 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I'm in... THEN what I'm donating. Ok... got it.
10/22/2018 4:31:27 AM
Steve O. |
Hobart, Indiana
I’m in again. Sending Ghost peppers, cherry bell peppers, 3.62lb tomato and if I have enough Carolina Reaper seeds. Thanks for doing this.
10/22/2018 6:52:14 AM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Thanks for doing the exchange, I am in. I will be doing a bunch of F2 generation hybrid seed. Carolina Cross x Jumbo Black Diamond seeds. Atlantic Giant x Red Kuri Caveman's Club gourd (bushel gourd x long gourd)
10/22/2018 8:17:22 AM
Porkchop |
Central NY
I'm in...!!..
10/22/2018 8:42:05 AM
andrew943 GWG |
Liberty nc
I’m in also. Thanks for continuing this!
10/22/2018 8:59:33 AM
Wolfpack83 |
central Nc
I'm in too. Giant amaranth is a definite. Have to sort through the rest to see what else I can send with it.
10/22/2018 9:30:04 AM
cojoe |
thanks for picking this up: sunflowers giant head and long gourds
10/22/2018 10:09:16 AM
SEK Grower |
Thanks! I am in again this year with watermelon and bushel gourd
10/22/2018 3:40:06 PM
Michigan Masher ( Team Bennett) |
Michigan,up North
In again,have Thunder Mountain Longhorn pepper,cherry pepper,55 lb pear gourd,140lb bushel gourd,900lb orange pumpkin
10/22/2018 6:57:00 PM
agteacher |
Princeville, IL
I'm in again. Usually send an assortment of different seeds. Usually an AG, a field, and a couple others but have some unique gourds I may send seeds from.
10/22/2018 8:27:38 PM
lunker99 |
I'm in, planning on 265.5 Engel X Self BG and/or Treece FP cross
10/22/2018 10:28:06 PM
jlindley |
NE Arkansas
I'm in... multiple Watermelon seeds over 200 lbs...
10/23/2018 10:07:29 AM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
I'm in, thanks. I will be sending in hybrid pumpkin and squash seeds.
Prizewinner x 1101 Northrup and Blue Moon x 675.5 Maydan* ( 1421 Jutras x 1401 Jutras )
10/23/2018 10:52:19 AM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
Sorry, missed the fine print about shipping outside the U.S.
10/23/2018 10:54:20 AM
EVandy |
I'm in Tall multihead sunflowers and tall sunflowers and Tall corn
10/23/2018 10:26:56 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
I'm in...giant sunflower (head)...grown from Susan's beast (2017). Peach habanero and scorpion peppers.
10/24/2018 5:05:15 AM
Pumpkin Picker (Orange Only) |
Western PA
I am in, I will include two different varieties of tall corn. From what I understand they both originate from Mexico. The ears can get very long, one variety produces purple kernals. I have grown this corn for years in excess of 20 feet.
10/24/2018 11:25:28 AM
Bigboy63 |
I am in with tall Indian corn and long beans
10/29/2018 8:47:54 AM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
16 and counting. We might make this a smaller event.
10/29/2018 10:40:45 AM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
Andy H do you know what your us postage usually is?
10/29/2018 10:41:44 AM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
It's never very high from the states, but I would be happy to send you $15 U.S. to cover postage
10/29/2018 12:39:34 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I would consider donating $50 to help get our European friends on board but the big issue there other than cost is confiscation and destruction?? Maybe folks can email you if they know of any helpful ins and outs. Its just great that its going and we all hope it will turn out good.
10/29/2018 2:07:41 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Thanks TNo! Ps I for one dont mind if someone out there wants to throw in some boring vegetable seeds if theyre unique or exceptional in some way. The reality is I dont have space for fifty exotic plants even though thats the fun part. I wont cry one bit if someone sends in good seeds you should run it by TNo first though. Like, the peppermint celery was a good one in between exotic and edible. The seed was from 2016 or 2017. I will post a pic of it.
10/29/2018 3:03:01 PM
irischap |
Guelph, Ontario
Can Canadians be part of this, with extra postage ?
10/29/2018 5:54:13 PM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
That will work Andy H .
11/3/2018 11:30:35 AM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
Yep good old customs.
11/3/2018 11:31:45 AM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
irischap Andy is sending $15.00 that would be fine. Looks like International Priority is 24.95?
11/3/2018 11:37:10 AM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
Looks like we may get in under 30 this year?
11/3/2018 11:39:01 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I’m fine with with it being smaller but wish we could get some new growers involved, folks who have an interesting heirloom seed that performs well or people who just know of a varietal seed that they think everyone else should try... Then it’s not just about sharing seeds it’s about sharing knowledge too. Maybe the culture of family heirlooms is gone.
11/3/2018 1:54:43 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
Thanks TN. If you can, let me know what the postage will be I will send you that amount via paypal. If it's $15 or under, disregard.
11/3/2018 2:04:05 PM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
I found a few seeds I thought you all might like. So ten packs of seeds from me. If there are fewer growers it will mean I can send larger quantities.
Ps don’t make the mistake I made last year... I could have done priority shipping cheaper than standard. The cushioned bags are the cheapest about $7.25 to ship anything anywhere in the US and enough volume they should hold 50 (or 30) packs of seeds. I got 100 ct small plastic zip bags for about $4 at Michaels which is an art/hobby store.
Walmart or Amazon or Uline may have small small plastic bags or envelopes just FYI.
11/3/2018 2:18:21 PM
swaintech |
churchville, ny
I’m in again.
11/3/2018 11:08:46 PM
Farmer Brown (Chris Brown) |
Zimmerman, Minnesota
I’m in, I have some monster bushel Gourd seeds :-)
11/4/2018 11:28:17 PM
Reed's Birds and Bees |
Savage, MN
I'm in I have many open pollinated pumpkins and gourds. I have a mix of normal patch pumpkins, whites, red kuri, smaller varieties, and Cinderella pumpkins. Many mixes could be made to make some weird and funky hybrids.
11/7/2018 8:50:42 AM
Wolfpack83 |
central Nc
Remember the deadline, this year is flying by!!
11/7/2018 9:26:14 AM
Howieee |
Worden, Mt.
I am in. Will send pumpkin, giant sunflower, and castor beans.
11/7/2018 9:33:00 AM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
11/7/2018 2:18:31 PM
LindaT |
If you would like to pay via Paypal, copy this entire link:\LTaylor516 OR from the paypal website, use my email:
11/7/2018 2:18:51 PM
tjsna |
I am in If not to late or to many. I will send extra long handle dipper gourd seed. Let me know if I made it in time. Tim
11/10/2018 10:43:56 PM
slowhand |
Hickory N.c
I am in pumpkin,bushel gourd
11/11/2018 6:06:05 AM
LindaT |
Tim, you are not too late!
11/12/2018 10:21:31 AM
LindaT |
You have until December 1 to sign up for the seed exchange. Since it looks like we will have a smaller group, don't mail any seeds yet. We will announce the quantity needed after the deadline.
11/12/2018 10:28:53 AM
lunker99 |
Sounds good, almost done drying down the seeds I plan on including. Thanks for the update.
11/12/2018 12:48:13 PM
tjsna |
Awesome LindaT. I was part of the previous seed exchange that Phil and his wife had. I read up in the thread where someone stated it was ok to mix multiple seeds in the same bag. I received those in the past and some seeds especially exotic seeds where not what they where marked as. Just a suggestion to participants please mark clearly the seeds and make sure they are as pure as possible.
LindaT thank you for letting me participate again this year. Tim
11/12/2018 12:50:25 PM
jwest |
2019 is the year of the marrow. i'm in. i have marrow seeds.third generation self from 206.5 wursten =70 wursten =84 west
11/12/2018 11:04:39 PM
I would like to do it this year !!! Glass gem corn and 205 giant bushel gourd !!!!
11/13/2018 9:36:23 PM
kibster9 |
Emmetsburg, Iowa
I’m in if there is still room, let me know. I posted what I can send in the newer exotic seed exchange post if i can get in. Thanks!
11/22/2018 10:47:15 PM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
Its still open kibster9 welcome!
11/23/2018 11:08:43 PM
irischap |
Guelph, Ontario
I'm in. In Canada. Have a lot of different seeds here. I have chosen 1) Yellow pumpkin. this is a light yellow pumpkin, about 5-6 lbs. 2) Reisetomate tomato. this is also called 'Travelers" tomato. Very unusual shape consisting of many bubbles stuck together.
11/30/2018 10:17:51 AM
kibster9 |
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Iris, I think he said only United States this year. Just to make sure things don’t get mixed up. And tnorange, did you say wait to send until December 1st?
11/30/2018 11:17:18 AM
kibster9 |
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Sorry iris, I didn’t read the previous posts.
11/30/2018 11:23:22 AM
LindaT |
We are going to leave the exchange open until December 4th. At that time we will post how many packages of seeds to send.
12/1/2018 10:12:07 PM
bigbuck88 |
SE Minnesota
Im in if u have room
12/2/2018 3:18:09 PM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
Bigbuck88 your in
12/4/2018 6:37:30 PM
TNorange |
Hot West Tennessee
Ok everyone this is it. Closing it at #30 packs. Start sending them to address above. Thanks and will be looking for them.
12/4/2018 6:39:50 PM
big moon |
Bethlehem CT
Kreig and Linda,Thanks for doing the exchange. I will be sending mine out within the next week or two. I am waiting for my seed envelopes to arrive.
12/4/2018 8:07:27 PM
agteacher |
Princeville, IL
Mine will also be out in a week or two.
12/4/2018 9:53:21 PM
swaintech |
churchville, ny
Kreig and Linda, I grew over 3000 gourds this year and have seeds from the best 75 for the seed exchange. I choose them based on shape, color and how unique they are. We keep them on display until after Thanksgiving - you can see some from tv coverage at . I will send out in about a week but want to make sure they are dry before I package them. Thanks for doing the exchange - it must be a great deal of work.
12/7/2018 2:51:06 PM
Wolfpack83 |
central Nc
9 inches of snow today, packing them up and will send out Tuesday.
12/9/2018 1:59:44 PM
swaintech |
churchville, ny
Mine went out today (Tuesday) you should have it by Friday.
12/11/2018 7:57:18 PM
LindaT |
We are missing seeds from VT Mike and Andrew 943 GWG
Please contact us asap if you are still participating!
1/2/2019 6:09:25 PM
LindaT |
EVandy Please contact me ASAP about the envelope you sent to us!
1/2/2019 6:12:04 PM
EVandy |
Issue Resolved ^^^^^^
1/2/2019 10:27:53 PM
LindaT |
UPDATE: We are waiting on seeds from one person. They have already been mailed to us, so as soon as they arrive we will be ready to ship soon!!
1/3/2019 10:54:07 PM
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